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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Arrow snorted at Derans action "That's not going to help if you keep ramming your snout in the tree" she padded over and began to pull the quil's out of his muzzle she tried to do it carefully so it wouldn't hurt him. This wolf was empty minded and not very smart but Arrow still cared about him, she didn't want to treat other wolves with disrespect even how stupid or mean they were. "I don't know where we are going exactly but i think it would be safer if we stick together." she mumbled as she grabbed one of the quil's sticking out of his muzzle and pulled it out hoping it wouldn't hurt him. She dropped it on the ground looking at the smear of blood on its end.

Kennard opened his eyes, one side of his face burried in the ground. Surprised, he shot up, shaking the dirt out of his reddish brown fur. He wasn't around anything but forest, and he was confused. Moving his head around, he heard a light clink sound, and jumped again. He looked down and noticed a collar with a diamond jutting off of it. moving it around, he saw a name on it. "Kennard...what does that mean?" he asked himself. He realized that he couldn't remember a thing, and that scared him. He couldn't even remember his name. Looking back at the diamond, he guessed the name scratched messily into it was his to call his own. Looking around the forest one more time, he decided it was time to explore, as he was hearing other wolves converse with each other. He stayed in the outer laying bushes, as he wanted to figure out what he was up against, and to make sure these wolves were friendly. Since he couldn't remember a thing, he couldn't remember any good ways to defend himself, and he did remember that being alone and injured was a bad thing.


Kennard laid low behind some bushes, watching a wolf pull these objects out of another. The smell of blood instantly hit his nose and almost sent him reeling, but he didn't want the others to know he was there until he got a good judgement on them.

Arrow licked Derans cheek to get the blood off "Well,now there is one less quill to worry about." she said after she snorted "you got to be more careful about these things, since none of us can remember anything we could run into dangers and not even know about it." she said making sure he was listening to her then she turned to the others "We should get going soon i don't like it here." she said remembering all the sounds she heard when she first awoke. Arrow looked curiously around again wandering if some sort of creature would jump out at them any second.

"Oh, I can't remember anything?" Jezebel retorted at Arrow's comment. "How do you know? Maybe I'm just playing along with you all and am waiting for a chance to turn cannibalistic and eat one of you alive." 

This had all spewed from her before she had thought about it much, so she added "I could do that, you know."

In truth, Jezebel remembered no more than the rest of them. "Well, no use in appearing weak, now is there." Jezebel did not care twopence about the rest of them and whether they could remember or not.             

Song glared at the bickering wolves. "Stop it!" They looked at her. "We shouldn't fight, because maybe we are here together for a good reason!" They stared at her. She walked away and mumbled to herself,"We are suposed tp be here together arent we? Or else, why would we be here?" She layed down in the dirt, and began making strange symbols. One was an eye with sun-rays around it. One was a key with a swirl around it. There were others, but she really noticed these. She curled up in a ball, and tried to sleep. Her stomach was growling with hunger. She ignored it and fell asleep.
Arrow snarled at Jezebel "Learn to show respect wolf, you know others have feelings too you cant just treat them like they're something you can just kick around in the dirt. And besides what are the chances you would do that."she snorted at her and ignored song, she was fed up with her attitude and she turned around and continued to carefully pull out the quil's in Derans muzzle,  but she couldn't help but nervously look around the forest. She jumped as she noticed a pair of eyes watching them in the bushes "Show yourself" she said a little threatening as she approached the bushes and sniffed the air knowing it was another wolf.

Kennard watched the wolves bicker among themselves, but he did notice one thing. They all couldn't remember anything either. That was odd, so many wolves around and not one of them could remember a thing. 

After figuring out that no one knew anything beyond them waking up, he started picking out their personalities, so he knew which ones to follow and which ones to avoid. Kennard saw that most of them were somewhat bearable, minus one who seemed to have a temper. He got out of his thoughts however when he heard a slightly threatening command thrown his way. Kennard panicked, not sure if he should show himself or not. Kennard pushed himself back out of the brush, and stood up. He stayed away from the group, he could hopefully outrun them if they were more hostile than they seemed, but he cleared his throat.

"Not sure who any of you are, but you seem to be in the same predicament as me. I can't remember a darn thing either." He said, looking towards the wolf who told him to show himself. She was getting a little too close for his comfort, so he backed up a little.

Arrow sat down "So its not just us." she said wondering why all of this was happening ".... Welcome to the group, my name is Arrow." she said in a friendlier voice then when she first demanded to show himself "Whats your name?" she asked calmly as she got up and went to go sit next to Song and yawned quietly. She hoped that when they left this part of the forest that they weren't leaving anyone behind since the newcomer woke up farther away from where they woke up. She waited patiently for his answer and hoped that he would stay with them.

