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The guards moved the pair to the cells but not without some more struggling on Elmfern's part. They were put in separate cells, probably to prevent one from attacking if the other one was taken out. The cell's were quiet for the most part except for the occasional drip of water from the ceiling. Rivet was grooming his feathers when he noticed his father's hopeless look. "Come on! It's not that bad. If he hasn't killed us yet he probably won't at all."

"That's what I'm worried about! What if he plans to torture us! No... No I would kill you before I let them do that to you." He wouldn't be able to bear to see him harmed like that.

"Thanks I guess?" At least his father seemed concerned for his well being. "Hey guard sir!" He called out to the closest guard to him. "Do you know of any reading material? I don't get to read very often and I'd like to before I'm killed or tortured or whatever your Rex decides to do with us."

The guard looked around for something harmless. Not many guards could read well but he was one of the ones with an at least basic literacy level. Here was something. He picked up some papers about proper cell maintenance and handed it to Rivet to keep him quiet. The guard preferred to not hear him ask questions like he had on his way to the castle.

This was made of some plant material. It was useless though as his magic needed a living plant to work. He snatched the paper and skittered to the ceiling of the cell hanging upside down with his talons digging into the looser pieces of brick. Most of these words were unfamiliar to him and he started laughing, "I can't understand half of this!" He wasn't even aware there were these many new words left for him to discover. "Guard! Guard! Please come here and tell me what this word means!"

The guard helped him with maybe three words before ignoring him. He had too many questions he didn't feel like answering and was starting to wish his Rex had simply killed him. Elmfern seemed just as peeved by all his son's questions and tried covering his ears so he could sleep.

Nightling said "If you start to feel nausious, or vomit tell me it's watching sickness... You slept through it but if the sickness progresses you will lose control of your powers... Temporarily but still we do not want a blizzard going... I accidentally produced a whirl wind lightning every time I opened my mouth and quite the light and dark show..." Nightling heard the ruckus downstairs and said "Something is going on... I was on the run for two years... Everywhere I went shades were under attack every colony that had a shade rex had said rex overthrown... Shades were being exiled and wrongly marked as traitors... Nynx we have to be careful." Nightling looked out the window... The moon was full and bright... "Things are going crazy... There's something coming... I got a note written in a leaf it was part of the leaf... The little kitsune Luna brought it to me... I've been seeing the gods when I try to scry Granny... I have to get back to scrying... I need to know as much as I can and stay in cove Colony..." Nightling bade her cousin a good night and went back to her lair to resume the scrying...

Nightling had a late but semi productive night... Shades were looking for new colonies trying to form their own, and a few were overthrowing that stupid Wyveren... They'd managed to kill him and were voting on a new Rex. Leafeon Rex however was actively targeting shades looking for something... He was sending small groups of apparent elite fighters to eradicate shade colonies and suddenly using his political clout to force shades out of colonies. He was marking every shade as a traitor only to have the shades heal the wound first chance they got... Tyrann and her cousin needed to see this because Leafeon himself was headed their way but it could take him days or even weeks to arrive... Nightling recorded three copies and made to take it first to Tyrann, there was a copy for her sister, and one for the archive...

When she scried the Wicked she found out it was not his planning that this was happening but that he was going to use it. Shades were traditionally the arcane fighters in fact they were the only members of dragonkind capable of using any magic beyond a breath ability. Any dragon that could had shade blood within the last two generations. Nynx was squandering something she could use to become greater... Nightling could teach her to use lightning, shadow, and wind magics... But she was not an adept at shadow magic. Sparky was. That left the blizzard element. With that in mind Nightling went to find her cousin after sending the information to Tyrann with the amulets of protection for himself and Kitsune and a note explaining how they worked. The only problem was Leafeon would recognize shade handy work and could cause problems.

This time Nightling did knock on her cousin's door. Nightling would offer to teach her cousin what battle magic she could. Wind could be used to keep an enemy grounded or to enhance one's own flying, lightning could be used to paralyze foes, shadows to blind and confuse.

Dawn approached over the horizon line out at sea like a beckoning love, spreading light wherever it touched. Nynx was sound asleep in her bed when yellow rays flashed upon her eyelids in the gentle kind of way that makes awakening a little easier. Gradually, our commander was coerced out of her slumber and slowly sat up in her bed, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.

