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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Groggily at first then more sure of himself, Burn opened his eyes feeling a lot better. He rolled over and stretched his muscles, he then stood up. Burn at once saw that he was a lot larger than the other wolves, and wondered why. Which led to more questions, and soon his head was reeling, questions spinning round and round in his head. He looked at the others and stood regally, " My name is Burn.... I think." he said uncertainly, and immidiately after that, Burn became angry once more, he kicked a rock hard and sent is flying into the bushes. He growwled angrilly.

"Heh heh heh..." The corners of Jezebel's mouth twitched into a smile and she chuckled maliciously as she saw a jet of flame zip through Arrow's eyes.

"I hit a nerve there, didn't I?" She stated rather than asked, her voice smooth and cool. By now the attractive black and white wolf was lying on her stomach, with her front paws stretched out in front of herself and crossed just slightly. Her tail-tip twitched lazily. It was obvious that she did not give a single care in the world.                         

Kariba glanced from the angry Burn, to the self-centered Jezebel. Was there a single normal wolf here? It would appear everyone was either kicking rocks, jumping out of bushes or making people want to start a fight. Sighing, she sat back on her haunches, letting the chaotic scene flow out in front of her.

Annoyed with the bickering floating around, she raised her voice and called out, "Look, obviously we all think we're amazing and great." Her eyes faded to Jezebel with these words. "But we really need to figure this out. I, personally, am quite sick of sitting here listening to you all argue, and would like to figure out what's happened. So feel free to stick around and argue, but I for one, am going to go explore." Quickly, she stood up and wandered out of the clearing, her annoyance overshadowing her fear.

Burn's eyes flashed red for a moment as his anger receded, he looked at the others, "I agree, whoever is dumb enough to stay here and bicker, be my guess, but as for me I'm going to go find some answers." he said in his jaunty, superior tone, as he sauntered after Kariba. I don't know what's going on, or where I am, but I'm gonna find out, Burn silently vowed to himself as he continued walking. When he was out of the clearing he began to notice things, it seemed as if the trees were a mix of conifers and deciduous trees. (Though Burn didn't know the names, he knew they were different)
Arrow snorted in agreement.when they first awoke she wanted to get moving quickly but nobody listened and Jezebel and her were all caught up in an argument. "wait for me guys I'm coming too." she galloped past the others off towards Kariba and Burn slowing to there pace when she did catch up. She looked around and eyed the other creatures and plants she could see through the thick forest trees standing tall and reaching for the sky with there massive branches and pine needles. Looking back to see if the others were following she asked "Where do you think were heading?"
Kennard nodded to Arrow as she let him go find food or water, and as he went off, some of the others went in a different direction. Seeing as all of them would probably follow them sooner or later, Kennard didn't want to be left behind. Ignoring the bickering some more, he turned around and galloped after the others, only slowing down once he caught up with them. Looking around, he could see many different plants and trees. He had the feeling of he should be remembering something, but he still couldn't remember anything before waking up. "Hey, I probably know the answer to this already, but do any of you remember anything beyond waking up here?" he asked, the silence unnerving him for some reason. 

Burn shook his head slightly, "No, not really, but sometimes when I close my eyes I see these pictures of places." he said in a soft, murmuring tone. "Its like I've either been there or I'm supposed to go there." he said, then shook his head once more, "This is all too confusing, its all Why? Why? Why!" Burn shouted, his eyes turning an embery color, then red. The flames on his back and legs seemed to crackle and move as his fur ruffled up in anger.

After a few moments he calmed down and sighed, "I don't know why I get angry like that, its just that I wanna know what happened to us, and where we are, and most importantly, why aren't we normal." he said, "because, I mean its obvious none of us are normal."

Casually, Kariba shrugged at Arrow. "I didn't really have a plan of where to go, I just wanted to get away from that place." Turning to Kennard she remarked, "I can't remember a single thing. I'm not even sure if Kariba is really my name, or just a word scratched onto this amulet."

Shying away from Burn's anger, she made a mental note to herself to definitely NOT get on his bad side. Trying to calm him down, she said, "It's easy to be upset when you don't know who you, or even what you really are." Cautiously, she smiled at him.

