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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Jezebel paused and pricked one ear as an unfamiliar howl wafted through the air. "Ooh, we've got company," she snickered, twitching the end of her tail and smirking so that a few teeth showed.

Another howl met up with her ear, and she lifted one eyebrow indifferently and looked around at the others nearby. "Anyone going to howl back? Because I, for one am not."

She waited for a minute, pausing to sit down and scratch once or twice with one hind paw at the chain on her necklace where it had caught and was pulling on some of her neck fur.      

Wraith let out a frustrated growl. Geussing the wolves are stubborn? Joy... She slowed down to a steady walk and let her surondings sink in. "The only thing that would make this a better little stroll would be if I could get this stupid thing off my neck!" She snaped at no one in perteicular. She shook her white fur. She stoped when a strong scent of wolf washed over her. Gotch Ya... She sat down and looked through the bush to see a small group of wolves. These must be the wolves woundering aimlessly through the woods? By the look in there eyes they are as lost as Iam.

( I'm back!!! XD )

Burn's ears picked up at the sound of Wraith's howl, the fur on the back of his neck stood up on edge as he felt her eyes peer out from a bush. "Show yourself!" he demanded. Because of their circumstance (not knowing anything) Burn didn't really enjoy the thought of someone sneaking around, watching them. He sniffed the air to see if he could place a scent, Wolf. He thought as he picked up Wraith's scent. (I just want to say sorry for being gone and not posting, my computer had crashed and I was also out of town)

Wraith gets up and silently moves downwind of the other wolves. She decided to see how well these wolves were at the moment. She sat back down and peered out from the pushes. She wanted to see if they could pin point her. Then maybe she would show hrself. But this? This was to fun. She licked the fur on her shouldher then turned to watch the wolves again. That one wolf dosnt seem to be much afraid. Good none do. At lest I know they are not soft? She shook her head slowly so not to cause sudden sounds or movement.

With the howl, Kariba's ears perked up, here eyes glinting curiously. Sensing the same reaction from Burn, although Burn seemed a bit more...Suspicious. Looking around, Kariba whined at the bushes surrounding them. "Show yourself," she called. Cautiously, she searched for the hiding wolf. With her senses alert for any attack, she edged closer and closer to the bushes. Are you hiding in here? Kariba thought, then looked beyond the close bushes. Or are you still far away? A quick glance at Burn helped Kariba decide. The new wolf had to be nearby. The whiff of wolf she'd gotten had been to strong for any animal far away.

Low to the ground, she crept as close to the bushes. Emitting a low growl, she rashly yelled, "Quit hiding! Or are you afraid?" Letting a mocking tone enter her voice, she readied herself for an attack. A faint voice in her head questioned her. Was that really such a great idea?

"Huh." Jezebel grunted as she watched the others all spaz out about an intruder. 

"Have fun with that," she called, standing up without a care in the world. "But don't say I didn't tell you when you end up losing a valuable appendage." She closed her eyes and lifted her eyebrows slightly in mock-indifference, gave them all a shrug that clearly indicated 'screw you all', and trotted off, continuing toward the tree which she had in mind. What she was going to do there, Jezebel didn't know, but she could figure that out once she got there.

Secretly, Jezebel wondered if anyone was going to follow her. She didn't care one way or the other if they did, but hopefully they'd be smart enough to stick together in a group at least, whether she was part of it or not.

Enough messing with their heads. She shook her head then got up and pushed herself through the bushes. She looked at the other wolves Scanning them with her amber eyes. She cracked a toothy grin and looked at the other wolves. They stand in a group. Not a pack. Except for that snobby wolf over there. She shook her head and relized that the other wolves had chains around their neck like her. She looked over at the colset wolf to her. The one that told her to quit hideing. 'Happy now?" She asked tilting her head her eyes shineing and she stared at the other wolf.

Curling her lip, Kariba eyed the newcomer. "Perhaps," she said nonchalantly. "It kinda depends on if you're in the same position as us."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jezebel walking away again. Part of her ached to follow her, simply to go and try and figure this mess out. The other part of her craved the safety of a group. So she stayed. Standing to her feet, Kariba looked at the wolf staring at her. Tilting her head, she glanced at the chain hanging around her neck. "Do you know how you got here?" She questioned slowly, trying to discern whether the wolf was going to attack, or if she was simply just as lost as the rest of them.  

Wraith stoped smileing and shook her head. "Nothing, just woke up no memorys of anything on how I got here or before. I was kind of hopeing you might beable to answer that?" She waged her tail and kept staring at the wolf that spoke to her. "By the way names Wraith. Yours and your friends?"

She turned her gaze back at the other wolves. "And whos the stuck up wolf walking away?" She shook her head and sat back down to look at the chain waiting to se eif the wolves would reply to her or not. She looked back up at the wolves Amber eyes scanning.

Jezebel continued to walk, not caring one way or the other if any of them followed. She did, however, hear someone mention her, though not by her name, and slanted one black ear backward just slightly to listen in as she walked. 
Oh, so they weren't any better than her. That was all Jezebel needed to know, and she almost shrugged her black and white shoulders as she picked up her pace into a trot. 
"Hrmph. Idiots," she mumbled inside.                                                

A lone fox quietly walked towards a sheer cliff and spotted a cave. Maple quickly walked into the cave now noticing that it goes farther in forming into tunnels. all she was looking for was a den but she found more. Out of curiosity Maple walked deeper into the tunnels guided by a thin flicker of light leaking into the cracks in the ceiling,soon disappearing the deeper she went.

