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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Hanz got his PDA and saw the message."What?!Blasphemy!Look at them,because you will see them for the last time...they laughed eh...I'll show 'em..."said Hanz.Then he went outside and talked to his soldiers and then he went in a dropship.The invazion began.The camp was under attack.Hanz got out from the dropship and saw a Whiskey soldier that was begging him to don't kill him.It was the soldier that laughed when Araya told them to make peace.He shot him in the chest without a word.Two soldiers came with Araya."Covering FIRE!"yelled Hanz and a machine gunner came and wiped out the soldiers that were going to take Araya back.Suddenly he noticed James coming."Hurry!Load her up in the dropship!"said Hanz while trying to shoot James but missed.He hurry got in the dropship and left to the base.
James ran with the soldiers. He then saw Hanz, the sight he wanted to see. Hanz pulled Araya into the dropship. Hanz began to shoot at James. Hanz kept missing. "Mutha-!" James yelled, dodging the bullets. He shot at the dropship. "Hanz!" James yelled. James ran towards it. As it got into the air, James leaped at it, but missed it. James fell towards the ground, landing in a tree. He snagged a hold of a branch. "I was so close!" he yelled. He then climbed down the tree and watched as the dropship left. "Forget this!" James yelled. He picked up his gun and ran after the dropship. Suddenly, the Tyrannosaur appeared. "Not now rexie!" James yelled. He fired at the T-Rex. The bullets went through the rex's leg. The rex yelled out and limped away. James ran through the forest, following the way the dropship went. "When I kill Hanz, I'm going for Kane," James said. "Then I'm getting Araya," he said.
Hanz arrived at tthe base,gave Araya a room and went in the Combat Center."Gentlemen.These are the plans.The Wolfsschanze(The Wolf's Lair)will have five underground floors,10 m tall walls around it and serveral bunkers and machine guns nest and watching towers near it."said Hanz showing to his men the blueprints made by him."Now,I'd like that you will leave the room."said Hanz then."Then he opened the monitor and talked with a Mendel-Grumman official about sending 2 million soldiers as reinforcements in the combat with the Whiskey Co. .After he closed the monitor he was alone in the room."Meh...soon I will marry Araya and finish this mess of a combat...maybe they will want peace..."tought Hanz.
James leaped over a fallen tree. He ran by a pack of raptors eating. "Sorry to disturb you!" he yelled. The raptors looked up at him and then went back to eating. James ran through bushes and trees. He then heard a gun shot. James leaped to the ground. His ear lobe was bleeding. "Sniper!" he yelled. James leaped into the bushes as a bullet landed behin him. James loaded his gun and cocked it. He hid behind a tree. He peeked around it and saw the sniper, hiding in the bushes. "Got ya," he said. James ran from the tree and fired.
"How I can tell her that I wanna marry her...what if she rejects me?!'tought Hanz."But if she accepts...can I have a normal life,away from war...have a family...a home on Earth...or even here,but the creatures are the problem..."tought Hanz then.Suddenly an officer entered in the room."Sir,the project was approved by our engineers and the Wolfsschanze is under construction,we will finish it in 1 or 2 months."Gut!Danke!"said Hanz.Then he went in his room and relaxed.He wanted to go to Araya's room but something made him to stay in his room.What if she felt the same things for him.What if she wanted to marry Hanz too and have kids?

One with the mighty forest. Runihura swung her head around eyes watching ever shadow and corner of the foliage. She was of course humoring herself, for no apparent reason, but she had nothing else to do at this momment then trample the ground and try to find little things to scare. She snaped her jaws and looked around. Nothing moved, and everything remain still. "Smart if they hide from me." she said to herself. She blinked and kept walking.

A loud sound vibrated in the forest making Runihura stop in puzzlement. She knew something strange had came here, well more like crash landed, but came her never the less. But that sound was odd in itself. And she didnt like it.

Little PeeWee and Arch were walking in the forest when they saw smoke.A ship crashed!PeeWee ran and saw a metal object.He cloed in,touched it with his mouth and ran back.It was hot!"Ahh!My tongue!My precious tongue!"yelled PeeWee running around.As he ran he hit in a thing and felt down.It was an Allosaurus!PeeWee looked up and saw Runihura."DERP!"yelled PeeWee and ran away with Arch in fear.They ran as fast as they can and jumped in a burrow and looked scared at the curious Allosaurus that peeked her eye in the burrow looking at the two tiny dinosaurs."GO AWAY!"yelled PeeWee in fear but  he wasn't sure that the Allosaurus understood him.

Runihura looked down at the sudden thump againt her legg. She looked at the small raptor at her feet and she knew he would proably react in fear. She blinked and watched as the little one ran off with another one. She tilted her head and quickly followed. She was happy her foot falls where silent. She watched as the two disappaeared into the tiny burrow. She growled to herself at the loss of the two dinosaurs and she peered into the entrance. The Eyes shine of the two dinosaurs reflected back to her.

"GO AWAY!" one of them shouted. She sniffed at the entrances and clawed at it with one of her hind legs then she peered back in. "Wy should I?" She asked the little one that had crashed into her, for she was sure that was the one talking.

PeeWee screamed when the Allosaurus began to dig."Because you will nom-nom us!"yelled PeeWee.PeeWee then bite the Allosaurus' finger but it was like a pinch for her."Leave us alone!"yelled PeeWee.Then he and Arch jump trough Allo's fingers and ran away scared in the dense jungles until they felt in water.The Allo came and fished both out with her mouth.PeeWee started to bite the Allo's fingers to defend himself and his friend but the Allo didn't moved."ROAR!"yelled PeeWee trying to scare the Allo but it didn't worked.It looked like the Allo was going to fell down from laughter as she saw PeeWee's attacks.

