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  Lilya looked at Deonday and smiled, "Well then- weather isn't predictable at all, is it?" She asked playfully, feeling suddenly cold, so she shivered.

  Jason looked at Jewels with a friendly smile and looked at Grendile who looked hesitant. "Come on Casper! We don't have all day to stand around admiring the snow." He joked.

  Xina looked at Zonan with a warm stare, "Nothing, love. It's just that- I get cold easily- and snow is obviously nothing but cold!" She sighed heavily, shuddering at the thought.

  Wolf stuck out his tounge- he was full and his scratches stopped stinging- but now that he was in human form- his palms hurt ggreatly. He looked at them to see faint scratches and they were covered in blood. He narrowed his eyes.

Jewels looked over and smiled at Grendile who looked troubled. "What's up Grendile?" She asked, holding Jason's arm a little tighter. A cold wind blew over them ad Jewels shivered and huddled closer to Jason. There was now an inch of snow on the ground and it was getting slippery.

Zonan looked at Xina quizzically and took off his heavy coat. He put it on Xina's shoulders to try and make her warmer. "Is that any better?" He asked. stuffing his hands in his pockets for warmth. Jade glared at Zonan. "Oh sure, now he cares." She scoffed and crossed her arms.

Usud leaned against a lightpost by the restaurant that Jade was eating in. He sat on the ground, his leg stinging terribly. He finally took the time to get the bullet out of his leg. He examined it relieved that it wasn't lead. The snow caused his leg to sting a bit more. He felt relieved to have a break. Usud saw Wolf's hands were bloody. He noticed that Wolf had several scratches. Usud looked at himself. He only had minor scratched from branches and forest underbrush. His leg was still bloody and he was terribly exhausted.

Deonday held Lilya closer to him so she'd stop shivering. "Weather can be very unpredictable, can't it? You going to be alright? I know it's pretty cold out here."

Grendile stopped looking at the sky and looked ahead. "Nothing's the matter, I'm fine. Let's go."

  Xina looked at him, smiling,  she huddled in his coat, warming herself up and thinking about her conversation with Jewels in that forest. Wondering if all what she said was true. She looked at Zonan again, feeling a little guilty that he was cold now. She cuddled closer to him, hoping it would make him warmer.

  Lilya smiled at Deonday closing her eyes she nodded, "Yes- my family is senistive to the cold- just another drawback to my stupid genetics it seems."

  Hokey smiled and nodded to Mage, "Yep, everything's fine, this book is very interesting. I'll surely surprise my friends when I see them again!"


Zonan looked at her kindly. "It's fine. I have flaming swords at my sides constantly, remember? I'm good." he smiled and they walked down the street to the police center to try and get information on they guy they're searching for.

Mage smiled at Hokey and walked down the hallways. She pulled out a book from the shelves and looked through it. It was about offensive white magic. She thought the little elf may enjoy this as well so she put it into her bag. She walked back over to him and bent down next to him. She took the book from her bag and set it in front of him. "Here, this is on offensive magic, if you want it." She smiled again and stood up to go dust the statues.

  Xina looked at him and smiled. She followed him silently, wondering why his attitude for her.. changed so quickly. She looked at him lovingly now- any sorce of anger she had just disappeared and she watched as someone buried through files to find soemthing on this criminal.

  Hokey smiled, "Thanks- I could use a little studying on my offensive magic- I haven't fought in ages! I'm usually too scared to- if you eve rsaw Zonan you would totally understand." He continued to blab about how the two groups fought and he wodnered if Mage even knew who any of them were exactly.

Mage stood up tall and smiled at the elf. She tried to push the memories of one of the people out of her mind, though it was hard. "I'm glad to know you like them." She said kindly and went to go organize the books. "So, what are your groups searching for? And what do you do for a living?" She knelt down and looked at Hokey while she put away books. The chill of outside leaked in through the unsealed doors and she shivered. She muttered some words and a small fire appeared on her hand. It didn't burn her hand, and it wasn't the color of normal fire, it was almost completely see-through. She held it hear herself to keep warm.

Zonan looked at Xina then looked at the files on the counter in front of them. He walked over to the woman at the counter and forcefully slammed his hands on the desk. She nearly jumped out of her seat and looked at him with fear. "Do you have any information on the criminal everyone's searching for?" he asked, almost harshly. Jade scoffed at him. "He cant treat any woman how they should be can he?" She glared at him and turned her back.