Maple was consumed in darkness now unable to see a thing,it was completely silent "Die." a voice whispered in her ear. Maples fur stuck out on their ends "who's there?". No response. The complete silence made Maple very uncomfortable, "Who's the-" she was just about to repeat but a pain overcame her and knocked the breath out of her. She gasped for air then screamed running down the tunnel frantically.

When Maple reached a large clearing,with a hole in the rock overhead letting light brighten up the tunnels, she looked around wildly, she saw a black shadow pass by her she shrieked and jump for the hole in the ceiling getting half of her body through. She dug her claws into the wall as she felt something pull her down by her legs, she screamed loudly once again as she fell to the floor hitting her head on a rock making her completely unconscious.This time the sound of her scream escaped the tunnels and echoed loudly through the forest.

(OOOOOOOOHHHH what did you guys think of this post xD haahaha)

Niko woke-up and he felt a sting in his chest.

"GOOD GOD!!"He yelled out and looked down.

A splinter of wood had impaled itself into his skin.

"Blasted stumps."He growled and used his teeth to pull it out.

"Where and who am I?"He said and looked around.He spied a necklace the shape of a cobra around his neck and read the name on it.

"Niko..."He said to himself...

"Hmm...i guess im Niko..."He said and used his hind leg to scrach an itch and he howled out into the sky...he knew that he shouldnt be alone,there is strenght tin numbers,and when your might as well stuff and apple in your mouth and lay down.

Kennard simply watched as the other wolves interacted, he just really didn't feel like participating. It was odd, being such an introvert for a wolf, however it did not bug him much if at all. He didn't really want to get involved with another memory-less wolf, there were too many already not knowing what they were doing, himself included.


Then came his escape. Jezebel decided to go off on her own again, and Kennard, more or less seeing her as a leader, quietly slipped off to follow yet again. Another howl summoned Kennard's attention, though he quickly retreated back to his thoughts, trying to figure out where he was and what was happening. So far, all he could come up with was they were all lost in an odd forest, with no memory and no idea of how to really work to get out of it. Even if it was just his observation.

Wraith's own thoughts were riped from her head at the other howl. Parently nobody else here knew what was going on. This irritated her greatly. Maybe the new wolf new..even though seeing known of thsese had a memory she highly dobted this. She watched another Wolf slip away from the group and she almost started a loud growl. But it Was his choice...and for all she cared the snobby wolf could yell at him. She turned her head toward the other wolves howl and lifted her head so her nose was towards the running air. The faint scent of another washed over her. She Perked her ears then looked back at the others.


In a cave behind a waterfall, a gourgeous she wolf woke from a deep, dreamless slumber. Yawning she stood up and did a graceful, two part stretch, but her stretching was inturuptued by a loud clanking noise, upon hearing this she looked down and saw a gold chain fastend around her kneck. Curious, she looked closer at it, it had a pair of gold angel wings hanging from it, she then flipped it over and read the words on the back "Angel" she murmured "Hmmm, I gues that's my name."  She then looked around, "Where am I?" she asked herself, as she began walking to the mouth of the cave, it was wetter here and she thought she heard running water.

Fading Remembrance

Our setting is a massive pine forest that seems to never end. Many lakes and rivers run through it. Very easy to get lost around here...


You wake up in a strange forest. You can't remember who you are, what you've been through, or even how old you are. You do not know anything about yourself. There is an odd necklace or chain around your neck, with a charm/amulet as the pendant - it also has your name on it. You wander around the forest for a while, and soon meet other wolves who have encountered the same fate, and you decide to travel together and become a pack. Your new pack settles next to some cliffs in a pine forest. Later on the pack stumbles upon some tunnels, not knowing that they are haunted by some ghosts who are very unhappy. These ghosts are filled with rage becuase they were brutally murdered in the tunnels, and their spirits are now trapped there. They can only come out on the full moon and with this advantage of being able to roam freely during these times, they try to hunt down their murderers and will stop at nothing to get their revenge.

Will the pack survive these growing forces beneath the shadows?

Not availible. It's all been forgotten!

Sai is the mod for this RP and will enforce the rules.

I am GOD. I have the ability to attack you with mini ninja marshmallows if you throw the rules away.


1. Don't swear. You can put a few asterisks, but no cussing right out loud. Be nice.

2. I don't want seven females running about with only one male. Keep a ratio. If you've read these rules, you'll respect this.

3. Come on. Be somewhat literate or at least semi-literate. Type |!k3 th!$ and I'll injure you.

4. You can have a maximum of 3 characters.

5. No god-modding, power-playing, flaming, spamming, Mary-sues/Gary-stues and the like. Don't kill another person's character without permission.

6. Only I can Rp monsters and/or ghosts, unless I give you permission. You may ask but dont just go make a crazy mutantbear without asking

7. Love and crushes are allowed, but don't get too extreme.

8. Have fun! :)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
peregin falcon

Second RP Master
Sai (#204)

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