As she turned her attention away from her fellow wolves, she glanced around the forest. It was wonderfully mysterious. Each tree differed from the other, and with her faded memory, each step felt new and wondrous. Oddly, she felt like she'd just woken up from a long dream and each new sensation was better than the last. Suddenly just the wind in her fur was enough to send elated shivers down her spine. It was magnificent.

Arrow relaxed feeling a breeze flow past her ruffling her fur gently. She closed her eyes trying to picture anything that she could remember. All she could see was a meadow, a young pup galloped towards her quickly and greeted her with a smile and a playful woof, her smooth black fur glistened in the rays of sunlight. As soon Arrow sat down and smiled the sky darkened and she turned around quickly, hail and rain came quickly and the wind buffeted her as she looked in the direction of the pup but the little one was no longer there. Horror filled her as she opened her eyes quickly and glanced around wildly as she tried to calm herself down but the image of the pup and storm were still fresh in her mind. She tried to remember more but this was all she could and it really frustrated her.

As Kariba lifted her nose to the wind, a familiar scent hit her. The smell of a fellow wolf. Without a thought, she tore off after the scent, not hearing the small voice in her head telling her it might not be such a great idea.

When she got to where the source of the scent was, confusion riddled her face. There was a shimmering lake, and a giant boulder. Yet, the scent was as strong as if she were standing right next to a wolf. Quizzically, her gaze swept around the tiny clearing. As her eyes reached the boulder, she cocked her head. The boulder moved. Just slightly, enough that a hurried eye wouldn't see it. Yet ever so gently, the boulder shifted up and down, almost as if it was breathing...

Cautiously, Kariba inched towards the giant mass. As she looked closer, she could see what looked like fur on the boulder, moving with the breeze. Carefully, she sniffed. The fragrance of a male wolf wafted towards her. Ignoring the warning signs flashing in her head, she jumped onto her hind legs, letting her forepaws rest on what looked like the wolf's shoulder. Peering down, she saw a wolven face. As her gaze traveled down, she saw his paws, and the bracelet that circled it. Apparently, this wolf was in the same boat the rest of them were in. The main difference, of course, was this wolf could be mistaken for a boulder.

Suddenly, he twitched. Startled, Kariba jumped off his shoulder as he rolled over and lumbered to his feet. Bewildered, he stared at her. Frightened, she stared back. Apparently, he decided she wasn't a threat, because he sat back on his haunches, his eyes turning from confused to friendly.

"What's your name?" Kariba questioned, encouraged by the friendly light in his eye. Anxious, he whimpered, though in a whimper unlike most wolves. Cocking her head to the side, she glanced at the bracelet on his paw.

"Uhm, maybe your bracelet says?" She asked, gradually getting closer. Happily, he offered his paw to her, allowing her to read the few letters inscribed on the amulet. "Tank," she mumbled. Excited, he leaned forward, giving her cheek a quick lick before sitting back down, still without a word. Surprised, Kariba stared before muttering, "Uhm, I kind of ran off on the other wolves I was with, so maybe we should just stick around here and they'll find me. Er, us now."

Tank nodded, but all Kariba could do was stare. The wolf really was huge.

((Apologies for not being here. I got a little busy.

Hehe, not like you missed Jezebel that much. *Tease* Don't let her get to you, she's just a tough guy. XP ))

 Jezebel did not have anything better to do than follow. She was positively bored with these wolves, but the thought of being left alone when she couldn't remember anything except what was written on this stupid necklace (and that didn't really count as remembering, did it?) was not appealing to her, so she got up off her lazy hind quarters and trotted after the rest, although taking care to keep her distance. 

Maybe she'd get another chance to mess with someone.

((Spark, I have deleted all of your roleplaying posts because you are Godmodding. I lack the time and patience to explain here, so if you would like a better explanatioin, send me a private message.))

((I missed Jezebel, lol <333 She's so fun))

Tank looked inquisitively down at this little female wolf before him, his mind twisting and turning everything over, to understand what she had just told him. "Tank"...for some reason the seemed to make sense, familiar even, but something was still strange about it...not so much the word itself, but that before it was pointed out, it didn't seem to matter whether he had a name or not.