Nynx looked around and remembered everything that happened last night. 'Frozenflame, Shadow King, new commander, Nightling, dinner, Nightling, new room, Nightling again, reading, more Nightling, amulet.....' Nynx gave herself a quick synopsis of the most recent events when she remembered the amulet Nightling gave her. She grabbed it and it still hung very proudly around her neck.

"Guess I better get up." It was 6:30 in the morning and birds could be heard from the open window left propped ajar in what Nnyx was referring to as her "oval office". Black claws clinked on hard marble as pale purple eyes struggled to keep themselves from falling into the blissful world of sleep again. Nynx made towards her wardrobe and pulled out a black leather vest and tight, black satin pants that stopped at her knees. She buckled the Tidal Sword to her hip and the combination of its power and her amulet made her feel invincible.

Just about ready to leave her room for breakfast, a light tap on her door caused the shade to halt her endeavors. The wooden door swung open slowly and Nnyx was surprised to see Nightling waiting there on the other side. This day was already starting off weird. Her cousin never knocked to save her life. In fact, Nnyx thought she would chew her own tail off before she saw the day Nightling knocked on a door.

"Hey Nightling, I wasn't expecting you. Not you at all actually, since you never knock. Nontheless, come in." Nynx gestured for her cousin to to come and sit down with her by the fire. "What brings you here today?" Her amulet kept throbbing a glow of pale indigo, something that hadn't ever happened before.

Nightling showed her cousin the report on what Leafeon Rex was doing... "He's coming... I for one plan to lay low but that isn't an option for you... Tyrann is going to be put into a delicate position because we are shades... The Wicked is NOT behind this but he will use it... We shades are the only ones capable of fighting with magic... If you are going to take him on I have to teach you at least how to defend from shadow magic and dark magic... You can't count entirely on that sword... He knows that thing and might have found a counter. I can't watch him nonstop. I could show you other techniques to give your comrades an edge... With wind magic you can keep your opponants on the ground, lightning can paralyze good for taking captives for interrogation... Nynx this is going to take magic to accomplish if not attack spells then defense... A sword can't attack an energy construct a specter like he appears to be for the moment enchanted or not... Regular dragons can't use magic... I know you think of it as a crutch but a crutch is first and foremost a tool and we both need every tool at our disposal right now... Let me know when you are ready to learn..." Nightling handed over more scrolls the scrying word for word and left.

Tyrann's morning started bright and early, already being handed reports from Nightling. He wondered how on Bazul that female had so much get-up-and-go all the time. Where ever she was getting it from, Tyrann surely needed to find out.

Morning started out with turning his eggs as Kit was still sound asleep when Tyrann awoke. Just another dragon to be envious of at his rate. Sleep was a beautiful thing. Then, a hatchling got stuck in the side of the cliffs, barely holding on long enough to get rescued by his father whom happened to be a guard. Nightling soon arrived at his heels with a scry report and two amulets of protection for Tyrann and his wife. The most current even leading us up to Tyrann's present location in the Great Hall was a serious of meetings with advisors that right near put him to bed again.

Rubbing between his eyes, the king realized he needed to address the two prisoners he had encountered last last night after they had been caught stealing from his territory. "Oh all the things to do..." Tyrann groaned. "Baird, fetch me the prisoners Elmfern and Rivet. It's their judgement day so to speak." Baird laughed and for a large dragon such as he, spun rather quickly on his heels and was off to collect the two for Tyrann.

Nynx was shocked when she heard of Leafon's instigation to capture all shades. What had they ever done to him? Remebering Leafon's major ego problem, her last question made a bit more sense. Nightling continued to talk and she listened, frowning a bit when the younger shade insisted she learn more about her magic skills.

"Fine." Nynx huffed. "I'm going to go eat breakfast, then meet me in the training yard by the armory at noon." Nynx finished and Nightling was already half out the door. "We'll see you then." The shade rolled her eyes. When would her cousin ever act normal...well normal for Nightling.

Rivet hadn't slept at all that night having been too enthralled by the numerous words he had never seen before. With the uncertainty of their fate in that morning he had spent the whole night reading and rereading the material the guard had given him. He didn't know if he'd ever be able to read again and cherished what hours he had. He heard a door open and his head perked up. They were here for him already? Well it was only... morning. When did the sun come up? He had nearly forgotten how late at night it had been when they were captured. "Dad! They're here." His father was still fast asleep. "Dad they're here!" Elmfern grumbled and looked up to see a few guards standing in front of his cell.

