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Atka suppressed an amused chuckle at the message Fang directed towards the eavesdropper. After a moment's pause, he decided to join in the game. 

"Yes," He spoke loud and aimed his face in the direction the snow leopard seemed to be. "creatures should feel comfortable approaching us. We have only good intentions for all." He paused there, considering the question of a pack name. With a lowered voice, he continued. "I.. I know nothing of how to name a pack." He gave a sheepish grin. "Polar bears are typically rather solitary animals, so I've never had to consider a pack name. Perhaps we wait until we have a few more members to our pack. After all, you and I are the only members at the moment."

Suddenly, Atka's stomach growled loudly.

"Maybe we should work on hunting soon. We can bring our catch back to my cave, so that you can inspect it and see if it fits your standards. If you would like, I can catch some fish, and maybe even a penguin, for our meal?" Atka looked queryingly at Fang, while also perking his ears for any sound of movement from the nearby leopard.

Elite listened with great intrest. She knew sher had been spotted some how...but now..who cared!? They where friendly. But the tinyiest of movements cought her eyes. The thing that sent her blood running in a feeding ramage. It was that pesky hare back for more!. She droped into her hunteres crouches. She had to leap over the polar bear and run at the thing and HOPEFULLY not be spoted. It was, in fact, a stupid idea but it seemed like her stomach was more in contole now.

She leaped from her hideing spot and ran and the wolf and the polar bear and somewhat atartling speeds. She managed to doge them(Instead of her crazy idea of jumping) and ran at the hare which by snow noticed it was being hunted again and ran off. Elite's mind raced trying to figure a way to catch it and then again the same thing that cought her off gaurd the last time. The hear slipped,this time, into a minor ditch like whole which tripped up Elite and sent her sparwaling onto the snow yowling out in anger and spatting and hissing curses to the hare which ducked back into its hole.

*Spry keeps trodding, her limit's are boundless as far as where she can go are concerned, her head rises slightly and she hault's, and listen's, her ears twitch ever slightly, and the sound of another crosses in the wind. She takes this oppurtunity to search and discover, continuing to trod along as she wishes to make herself more ready and capable to handle what lies off in the distance whether it be friendly or not, she keeps trodding and walking and thinks to herself*~To not be ready is to be foolish...I can't take chances out mess up out dont live too long...~* all these thing' popping into her head from her father's harsh influences to her own expieriences helping to smooth an bring clarity to whom many believe is cursed and tainted. Spry stops a moment to really soak in that fact, *~whoever is over there....even if there friendly.....who would want to be with a Snow Leopard who is believed to be cursed and tainted.....for as long as I breath in the frosted winds and trod upon this snow covered frozen ground.....I will most likely never find a true fresh beginning...and have the ability to ever move onward....~* She exhale's out the freshest of air and moves on walking.*

Atka reared back as the snow leopard dashed their direction. He was preparing himself for an attack when his ears picked up the sound of tiny scampering feet. 

So, a hare is what she's after. Crazy leopard! She'll get herself killed charging strangers like us! She looked to be charging us.. what if I had attacked?

Atka shook his head bewilderedly at the foolish behavior of the snow leopard before turning back to his newfound friend. While he waited for her input on the idea of hunting, he listened to the sounds of the chase still going on.

Thudding feet, clearly the leopards, drowned out the sound of the smaller feet of the hare. After a few moments, Atka heard the footsteps stop, then a thump of something hitting the ground. From the caterwauling that ensued, Atka was certain the hare had escaped. He chuckled softly to himself, then returned his attention to Fang.

Elite stoped her yowling and hissing and went to get up and stumbled again this time yowled out in pain. Her paw pad was cracked open and blood spilled from the wound. She looked at to where she has stubled and therre lay a sharp rock looking thing poking out from the freshly brushed away snow. She let out another hiss of pain and got up and bearly put presher on the paw and groaned in pain once in a while. She left a bloody paw print from her left front leg as she walked.

She looked at the Polar Bear and the wolf then took a large cicle around them before settling back down in her now noticed hiding spot. If someone who didnt know that she was there would only have to follow the bloody paw print. She looked at her paw and licked at it but the matallic blood woundt stop comeing to the surface of the skin. She let out a small whail and layed her head down on her paws.

