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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Rivet hadn't been here since he was just a youngling. He had been far too young to remember the place but simply nodded pretending he knew about the bramble patch prior to their arrival to save time. It was better than him rambling off at a time like this. Nynx wanted him to manipulate the roots? What for? "You mean for a tunnel? I could possibly do that. It depends on how dense the roots are. If they're too dense I might run out of energy before we get there. If they're not dense enough any tunnel I make won't hold well."

"Well why don't you try so we know for sure?" Elmfern was becoming rather impatient with his offspring. He hadn't been here in a long while and was aware the patrols could have changed. For all he knew the patrols could've widened beyond the city walls. He turned to address Nynx, "It would have to be a tunnel. My son's not the only one with such good night vision around here." Those owlish eyes his son had were well suited for seeing in such dark conditions. His son had the same eyes his mother and grandfather had, his own though were more reptilian and not quite as adept at seeing in the dark. He knew of at least one or two guards that were more nocturnal in nature with somewhat similar eyes to his son's. It was an advantage to be able to see in darker conditions, especially with how dense the forest's canopy could be. Nocturnal younglings had a slightly higher chance of surviving with the amount of predators that wandered during the day. Of course hatchlings with decently camouflaged scales were better at surviving over all. There were many dragons with neither of these survival traits as well, but their parents would need to be more vigilant and present than other dragon parents.

Elmfern then noticed how overgrown and unorganized the newer branches of the bramble patches were. While his son was approaching the patch, he decided to bring this up to Nynx. "There hasn't been any shades around here for awhile. They'd normally control the bramble patch's growth." A good sign for them. They wouldn't need to deal with any shades. Without them the armor of the newest guards would be weak. Usually the armor of their colony would be made with steelbark, but without shades no more could be made as it had to be formed while alive.

Rivet laid himself on the ground in front of a bramble bush, pressing a paw and an ear onto the ground. He could sense each root of the congregation of the brambles causing him to pin his ears and crest against his head from doubt. "The roots are dense down there. I'll try my best though." He willed the roots to part to form a tunnel. Though he couldn't see the effects of his ability yet he could hear the roots tearing a path beneath the surface. After he had finished forming the roots to his desired shape he felt weaker than he had started. "It's done."

"I don't see it," one of the guards peered at the ground suspiciously.

Rivet hardly needed to scratch at a bit of earth before it collapsed into the tunnel he had created. "There's a tunnel there." After completing that he also felt somewhat peckish. What type of food did this place have he wondered.

Elmfern was wondering if he could have his son cause the tunnel to collapse on their guards. That was before he was nudged forward by one of said guards. "Well? You first." Darn. He forgot they still wanted to keep watch of them. The dragon grabbed a few berries from the bramble bush for later while he was here. They had a paralytic effect that could be useful later on. He had grown a resistance to it but the guards behind him, not so much. He crawled into the tunnel and waited for them before he removed the bit of sod and dirt separating him from the surface.

Rivet waited for a few guards to crawl in first taking a moment to observe the forest. The trees were so massive, so ancient, so powerful. It was inspiring to see plant life untouched for long enough to become such a huge forest, especially when he had sensed the pathetic amount of nutrients this forest had to feed on. Nynx and one guard weren't yet in the tunnel. The guard was becoming impatient and suspicious, believing that the glade shade was thinking of escaping. "Hurry up, we don't have time for this."

"Please, just another moment." He stared longingly into the forest. If it didn't put his father in danger he would've ran off at that moment to go explore the vast plant life here. The jungle in Tyrann's territory was just as beautiful, though the plant life there wasn't quite as strong as the plants here. "Alright, I'm done."

He turned around hardly even realising Nynx was so close to him. Her colors made it difficult to see her. Her nose looked awefully canine like, now that he thought about it a lot of her features were canine-like. How had he not noticed it before? Maybe he was too busy looking at her fur, and plants. While he walked past her he noticed her feet had five toes. No fair! He only had four. While entering the tunnel he could help but ask her, "Nynx? Do you think there will be time for me to examine this territory's plants when we're done?" That probably depended if they were discovered and were chased later on.