Like the night before Rivet didn't seem to cause much trouble while being transported. He really wasn't able to as the guard was much stronger than himself.  His father was too tired after all his thrashing and struggling from last night to be much trouble. He simply decided to be lazy and not walk at all so the guards would have to drag him. Elmfern felt it wasn't long enough before they were dragged before the king. He was sure that their sentence would be harsh though his son kept trying to convince him that night that they weren't dead or tortured yet so they likely wouldn't be. Rivet perked his head up and stood attentively while Elmfern simply flopped on the ground. How was it his son had more energy than him when he was the one who stayed up all night?

Baird dragged in his prisoners as Tyrann sat tired upon his throne. It was about 9:30 in the morning and much too early for any of this but, Tyrann knew if he didn't get this over with now he would only kill the father and son just so he didn't have to deal with them. Thankfully for them, Tyrann's generosity had carried over from last night, despite the extravagent morning he's had. Once a few feet from the king, Elmfern and Rivet were ordered to bow in his presence yet again.

"Good morning you two, pleasent day isn't it?" Tyrann started very kindly, still seated. "Low and behold, your judgment day has arrived. Now, I could give you a trial, but after my most hazzardous of mornings, I would prefer to dictate your fate myself, is that alright?" He really wasn't giving them a choice in the matter.

"Obviously, letting you both go just so you can steal more of my supplies is not an option. So, I'm sure you've heard of The Wicked's coming rise to power...." Tyrann paused again to get up. "Only the wielders of the eleven famous Rune Swords can stop him. I have three of the mighty blades and their wielders present in my halls. The location of the Terra Sword and the Volt Sword has come to my attention. That's where you two come in." Tyrann was circling them now, but came to a halt in front of Elmfern and Rivet.

"Instead of killing you, I'm going to let you live because to me, the marks on your faces are unrightfully there. But, you both are going to become apart of my army and you will be trained by my Head Commader, Nnyx. She is a shade like your son." Addressing Elmfern at the moment, Tyrann continued to the best part of his descion. "I am trying to give you a home in my castle, as a commemorate to Barkburr." Tyrann sympathized. "And, you will retrieve the Terra Sword for me from the depths of Leafon's castle. Nnyx, her cousin Nightling, and another shade by the name of Sparky, will go with you. Don't worry, Leafon will not be there, in fact, he's on his way to my kingdom as we speak, looking to capture shades. That's why I need you out, as well as Nnyx, and her cousin Nightling as well. Consider it an opprotunity as well as a punishment." The king ended with a gentle tone and a small laugh. Elmfern and Rivet really had no other choice but to accept, but Tyrann gave them a moment to respond with whatever questions and/or grievances they had.

"Wait, the wicked?" Elmfern seemed both perplexed and concerned.

Rivet didn't want to bother Tyrann with their bickering again so he answered him simply. "Yes, I kept telling you since a few weeks ago. You told me to stop rambling so I'm not sure that you were listening." Since he often talked his father's ear off Elmfern often had to tune him out as to not have a headache for hours on end. Rivet looked back up at Tyrann, it almost hurt his neck to look up like this while he was right in front of him. "Thank you! You are most generous for allowing us this opportunity." It was at least an incentive to not run away because if they did they could squander the best chance they had at joining a decent colony.

Elmfern was squirming in place for obvious reasons. The last time he had been there Leafon Rex told him his family would be killed on sight. He couldn't be sure if his guards would follow that order or not, but the last time he checked Leafon's people didn't question his rule or actions. If they were caught there would be far worse things done than having their wings torn off and being thrown off a cliff as Tyrann had threatened to do. If not for the possibility for his son to survive he would've likely asked that Tyrann just kill them. He thought it best to escape the first chance he and his son could.

At the very least as long as it hasn't changed, "I know the castle layout and the location of the Terra sword well." The last time he checked Leafon also wasn't actively going after shades in other territories so he couldn't be sure how loyal his followers would be. Either something must have happened or have changed as he didn't think he was belligerent enough to be going after the entirety of shades. Not when the population of the Forest colony was populated with so many, or now he had a feeling what used to be so many shades. It would be hard to tell what was wrong when the Forest colony tended to be so reclusive. "Last time I checked Leafon didn't strike me as being particularly belligerent towards shades. Something must have happened." He normally wouldn't care but again, the Terra colony used to be well populated with shades.