*Spry keeps walking, her eyes narrow to the unknown of all this but from the pained noices that carried to her puffed out ears....*~I'm getting close....soon enough i'll most likely run into these beasts.....and find for myself who is friendly and who is not....~* she moves on trodding, she looks up to the wind and see's the flight of a struggling bird high in the sky, so high it's difficult to fully identify the species, Spry walks on watching it as it too head's the same direction she is going. Her eyes follow it's movements as it keeps fighting with all it's might and steadily keeps going, even if it rests a second an gets pulled back gainst it's wings a few feet, it then flaps brashly and continues onward. Spry snorts a bit after awhile knowing all too well*~That sometimes what we wish and what is going to happen are too fully seperate thing's, but then again she admire's the persistance of the young bird, and knows all too well that she not much farther then that young struggling bird is, when it comes too how wellher life is going at this very moment....for she too is facing the unknow...and knows it..~* she continues onward, and feels unsure but like that bird is persistant, she trodd's on with strong steps.*

Fang felt a little irritated at Atka's chuckles. What was there for him to laugh at, really? But she forgot the thought as soon as she realised atka, too, was aiming his words at the hidden snow leopard.

Atka admitted he didn't really know how to name a pack, then suggested that he and Fang work on finding food. Fang was about to answer when the snow leopard leapt out at her and Atka and whizzed past them. Fang was rather surprised by this and so remained silent. She heard a sort of strangled yell and hisses. Judging by the sounds that followed, escpecially the hiss of pain, suggested the cat was injured somehow. And Fang could smell blood.

Fang sat thinking about the snow leopard for a little longer until she realised Atka was waiting for her to answer. "Maybe we should go to the cave first, so I know where it is, and then we go hunting. Whatever one we do first, I will follow instantly, so which would you rather do?"

"Sounds good to me. Follow me to the cave." Atka said, his voice loud and echoing. 

Maybe the leopard will have heard and follow. Atka had smelled the tang of blood on the air as well, and he was worried for the snow leopard. But he knew that chances were the creature's pride would prevent it from letting them help, unless they were sought out first. 

He began walked, steadily but lazily, in the direction of his cave. If the leopard made no move to follow, he would have to speed up. It was quite a distance to his cave, and if he didn't move faster there wouldn't be sufficient time to hunt later that evening. He looked back frequently, hoping to catch a glimpse of the large, hurting cat.  

* Spry trod's more and hears the echo's of not just one but at least one other around, she keeps her head to the wind listening sniffing, her eyes wide with excitement and her paws seem to rise even higher as she trodd's onward, She doesn't wish to make herself known just yet she want's to figure out for surely who's all there, and what she personally feels would be the best approach to them. Her fluffed up ears try to hone in on the sounds and where there exactly coming from, even though the cold nips at the fluffed tips of her ears, she continues to listen and moves maybe just slightly faster, wanting to know, curious to such, she is drawn towards the life and is in absolute need of finding out if it's something she can eat or approach with caution..or even get along with.*

Elite depated on it and finally managed to get up. her paw was cut good, and she knew she would leave a blood trail. And knowing any starving creatures they would follow and kill and eat whatever they could get there paws on. She limped trying not to put her paw down. But a few feet there was always a bloody paw print.

Elite made sure to keep a hidden distance from the small group. She knew they proably didnt trust her for leaping out at them and doubted they would welcome her with open paws. But one thing made her keep up a good pace and deal with the pain. For even if they didnt open her with open paws she would still pick after scraps and even maybe fine shelter. It was a hurtful pride disition but if thats what it took.

Elite wasnt paying attention and relized she was in veiw to the Polar bear and cought him glancing back. In a way she hoped he saw her but at the same time she hoped he didnt.

Fang followed Atka as he walked in what Fang assumed was the direction of his cave. He's walking slowly, thought Fang, before she realised Atka must be doing it so the snow leopard could follow if she wanted to. Fang drew a deep breath, and caught the tangy blood smell which had to be the snow leopard.

As she and Atka came closer and closer to their destination, Fang thought first about a pack name. Most packs are named after the alpha's inherited name. But that wouldn't work for this pack . . . maybe if i pick random lletters? Let's try it - rhybv. Ok, now but in some vowels and sense - Rhybovian. I'll keep that in mind . . .

