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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


OOC: NOTE: Soarin's first post was removed, so that character has not actually been introduced to the RP yet, so ignore the second half of Fang's post. :) Thanks!


Atka Nanuq stood thoughtful for a moment. He sincerely wished to be able to allow the leopard to walk, but he didn't think they would be able to make it to his cave in time that way.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could let you walk, but I'm afraid we won't be able to reach my cave before nightfall at this rate. Fang's suggestion is a great one, though. If you perch between my shoulders, we can get to my cave quickly. Then you won't have to ride. You're welcome to shelter, food, and company until you're feeling well enough to strike out on your own again. Or, you are welcome to stay with the pack, if you so decide." Atka smiled, then he knelt down, lowering himself so that the leopard could climb on if she wished. "Would you like to be carried, then?" He waited for her to act or speak. 

Soarin pushed through the ice cold snow, keeping his yellow eyes open for danger. He saw figures, 3. He trotted silently for a closer look, a leopard, polar bear, and a Wolf!? Luck has struck him again, he hadn't seen a wolf in years. He couldn't just approach them, he could be killed, he followed them silently. He had eaten a deer earlier, the stench might give him off. He didn't know this, of course, but hopefully the group wouldn't smell him; Hopefully. His paws were sore from the long walk he had before seeing them, it was hard for him to keep up, but if any of them turned around; He had no chance. He was too sore and weak to fight them off if they had thought of him as a Hostile.

Elite looked into the Polar bears eyes and sighed. Her paw ached, her stoamched growled and she gould careless for pride right now. She leaped up gently onto the polarbears back and stood there keeping balance before looking down on his head. "if you ever get the chance on standing on a polar bears back...its actually kinda fun."*She said her tail flicking as she trys to keep her balance. Elite looked down at his white fur. "Oh, and sorry about the blood paw print on her fur. Rolling around in the snow should get it off, you know after I am off your back and all." she said laying down across the polar bears back. Elite found this very strange yet fun to ride on a polar bears back and the pain in her paw subsided as she forgot about it.
*After awhile of following the weak trail she slowly came to follow, started getting stronger a bit and brought hope as she followed and saw the Snow Leopard's tries at hiding diminish as the trail literally picks up again. She continues onward slowly but surely following the trail with no intention of truly wishing to harm. Shes hungry, shes tired, and shes wanting to find somewhere where full blown curses and such are more then accepted, then again that seems to be a hopeless dream with how so many seem to recognize her as such, then again shes gone awhile without seeing so much of life really living, only way she truly finds that there is life still, is by the flutter of a bird or the running of a hare. She looks here and there lightly and keeps trodding forward.*

Atka chuckled when Elite remarked about how it was actually somewhat fun to ride atop a polar bear. Once the leopard had settled in, he began the trek towards his home. At first he walked slowly, then after a short distance he began a gait much like a trot. When Atka was convinced Elite wouldn't fall off, he began loping along quickly. They fairly flew over the ground, and were halfway to the cave when Atka caught a familiar scent on the breeze.

Deer? He thought to himself confusedly. I haven't seen hide nor hair of a deer around in ages. Besides.. this smell is tainted by something... but I can't seem to place what. 

Wind swirled snow flurries up into Atka's nose, mixing in with the scent. He couldn't distinguish what creature it was, but he knew some creature that had recently dined on deer was following them. He made a mental note to check up on the strange smell as soon as they reached his cave dwelling.

"We're almost there!" He bellowed at his companions. 

Elite braced herself as the polar bear went into a more fast gait much like a trot. She geussed that she was fairing well on staying on so he went faster. "I h-h-hope w-we a-r-r-e almo-st th-ere." She said her words being pused due to the fast loping pace of the bear. Snow flurries whirled around them and she lays her head close to the bears back and flicked her ears back. However she watched the bear carefully, she could tell he smelled somthing, but for her all she could smell was the bear.

"We're almost there!" He bellowed back at us.

I smiled happy to know soon we would be safe, and that I could get back on the ground. Yes, even though she thought it fun rideing on the back of the polar bear, she wanted to be back and running soon.

They reached the cave a few minutes later. Atka came to a stop, then dropped to his knees to let Elite hop off. Once his back was free of passengers, he turned towards the mouth of the cave.

