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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Aarre plodded onward, no destination in mind, just mindlessly walking. I can't believe I finally did it. He thought to himself.

"I'm free!" He shouted into the harsh arctic winds. He'd finally made the decision to leave his family. They had loved him, but they had expected him to grow up to be the leader of the large family of foxes. Normally foxes lived in smaller groups, but due to the scarce food supply, they had banded together. More hunters meant more food supply for the young and helpless. 

Aarre's father, Justus, was the current leader of the group. The pack hadn't discussed whether leadership would be handed down or elected, but Justus had hoped to see Aarre rise to the position either way.

But Aarre didn't agree. He wanted to live in a small pack, a small, tight-knit family. That was the way foxes were supposed to live, anyways, and he intended to do just that. If he could ever find another, smaller group to join, that is. 

Thylar rustled his wings, shaking the feathers in place. He looked towards the large bear. Even though he only rose up to about the upper legs of the bear, he was still able to look up at him without looking amall or weak. Thylar tipped his wingtips and bowed his head in formality. He then resumed his Posture and replied. "I come here to be of Assistance. I sense you will need as much help as possible." he dipped his head. "Especially with that cat, and the Pup you are seeking." he looked into the eyes of the bear. "If you ask how I might come across you and your companions, it is purely a matter of Fate's doing." Thylar lifted his wings, about to take off.

"Wait!" Atka spoke hurriedly, seeing that the raven, was about to take flight. "Stay, won't you? We would all be glad of more company. Also, you are right, we could use assistance. Although, hunting food should be no problem for me, I am concerned for the pup. Maybe you could assist us there? You have wings, and can easily soar on the winds, looking for paw prints, or even the pup himself. Would you be willing to do this?" Atka looked hopefully at the raven.

Strange.. even though he stands barely the height of my legs, this raven does not seem small or helpless. In fact, he exudes power and strength. Atka pondered this marvel. He liked the raven already, and hoped he might stick around to be both company and help to the odd bunch he now called his clan. 

Elite sat pawing at the snow with ehr good paw. She would pile up the snow in a spot then bat it up in the air and let it fall back down over her and the ground. "White snow, snow...whitness blank...blah blah..."She talked to ehrself not caring what someone would think abotu her doing this. She was empty of mind and thought right now and didnt care much of what was going on. Right now nothing seemed to upset her good mood as she abtted at the snow. Randomly she asked out,"Anyone up to a snow fight?" her voice echoed in the cold air, Weather she wanted someone to reply or not she did not care or mind. Some would say she just wanted to hear her own voice.
*Spry continues to drag the corpse, her eyes narrow as the blistering winds cling and grips at her fur, her walk is hindered, the wound drips a bit, it splats to the snow and she just keeps going, carrying the meal she drag's on towards what she hopes is still the trail towards who she has been following. Her body feels a bit out of it but she continues onward she doesn't want to stop and shes determined not to, even with a wound and a meal dragging beside her from her hold, she carries onward, her eyes keep forward in hopes the direction she sets upon is at least semi close to where she wishes to be, every now and then she lifts her head and tightens her jaws grip to keep her hold firmly in place. Her wound starts to hurt a little, and she feels the wind catch on it every now and then as a little more blood escapes over the fur leaving a more inclined trail, only strengthening it's potency for other's to not just pick up on but even take full notice that something is hurt, and it doesn't really matter what you are when hurt, because may fall victim to becoming the preyed upon*
Thylar didn't stop, and took to the air. Instead of flying away, he just landed on a shelf of rock just over the mouth of the cave. He looked at the bear. If he could smile, he would have. A sudden flash of mischeif reflected in his eyes, and then went out. "You thought I was to fly away? Merely to stand guard. You and your companions must be tired," he nodded at the wolf "after traveling in such a storm. Foolish if you decide to sleep without a lookout. Who knows whom has scented the fresh blood from within the cave?" he looked out of the cave, and motion towards it. "The storm has stopped, and your scents must be as clear as crystal." Thylar knew that the odd band was accepting every creature out there, but not all animals would be as kindly as them.

Atka heard Elite speak, whilst batting at snow with her paw, but at that moment the Raven flew off. When he landed on the shelf above the mouth of the cave, Atka chuckled. 

So he is playing, teasing us. Atka thought silently. 

"Yes.. a guard would be wonderful." Atka grinned. Then he turned to the rest of the group. "Shall I go off and hunt for food? Fang, you could either join me or stay here to keep Elite company.. maybe enjoy a good snow fight?" Atka winked cheerily at Elite. "Raven.. you still have not told us your name? What can we call you?"