"Come on little one. Off to bed." Tyrann nodded with a smile and Delphine lifted her tiny paws up for him to grab. He picked his sleepy daughter up in his arms and placed her on his back, careful not to hurt her with any of his horns. Sometimes and blessing and a curse, Draco bestowed upon Tyrann many ridges, spikes, and protrusions. However, in this case, his ammentities are not so useful. Delphine didn't seem to mind them as much as use them for chew toys. At least it wasn't something like a nose of a finger for that matter, or anything with nerve endings.


Caring for not one, not two, not even three, but four young hatchlings would be a burden to say the least. Tyrann didn't know what he was going to do, especially with seeing as The Wicked becoming ever so stronger by the minute. He would have to nip the problem in the butt before it could get to out of hand. In the morning, if Nightling was well enough, he was going to order daily scry reports from her on The Wicked. When Nynx and her team got back, he was going to send her, Saxon, Adrah, Rivet, and Baird to inspect the Halisphere in Hammish Rex's kingdom. Once from that point on, they would be making progress.


Tyrann was surprised at all the planning he just did in the mere seconds it took for him to walk out of the hallway and into his room to put Delphine down to bed. Hopefully, this would give his brain some peace for a day or two and allow him the king to enjoy his children while he was still here. Tyrann was certain that soon enough he would be taken away from his family again. He just hoped he would be coming back.


As Delphine lay sleeping in the nest vertical to his bed, Tyrann climbed in his sheets and finally rested his bones after a restless day. He pulled the kais fur up on his body and nestled himself into the covers and grabbed a book off his desk to red. It was the book of all the dragon species known to Bazul, a book Tyrann had loved to look through and has probably read dozens of times over since he was a hatchling himself. Soon, Kit came in with three more sleepy babies. Tyrann looked up from his reading a saw how tired she was.


"Come darling, put the babies to sleep, I know you love them, but they will be here in the morning I assure you." Tyrann said a bit sarcastically which earned him a half angry half mocking glare from his wife. The red dragon just smiled in response and went back to reading as Kit climbed into bed.




In the morning Tyrann woke up early and sent his servant Tybil to notify Nightling she was to bring him daily reports on The Wicked.  Grabbing a quick cup of nectar and tonic water in the kitchen, Tyrann felt fresh a very energized despite his battle with Leafon yesterday afternoon. When he left his room, Kitsune, Ramses, Stella, Lily, and Delphine were all fast asleep, and Tyrann hoped he could get some work done before being dissolved back to fatherhood.


While he was passing through the Great Hall on his way to check on Kitsune and the babies, Tyrann was stopped by Tybil.


"Sir! Please! I have something for you!" Tybil shouted in an attempt to get Tyrann's attention before he was out of ear shot. The king only barely heard him and turned around to see what was wrong.


"Tybil, what seems to be the matter son? Have you told Nightling what I need from her?" Tyrann asked as he furrowed is brows. Tybil reached him, flailing a letter around in his paws.


"Oh, yes, your majesty, but that is not why I am here, you see, someone left this letter for you at the gate." Tybil handed the scroll over to his king, and Tyrann searched around it, looking for an author, or even an address. All he could find was that it was from the Forest Colony and Tyrann was terrified it was a declaration of war. That would only give The Wicked an edge over him and the army he was forming. Opening the frail piece of paper, Tyrann quickly started reading.

‘Dear King Tyrann Rex of the Cove Colony,

                My name is Azulio the Blue of the Forest Colony, Head Advisor to resigned King Leafon Rex. In recent events, Leafon has been rather maniacal in his doings and we are aware of his murderous behavior. It is in my greatest gratitude that the Forest Colony and I send our dearest condolences for any damages Leafon may have caused.

