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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

 Lilya saw Deonday start to cough blood, she didn't want him to de again! Thernwasn;t here so he would be gone for good... She grabebd her gun and shot to Zonan, grazing his shoulder. Zonan glared at her, she took in a deep breath, braced herself and tackled him, rolling him  onto the ground and she pinned him. Zonan smiled, "Hello, love." Lilya narrowed her eyes, "I do not love you, I love Deonday, now shut up and leave before I'll take it upon myself to rip off your head!" She snapped and Zonan frowned. He flipped her over and now was pinning her.
Zonan glared down at her. "Oh really? You're going to rip off my head? Why dont you watch me rip off her's!" She cackled and sprang up off of Lilya and ran toward Jewels swinging his sword. Jewels was caught by surprise but spun around and shot him in the shoulder, but nowhere near his heart. He grasped his shoulder and glared at her. She just gave a small smile to him and ran over to Lilya, who was still on the ground. She helped her up with her good arm, then glared at Zonan again. "Still a sharp-shooter i see, eh Jewels?" He grinned. Jewels clutched her gun, and spat in his direction. Zonan's grin vanished when spit landed on his cheak. He wipped it off, then smiled back at Lilya in a strange way, then glared at Jewels.
"Brench, I think we've both seen enough of this fight, I think you know what has to be done, even if they kill us afterward we must help them." Brench nodded to his master Thern. He swooped down from the building and knocked Zonan against the wall with his claws.

Deonday saw his chance to attack, despite his pain he pulled out his gun with aching arms and shot Zonan, the bullet hit him in the knee which would mean it would be more difficult for him to move. He grabbed his sword and neared Zonan, Zonan stabbed his sword through Deonday's neck, luckily the sword didn't pierce his wind pipe. Deonday backed off holding his neck in pain. Deonday pulled his gun out again and pointed it at Zonan's head.

Zonan smiled at Deonday. "Go ahead and shoot, but it wouldn't work!" He grinned and swung his sword at Deonday, who managed to dodge it.

Jewels looked at Zonan with hatred, then grunted in pain. She looked at her arm again; it was mangled in a strange way. She gave a disgusted look then looked back at Zonan. She took out a small grenade, pulled the pin, and threw it at Zonan's feet. "Deonday! Get out of the way!" She flailed her arm so Deonday would notice her. Zonan gave her a weird look then looked down at his feet. There was a grenade. He kicked it across the street, where it blew up the side of a small building. "I thought you were better than that Jewels!" he mocked, making her even more angry.

Allison looked at Grendile, fear in her eyes. "I- it was from years of dancing. You have to be flexible and have great balance." She answered, covering her eyes from the battle.

Grendile sighed seeing the girl didn't like the fight going on. "Very interesting, I can't believe that you learned that from dancing, but it would make sence. I know the fight is scary, I know it's violent and wrong. You don't have to watch..." Grendile knew the kid wasn't watching anyway. Grendile turned to Iken and began talking to him. "Whatever you do stay on my neck where it's safe, that fight's dangerous."

Deonday coughed up some more blood holding his gun tight. He pointed and shot at Zonan. A bullet went into the same knee again. He was trying to make sure that he would have trouble moving while fighting.

Lilya felt the evil haze of battle and looked at Deonday who looked in pain. She grabbed him and scolded, "No... don't fight anymore..' her scold sounded more like a beg and she protected him from Zonan, "Stop fighting Deonday, oe else you'll....die." She choked out the last word. Zonan scoffed and pulled Lilya off easily, Lilya glared at him and he threw her to the ground. lilya got up shaily, and touched a trickle of bloos on her head, but it stung when she touched it and withdrew her hand. She glared at Zonan and snapped, "Don't hurt him!"
Deonday coughed a bit still standing on his legs. "I'm fine." He pulled out his sword and begun swinging at Zonan again. Zonan stabbed him through the chest just next to his heart. Deonday backed off holding a wall for support. He pulled out his gun, but after he pulled out his gun he feinted too tired to fight anymore.