"Wait here." He said over his shoulder. "I smelled someone following us earlier, and I want to go check it out. If I run into anything I can't handle, or if anyone slips past me towards the cave, I'll bellow out a heads up, alright?" He looked at the leopard and the wolf. They were a strange bunch, to be sure, but already they were beginning to feel like friends, people who could become almost like family, should time and circumstances allow it. Atka shook his head, shaking the cobwebs of ponderings out of his head. 

Focus.. he reminded himself.. You need to find out what is out there following you. And with that, Atka thundered out of the cave, running full speed towards the faint scent of the secret follower.

*As Spry comes up through the heavier drift's of snow , as the wind picks up, she smells the light but brisk scent of blood, it makes her tense slight for the scent seems more of prey then do another Snow Leopard, she hesitate's in her step curious as to where this all to succulent but foreign smell upon this harsh land designate's from, she still continue's on the path a bit more sharp in pace realizing any trail's will start to flow off into the wind's grasp if she does not hurry. Her young heart beat's with vigor as the thought of not just company but a company who has a meal entice's her to go, faster and faster her paw's attack the snow fiercely to gain any edge of grip to continue on further towards wherever they may lurk. Her senses tell her only a matter of time seemingly to drive her forward in the hope's of all that seems promising.*
thump, thump, thump, thump, thump...... Thylar lifted his head, just waking up. What was that noise? He thought. His perch was just behind a shelf of rocks at the end of the cave. Thylar shook himself over, gettting rid of his drowsiness. He gave himself a quick preening, and flew silently over to the mouth of the cave. He swallowed a surprised caw when he saw a couple of creatures at the entrance. He banked, and landed on a staligmite. He blinked at the two creatures, his sharp eyes detecting ever small detail of the odd duo. Even in the dim lighting. It was a strange sight; a silvery white wolf with sparkling green eyes, and a Thin, but well muscled snow leopard with gleaming golden eyes. those creatures must have been the ones causing all that racket! he thought.

Atka Nanuq wandered about for a few minutes, looking intently and sniffing the wind. But there was no trace of the strange smell. Whatever had been following them, it had given up now.
Atka sighed in relief, and turned back towards the cavernous entrance to his home. He walked slower this time, finally allowing himself the deep breaths to fill his lungs. He had been breathing heavy from his exertion, but now he had steadied his breathing. Smiling, he plodded back into the mouth of the cave.

"Well.. whoever was following us has vanished by now." He announced to the others. "How are you two doing? Elite? How is your paw?" 
As he asked, Atka gave a concerned glance at the snow leopard's injured paw, head tilted in curious concern.  

Fang was almost sleeprunning, until Atka Nanuak's voice broke the constant, repeditive noise of their footfalls. She was relieved when the cave came into view. As soon as they reached it, Fang hurried inside but only just out of the wind's reach. SHe curled up - she needed rest. She registered Atka saying he was going to investigate a creature following them or something. SHe closed her eyes . . . she'd never been in this part of north before . . . there were faint noises outside . . . footfalls, maybe . . . or wingflaps . . . so tired . . .

Just as sleep was closing in on her, Fang was roused by Atka returning to the cave. She managed to pull herself into a sitting postion as he asked the snow leopard, Elite, if her paw was ok. IN the silence after the question, Fang managed to say, "Atka, do you think you may be able to hunt soon? Because I, at least, do not feel I can go much longer without food, and we have no knowledge of the surrounding area." She hoped she didn't sound rude or anything . . . but so tired. . .