                We are grateful to see Leafon Rex put in his place even as a king. The horrific deeds caused by him are unforgivable and so horrendous to the point that the Forest Colony citizens and Advisory Board wish to never be associated with Leafon again. However, this leaves us without a king and as you can assume, that is likely to turn to chaos and turmoil rather quickly. The Advisory Board has concluded, along with an anonymous vote between the citizens, that we soulfully ask you to be our Rex seeing as any relatives of the previous royal family are all deceased, killed at the hands of Leafon.  In all honesty, we should’ve have dethroned  him the minute he defeated Burrbark in battle.  Perhaps then, none of this would have happened.

                It would be the honor of the Forest Colony to call you our king, Tyrann Rex. The entire city has always admired Thantos and Tyrannis for their bravery and their fairness of their people. We know you to be no different. Once again, my apologies for Leafon, you cam be assured to never see his face again, not that he’d want you to anyway. You sure did a number on him Tyrann, but I’m also sure it was for good reason.


                       Azulio the Blue, Head Advisor of the Forest Colony’

Tyrann stared shocked at the letter, unsure of what to say or do, or even think. He looked up to Tybil, the smaller dragon only giving him an inquisitive stare for he knew nothing of what was in the letter.

“What is it your majesty?” Tybil finally said incredulous. Tyrann was looking from Tybil to the letter, then back to Tybil, over and over again. The entire idea of it wasn’t real to him, almost like he was dreaming. More so a nightmare, as Tyrann was not in the slightest bit sure he could handle a second colony. One was truly chaos and the dragon had enough on his plate. It seemed as if the entire world was dropping its heavy work load upon the shoulders of the young king. For a brief moment Tyrann wondered if Thantos was still challenging him, or possibly punishing him, even from the grave.

“It is a recommendation from the Forest Colony to crown me their king in place of the defeated Leafon.” Tyrann breathed softly to Tybil while looking around so no one else would over hear them.

“WHAT?!” Tybil erupted, causing many glares from passing castle staff. A maid even dropped her bag of towels as she passed the shouting servant.

“Tybil keep your voice down. No one can know of this, you understand me? No. One.” Tyrann annunciated on the “no” and “one”. He knew Tybil wouldn’t say anything if he valued his job, and after many years of service, Tybil always seemed to be very loyal to him. However, Tyrann would be the first dragon to tell you, no one can ever be truly trusted. “You may not say a word to soul. The only ones who will know about this will be myself, you, the queen, and Saxon, got it?” Tybil shook his head violently in agreement as the much larger king drilled orders into his skull.

“Yes, of course your grace!” Tybil shouted and gave Tyrann a solute as the red dragon nodded his head, dismissing Tybil from his presence. The lithe, blue dragon bolted towards the door and out the castle he went till Tyrann requested his service once more.

Swallowing hard at the task at hand, Tyrann saw it best fit he go and tell Kitsune immediately. With the original letter in hand, he arrived to his room in time to see his wife rising from bed. My, how long had he been up? How much time had passed and he was already being offered the crown of another colony? Lord, it was only 8:30 in the morning and so much had happened, Hopefully Kitsune was awake enough to hear this one.