"We're going to have to speed up," Fang announced to Atka as they were still walking, speaking as much to the snow leopard as to her friend. "At this rate we mightn't get there till the summer sets in!"

Atka had caught a glimpse of the snow leopard as he glanced back. Relief flooded him. 

So the leopard is following. Maybe we can help it after all. 

The voice of the wolf broke into Atka's thoughts, causing him to pause to respond. 

"Hm, yes. It will take far too long at this pace. But I won't leave the leopard behind if it wishes our help.." He pondered for a moment what he could do. "Aha!" An idea burst into his head, and he spun around, galloping back towards the snow leopard. When he made it to the spot where the creature stood, he stopped and caught his breath. After a few moments, he spoke.

"I think you might be hoping to come to my cave and join our pack?" He asked kindly. "If you wish, I can carry you to the cave, then we could arrive on time?" He stopped then, and looked the leopard in the eyes, awaiting its respond.

Elite for one was not ready to pick up the base. She tried her best to hide all sense of blood by kicking back with hind feet as she walked over then brushing over it with tail. And she was also not expecting the polar bear to turn around and coming running. If that was the case she would have fled the sceen before hand with only her bloody paw prints to be left behind. But it was the polar bears offer to carry her that held her there still pounding over. Could she trust him? Well he had not torn her apart yet so she assumed yes she could. Joining a pack was quiet strange. She was not a wolf and she was more of a loner but something about being with them seemed to make her heart race at the offer. Maybe. But she was trying to figure out about the whole carring process.

"If I am honest, as I will be, I was following you for what ever reason I was. I dont know if my stoamch thought I could get scraps, or if my mind saught shelter. I need to thin about the pack thing. We Snow Leopards arnt very good with large...umm...groups. As for carring me. I would preferr not to but if it helps you get there faster, then do what you must."

*Spry pick's up her pace as she senses the departure of the creature's that where ahead. Her body tenses as she gets near but she realizes there gone but the fresh scent of blood pick's up into her flared nostril's and she hault's in her pursuit and sniff's. She trot's over to where the smell is most prominent and then looks up toward's the direction in which it goes. she follows carefully, her senses are all on high alert and she notices the trail heads off,, she follows and notices as she walks that it gets weaker deliberately, She notices the trail as it's get increasingly weak and hard to follow from the swiped and brushed over attempt's of what seems to be another Snow leopard's bloody paw print. She decides to keep following in hopes that the trail either get's stronger at a point or she run's into the indivioual's she's pursuing.*

Fang was startled when Atka turned and thundered back. She turned and saw him facing the snow leopard and she wondered why the leopard hadn't run ff by now, so she decided it must be shocked, or else it probobly would have by now. Fang walked up to stand beside Atka and heard his offer to carry the leopard. She also heard the leopard's comment about packs and it's wondering at Atka's offer. "Well, maybe if you could hold tight, you could perch between his shoulders," Fang suggested a little hopefully - they might need all the pack members they could get.

Things soon got weirder, or so it seemed to Fang. She selt something on the air, reminding her of herself, yet still . . . different. She wondered what it could be, at least until a slightly older, male dark-pelted wolf walked into the conversation. Sure, they might need plenty of pack members, but this felt really quickly and almost too much! Fang quickly stood up to impose her dominance uppon the newcomer, but she was struck by how different he was.

Arctic Lights
The wild north, a place where fierce wolf packs and agile clans of wild cats roam. The moon is always bright, the stars are never blotted out by smog or unnatural light, and the early winter always shows the northern lights high and colourful. A dense forest stretches out beyond the reach of any cruel human civilization, along with the tundra owned by bears and wolf packs. It's followed by the endless sea, covered in ice all but one three months of the year.
A freeform roleplay where start and/or join packs, clans, and families. You can interact freely.
Create your own history.

1. No crude language

2. No inappropriate details about mating or violence.

3. If there is an animal you would like to have added, feel free to ask!

4. Feel free to delve into human interaction.

5. Be creative!

6. Read the RP Guide.

7. If you would like to join a second character, please ask first. :)

8. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. :)

Word Minimum
125 words per post.

Joinable Species
Arctic Fox
Polar Bear
Snow Leopard
Wild Cat

Second RP Master

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