"Yes I'm not sure what has happened to spark such an interest in shades. It only came to my attention when my priestess handed me over her scry reports. Leafon was always very eccentric in his doings." Tyrann said after Elmfern finsihed talking.

"I can assure you, you and Rivet will be safe. Nnyx is a highly trained general who is a master of stealth tactics and practically perfected the art of raid and evacuate. Combined with your knowledge of Leafon's castle, your son's plant abilities, and a few of my other guards, just to make sure you dont decide to miraculously get any ideas about escaping, you all should be out in a breeze." The red dragon assured them, while of course making a statement about the consequences of them trying to escape, and giving them a knowing smile.

"I don't know why you'd want to leave to cove anyway, because I'm willingly taking you in and giving you and home along with a job. I could even give you another chance to reclaim your throne Elmfern. But, you know never know do you?" Tyrann looked down at Elmfern with a smile, a smile that was practiced for years during the training he endured to become king.

"So, how about it?" Tyrann held out his massive, clawed hand for Elmfern to shake.

Waking up on a lovely morning, Kitsune yawns stretching her large body, and then looks to tend her eggs. Seeing Tyrann gone and the eggs turned she smiles knowing only Tyrann would do that. She then walks out of the room, after wrapping a blanket around the eggs to keep them warm, she assigned two guards to the door  and walked through the palace. Going to eat first she munched on breakfast and then wanders some more. Going near the throne area/room she hears Tyrann's voice. 

Wandering slowly down the stairs she waits at the bottom. Overlooking what was in front of her she got worried. Tyrann sat at his throne, his voice projecting theough the room, demanding respect and taking authority before the two -never before seen by kit- dragons on the lower floor in front of Tyrann. Waiting patiently she listens to Tyrann's Orders, and awaits the dragons answers.

Of course Elmfern shook his hand, did he really have any other option? It was this or allow Tyrann to kill him and his son. "It's the best option I have at this point." He could easily outrun these guards but that was it, outrun. As long as these guards were average fliers they could easily catch up with him except in areas with a dense canopy, like the jungle. Tyrann seemed to have some common sense so the chances of him and his son being permitted to enter the jungle were slim to none.

Rivet was pacing in place wanting to explore as much as he could before he left but Tyrann hadn't given the permission to leave yet. He didn't know how soon they'd be leaving and wanted to learn as much as he could about this cove and especially it's plant life. He'd be lucky if the guards let him near a weed but it didn't stop him from hyping himself up. There was too much foreign wildlife and so little time and freedom to view them. There was also the possibility they'd be put under watch of this Nyx shade as soon as this discussion was over. "Would it be possible to see at least some small potted plants?" He couldn't do much with potted plants as they depleted the soil of nutrients at an accelerated rate when magic was preformed on them. The soil in pots had a low nutrient content to begin with.

Nightling knew they didn't have much time and when she got there she stated she had to see what Nynx could do to start with so they were starting with basic pulses. "The lightning one may make your fur stand on end so I did bring a brush..." Sure enough Nightling had a brush with a handle of a strange substance she called rubber... Nightling also had to go over some electrical physics with her cousin... To demonstrate she fired a bolt of lightning perfectly vertical and it came back down and Nightling had to side step it... She also bothered to show her cousin how to limit the range of a lightning strike and control the voltage to do what she willed before moving on to shadow magic.

Blinding and 'shadow doubles' Nightling had conjured a copy of herself and said "Unless you are an absolute master with both wind and shadow magics these will be silent and..." Nightling swept her tail through the double "They are unsubstantial meaning they cannot offer any sort of shield and they cannot attack. But they are good to confuse the heck out of an opponant and frighten them because they think you are doing something impossible being in two places at once. This can also be done very similarly with light magic..." Nightling was a fast and efficient teacher something that had taken her weeks to master was only going to take her cousin hours at this rate... But her cousin was more natural with shadow magic than her. Nightling also showed her cousin how to control winds to aid in flight, clear clouds and other weather, and keep an opponant grounded... Nightling's wing scales were also showing ridges of some sort that seemed to muffle her flight accompanied by a velvet of some sort on her wings... Nightling concluded with "I know Tyrann rex said I was to acompany you but the Wicked has already made grab attempts and he cannot come here. It's too dangerous for everyone for me to leave here plus I have to maintain survelience on things... Take off the amulet at midnight and we can go over plans via scry... But you need clean water and a sliver bowl with oil from a night flower to up the accuracy..." Nightling concluded the lesson saying "That's also all the combat magic I actually know that you have an afinity for... Shadow doubles took me a week but you happen to be a natural with it and you had a lot of pent up magical energies to work with... You can up your reserves with practice and a lot of food... There is a reason I eat so much... Speaking of which I am going to remind Tyrann why I can't leave Cove colony before I get something to eat. Sparky is going with you... I'd recomend stuffing your face before you head out..." Nightling went to go see Tyrann and give him the reminder and also remind him she could easily evade capture if she knew it was coming...

