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Taylor (#32308)

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DinoAngels Farm
Recent Posts Herbivore Auctions User Log

Joined November 16th, 2014

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"Growing up"
Last Login March 1st, 2017 Offline!
Player Points 1,012 (0 TW)
Money $3,068,819
Dinosaurs 98
Praise 0
Upgraded? Yes - expires on June 27th, 2025
Warnings & Fines 0 / 0
Overlay License No
Club Claw Club
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Angels Dino Shop Shelf (30/178) Storage Fishtank (0)

It's weekend. So it's time to relax. ;)
12:51pm Feb 11th, 2017
Very busy at the moment, lot of work. And your day?
12:19pm Feb 11th, 2017
Absolutely I can sell you a female barosaurus! I was planning on pulling it from my calves-- would that work for you?
9:03pm Jan 9th, 2015
Haha ok thanks
3:25pm Jan 3rd, 2015
oh nice good luck
2:05pm Jan 3rd, 2015
anyone can bid on them :)
1:55pm Jan 3rd, 2015
No problem :)
11:29pm Dec 20th, 2014
They are up, so just go bid on them, and they are yours. :)
11:25pm Dec 20th, 2014
Okay so 5 for 8k then? I will get them set up at auction for you. :)
9:53pm Dec 20th, 2014
Well, how many do you want?
8:45pm Dec 19th, 2014
I could sell you 13, 4 males and 9 females, breeding age Grade A just a hair shy of Grade A+. I'd sell the group for 20k. Interested?
9:01pm Dec 17th, 2014
I was wondering where you've been!! :D Welcome back!
6:00am Dec 16th, 2014
Taylor! :D Heya! How are you today? :)
6:29pm Dec 11th, 2014
Sent the girl! :D I'm so glad you love them! My day was pretty productive. :) How was yours?
8:53pm Dec 8th, 2014
Well thanks very much, I like herbivores a lot. :)
8:13pm Dec 8th, 2014
Um, hi
8:09pm Dec 8th, 2014
sure :)
7:30pm Dec 8th, 2014
if you need anything from me you can ask ;)
7:25pm Dec 8th, 2014
thats generous :)
7:20pm Dec 8th, 2014
Thanks, you do too, especially your spino looks just amazing!
7:15pm Dec 8th, 2014
They look cool :)
7:01pm Dec 8th, 2014
No problem :}
7:01pm Dec 8th, 2014
What kind of dinosaur?
6:51pm Dec 8th, 2014
Haha yea it's a little later here... and so do I
6:47pm Dec 8th, 2014
I'm in bed, I'm looking for a song but I can't find it and it's driving me nuts :/
6:44pm Dec 8th, 2014
that's good, so what's up?
6:42pm Dec 8th, 2014
pretty good, you?
6:39pm Dec 8th, 2014
hey :P
6:38pm Dec 8th, 2014
Yeah, it's easy to avoid. I've never ran into a situation where I needed to inbreed. Apparently inbreds make your farm look bad someone told me and if you wanna sell it people wont buy.
6:23pm Dec 8th, 2014
It's really easy to avoid I never had an inbred. Just think of it as people, you wouldn't want a person breeding with their parent or sibling right? The same goes here. Just look at their pedigree in biology if you aren't sure if their related or not.
6:19pm Dec 8th, 2014
Yeah it's fine. I don't eactly care about their genes I just need a male and female and I can breed for good genes. Remember not to inbreed your dinos! I usually would start with 4 of a species so inbreeding isn't the only option but I can buy two more
6:15pm Dec 8th, 2014
But just so you know it's color is green from fluffy and it's markings are blue from yours.
6:12pm Dec 8th, 2014
Well, since I am still trying to get genes settled then I on't pay attention to color, yet... I have egg incense which lets me see the genes before I choose an egg. Most gene breeders will try to get a perfect bloodline, because then when they breed with
6:11pm Dec 8th, 2014