After awakening from a confusing state of unconsiousness, Burn realized three major things. One, his name was probbably Burn, sinsce the amulet around his neck said that on the back. Two, he didn't know anything about his past, anything he thought he knew became fuzzy and distorted. And finnaly three, He was Mad, steaming mad, so angry that he howled a loud, long angry howl. And since he was recovering from something, he didn't know what, making that noise took a lot of energy. Burn sleepilly staggered about until his nose picked up a scent, it smelled like a pack of wolves nearby. He took a chance and decidded to follow it. But when he got to them he was way to tired so with one final breath he colapsed infront of them in a heap of fur and muscle. (Note he isn't dead, just unconsious)

Kariba remained on the outskirts of the group, duly noting the fallen wolf in the middle. Early, she had decided to stay out of the fight. In her opinion, fighting wasn't really doing much. Darren still had the quills in his nose, and no one could remember where they were from. Softly, Kariba nudged the fallen wolf with her nose.

"Hey, is he ok?" She circled around him a couple of times, watching closely. Breathing a sigh of relief, she saw his chest rise and fall softly as he breathed. At least he wasn't dead. For some reason, the thought of another wolf dying in this forest was immensely frightening.

Arrow stiffened at the sight of the fallen wolf. She quickly walked to him and put her paw on his shoulder gently shaking him hoping he would get back up, but she knew that he was unconscious. It was unlikely that he would stand back up for a while. She looked around to see if there was any water or food nearby. "I'm not sure but it would be best to find water and food for him," she said answering Kariba's question the best she could "and it doesn't look like hes injured its possibly just exsaustion." as arrow was talking she found a leaf with little water in it but she grabbed it anyway thinking 'Hey its better than nothing.' as she sat it down next to him.
Kennard continued to stay on the outer edge of the group, still eyeing everyone carefully. He was going to introduce himself, that was until a black wolf with markings that Kennard doesn't ever remember seeing. Oh wait, he can't remember anything. Never mind that then. Kennard circled the group to get a better look at the wolf, and watched as what he deemed as the leader tried to give him some water off of a leaf. That wasn't going to do much at all. "Hey, uhh, I'll go out and see if I can find some water or food," Kennard offered quietly. As much as he'd like to stay around and see how the group continues to interact with each other, he'd also like to get away and figure out where exactly he is.
Jezebel was not impressed by Arrow's threat. "I'll respect who I want, when I want, where I want, and how I want. So far, you're failing to get it."Then she added "... And the chances are unknown to you, so who are you to judge."Jezebel was uninterested in what was going on now. She spread herself out on the cool dirt, letting the feeling seep into her fur and chill her skin. It felt good. She watched the other wolves lazily with one eye, feeling nothing but disinterest.                               
Okimu watched the confused wolves bicker. He was confused by their presence. It was strange to see such creatures in this part of the forest. The amulet's around the wolves' necks confused him even further. They seemed to be unknowlingly participating in some sort of dark magic. Okimu flew closer, gliding into the weeping willow. It would hide him well. He sat there, waiting, trying not to laugh. These wolves not only forgot who they were and where they were at, but also how to find food, water, and work together. It was clear to him that they would not last long. At least, no long without his help.
Arrow was fuming with anger at Jezebel but managed to calm herself down enough and kept thinking 'shes only trying to make me angry so i just need to calm down' she looked over to Kennard "that would be great thank you." she turned to the wolf laying on the ground hoping he was ok, she didn't like others getting hurt so far even if they made her angry like Jezebel kept doing. She didn't like how Jezebel acted like she was the most important and that the others were worthless but she was still concerned for her safety and health.

Fading Remembrance

Our setting is a massive pine forest that seems to never end. Many lakes and rivers run through it. Very easy to get lost around here...


You wake up in a strange forest. You can't remember who you are, what you've been through, or even how old you are. You do not know anything about yourself. There is an odd necklace or chain around your neck, with a charm/amulet as the pendant - it also has your name on it. You wander around the forest for a while, and soon meet other wolves who have encountered the same fate, and you decide to travel together and become a pack. Your new pack settles next to some cliffs in a pine forest. Later on the pack stumbles upon some tunnels, not knowing that they are haunted by some ghosts who are very unhappy. These ghosts are filled with rage becuase they were brutally murdered in the tunnels, and their spirits are now trapped there. They can only come out on the full moon and with this advantage of being able to roam freely during these times, they try to hunt down their murderers and will stop at nothing to get their revenge.

Will the pack survive these growing forces beneath the shadows?

Not availible. It's all been forgotten!

Sai is the mod for this RP and will enforce the rules.

I am GOD. I have the ability to attack you with mini ninja marshmallows if you throw the rules away.


1. Don't swear. You can put a few asterisks, but no cussing right out loud. Be nice.

2. I don't want seven females running about with only one male. Keep a ratio. If you've read these rules, you'll respect this.

3. Come on. Be somewhat literate or at least semi-literate. Type |!k3 th!$ and I'll injure you.

4. You can have a maximum of 3 characters.

5. No god-modding, power-playing, flaming, spamming, Mary-sues/Gary-stues and the like. Don't kill another person's character without permission.

6. Only I can Rp monsters and/or ghosts, unless I give you permission. You may ask but dont just go make a crazy mutantbear without asking

7. Love and crushes are allowed, but don't get too extreme.

8. Have fun! :)

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100 words per post.

Joinable Species
peregin falcon

Second RP Master
Sai (#204)

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