Grendile stopped talking to Iken to watch the fight. "Alright, that's enough." Grendile pulled out his swords, he wanted to save every last bit of magivlc energy for healing so he stuch with his swords. Grendile seemed to have no problems swinging at him, but Zonan looked like he had trouble dodging. Grendile got a good scratch on his wrist which made him drop his other sword.

Zonan glared at Grendile. "Well well, if it isn't casper." He taunted, lowering his sword. He shook his hand that was in pain. He smiled at Grendile, then glared at Jewels with a twisted look in his eyes. He was planning on doing something, but what?

Jewels looked at him confused. She had no idea what he was going to do. She stepped back in fear of what Zonan was going to do.

Allison sheilded her eyes from the battle. She used to watch things like this on the tellevision, but never thought this could actually happen. She saw something sparkle in the corner of her eye. She looked over to it and saw it was a gun. She went over to it and picked it up. It was heavier than she thought. She looked over to Zonan, then looked at the gun.

 Lilya looked over to see Alison holding a gun, "No! don't! She lunged and took the gun and protected it from Alison, "You're not trained, it might backfire and kill you, and besides, you were holding it wrong.' She informed Allison of this and the child cowered, "oh..." She said simply and Lilya nodded and pointed att he battle, "Bounty hunting isn;t all easy and fun, it takes years of training. And,, if you want to effective, start at a young age." She wasn't snapping, just gently explaining. what''s wrong with me? She thought bitterly.

Jason saw Zonan approach Jewels and his eyes glittered. He leaped up, drew out his gun and defended Jewels, "You want yher you're just going to have to go through me.' He snapped.

Zonan looked displeased. "Very well." He rolled his eyes and mumbled a few words that they couldn't understand. Jason suddenly felt his arms and legs go numb. Zonan smiled and made Jason take out his gun. Jason was being controlled by Zonan! Zonan snapped his fingers and again turned invisible, his cackle could be heard throughout the streets. "You can kill her then!" He shouted in Jason's ear.

Jewels glared at Zonan before he dissapeard. "You sick monster!" She yelled. She dodged a bullet that Zonan had shot at her with Jason.

Allison looked up at Lilya and nodded. She looked back over to the battle. "What is that guy doing?!" She shouted to Lilya and pointed at Jason.

 Lilya looked fearful, "Zonan is controlling Jason.' She whispered, more of a gasp.

Jason looked at Jewels, "I'm sorry." He muttered, he concentrated hard, thinking of ways to overthrow Zonan's powers of mind control. He felt  power regaining his arm and smiled. He almost hit Jewels, it grazed her cheek and Jason was glad of that, He continued concentrating and regaiend control of his arm conpletely, he stole the gun from the arm being controleld and saw the air move, he shot at it and hit Zonan's arm, making him visible again. Jason looked pleased with himself when he saw Zonan's blood and felt his legs and his other arm again.

Grendile walked over to Deonday, he wanted to save all his healing energy for later do he rested him on the ground. "Stay here. Your probably not going to leave anyway." Grendile sighed talking to Iken. "You have to stay on my neck and try to not get involved, you've been listening well so far." Grendile pulled out his swords, if Zonan killed or hurt Jewels he would make sure he didn't live long after.

Brench shook himself of and turned to growl at Zonan. Thern swooped down from the building and turned into a bear looking at Zonan with a cold glare.

Zonan almost growled at Jason, but then quickly regained calmness. Zonan threw Jason to the ground and walked up to Jewels holding his sword tight. Jewels looked at him with hatred and clutched her broken arm. "I hate you." She managed to say. "fair enough." he replied with a glare. He swung his sword at her, grabbed her shoulder, and plundged the sword into her stomach. She cried out in pain, and her body grew limp. Zonan retreived his sword and let her collapse to the ground. He glared at her, then looked at Jason. "That's how it's done." He said without a word more. he then snapped his fingers, and dissapeared in a cloud of smoke. Allison stared in horror as Jewels dropped to the ground.

 Jason looked at Jewels' body in disbeilef and in hoor he grabbed her body and held her, "No...." he whispered, and for the first time ever seen, he cried, "No...." His body shook as he cried and held Jewels' bleeding body in his arms.