Runihura growled at the raptors useless attacks. Was it trying to agrivate her? When the two dashed out from the hole her jaws closed on air. She had trid to stop them from escapeing but they were running now. She quickly followed the two small dinosaurs without having to go to a full on sprint after them. When they tried to hide in the water she just quickly fished them out.

"ROAR!" The small dinosaur called out at her. Runihura chuckled. "You are possiable the funniest small thing I have ever come acrossed. And for your infomation I am not going to nom on you." She said and smiled and she set them down. She tilted ehr head as she looked at them. "Oh if your wanting a roar I can show you one." Runihura raised back up to her full hight and let out a loud and long roar that echoed around in the forest.

The Allo's roar blew PeeWee and Arch away.When PeeWee landed he quickly got up and ran away with Arch.They went trough a natural bridge over a ravine that the Allo can't cross."Heh,they may be big,but they are dumb!We are small,but smart!"said PeeWee laughing but suddenly he creeped out and ran away when he saw the Allo jumping over the Ravine."YOINX!"yelled PeeWee.He and Arch ran away in a cave but suddenly a soldier bug roared at them and PeeWee and Arch got out from the cave screaming and they both ran into the Allo,falling down.PeeWee looked up at the Allo."Hi..."said PeeWee.

Runihura,"Yes I might be large but dumb? Yeah I dont see that." Her eyes where narrowed. "I dont see how many times I tell you I ma not going to eat you or hurt you and youstill run away, but hey do whatever. I will just keep chasing. Its quiet fun enough for me little one." She blinked her orange eyes and lowered her head close to the little dinosaur. She watched him then lifted her head again and kept her eyes on them. "I dont have anything else planned for today. I can easily just keep following you. You know unless something nice then you catches my eye."

PeeWee felt so tired because he ran away from the Allo and he felt down and asleeped.Suddenly,a Mendel-Grumman APC with soldiers appeared in the forest and the soldiers came out from the APC and started shooting at the Allo.The APC shot it's cannon but missed the Allo and hit a tree that almost felt on PeeWee."DERP!"yelled PeeWee and hide with Arch in a burrow."Hunt that beast down!"yelled a soldier shooting at the Allosaurus.The Allo ate one soldier and stepped over another and jammed the APC's cannon."PeeWee watched scared how the Allo was fighting and eating the M-G soldiers and destroying the APC.
Runihura glared at the new threat that arised. She bared her teeth and her tail lashed. If a fight is what they were wanting a fight is what they would get. She snatched up the closest human and snaped him up in her jaws. She hissed and leaped onto the APC's Cannon and her weight either borke it or jammed it for now. She roared loudly in rage at the attack. "little things try to pick a fight with me. You know who is going to win so why even try!?" she snarled at them and she snaped at a few more. Most of the humans now fleed in pure fight, knowing they would not live if they dared stayd and fight. She growled and watched as the last human disappaered into the foliage. She had a strange feeling to chace them down but she didnt. She let out a small huff of a breath and relaxed. She then turned around and looked intot he hole where the small raptors lay hidden. "Are you two alright?" she asked as she looked into the hole.
"You...y-you...made the steel monkeys to flee!They never flee!"yelled PeeWee happy."It's a miracle!"yelled him then."I love you,big guy...or girl...'said PeeWee hugging the Allo's finger.Then PeeWee heard his stomach having a battle inside him."Meh...I'm hungry..."said PeeWee but just then a Parasaurolophus passed!The Allo killed the Para and now they were eating.Again,PeeWee ate so much he was a meat balloon."My name's PeeWee...yours?"said PeeWee happy.Then he rolled back in the burrow because night was coming and they needed to sleep.Arch and PeeWee were sleeping in the burrow and Runihura sat next to the burrow's enterance and asleeped too.The stars were bright and battlecries of the soldiers in the distance can be heard.


Survive & complete your mission!

Whiskey Company(Survivors):Kill Wolf Pack leader Roland Kane and escape the planet

Mendel-Grumman Soldiers (Wolf Pack): Protect Roland Kane and eliminate all the Whiskey Company troopers

Roars resound in the distance as a herd of brachiosurus thunder through the valley.

Setting:A random planet with jungles,deserts and dinos o3o


It is the year 2045, your starship has been shot-down on a terraformed planet that is much like Earth.

As you wander through the dense jungle,you being hearing strange sounds,peeking through the bushes,you see a survivor beign attacked & killed by a strange ceature,upon closer inspection,you realize,in horror,its a dinosaur!

Running back to the crash-site,with soem of the survivors,you report what you have just seen.

Now you all understand,you must survive in this world until you find a way home!


The planet was Terraformed by the Mendel-Grumman Corporation and the Wolf Pack Leader Roland Kane.

The dinosaurs are genetically created by Mendel-Grumman Scientists.

Soldier Bugs are the native creatures of this planet.


1.Blood and violence allowed,but don't drive it to GORE!

2.Romance allowed(kiss,hugs)but don't drive it to graphic.

3.No adult Language.

4.You can suggest dinos on the OCC Chat.

5.If you need help,contact the Dictator Hyena or Commander Raziel.

6.Have fun!!

7.No godmodding & use good grammar

8.All above :D

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Allosaurus(2 allowed)
Carnotosaurus(3 allowed)
Dilophosaurus(5 allowed)
Gigantosaurus(1 Allowed)
Human(Wolf pack)
Juvenile T-Rex(5 allowed)
Lurker(3 allowed)
Nanotyrannus(3 allowed)
Soldier Bug(scorpion,10 allowed)
T-Rex(1 allowed)
Utahraptor(10 allowed)

Second RP Master
Crimson Hyena (#11029)

Current Characters
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