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Eliot looked at Hannah like if Mendle has gone mad.'Hannah can i talk to you for an minute?'He asked while he looked at her conspiratoria.'oh ..... well then ... do you have a moment Mendl? " She asked to Mendle While Eliot dragged her away.

He dragged her and whispered in her ear: "I think we are better could stay away from him because it's to dangerous' Hannah shook her head in disbelief and asked, "Dangerous to whom?"

Eliot sighed and looked at her worried: "It is too dangerous for you .. I do not want anything to happen to you ' Hannah tried to reassure him and said, "Hey, I'll be safe .... and you are still by me, and so is your friend the garoeda'


"I lied about the Garuda ... to chase the Naga away, but unfortunatelyi fault." Hannah turned to Mendl and said, "It's okay, we're with you!"

Eliot nodded, it was ok.





Mendle gave a small smile, despite the fact he felt like an idiot. For one thing, he probably made himself seem more of a threat to Hannah and Eliot. For another thing he could have dodged the Naga's last move if he wasn't so worried about the other two. Still, they had attempted to help, and if Elliot didn't say what he did, Zuro might have not had his extensive speech. Which meant, he could have been killed. "Thank you Elliot for helping me, in return of saving me, I will protect you both." Mendle took a look outside, it was still to bright to go, "It's best if we think of an idea, once night comes we have to come out, and Naga soliders will be waiting for us. Any ideas you two, or are we going to go with mine, which is basicly I'm bait and you to get away for your life. Or is that too drastic?"
Hannah's head was tilted bowed and looked weird at Mendle.In the moonlight, her pale skin looked even paler then it was before.'Seriously ..... or is it a joke?' Eliot stood suddenly behind her and said cheerfully:'good idea Mendle, you be the bait and we run for our dear lives'Hannah Turned around and hitted him angry at his shoulder.' Just kidding...hahahaha' Eliot said in a fit of laughter While rubbing his sore shoulder. Hannah answered at Mendle's question.' That's way too drastic Mendle...i think it is not necessary to do that.''But I thought it would be funny if Mendle was the bait. " Elliot said avoiding Hannah's angry glare.
Mendle gave a sigh leaning against the wall. He knew once they'd step out of the cabin they were doomed. The Naga's would be able to kill them no matter which direction they went. Mendle was exhausted and puzzled. He'd never dealt with anything like this before. Even worse is he didnt want neither of the young vampires killed because of him. "To drastic... Well to me there seems to be no other way out. Once we take one step out there they'll be giving us the stake. I reckon this is my fault. Doesn't seem like there's any safe way out." Mendle began pacing, until he tripped on a small circular ring attached to the floor. It was a handle that had opened a door to a tunnel. "I think I've just found a way out, the tunnel is better than outside. What do you two think... Should we fallow the tunnel, or take our chances with the Naga's?"
Eliot was thinking obout what to choose, Then he said:' A hard choice but i choose the Naga's' Hannah watched with her mouth open in astonishment at her brother. Has Eliot turned crazy or something?!' What.....but that's crazy, we wouldn't survive an army full of Naga's Ready to tear us appart...are you insane?!' Hannah yelled. Eliot nodded seriously and suddenly began to laugh and said,  Just kidding're so easy to fool!" He pointed to his sister who didn't like the joke. When he was done laughing he said:' No, i prefer the's safer then to go outside'Let's go trough the tunnel' Hannah said.
He was walking lonely through a tunnel. He walked, more liked limped through the tunnels dragging his back left leg. As he was 'walking' he had heard footsteps coming his way. In fear he hid in a corner. All of a sudden three figures appeared. He looked very carefully at them. One had two machine guns. The other two looked fairly young. He looked even closer to see their fangs, the three people walking through the tunnel way were vampires. Punchu scratched his head, he was a zombie, so he had trouble staying focused. He slowly limped towards them with a curious look. "What you doing in tunnel? This my tunnel. Me dug it first. Now go aways so me can live here."
Eliot bursted out in laughing and said gasping for breath:' OH, It's yo-ur tunnel.....i don't see you name on it...'While Eliot was laughing Hannah felt like an idiot and tried  tostop Eliot who was still laughing saying slightly anoyed:' Eliot that's not funny and please act normal, what wouldn't he think of us......thereby he is right, this isn't our tunnel' Eliot stopped laughing and said:' Yes it was funny BUT i don't see a name he can't claim it's his tunnel....what do you have to say about that,brainsucker!?' Hannah hid her face in her hands and said to the zombie' Please forgive us for using your tunnel, but if whe don't the naga's will catch us,,,,can we please use your tunnel?' She asked with sweet a voice.