Nightling had actually been on her way to report that the Wicked was watching Leafeon when she heard the entire conversation... Leafeon was going to get a nasty surprise when he got back... Tyrann might have heard her snort in laughter at that one. She followed after Tyrann to give him the report that was pretty much 'he's plotting something but what is not certain...' Personally Nightling figured he was on to them... Nightling had the shade's milk under control. She would wait to be adressed... She also had a summons to the temple of Celestia... She had her written reply on the way via Luna... She went and followed Tyrann Rex quietly but not hiding her presence.
Nightling was bored so she was scrying Tyrann's sister and learning things about things she wanted to try with Sparky... The white parts of her face were bright red and she was starting to drool... She was waiting outside Tyrann's room where he was talking things over with his wife... Someone else was watching her a maid and the maid asked what she was doing and Nightling said "Scrying a certain someone because I am bored... Plenty of fun things to try when Sparky gets back..." The maid snickered and got back to work... Then Nightling scried Luna who was seeing the head priestess. "This Nightling must apprentice herself to one of us..." "She scries and sees images of the goddess telling her to remain..." An older kitsune was beside the solid black priestess with blood moon eyes... "This young one speaks the truth... For now she must remain... Perhaps send someone to her? A special case such as this would warrent the change in proceedure..." "That is something Celest would say Shadow..." "So? Sometimes that crazy old shade is right..." "Point taken... She says priestesses should remain with their colony instead of our appropriation system..." "I always agreed with her on that..." "But then they are attached to the community and focus more on them than prayer..." "Priestesses are supposed to be useful and teachers..." The older shade wrote a reply and sent it with Luna and another priestess... Nightling had someone coming to see her and waitied to inform Tyrann of the situation...

Impressed with Rivet's tunnel, Nynx started to assess her situation, always considering the possibility that Elmfern and his son were looking for an easy way to escape. Really, it would be easy for them if she let her guard won, as they knew the territory (at least Elmfern did). She was still in though when she noticed Rivet staring at her and quickly a blush erupted on her face. He looked as if he was studying her, like the glade shade had never seen and another shade such as her. His staring was soon followed by Rivet being Rivet and asking more questions.


"Nynx? Do you think there will be time for me to examine this territory's plants when we're done?" Asked the male shade, his obviously inquisitive nature shining through even at the most serious of situations. Nynx thought for a moment. She dearly wanted to say yes, that she would take him anywhere he wanted to go, but that would be against the wishes of the king that both these two stay under lock and key and the watchful eyes of numerous guards at any given time. Nynx didn't want to say no because she wanted Rivet to like her. However, he didn't seem to notice anything she advanced towards.


"Hmm.." She started a bit sweetly, but soon her military hardness plastered its mask across her facial expressions. "...that is not up to me. You will have to ask Tyrann Rex upon our return." Nynx said with her signature, feminine baritone. For a moment, Nynx let an awkward smile shine through the wall of stiffness.

She was starting to get frustrated with Rivet’s either obliviousness or unwillingness to notice her attentions. Nynx had never shown much affection towards anyone, or even showed interest. Her job was to have a lack of emotion, to be as hard as stone and not let empathy rule her dictions. While it was hard for her at first, the female shade quickly found out that to be the best, you couldn’t be ruled by the heart. In the military, your only god was war. The menacing idea that battle could break out at any moment kept each and every soldier, including Nynx, on their toes constantly, forbidding of any other thought then it. As a result, Nynx has never loved. Not even her parents. She never had time, or the heart, or the soul. All this emotion crap was new to her and she was finding it to be pleasant yet annoying. How could anyone ever love her when she wasn’t sure she was capable of love herself?


Marching forward after her raging inner monologue subsided and allowing Rivet to go in front of her, Nynx was the second to last to enter the tunnel in front of a black guard scaled whom she wasn't familiar with. She usually made it her duty to know everyone on her team, but the circumstances at hand prevented her from having any knowledge other than formalities of her soldiers. The tunnel opened into a large clearing, hidden from the rest of the city by the Forest Colony’s castle. The castle was tall and grand, made from many massive redwood trees that were thousands of years old. The light was dim in the back space of the castle. Nyn x quickly moved up to the head of the pack, taking her role as leader and analyzed their surroundings. Finding no blatant way of entering, the commander thought of her other option.

“Alright Elmfern, you’re up. How do we get in?” Nynx turned sharply around the larger male dragon, who was actually only taller than her by a couple feet, and demanded his information on the subject. She glared at him very slightly, her canine-like muzzle scrunching up into and small scowl. All the thoughts she had been having were making her irritable.