Woah! I've been wanting spinos for so long! They can sell well and they can't be made in the lab, so they can be hard to retrieve. Plus they lok cool, I never had a spino in my life. Not saying you have to but if you want you could breed me a few spinos
6:08pm Dec 8th, 2014
By the way I just bred fluffy with your mega that was up for stud! :D
6:05pm Dec 8th, 2014
Oh ok lol
6:05pm Dec 8th, 2014
Well, you spent that money fast!
6:01pm Dec 8th, 2014
I will eventually breed my dinos to sell their offspring once I get good systems going so I could sell you a mega then.
12:52pm Dec 8th, 2014
Aw, that sucks! I sent the first of your spinos, by the way! Let me know when he is in an enclosure so I can send the girl. :)
11:44am Dec 8th, 2014
Hey, I'm doing okay. How did your dino egg turn out? :)
8:17pm Dec 7th, 2014
I occasionally play American football, but I don't work out or do sports regularly. The heavy lifting was carrying cats around to and from the vet. xD
11:20pm Dec 5th, 2014
I'm doing good :D I see you joined yesterday, welcome to the site! I've been on here for a while so we could be friends if you want :D
11:11pm Dec 5th, 2014
My arms are sore because for two gays in a row I had to do heavy lifting and got little sleep. >.< But I'll be okay, tomorrow my arms are getting a rest. (Technically today, haha!) Nooo, no kissing my feet! D: It's the least I could do!
10:53pm Dec 5th, 2014
I'm alright. :) My arms are a bit sore, but I'm otherwise okay! I also bought a pair of Spinos for you. :) They are still eggs now (on the breeder's farm), but they are an unrelated pair.
10:32pm Dec 5th, 2014
It's no big deal. :) I'm glad to help!
8:44am Dec 5th, 2014
I want to. :) We need more Spinos in the game anyway. xD
11:36pm Dec 4th, 2014
Welcome! :D I hope you enjoy your herbies! Now to find you a spino pair...
11:16pm Dec 4th, 2014
No, you are! xD $500 for a $7 herd? No way! xD Still, I want to help you out so I wanted to make sure you had affordable herbies to start with. :)
11:10pm Dec 4th, 2014
Ahhh, too kind, no!! xD *Plots ways to pay you back a lot more*
11:05pm Dec 4th, 2014
I got that herd for $7 so $500 is too much. xD
11:00pm Dec 4th, 2014
It's a friends only auction, so only you and two other people can see it, but it is for you. :) It's up!
10:56pm Dec 4th, 2014
Awesome, I'll set up the auction, then! It will end in 12 hours the earliest.
10:53pm Dec 4th, 2014
Eeek! @o@ 1 hour turned to two, I'm so sorry! T^T Are Echinodons okay? I'll add you as well, then! :D
9:52pm Dec 4th, 2014
I could sell you some in about an hour or so if you are willing to wait that long. :) Just add me as a friend!
8:23pm Dec 4th, 2014
How are you doing so far in Ex? :) Do you need help with anything?
9:37am Dec 4th, 2014
I'm doing well! :D How are you?
9:38pm Dec 3rd, 2014
Pfff, it's nearly 2:30 am here and I need to sleep. Dx Good night! :D *Cracks knuckles for snowball fight*
12:27am Dec 3rd, 2014
Yeah, those are on the rare side. My favorite is the Utahraptor!! :D I even have a project with them. <3 And with Carnos, but they aren't my second favorite, haha.
12:21am Dec 3rd, 2014
Just helping out! :D This game is awesome, honestly. <3 I really love it! :D What is your favorite dino??
12:14am Dec 3rd, 2014
There are lots of useful threads in the forums to help you out-just use the search button (it's right at the top, just a little hard to see) to find topics without surfing for it. :D I'm also here if you need questions answered!
12:05am Dec 3rd, 2014
No problem! :D How are you liking the game so far?
11:59pm Dec 2nd, 2014
*Pokes excitedly* Hi thar! :D You seem like an awesome person! Welcome to Ex!
11:52pm Dec 2nd, 2014