Lilya gulped and ran over, she looked down in horror at gher body, and suddenly, she regretted being such a jerk to her... it was Jewels in fact, who brought her to this group. She was teary eyed and wanted to run to Deonday so he could comfrot her.


Hokey heard complete silence and uncovered his eyes. He shook in horror as he saw Jewels....dead.


Iken stared at Jewels, he didn't feel any sadness for he didn't know her. He just stared, since he returned he saw two humans die.

Deonday woke up and held his head. To his right he saw Jewels, dead. He immediately got up to his feet and looked around, Zonan was gone. "Zonan you horrible sick man!!!" Deonday held his stomach in pain. He sighed ignoring the pain in his body, he felt like this was his fault, but he didn't know what more he could've done. He saw Jason crying above her, he didn't mock or torment to get payback from earlier. He felt sympathetic for him. He looked back at Jewels, the only reason why he met Lilya was her. "I knew it would be too dangerous here... I hate this city." Deonday looked at Lilya who seemed upset too. "Why are we getting so many deaths lately, it's so stupid."

A Day in the Life of a Sweeper

The setting is on the continent of Carnon. Carnon is a huge land with many cities and different climates. Covering the land are series of species of mythical creatures, animals, and humans. It is said that under the city are underground caverns...


Mariola: A smaller, more peaceful city than the others, many people with children choose to live here. It is on the plains Mariola and the largest, and most successful, farms are started here. It it known for it's best produce and best onion buns.

Capricorn: Capricorn is a mysterious and small town in the high, misty Mountains of the War. This was where the many wars were fought to free this country from the evil people of Sharquee, their former controller. Nobody really lives in Capricorn, except for widows and the extremely poor. But, some say that the secret entrance to the underground caverns, is in one of the shops... but no one really knows.

Kolnco: The Gem of the Coast. Thats what the people call Kolnco. Its a beautiful place for vacation, retirement, or just living. The beaches are the best on Carnon and the people are friendly and kind. It's famous for it's yearly 'Fish Feast. That's when all the fishermen in the city go out and catch as many fish as they can, then they fry them all up and the entire city gets to eat all-you-can-eat fish!

Carnon City: The largest City on Carnon. Everyone who's anyone lives here. The people here are normally very very rich. But the crime rate has gone up, and the people hid to protect themselves, and their money.

South Banks Megalopolis: A huge city on the river of Ja where the crime rate is large and the death toll is also large. Many sweepers come here to earn huge bounties but are often killed in the process. Only the most elite can come here and earn the bounty.


" A sweeper only needs a genuine desire to help..."

This land was once peacful and quite. It was very rich and prosperous. But, over the years, the law enforcement has been overturned and completely removed. Now, the only hope for Carnon, is their sweepers. The 'good' sweepers have been given a license to do so. The 'bad' sweepers have just been hired as practically assasins. They will stop at nothing to get their prize, and many others as well.

A person has gone missing and there is a very large bounty for whoever finds him. The only problem is: it's like he disappeared from the face of the Earth! No one can find him, for he is expert at hiding, and now the two sides of Bounty Hunters feud, which doesn't help find this person any faster. Evil Bounty Hunters will kill anyone that gets in their way, as good bounty hunters only kill to cover their bare necessities.

This person that has gone missing has made the Bounty Hunters angry, by stealing many of their bounties and killing many of them. This person also killed many innocent people and robbed them of their money. He is a greedy thief, and we have no idea what he's doing or where he is. And when he disappeared, the Bounty Hunters were trying their best to find him...but he just disappeared suddenly. The bounty for him has risen as the years went by-but, no one can seem to find him no matter how much riches are at stake. And the Bounty Hunters still try to find him.


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There is an unlimited count of characters, but you must keep them active!

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Kissing and hugging is allowed, but only to that, nothing beyond.

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100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Dire Wolf
Evil Bounty Hunter
Good Bounty Hunter
Neutral Bounty Hunter
Neutral Human
Other (tell me in description)
Other Canine Species
Other Feline Species

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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