"Mmmm yes, well I'll spar with you any time of the day now my lady." Saxon smirked and gave Adrah a wink, putting on his signature charm again. Adrah pinched his bicep and he flexed it for her as she soon blushed and placed her head to rest on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I worried you with leaving, I just thought my family might need me. But I have a feeling you may need me more." The white female said, causing Saxon's eyes to prick open just a little bit more and turned his head towards her and she lay on his shoulder.

"Adrah, if your family needs you, you should go..." Saxon admitted, knowing fully well it was selfish of him to keep her here when her family might need her. " I do need you, I will always need you and want you. I have a feeling that I will never be apart from you again. And to me, that is the second most thing that makes me happy in this world. The first being you." He gazed very lovingly into her eyes as he pulled her cheek off his shoulder. He leaned in and planted a chaste but passionate kiss on her lips.

"We probably should go and see Tyrann...he's probably upset we haven't come to see his chicks yet." Saxon confessed, very unwilling to break from their current situation. He held out a hand for his female to take and walked along side by side with her. When the pair got to Tyrann's door no one was there anymore.

"Hmmm, we must've missed it...." Saxon muttered softly, a little discouraged. He hoped Tyrann wouldn't be too mad at him. He hated when others were mad at him.

Looking down the hallway behind him, the copper dragon saw the setting sun's pink and orange glow shine through the french doors and onto the floor of the castle. "Well, night is approaching....." Saxon started,".. and I would like it very much if you came to stay with me in my room tonight..." He said and turned his neck to face Adrah, eyes melting with love. Yes, love. Saxon loved Adrah.

"Adrah, if your family needs you, you should go..." Saxon admitted, knowing fully well it was selfish of him to keep her here when her family might need her. " I do need you, I will always need you and want you. I have a feeling that I will never be apart from you again. And to me, that is the second most thing that makes me happy in this world. The first being you." He gazed very lovingly into her eyes as he pulled her cheek off his shoulder. He leaned in and planted a chaste but passionate kiss on her lips.

The brightest blush burned at the white dragoness' cheeks, allowing her to return his kiss in a loving fashion. "Perhaps I needed to fledge the nest some time. Better late than never, I suppose." Adrah gave him a soft smile once she had pulled away from his enticing kiss. "And I couldn't think of a better reason, nor time." She added.

Upon mention of the new chicks, Adrah gasped softly. They had totally slipped her mind. She had been waiting patiently for their appearance before a copper-looking distraction found his way to her. "You're right, I completely forgot." She mumbled, and upon arrival, her worst fears became reality. "I was really looking forwards to seeing them." The white dragoness sighed softly, her usual hardly tails soon fell almost limp in the turn of events.

Saxon's words were surprising enough to snap her out of her glum appearance. Her oceanic eyes searched his, a smile growing on her lips. "Saxon, I would love nothing more." She nodded with a smile, taking a hold of his hand. She felt as though her heart was swelling against the restraints of her ribs, giving him an endearing nuzzle before allowing him to lead the way.

Heading the news form Tyrann so early in the morning Kitsune brushes it off as no big deal. After getting ready for the day it dawns on her. "TYRANN!" She screeches. She runs up the stairs, and bombard into their room where he was feeding Stella. 

"Tyrann are you insane!?" She begins. "REX of ANOTHER colony! What are we to do about THIS colony!? The children!? They're so young Tyrann. We...we can't just move then so young!" She begins pacing. "And then there's the matter of trading affiliations, laws and who's to be your heir cause your current heir-" she says pointing to ramses. "Is biting my tail."

Nightling had nosed her way into the room and three chicks started begging her for food... Nightling said "You know if they're chewing on you it's a sign they are getting hungry... Unless you want them hyperactive I can't feed them... I am also not built to become a chew toy... Little Shades prefer bones and sticks to dragon scales..." Nightling explained that someone from the temple of Celestia was coming and updated them on the Wicked... "I think he's on to us... I overheard the situation with Forest... Also I am getting fat... Do you realize how hard that is for a Shade?" Nightling was trying to break the tension by talking about other things... As a result she was running her mouth and complaining... ANYTHING to break the tension and keep her shade's milk production in check but that blue drool was starting to form again...

