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Punchu knew what this necklace did. Zombies had very few weaknesses. The only thing it did was enhance a zombies ability to speak. He took the necklace off and put it in the box. Punchu wanted to get better at speech on his own.

Shilese stayed behind her father, she was scared of Raziel and didn't want to be near him. Grental knew for a fact that his daughter was still scared of Raziel. "She's still very frightened of you Raziel. My daughter doesn't trust you much apparently. It will be awhile before she will trust you." Shilese stayed behind her father feeling safe near him. She looked back at Raziel and backed off a bit.

Raziel looked at her and his eyes flashed red and he looked back down the trail.

Raziel looked around and saw animals running about and decided he wanted to go into his beast form so he  morhped into his wolf state and kept walking along the trail and the way he was thinking about what it would be like to just be a regular human...then he remembered that all humans were dead and he discarded the idea.

"Why arent you wearing your necklace punchu?"Raziel asked becasue he did not see the necklace but he saw that punchu was carrieing the boxin his hands.

Hannah stopped dancing and looked curieus at Shilese who was hiding behind Grental.' Why is she so afraid of Raziel.....?' She tought walking to Eliot who was still hiding in a dark corner. ' Hey Eliot, please stop hiding in the dark and come with isn't so bad' Eliot shook his head firmy.' No way, i'm not gonna walk in the sun, the sun for humans and other creatures' Hannah looked worried' But Eliot, once we where human too, by the way that wasn't so long you rebember our summer family picknick?' Eliot nodded sad en stared into the distance' Yeah, Our parents and us, in the sun with a basket full of food and other stuff........that was before that Vampire stuff......why did you ask?' Hannah sat next to Eliot patting his shoulder' That was before you got i right?, but before that you loved sun to....right?' Eliot nodded' Yeah......and a few months after that I would go to college to finish my study........but it never happend' Hannah tried to comfort him' Did you remember when you turned on the the fire alarm on 1 April....that was so funny,you should have seen our teacher's was priceless!!' Eliot nodded and stand up walking slowly to the sun' Here goes nothing' And stepped into the sunlight.
Punchu answered Raziel's question. "I'm not all that fonds of it. I don't like things like these anyways." Punchu didn't like the necklace Raziel found for him, he just hoped that he didn't sound rude to Raziel.

The sunlight blurred Mendle's vision. He lowered his hat to try and make the sun more bearable. He sat down on a rock, thinking of a time when humans were plentiful. He's heard myths that there are humans that live underground. But he had no idea if those rumors were true, those rumors were started by zombies... and zombies weren't known to be intelligent. ( Sorry GTG)

(oh.....i didn't know that...........i'm so stupid*facepalms*)

Eliot blinked with his eyes and held his hand for his eyes, hannah came up beside him with a sheepish smile she asked Eliot:' And, what do you think?' Eliot looked at her with his hand still before his eyes.The sleeve of his coat was shattered and there was still a little blood on his hand. His eyes began to glow red and his sharp teeth shine in the sunlight blinding Hannah and he licked the blood from his hand before answering Hannah's question.' I'm starting getting used to it' He looked at the girl who was afraid for Raziel and was hiding behind her dad. His eyes glow red of curiosity' Who is that should her blood taste?' He smiled mischievously to Hannah and Hannah backed of a bit' Eliot don't bite her!, you might not bite her!.......thereby i don't know her but she looks nice'  Eliot nodded' Ok i shall not bite her, I'm just interested in her' He winked charmingly at Shilese. Hannah sighed and said to Eliot: ' You terible womanizer'

Shilese continued hiding behind her father now a bit confused. She didn't understand Vampires too much, she was mostly confused about the human like emotions. That's what really confused her. Lich's had human like emotions too, it confused her how different undead could really be. She continued hiding behind her father not really sure how she should respond to the situation. Her mind was off of Raziel though.

Mendel's vision was still blurry because of the sun, he could just barely see where Hannah and Elliot were. It would take awhile for his eyes to completely adjust to the amount of sunlight.