Tanks' attention snapped back to the other wolf as she shifted uncomfortably at the silence between them - really -looking- at her for the first time, he couldn't help but think that it was cute how much smaller she was in comparison. He had decided right then and there that, he liked her. At that thought the realization suddenly hit him that he didn't know her name - yet she knew his. Which was a strange feeling, something within himself told Tank that was somehow backwards from the norm.

A slight shine caught his eye as a pendant dangling from a leather strap around her neck caught the light; he was able to catch a glimpse of the letters "Ka--" before it spun delicately the other way, hiding the name behind it from his view. "Ka" Now that definitely didn't sound right in his mind, that couldn't be her name. Tank shrugged it off mentally and decided to call her "Kay" for the time being, not quite sure of what else to do about it for now.

Turning his attention away from the awkward situation, Tanks nostrils filled with many strange, new scents as more wolves drew nearer and he nearly jumped out of his skin! They were so close! How did he not notice before? Finding that somehow he was suddenly on his feet with the fur on his back prickling up to stand on-end with excitement, he galloped past Kay with a gentle pull on her tail, suggesting for her to follow before taking off in the direction of the smells at full pelt!

((Long bad reply is long and bad...Sorry! D:))

((Lol, good comeback there, Tank! XD Yes, Jezebel is VERY fun, if you know how to match her!))

Jezebel was making her way after the others, with her head held high and the smug smile still on her face. She obviously did not have a single darn care in the world, even though she couldn't remember a thing. 

She drew to a stop as she heard something running towards her and pricked her black and white ears up. "..." 

Oh, newcomer? Fantastic. Jezebel wasn't sure whether to keep going forward, just stand there, or what.                   

Confused, Kariba watched the giant wolf lope off. Not one to be left behind, she followed him. Curious as too hy he'd taken off so suddenly, she sniffed the air. The scent of wolves hit her like a ton of bricks and she realized quickly that he was running towards the scent. She just hoped it was the same wolves she'd run from, and not some other, less friendly wolves.

With her shorter legs and stature, she struggled to keep up with Tank, falling further and further behind. Finally, she stopped, letting her legs fall out from beneath her, making her flop most ungracefully onto the ground. With her tongue lolling out, she could only imagine how unsightly she looked. Whining softly in annoyance, she rolled onto her back. She'd catch up to him and the other wolves later, she supposed.

Fading Remembrance

Our setting is a massive pine forest that seems to never end. Many lakes and rivers run through it. Very easy to get lost around here...


You wake up in a strange forest. You can't remember who you are, what you've been through, or even how old you are. You do not know anything about yourself. There is an odd necklace or chain around your neck, with a charm/amulet as the pendant - it also has your name on it. You wander around the forest for a while, and soon meet other wolves who have encountered the same fate, and you decide to travel together and become a pack. Your new pack settles next to some cliffs in a pine forest. Later on the pack stumbles upon some tunnels, not knowing that they are haunted by some ghosts who are very unhappy. These ghosts are filled with rage becuase they were brutally murdered in the tunnels, and their spirits are now trapped there. They can only come out on the full moon and with this advantage of being able to roam freely during these times, they try to hunt down their murderers and will stop at nothing to get their revenge.

Will the pack survive these growing forces beneath the shadows?

Not availible. It's all been forgotten!

Sai is the mod for this RP and will enforce the rules.

I am GOD. I have the ability to attack you with mini ninja marshmallows if you throw the rules away.


1. Don't swear. You can put a few asterisks, but no cussing right out loud. Be nice.

2. I don't want seven females running about with only one male. Keep a ratio. If you've read these rules, you'll respect this.

3. Come on. Be somewhat literate or at least semi-literate. Type |!k3 th!$ and I'll injure you.

4. You can have a maximum of 3 characters.

5. No god-modding, power-playing, flaming, spamming, Mary-sues/Gary-stues and the like. Don't kill another person's character without permission.

6. Only I can Rp monsters and/or ghosts, unless I give you permission. You may ask but dont just go make a crazy mutantbear without asking

7. Love and crushes are allowed, but don't get too extreme.

8. Have fun! :)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
peregin falcon

Second RP Master
Sai (#204)

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