Even with his excellent night vision Rivet failed to notice her blush. It was simply too dark and her fur was so dark colored to begin with. He wasn't disappointed as her answer was what he thought it'd be. He began preening his feathers removing the dirt they had collected from the tunnel. What had the awkward smile been about? Was it meant as an apology? Why would she need to apologize? She was just doing her job. His head perked up only to see Nynx scowl at his father. Why was she angry?

Elmfern knew how to get in, but was still scratching at the ground in doubt. If he and his son tried to escape and were caught again they'd likely be put to death. If Leafon's soldiers captured them they'd probably be left to a far worse fate such as having their limbs torn off or being flayed alive. Technically they could escape. His son could have the grass beneath their feet hold them in place, and he had collected those paralyzing berries he could chew and exhale to disable the others. He made eye contact with his son and flicked an ear. This was the sign they gave each other to warn of danger or to suggest they run. Rivet flicked his ear and snorted, run and no. His father flicked his ear more adamantly suggesting running was the better option. Rivet scratched the ground in uncertainty but knew his father would try to do what was best for him.

Most of the guards were tense now almost positive they were going to try something. It would've been obvious to a hatchling that they were thinking of escaping. Elmfern turned to Nynx to try and ease some of the tension. "Some parts of the tree are alive. My son can make an entrance higher up the tree, where you can see an area of new bark. The sword will be towards the heart of the tree." They needed to escape, now.

Rivet shifted his feet uncomfortably unsure if he really wanted to attempt an escape. They could go through the tunnel and close it behind them. It felt like staying and leaving were both horrible options. He was trying to decide on what was the lesser evil. Elmfern looked at his son again and flicked an ear noticing the guards were getting closer to his offspring. There was no time for debate they needed to act now.

Rivet focused on the grass beneath their feet and it wrapped around the feet of their guards rooting them in place. Elmfern tossed the berries in his mouth and breathed in the direction of the guards. The vapor from the berries would paralyze them for a few minutes at best. Soon the pair were bolting for the tunnel they had entered in. One guard must've held his breath as he was already giving chase. Rivet made himself invisible but ended up tripping on a rock, he was pretty sure he had injured his delicate left wing. He looked at the guard who was quickly closing in, then Nynx who had probably put at least a little trust in him. The glade shade stopped, made himself visible, and turned towards the guards facing the ground in shame.

Elmfern kept running. He had already provided them all the information he knew. If he escaped he'd probably show up again sometime after Nynx and the guards had hopefully completed their task and were heading home. What would he do in that spare time? Probably hide or look for a steelbark tree. He was much faster than this guard on land. There was no way he'd fly after him or else one of Leafon's soldiers might notice him. The forest dragon quickly crawled through the tunnel and tried running for the forest. Luckily this whole commotion hadn't attracted the attention of any of Leafon's guards.


Nynx was awaiting an answer from Elmfern when he and his son started giving each other weird looks and flicking their ears back and forth as if it meant something. Quickly she motion for guards to circle them, but in the blink of an eye, the two dragons bolted while Rivet used his powers to tie the grass around their ankles. Seeing the grass blades leap from the grab to wrap around her feet, Nynx instinctively jumped in surprise, her massive, feathered wings propelling her upwards. She was hovering above the secluded clearing as the chaos started; guards were cussing at the two dragons while chewing and clawing at their restraints. Elmfern chewed some berries and blew the smoke at everyone.




Paralyzing berries.




Nynx's eyes went wide and thought quickly of something to do. She gave her wings a massive push and a gust of wind blew most of the smoke away toward the castle. The few soldiers that had already inhaled it were knocked out on the ground but most were only a little dazed. Nynx searched for Elmfern and Rivet, extremely angry. She could feel her temper rising up and it quickly fueled her senses.