Nynx learned a lot from her cousin, even finding she had a natural knack for learning the various magic. Although, she had always been a quick teach, her lineage going back to her great grandmother, Athena, the goddess of knowledge, some of the material taught to her had Nynx wondering why it was useful. Nontheless, Nynx also found that shadow magic came easy for her. She actually liked the way it felt to have the surge of energy it took to create the spells coursing through her veins.

"Thank you Nightling, perhaps I'll have to teach you the art of sword fighting, or even better, everything I know about stealth." Nynx mused, hoping her cousin would bite at the idea. Nightling only mentioned she was visiting Tyrann and was off and away.

On any other occasion, Nnyx would have found herself bored, but, given her new assignment from the king, she was rather occupied creating a training regimen for the new trainees, Rivet and his father Elmfern. She did know that Rivet was a shade, a plant shade if she remembered correctly. Nynx also thought Tyrann had been too lenient on them, especially considering they had stolen from him. Nontheless, it wasn't her place nor her concern to punish them accordingly. The shade couldn't help but remember to look on Rivet's face. He seemed as though he was constantly analyzing everything and whether that was a good thing or not Nynx wasn't sure. For all she knew, he could be trying to figure out a way to escape. Again, she couldn't understand why, the Cove Colony was a magnificent place to live, especially for a guard or warrior of any sort. The Shadow Dynasty always had a way of having the best, most revered guard out of all the Great Colonies. The two should be proud to have such a home and occupation, and more so, to be alive.

The commander knew if the two decided to make a break for it at some point, Tyrann would appoint her to hunt them down and bring them back to him for almost certain execution. Frozenflame had often used her in such abduction situations due to her superior track and capture methods. As much as it hurt her to bring someone, or multiple dragons, to their ultimate death, it was always a job well done. She often had felt pity for them as she had her team drag them back into the ghostly halls of the castle and thrown before the feet of Frozenflame. If looks could kill, the bitter, empathy seeking glares of hate they shot at her before being sent away to the dungeon were one of the things about her job that kept Nynx up at night. Oddly enough, for some reason, Nynx hated the way it felt to think of Rivet is such a situation.

Nynx huffed and made her way from the training yard up to her room. The entire trek took a good twenty minutes to accomplish as the castle itself was really quite large. It wasn't as large as the Ice Colony's castle; however, the Ice Castle was taller than it was anything. Besides colder. It was certainly colder. Fortunately for Nynx, her fur and feathers left many other scaled dragons jealous at the warmth they provided and the easyness in which she was able to move in colder climates allowed for Nynx to train a lot harder and a lot faster than the rest. She was sure this trait was one of the reasons she was able to thrive in the Ice Colony. Of course, the Cove Colony was a lot warmer, leaving the commander to consider getting her fur trimmed to combat the significantly hotter temperature of the cove.

Soom at her room, Nynx walked in and immediately grabbed one of the military books she had brought along with her from her previous home in the Ice Colony. It was basically about the training of new soldiers, and, as Tyrann specificated, Elmfern and Rivet would be especially taught the ways of stealth. Nynx herself would also have to brush up on her tactics.

Nynx grabbed her book and headed to her office, shutting the glass doors connecting the half circle room to the larger living quarters. She sat there for a while thinking and thinking, till, finally, she came up with a plan of attack in regards to training the two new dragons. As far as her knowledge went, Tyrann hadn't mentioned Rivet and his father having any prior knowledge with warfare or spy work. This will be difficult, she thought. Tyrann had instructed Nynx to meet with Rivet and Elmfern, escorted by Baird, the massive blue guard whom she found mildly attractive, in the training yard at 3:00 p.m. sharp.

Collecting her things and turning off the light in her room, Nynx made haste down the hall, making sure to grab the Tidal Sword as a last measure before running out the door. She got to the courtyard at 2:45, giving her a little time to breathe as she collected two armor sets from the armory. Nynx laid them out and waited for the two to arrive.

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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