Jewels looked up when they had finally reached the city. "Finally!" She groaned. "Now we can get some information!" She said excitedly and ran, dragging Jason with and Hina running behind them.

  Xina stared at Jade with a raised eyebrow. She thought that Zonan treated her perfectly fine. "What are you talking about? He's just getting information!" She scoffed and looked back at Zonan fondly.She folded her arms, glaring at the woman who looked shooken up as she dug through the files quickly- giving the group a side glance or two in slight fear.

  Jason grunted as Jewels dragged him towards the city of South Banks. He narrowed his eyes- he hated being dragged- he thought it was waaaay too forceful for his delicate, scarred body.

  Wolf looked imaptient and tapped his toe impatiently.


Deonday looked at Lilya with kind eyes. Deonday remembered that before he met her, he constantly acted so cruel, merciless, and evil. He thought of how Lilya had changed the way he thought and felt. Deonday gave Lilya a faint smile, he then looked at the sky. He thought of how selfish he used to be. He looked back at Lilya, looking into her eyes. "I don't think there's anything wrong with your genetics. In my eyes your just fine."

Grendile continued to walk. He was completely immune to the cold. He didn't leave any tracks in the snow. He remembered when he was alive. He sometimes missed the crunching of snow beneath his feet. He missed being able to feel the cold. Grendile remembered a time when he, his father, and brother were camping in the woods on a snow day. He remembered how he used to play around in the snow. However his father and brother were killed by a close friend of his. The only living relative he had was his mother who lived in Carnon. He thought that he would never see her again. What mortal wouldn't hate or fear a ghost? Grendile looked ahead, there was at least two inches of snow on the ground now. Ahead he saw that they had reached South Banks.

Thern turned into a snow leopard to stay warm. He was glad to feel snow. "Cacatua, Sorian, shouldn't we be finding the rest of the group?"

Jewels stopped and pulled Jason close to her to keep him from slipping on the cold, now icy ground. She looked up and saw a large sign saying 'Exchange Center'. "Here's a good place to start. It doesn't look very busy." She pointed out and walked toward the entrance. She walked in, still holding onto Jason's hand. There was nobody inside except for a couple people at the desk. She walked over to them.

Zonan flipped through the files and found a very helpful one. The last time he had been spotted was in South Banks near downtown. Zonan smiled and stuffed the paper into his pocket.

Cacatua began to roll around in the snow happily, enjoying it very much. Ravens were known to come from cold climates, so she felt right at home. Sorian on the other hand, stood mortified as the cold wet flakes froze her feathers. Thern was beckoning her to come, but Sorian felt like turning into a frozen statue and not moving. Cacatua finally quit frolicking and landed on her shoulder. "Come ON! we don't have all day to find the group- With they pace they move at, we could be miles away by now." "Sorry.. sorry... the cold.. is getting to me I guess..." Sorian mumbled from a half-frozen beak. She scanned the horizon, and in between the falling snowflakes thought she saw someone moving. "That way-" she began to move off and then remembered Thern. "Just follow the sound of my footsteps, okay?" she said quietly. Sorian hoped that he wouldn't slow them down, otherwise they might find themselves even more lost. 
Thern fallowed the sounds of Sorian's footsteps. He turned into a Pronghorn so he could keep up. However he had to limp as he walked, and his hooves had trouble getting a good grip on the ground. He had to listen carefully so he wouldn't get confused with something else's footsteps.

Grendile put on a black cloak he had with him so he wouldn't be noticed. He walked into the exchange center with Jewels and Jason. He had to stay hidden so he wouldn't be noticed by other bounty hunters. He didn't want to draw attention to the group.

Deonday noticed that there was at least two inches of snow on the ground by now. "Maybe we should go try and find the rest of the group."

  Lilya smiled and cuddled up to Deonday- feeling a bit warmer now. "I don't see anything with your genetics either- mental disorder or not." She said softly, nuzzling him. "Maybe we should get back, but what if you need more rest?"

  Xina looked at Zonan, "Well then? Should we get hunting before the others try and claim this criminal for themselves?" She asked in a slightly impatient voice.

  hokey smiled at this stranger, he was glad he came in now, "Most of them are sweepers- some of them aren't though. We're all looking for this big criminal- I think you might have heard of him- I don't know how much you know about the way of life for sweepers and such, but he does have 5 billion monies on his head."