Two guards, not fazed by either of the evasion methods, were chasing after Elmfern as he ran through the tunnel. Honing in on her target, Nynx was flying through the air with astonishing speed, being very careful to look for protruding tree branches. She knew, from previous conversations, that Elmfern was a decent runner and but a very slow flyer. It wouldn’t be difficult for someone of her physical capabilities to catch up with him.


Nynx had bypassed her guards while flying overhead, seeing Elmfern still running his heart out through a trail in the trees with Rivet nowhere in sight. Finding a patch of cleared canopy, Nynx dove in, tucking her feathered wings close to her body and doing a barrel roll to evade a branch. She landed on the forest floor right in front of Elmfern and gave a growl-like hiss at him, her elongated, canine-like ears pinned flat against her head. Nynx challenged him, a challenge she knew she would win even if the male dragon was taller than her. Elmfern’s only advantage now was the forest around him.


Nynx swatted at him, landing a gnarly gash across his face. She didn’t give him time to reciprocate and pounced at the male dragon, knocking him over onto his side easily with her strength. The commander pinned him down by the throat, ebony claws unsheathed and threatening to slice his jugular vein with a mere twitch of a muscle. By the time her guards showed up, Nynx was losing her composure a little bit, realizing the power she had in her hands that remained all too familiar to her. The shade could kill him right now as Elmfern lay there so vulnerable. Pale, purple eyes bore into his soul and Nynx wondered if he could feel it. She wondered what would happen if she would just move her claw a little bit…..

While waiting for a reply Nightling pulled out her scry bowl and saw what was happening... Then something strange happened... All her markings started glowing except for her underbelly which started producing a mist.... Her forehead marking became a full moon and her eyes glowed with moonlight... A misty moon appeared right in front of Nynx, Rivet, and Elmfern blinding Elmfern, disrupting Rivet's invisibility, and effectively cloaking the entire thing from passing guards in a flawless illusion and silencing the scuffle. The other members of the group caught up and it was clear they were all confused as hell...

Back in front of Tyrann Nightling herself was chanting something weird as the would be mentor priestess walked in... She flat out bowed saying something about demigoddess... The black shade hissed for the Rex and his queen to bow... Luna had glowing markings and sat with all of her tails fanned out and stock still...

Elmfern yelped and rested his paw on the gash on his face. Just what he needed, another face scar. Before he could think to run Nynx had him pinned to the forest floor. He was about to try and squirm out of her grasp until he noticed just how close her claw was to his throat. There was no way she would kill him. She was trying to gain Rivet's favor and to kill him would likely ruin her chances at that. That's what he thought at least, until he looked at her eyes and realized just how close she was to clawing his jugular. He pinned his ears back and tried leaning as far away from her claw as possible which wasn't much as he was held in place by his throat. "You don't understand! If Leofon's guards catch me and my son we'll be flayed alive or... or have our limbs broken and be left to the banshees. I had to run."

Rivet could smell his father's blood though luckily the scent was faint suggesting there wasn't much blood. He made himself invisible again and the guard who had almost grabbed him began cursing profusely. The shade didn't move very fast due to his wing injury. They were so delicate that something like tripping and landing on his side could harm them. Sure enough he found his father, Nynx, and the other guards. Then some misty moon appeared in front of them. He sat there dumbfounded not realizing he was no longer invisible until a guard tackled him. What had happened?

Elmfern raised his paws to his eyes and shuddered, looking far more fearful than he had been of Nynx. Whatever had happened had temporarily blinded him. "My eyes... I can't see a thing!" The last thing he remembered was some moon. As far as he was aware none of the shades here could do that. It was days like this he wished his wife was still with him.