Punchu scratched his head as he stared at Elliot. "He not nice one bit. He rude. It not me fault that me have issue with language. Me have no brain, you rude. I dig tunnel myself, show some niceness." Punchu looked at Hannah, since he was a zombie if he smiled it would look weird. "Me zombie, not really good at manners anyways. You can use tunnel as long as you stay nice, me no like Naga's either, me hates them, you can use tunnel." Punchu watched as they continued going down the tunnel way. Looking around he began feeling empty inside, even though there was nothing much left inside him. He looked back at the visitors who were about to leave. A tear fell from his face, he begun to fallow them with a feeling of lonelyness. "Please can me fallow yous threes? It lonely in here, please?"
Eliot rolled on the floor laughing, Hannah hid her face in her hands ashamed of her brother who was laughing like an idiot. When Eliot had stopped laughing he said serious while imitated Puchu's way of speaking:'He not nice one bit. He rude. It not me fault that me have issue with language. Me have no brain, you rude. I dig tunnel myself, show some niceness......he's so stupid hahaha' Eliot laughed again and Hannah hitted him on the shoulder where she had hit him before.' Please forgive him....he's sometimes so rude, But if you wanna join us you may.....Mendle may he join us?' She asked to Mendle while She ignored Eliot who was dying of laughter.
Mendle sighed at the Zombie who looked up at him hopefully. "As long as he's not drooling all over the rest of us reckon he's fine. But if he dares try any funny business I won't hesitate to shoot that head of his." Mendle looked at the zombie who was now hugging his leg. Mendle lowered the front of his hat. "Don't go and ruin these, get off, come on I think your drooling all over them." Punchu let go of his leg feeling happy with himself. "Me have friends. It get lonely here day after days. I only see rabbits." Punchu looked over at Elliot who was still laughing. "What his problem?" Mendle looked over at Elliot and Punchu shrugging his shoulders. "Still stumped with that question myself. In my opinion he's a sly little troublemaker, not to be rude, but he is quite difficult to understand."
Hannah was about to kick Eliot if he did not stop laughing. Luckily he stopped laughing when he saw that they where all looking at him. he shrugged his shoulders and said:' is just so funny that the zombie can't speak normal and was drooling over mendle's...' He could not finish his sentence because Hannah kicked him angry against his leg and said furious:' ELIOT STOP MAKING FUN OF HIM IT IS NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!'When she said that the tunnel began to shake. You could see the fire burning in her eyes. 'Ok, i'll leave that drooling brainsucker alone and won't tease him anymore' He said solemnly.
Mendle sighed beginning to walk further down the tunnel, you could hear bats that were crawling on the roof looking for crickets. Mendle sighed as one of the bats had begun squealing and had landed on his shoulder. "Stipid bat, get off." The bat flew to the ground beginning to eat crickets. "Punchu, one quick question, what do you actually eat down here?" Punchu stopped looking around. "I don't eats brains, me likes meat much better. I like eatings bats. It's my favorite." Mendle stopped for a second, "You eat bats, is that what you just said?" Punchu nodded, he could tell that for some reason Mendle didn't feel comptfertable around him anymore. Mendle remembered that some vampires could transform into a bat, it made him nervous that Punchu liked eating them.
'Y-you eat bats....real, living bats?' Hannah asked in a small voice and big eyes with fear. Eliot patted her shoulder and said''he just said that ..... he eats real, living bats .... no brains.....That explains why he is so stupid' Hannah stood frozen in the tunnel and did not move. Eliot waved his hand before her face and said'' Anybody home......maybe it is a relief that WE can't transform into bats, only strong Vampires can' Hannah moved and ran scared out of the tunnel like there was no tomorrow. Eliot looked dazed after her while she disappeared in the shadow. Eliot ran after her yelled' HANNAH DON'T BE AFRAID....HE ISN'T GOING TO EAT US!!'
"Why she scared? Bats are tasty. Me hates eating stupid brains. Me like meat much betters." Punchu looked confused at Hannah who was running and screaming. Mendle still looked very nervous, he almost was frozen stiff. Mendle for a fact could turn into a bat, Mendle turned back to Punchu. "Be careful which bats you eat, OK? If you don't see me around don't eat bats, got it?" Punchu felt like he did something wrong, he gave an upset look. "I'll be very carefuls. Me be sure to eat only other bats, not good ones." Mendle sighed continuing to walk, Punchu fallowing. Once they were out of the cavern they came to a lake, the moons reflection shown in the lake.
Hannah sighed disappointed and said, "Too bad I no longer have a reflection, I would like to see if my hair is still good " She looked at the water where her reflection was not visible.' You don't need a mirror for that, i can tell you if your hair is messy or not' Eliot said patting Hannah on her shoulder.' And Eliot, how is my hair?' Hannah asked to Eliot. Eliot patted her on her head, messing Hannah's hair and said' Messy' Hannah pushed his hand away and tried to fix her hair.' Why don't Vampires have a reflection, it's not fair!" Hannah said angry.