Deonday looked at Lilya with a faint smile. "If you think I need more rest than we can wait here a little while longer. We should get going soon though." Deonday looked at the sky, he liked the feeling of snow flakes touching his skin. He preferred colder over warmer weather.

Baltor fallowed Allison around. He saw Jewels, Jason, and Grendile walk into the exchange center. Before Hina entered there too he asked a question. "Wait! Hina my dear friend. Do you think it would be wise for the rest of us to go in there? And do you think Deonday and Lilya are alright?"

Grendile kept his cloak on so he wouldn't be recognized. He also made sure no one would use his name so he wouldn't be discovered. He knew that the criminal was somewhere in South Banks. But he had lost track of how much time had gone by so he needed to rely on other recourses of information to get back on track. He walked up to the front desk, his face hidden by his hood. The woman at the front desk looked at him a bit confused. "My I help you?" Grendile nodded. "Yes, I have a question. Do you know where the most wanted criminal was last seen?" The woman sat there for a few minutes. "Why yes I do. He was spotted downtown just a few hours ago." Grendile backed away from the desk. "Thank you." Grendile headed for the door. "We should get going now." Grendile looked at Jason and Jewels.

Dimitri walked in his human form and sat on a bench with his thoughts.

He thought about what it would be like to have friends who cared about would probbably be a great feeling,maybe it would not be able to be felt at all...he just wanted a friend...dimitri got up and walked...he just walked...he didnt watch where he was going and he bumped right into Xina.

"What the heck?!"Dimitri said and fell backwards and landed on his back flat on the ground and he rubbed his neck which had just whip-lashed when he hit the ground,it hurt something fierce and he didnt even know who he had bumped into...he was about to find out...

A Day in the Life of a Sweeper

The setting is on the continent of Carnon. Carnon is a huge land with many cities and different climates. Covering the land are series of species of mythical creatures, animals, and humans. It is said that under the city are underground caverns...


Mariola: A smaller, more peaceful city than the others, many people with children choose to live here. It is on the plains Mariola and the largest, and most successful, farms are started here. It it known for it's best produce and best onion buns.

Capricorn: Capricorn is a mysterious and small town in the high, misty Mountains of the War. This was where the many wars were fought to free this country from the evil people of Sharquee, their former controller. Nobody really lives in Capricorn, except for widows and the extremely poor. But, some say that the secret entrance to the underground caverns, is in one of the shops... but no one really knows.

Kolnco: The Gem of the Coast. Thats what the people call Kolnco. Its a beautiful place for vacation, retirement, or just living. The beaches are the best on Carnon and the people are friendly and kind. It's famous for it's yearly 'Fish Feast. That's when all the fishermen in the city go out and catch as many fish as they can, then they fry them all up and the entire city gets to eat all-you-can-eat fish!

Carnon City: The largest City on Carnon. Everyone who's anyone lives here. The people here are normally very very rich. But the crime rate has gone up, and the people hid to protect themselves, and their money.

South Banks Megalopolis: A huge city on the river of Ja where the crime rate is large and the death toll is also large. Many sweepers come here to earn huge bounties but are often killed in the process. Only the most elite can come here and earn the bounty.


" A sweeper only needs a genuine desire to help..."

This land was once peacful and quite. It was very rich and prosperous. But, over the years, the law enforcement has been overturned and completely removed. Now, the only hope for Carnon, is their sweepers. The 'good' sweepers have been given a license to do so. The 'bad' sweepers have just been hired as practically assasins. They will stop at nothing to get their prize, and many others as well.

A person has gone missing and there is a very large bounty for whoever finds him. The only problem is: it's like he disappeared from the face of the Earth! No one can find him, for he is expert at hiding, and now the two sides of Bounty Hunters feud, which doesn't help find this person any faster. Evil Bounty Hunters will kill anyone that gets in their way, as good bounty hunters only kill to cover their bare necessities.

This person that has gone missing has made the Bounty Hunters angry, by stealing many of their bounties and killing many of them. This person also killed many innocent people and robbed them of their money. He is a greedy thief, and we have no idea what he's doing or where he is. And when he disappeared, the Bounty Hunters were trying their best to find him...but he just disappeared suddenly. The bounty for him has risen as the years went by-but, no one can seem to find him no matter how much riches are at stake. And the Bounty Hunters still try to find him.


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Joinable Species
Dire Wolf
Evil Bounty Hunter
Good Bounty Hunter
Neutral Bounty Hunter
Neutral Human
Other (tell me in description)
Other Canine Species
Other Feline Species

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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