At first, it doesn't seem as though Kitsune cared all too much about their situation with the Forest Colony. Tyrann on the other hand, was racking his brain trying to come up with a solution to this problem. However, after only moments of being gone, Kitsune bursted in the door in the midst of him feeding his baby daughter, Stella. The infant dragoness wailed frantically at the sudden loud noise and Tyrann jumped a bit in his rocking chair, sending the glass milk bottle crashing to the ground.

"Kit, you've upset her and look-! Glass everywhere!" Tyrann grumbled, furrowing his scaly eyebrows as he started to pick up the broken shards of Stella's baby bottle.

"Tyrann are you insane!?" She begins. "REX of ANOTHER colony! What are we to do about THIS colony!? The children!? They're so young Tyrann. We...we can't just move then so young!" She begins pacing. "And then there's the matter of trading affiliations, laws and who's to be your heir cause your current heir-" she says pointing to ramses. "Is biting my tail." Tyrann heard her out, truly understanding the overwhelming feeling she surely is experiencing about now. The large male dragon put Stella down to collect Ramses, whom had put a nice dent on the orange spike on his mother's tail. He then used his sturdy tail to wipe the glass shards away from the hatchings and toward him where he scooped it all up in his hands and disgarded them into a waste basket.

"Darling, I understand. I don't have the slightest clue what I'm going to do. We certainly wouldn't move, that's for sure. I am torn between everything, because I know taking on this responsibilty will be too much to handle; however, I know if I decline we will be in bad relations with the Forest Colony and they perhaps will appoint some baffoon of a dragon as their Rex and then what will happen? War? Outbreak? Corruption? Everything directed towards us and more importantly, our children. At least if I'm at the helm, my mind can rest at ease from those possible disasters." Tyrann admitted and looked towards his children playing on the floor. Suddenly, the door creaked open and the familiar form of Nightling crept in.

"Ah, Nightling, stepping in unexpected as always." Tyrann said half saracastically, only because he was frustrated with the situation and not mad at her. His children ran up to the shade squeeking at her for food like they haven't even been fed this morning, which Tyrann had spent a little over a half an hour doing previously while Kit was away.

"You know if they're chewing on you it's a sign they are getting hungry... Unless you want them hyperactive I can't feed them... I am also not built to become a chew toy... Little Shades prefer bones and sticks to dragon scales..." Nightling explained that someone from the temple of Celestia was coming and updated them on the Wicked... "I think he's on to us... I overheard the situation with Forest... Also I am getting fat... Do you realize how hard that is for a Shade?" Remembering what his father had taught him about not saying anything related to a dragoness's weight, Tyrann went wide eyed and quickly reverted the conversation to The Wicked.

"You really think he's on to us?" Tyrann started and looked down at the ground, then back up to Nightling and breifly peered over to Kit, whom did not look happy. At all. "I still haven't even received a plan of action from Nynx. I wonder if her mission is going well...." Tyrann trailed off, thinking surely that Nynx had everything in control and there was nothing to worry about on her end. And she did. Sort of."....anyway, Nightling any ideas on what we should do? My mind is too frazzled at the moment to come up with anything worth hearing." Tyrann muttered. The tension between him and Kitsune was so thick, you could cut the air with a butter knife.

Tyrann gave one peek at Kit and quickly adverted his eyes after seeing her less then pleased facial expression. He hoped Nightling took a VERY long time to tell him something, lest he face the rath of his wife....


Nightling had done the impossible and Tyrann had been staring at his wife... She stopped glowing and the priestess had stared at her and then bowed... Solid black priestess... Nightling looked baffled when she scried the scene... "Sir Elmfern made a break for it and then something weird happened a moon appeared blinding him, disrupting Rivet's invisibility and convienently shielding the entire thing from Forest guards... Also Sparky is in the armory... There was a bright flash on the other side of the castle and it attracted the guards all of them... He's looking around right now... What he needs now is a huge distraction to buy him time..." Nightling looked at the chicks and saw they'd gone back to chewing stuff up except Ramses who was staring at him with abnormally intelligent eyes...

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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