Hannah giggled' Good job, you have scared her away' Eliot looked away disappointed.' Sooner or later she will notice me' Hannah burst out laughing' Yeah, she will notice you and run away' Eliot smiled sheepishly' And about you and.....what's his name again?' Hannah made ​​a fist' That was before i was a vampire!' Eliot grinned and sat down on a large rock. Hannah was so angry that she walked away to talk with Punchu.' hey Punchu how are you?' She greeted. Eliot decided to talk with mendle.' what's up Mendle, who are those 2  Lichans over there and why is that girl zo afraid of Raziel?' He asked.
"The proper term Elliot is Liches or Lichs. The young one is Shillese, her father is Grental, the Lich warlord. I believe the reason Shilese is so frightened of Raziel is because not too long ago Raziel killed her." Mendel hated to be out in the sun, his pupils were constricted as a result of the sunlight. His hat only reduced some of the harshness of the sunrays that were getting in his eyes. "I'm not too fond of the sun."

Punchu looked at Hannah who had greeted him. "Hello Hannah. I'm doing fines." Punchu wasn't completely great when it came to grammar, but he was getting much better than before.

Eliot glared at mendle with a angry face ' Like that is important, as long as i know where we are talking about.........from the beginning English was my least favorite subject, what are you....a teacher.....geez.....oh and my name is Eliot not Elliot.' And he walked away annoyed stucking his tongue at Mendle.Hannah smiled to punchu' You are getting better on Grammar, Eliot and i are also have trouble with grammar and stuff,We are actually from Sweden and moved here 5 years ago,Eliot gets annoyed when someone improves him' Eliot now stood next to hannah' Yo Punchu, what's with that box in your hand?' Hannah rolled her eyes' Eliot don't be so curious,sometimes you're so rude! '

Mendle rolled his eyes and began looking at the necklace he was wearing around his neck. "Hannah, Elliot, make sure you don't take these necklaces off. If you do in the sunlight your dead." Mendle could see a bit more clearly now. But his vision was still a bit blurry in this sunlight.

Zuro enjoyed the warm sun as it shone down on him. He slithered up to a rock and lay there enjoying the sun on his scales. "I can't believe you Vampires, the sun's terrific and warm." Zuro continued to lay down on the rock enjoying himself.

Punchu looked at the box in his hand. "Nothing too importants." Punchu threw the box in the hole he had found it in.

Eliot stared in horror at Zuro who was enjoying the sun, Eliot pointed to him saying' That twisted snake is crazy' Hannah nodded' Tell me something I do not know' Eliot poked Hannah in her side' Hey, shouldn't it be funny if i let Mendle trip?' Hannah shud her head' no, why are you mean, eliot?' Eliot strugged' Because he keeps calling me: Elliot instead of Eliot' Hannah looked at Zuro like he was crazy' oh sensitive eyes' Eliot nodded' You are right, let's get far away from him' And they runned to the tree to rest under the shadow.' Hey Hannah, i know who those Lichs are, those are Grental, the lich warlord and his daughter Shillese' Hannah blinked' A WARLORD!!, wow that quite cool' Eliot nodded' to realize that our father was an ordinary citizen who worked in a shop'

Razielbegan walking and his eyes were a sickly blood red...he needed food...he looked around...nothing....he had eaten vampire,zombie,and even a little naga.

he didnt care....anything was an all you can eat buffet to him.

"Does anyone have any food on them?"Raziel asked...his  voice was clearly filled with got this way when he was this hungry.

Raziel waited for someone to reply as he kept walking on his way on his walk by himself and he stopped and sat on a rock to wait for a food item or a reply.

"I dont care what itis,i just need some meat...blood will work too..."Raziel said,he prefered meat,but blood satisified him as well.

Mendle heard Raziel's question. He looked around, Mendle hadn't had anything in a while either, it was a nerve-racking for him not to have blood in so long. He turned into a bat and flew off. Eventually he came to an area where a group of deer were peacefully grazing on fresh grass. Mendle flew a bit closer to the deer. When he was close enough he turned into a vampire and bit one of the deer's neck. The creature fell to the ground and Mendle felt much better. He then took out his gun shooting another deer. He took out the bullet and dragged the carcass over to Raziel. "Here, will this do?" Mendle set the dead deer in front of Raziel.