Undead and Morphs
The world they live in is the setting, it is very similar to earth, only without humans.

Undead and half humans live in a world with no humans but earth animals do live on their planet. The undead and morphs (Half human creatures) do not like sharing their land. Some will fight, others will not. It's your choice.


1. Vampire- A type of undead that really bite. These are a type of undead.


They do not age for they are immortal.

They can only be killed by water, stake, and sunlight.

They feel no pain.

They can hypnotize.

They can turn into a bat, sometimes wolf.

Super human strength.

They can control nocturnal animals and lesser undead.


When in running water they 'die'. But if their bodies are pulled out they are brought to 'life'.

Wolfsbane, Roses, and Garlic keep vampires away.

When exposed to sunlight they randomly burst into flames and/or turn to dust.

They can't cross running water.

A wooden stake through the heart kills them.

When within 20ft. of garlic they can't turn into a bat.

No reflection, shadow, and not seen in photograph.

They have to drink blood.

2. Zombie- The living corpse of a human. They are a type of undead.


They are stronger than the average human.

They never get tired.

They never sleep.

They require no air to breath.

They can't feel pain.

They are immune to drugs, poisons, gases, extremes of temperature and pressure, high voltage electricity, suffocation, and drowning.

They feel no fear.

You can decapitate them but the head will still 'live'.


They are slow.

They have difficulty doing simple tasks such as opening a door, opening a jar, etc.

The ONLY way to kill a zombie is destroying their brains. Cutting off their heads isn't enough because the brain would still be in tact.

3. Lich- A skeleton with magical powers. They are a type of undead.

4. Lycan- Like werewolves except they can control their transformations. They are a type of Morph.


The ability to turn into a wolf.

The senses are very advanced in wolf form.

In wolf form they're stronger.

Immune against aging.

They heal faster in wolf form.


They can be killed by any death caused injury to the heart or brain.

Silver bullets.

Rye, mistletoe, and wolf's bane keep werewolves away.

They can be killed normally in human form.

5. Dragonoid- A dragon man. They are a type of Morph.


Very few can fly.

They are stronger than a bull.

They have great sight and hearing.

They are very good at the use of weapons.

They are part dragon, they have sharp teeth and horns.

There are a few that can breath fire.

Hard tough scales protect most of their body.


They are sensitive to low temperatures.

They can't swim.

They aren't good diggers.

Their neck and stomach are weak spots.

6. Naga- They are a snake man. They are a type of morph.


The three oldest Nagas in existence are immortal.

The wisest of their group can use water magic.

The Nagas that aren't immortal and don't know magic are good with weapons.

They are good swimmers.


The ones that aren't immortal can be easily killed with any weapon.

Their one and only true natural enemy is the Garuda.


-Keep it PG-13

-Characters can be in love, but no further than that

-You must have permission by the character maker to kill that character

-No perfect character

-View OOC before posting

-6 character max

-Have Fun!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Ninja of Destiny (#283)

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