*Spry kept going, the weather growing in strength and power, and nipped more fiercely at Spry who knew it wouldn't be much longer till most likely a full blown blizzard would hit, as she trotted along her paws kept to as much solid ground as possible to keep the traction of her paws from losing, she kept her eyes up and ahead looking for any sign of the creatures she has been following intently, her body fluffed more deliberately as the winds picked up, her ears curved back as so did her eyes narrow, she kept moving, but before she knew it, a rock small enough to hide and big enough to rattle ones step, caught under her paws as she stumbled then rolled down a slight down hill in the flat's terrain, and abruptly stopping against something under the snow that's hard, as a sharp point spears into her hind and she roars out. Forcing her paws over her muzzle to try and quiet down, she slowly rolls her body off and away feel every bit of what she notices to be antler..~..ANTLER!~ her eyes widen and she nearly braces in a sprawled crouch as she thinks this, she rises and limps slightly onto the non hurt leg. She paws at the snow carefully uncovering the frozen and very much dead remains of a deer, that been here awhile, too covered to be noticed by sight or smell, ~but what cause could have come to end......~" * her eyes widen as she paws brashly forcing the snow away the jingle of chain sounds to nearly startle her, and as she paws more away the obvious jaws of iron crushing into the right flanking leg, the host must of suffered severely before finally life faded from it, ~the two legged's must have forgotten or lost trace of this trap.....~,*She looks to it then around carefully, she leans in and wraps her large fangs into the neck, where the breath would flow and bites down hard enough to gain a grip, carefully lifting she rises and then looking to where she fell from tries to drag, as she goes to drag the chain clings and pulls back. She drops the deer then looks down and gnaws into the flank taring it away from the jaws just enough to pull the carcass along without it having to be left behind, she goes back to the throat and drives her fangs in then pulls and releasing it from any hold, drags it with her, with the limp ever present, she tries to go a little faster in hopes to get herself and her meal somewhere safe.*
A large male Spirit Bear walked into the cave. Thylar's eyes widened. This was even more unusual than the other two in the cave. He heard the wolf say something. Something about food. He heard a slight whine in the voice, pinched and shallow from hunger. Thylar could tell that all the animals in this awkward band was hungry. They where all mangy, looking half starved. He noticed he was leaning out of the shaft, in plain veiw of all the creatures. He winced. He hadn't payed attention. Again. He knew this would cost him his life one day. But its no use, now. a voice in his head sounded. All of the sudden, as if taken over by another being, he was on the ground. Thylar though he had fallen, but noticed that his wings where spread in Landing, and that he was upright, not even his tailfeathers where touching the ground. He found himself suddenly pleased that he had revealed himself to the others. Was it because he had been on his own for too long? Was it because he thought the others needed his help? Or was it pure Fate's wishs? Thylar decided the answer was all.
Itachik soared into the warm thermals, his great, eagle-like wings catching the winds easily. He scanned the ground, looking for any tasty lemmings. He suddenly noticed movement and pinned his wings to his body in a dive. The biting nothern wind blew sharply into his face and eyes, but a thin clear eyelid ran over his puils, clearing his sight of the lemming. Itachik swooped down, spreading his long wings, his sleek black feathers flaring. He opened his sharp talons and snatched the lemming as quick as a flash. Itachik landed in the snow, tearing into the juicy, warm meat, tasting the blood on his stiff tongue. Suddenly, he heard a noise, head poked up, he looked around and noticed a handsome polar bear farther away. At first, he stiffened with alarm, but then he saw a mark behind the polar bear's ear with his sharp eyes. He relaxed as he knew that mark probably meant that the bear wouldn't attack and might have the blood of a spirit bear in him. Itachik turned back to his lemming, deciding that he might visit the bear a little later on...

At the rustle of feathered wings, Atka looked towards the roof of the cave. Gliding down majestically, he saw a large raven.

How strange! He thought. Normally a raven would be more secretive. It's odd of him to have revealed himself so openly... While Atka waited for the raven to speak, he noticed his large eyes. The raven had deep blue eyes and a marking around one eye. Hm. This is really unique! Atka decided to speak first, rather than waiting for the raven to oblige. 

"Hello, raven." He began, his voice was gravelly and low, meant to convey leadership and authority. "My name is Atka Nanuq. My companions are Fang, the wolf, and Elite, the snow leopard. What brings you to my abode, this lovely cavern?" Atka stood tall, waiting for the raven to speak.

Arctic Lights
The wild north, a place where fierce wolf packs and agile clans of wild cats roam. The moon is always bright, the stars are never blotted out by smog or unnatural light, and the early winter always shows the northern lights high and colourful. A dense forest stretches out beyond the reach of any cruel human civilization, along with the tundra owned by bears and wolf packs. It's followed by the endless sea, covered in ice all but one three months of the year.
A freeform roleplay where start and/or join packs, clans, and families. You can interact freely.
Create your own history.

1. No crude language

2. No inappropriate details about mating or violence.

3. If there is an animal you would like to have added, feel free to ask!

4. Feel free to delve into human interaction.

5. Be creative!

6. Read the RP Guide.

7. If you would like to join a second character, please ask first. :)

8. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. :)

Word Minimum
125 words per post.

Joinable Species
Arctic Fox
Polar Bear
Snow Leopard
Wild Cat

Second RP Master

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