Raziel looked down at the deer and nodded and he knelt down and used his claws to leave a long and deep gash in the deers side and he peeled the sking off of the side and ate the deer.

Raziel didnt like to eat the fur,it got stuck in his throat and sometimes got up his nose.

"Thanks mendle."Raziel said and he went back to eating and when he was finished he ripped out the ribs and sharpened them on the rocks and made them into spears with some thread and some long and short sticks and then he sat on the rocks with zuro in wolf form and relaxed.

Zuro noticed Raziel sitting next to him. "I can't believe vampires hate the sun, it's so warm and nice." Zuro continued to lay down on the rock enjoying the rays of the sun.

Mendle brushed some dirt off of his shoulder and walked under a nice shady tree. It made it easier to bear the light of the sun. Everything he saw was still a bit fuzzy. He looked at the necklace that he was wearing, he had to be careful not to break it or there would be devastating concequeces.

Punchu didn't understand why vampires didn't like the sun. The sun didn't bother Punchu at all.

Undead and Morphs
The world they live in is the setting, it is very similar to earth, only without humans.

Undead and half humans live in a world with no humans but earth animals do live on their planet. The undead and morphs (Half human creatures) do not like sharing their land. Some will fight, others will not. It's your choice.


1. Vampire- A type of undead that really bite. These are a type of undead.


They do not age for they are immortal.

They can only be killed by water, stake, and sunlight.

They feel no pain.

They can hypnotize.

They can turn into a bat, sometimes wolf.

Super human strength.

They can control nocturnal animals and lesser undead.


When in running water they 'die'. But if their bodies are pulled out they are brought to 'life'.

Wolfsbane, Roses, and Garlic keep vampires away.

When exposed to sunlight they randomly burst into flames and/or turn to dust.

They can't cross running water.

A wooden stake through the heart kills them.

When within 20ft. of garlic they can't turn into a bat.

No reflection, shadow, and not seen in photograph.

They have to drink blood.

2. Zombie- The living corpse of a human. They are a type of undead.


They are stronger than the average human.

They never get tired.

They never sleep.

They require no air to breath.

They can't feel pain.

They are immune to drugs, poisons, gases, extremes of temperature and pressure, high voltage electricity, suffocation, and drowning.

They feel no fear.

You can decapitate them but the head will still 'live'.


They are slow.

They have difficulty doing simple tasks such as opening a door, opening a jar, etc.

The ONLY way to kill a zombie is destroying their brains. Cutting off their heads isn't enough because the brain would still be in tact.

3. Lich- A skeleton with magical powers. They are a type of undead.

4. Lycan- Like werewolves except they can control their transformations. They are a type of Morph.


The ability to turn into a wolf.

The senses are very advanced in wolf form.

In wolf form they're stronger.

Immune against aging.

They heal faster in wolf form.


They can be killed by any death caused injury to the heart or brain.

Silver bullets.

Rye, mistletoe, and wolf's bane keep werewolves away.

They can be killed normally in human form.

5. Dragonoid- A dragon man. They are a type of Morph.


Very few can fly.

They are stronger than a bull.

They have great sight and hearing.

They are very good at the use of weapons.

They are part dragon, they have sharp teeth and horns.

There are a few that can breath fire.

Hard tough scales protect most of their body.


They are sensitive to low temperatures.

They can't swim.

They aren't good diggers.

Their neck and stomach are weak spots.

6. Naga- They are a snake man. They are a type of morph.


The three oldest Nagas in existence are immortal.

The wisest of their group can use water magic.

The Nagas that aren't immortal and don't know magic are good with weapons.

They are good swimmers.


The ones that aren't immortal can be easily killed with any weapon.

Their one and only true natural enemy is the Garuda.


-Keep it PG-13

-Characters can be in love, but no further than that

-You must have permission by the character maker to kill that character

-No perfect character

-View OOC before posting

-6 character max

-Have Fun!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Ninja of Destiny (#283)

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