As he sat waiting for the raven's response, he caught a scent on a breeze that wafted into the cave. Rabbit! He realized. He leaped up and thundered out of the cave in pursuit of the small, furry being.

Elite chuckled and shook her head. "Snow is falling. A beautiful sight. Snow is falling. It plays with the light. Snow is falling. It plays it's game. Snow is falling. It makes all that's different look the same. Snow is falling. It's source is storm. Snow is falling. It makes all conform. Snow is falling. It blinds all who see. Snow is falling. It hides you from me. Snow is falling." She throws a paw full of snow into the air at the last line and watches it rain back down. She flickers her ears to keep the snow off of them.

She then jumped out of the way of Atka Nanuq as he pounded after the furry being. "Is it that pest rabbit again! Why if Atka Nanuq cant kill that thing I swear I will hunt it down and give whats coming to it!" She nods her head to exaderate her point then she turns her head to the Raven above.

Leaning over the ledge of the rock shelf, he tweaked the snow-leopard's ear. "Well? What are you waiting for!" He qourked. The last sentence was more of a statement. He quickly withdrew once again to his rock shelf, out of reach of the Snow-Leopard. That was, unless the snow-leopard jumped off the slight rise on the floor...... His train of thought was cut short as he looked at the bear chasing after the hare. They wouldn't catch it that way. he chuckled to himself. Even though he knew it was more helpful if he helped, he still wanted to see what he was up with. How much experiance they had. He craned his neck to see more. What was wrong with the hare? It seemed to move a bit oddly..... Although he could not see any deformaties.... They steps it took where also very strange, it was as if the rabbit couldn't see the rises and falls of the snow drifts.
*Spry startled by a sudden expression of rising snow like a pebble being dropped and the water whooshing up then flowing back down, her eyes blink as she walks slowly dragging the dead deer, her eyes narrow as too what caused such, from her traveling, her body cold and wanting a chance to rest, the wound is feeling worse and worse, she continues slowly warily her eyes narrow, her body tenses a little as she moves onward, her hold with her jaws upon the deers throat is unwavering in power, it's her only grasp as she feels a little uncertain of her approach but carefully keeps moving towards the signs of life, she doesn't feel intimidated just, a little unsure what shes walking into, weather it will be worth it or not, weather she will be able to survive...or become prey.*
Elite shook her head but did not growl or hiss at the feathered bird. She was use to them pestering in there ways. They annoyed her yes and with her strong ability to leap up to high places, they were a feathery snack, but this bird was baned a friend by the big bear so she would oblige. She leaped up onto the rock shelf keeping balance as best of her abilities. She looked down at the bird. "I am waiting for nothing, for there is nothing to wait for at this moment in time, however I have been waiting to do this to you..." She scooped up some snow that was at the edge of the shelf and tossed it onto the raven. She smirked before leaping down to the snow below and flicked her tail and chuckled to herself in amusement.
Tungsten was eating a seal. As he finished, he heard a howl. Another wolf pack was in his territory. "I'm getting tired of these mongrels in my territory," he said. Tungsten walked off. He found a small arctic fox. The fox yelped and ran off as he saw him. "Little jerk," said Tungsten. He then laughed, his deep voice rumbling. "I need to find a new cave," said Tungsten. He walked through the snow, his big paws leaving a mighty trail. He then saw a big cave. Tungsten walked in. It was warm and abandoned. Tungsten yawned and lied down. He then heard the pack of wolves again. "I wish those mutts would come here," said Tungsten. "I will not show them mercy," he said. Tungsten went to sleep. He woke up four hours later. A little bird was standing in the entrance, trying to get warm. Tungsten roared. The bird squawked and flew off. Tungsten laughed and stood up. He walked outside and saw wolf prints. "You gotta be kidding me," said Tungsten. "I don't want to but I willl kill them if I have to," said Tungsten. "Boo.

Arctic Lights
The wild north, a place where fierce wolf packs and agile clans of wild cats roam. The moon is always bright, the stars are never blotted out by smog or unnatural light, and the early winter always shows the northern lights high and colourful. A dense forest stretches out beyond the reach of any cruel human civilization, along with the tundra owned by bears and wolf packs. It's followed by the endless sea, covered in ice all but one three months of the year.
A freeform roleplay where start and/or join packs, clans, and families. You can interact freely.
Create your own history.

1. No crude language

2. No inappropriate details about mating or violence.

3. If there is an animal you would like to have added, feel free to ask!

4. Feel free to delve into human interaction.

5. Be creative!

6. Read the RP Guide.

7. If you would like to join a second character, please ask first. :)

8. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. :)

Word Minimum
125 words per post.

Joinable Species
Arctic Fox
Polar Bear
Snow Leopard
Wild Cat

Second RP Master

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