Tapping her clawed foot against the floor, Adrah was almost on the edge of her seat in anticipation. She did her best to try and hear through the walls to gather some indication as to what was happening, but the chatter within the grand hall disabled her ability to do so. Giving an impatient grumble, the dragoness decided she would need to just wait her turn in seeing the hatclings, no matter how long that would take.
Looking up to Saxon once she had heard his voice, Adrah gave a slight frown, slipping her hand from his before his lips truely could make contact. "And where might I ask have you been?" She asked, linking her hands in front of her. She was quite unimpressed. "I haven't seen hide or horn of you for days, not even around the castle. I expected it to be longer before you grew bored of me, Saxon." The white dragoness told him.
Well healed scars now plagued her once beautiful, reflective scales. Where feathers had been shed from her fall and injures, they were regrowing in the most gorgeous shades of blue. Chips in her backwards facing lightly twirled ceased to exist althogether. She had made quite the recovery since her unforunate turn of events, and only one thought had been on her mind.
"I have been thinking of going home. Whether briefly or perminantly, I'm not sure. I wanted to see Tyrann's chicks first. I wouldn't forgive myself if I couldn't see my nieces and nephews." Adrah nodded slightly. She didn't want to leave, but she thought possibly it was the right thing to do. She didn't want to outstay her welcome, and neither did the dragoness want her parents to fear for her safety. Her father would soon need to return to work, and her mother wouldn't be able to both look after eggs, which had probably hatched by now, and hunt at the same time.
The white dragoness fixed the few curling feathers draping over her eyes before looking to Saxon. "I believe you may want to stay here, and I won't force you to stay or leave. I think I might possibly just visit for a short time, to see if they need any help or not." Adrah gave a gentle shrug. She needed the peace of mind that her family was safe. It wouldn't be a long flight. A day of travelling in total. However, she was unaware of the danger that it would now present itself with The Wickids impending return.
"I haven't seen hide or horn of you for days, not even around the castle. I expected it to be longer before you grew bored of me, Saxon." That one stung in a place Saxon hadn't even known could be touched.
Saxon knew he was in trouble. He truly hadn't meant to keep himself from her. The prince's heart sank a little as Adrah's displeasure was wrought upon her face and the way she recoiled her hand from his grasp. The feeling isnide his chest only grew when she mentioned leaving him. Saxon took a deep breath before explaining.
"Oh Adrah I....." Saxon started then looked around athe crowded hallway. Feeling as though they needed some privacy, he lightly grasped Adrah's shoulder before motioning with his head to follow him. Saxon was sure she rolled her eyes. They walked down the hall in silence until Saxon opened the doors to a large, marble balcony. He held the door and allowed Adrah to go in first, however, she didn't seem impressed in the slightest. axon sighed again before closing the door and walking over to where Adrah stood by the railing and began his speech.
"I didn't mean to...I'm not bored of you at all. I found the Qauke Sword and I was so surprised, mainly becuase I don't think very highly of myself most of the time and to have such a sword choose me....it doesn't make sense. So I was stalled away in the confinements of my head, unable to be released from a sort of prison as I tried to figure out a reason why I have such a blade and what I ever did to deserve it. Sometimes that happens to me...I get so caught up in events and I shut myself out. I'm sorry Adrah." Saxon confessed, trying to explain himself in a way that would make sense. "It's my own fault this happened. But can I just say something?" Saxon asked, not really waitig for a response.
"Before you go, I just want to say that I don't want to lose you. Ever since I was a kid, I've always found you so..." Saxon was looking for the words to use,"...so mesmorizing." He finally said. "Even when you were beating Tyrann up. I thought once me and Tyrann had to go away for training I'd never see you again. I figured I'd end up with some dumb princess that I'd be forced to marry and I'd never be happy. But lord knows, you showed up and made me happy in the best way possible. I know some day soon I will have to back to m father and uncle and start the same old routine over again. I guess what I'm trying to say here is, please don't leave Adrah. You mean too muhc to me for me to let you go. I guess that's selfish of me, but it's the truth." Saxon finsihed pleading, unaware of how close his face had gotten to the white dragoness before him as turqoiuse met oceanic blue.
Leaning very slightly against the banister of the balcony, Adrah stood and heard the copper dragon of his reasons for his disappearance. The sword caught her attention most of all, something similar that had happened to her also. Possibly he too knew something about it.
"I didn't mean to...I'm not bored of you at all. I found the Qauke Sword and I was so surprised, mainly becuase I don't think very highly of myself most of the time and to have such a sword choose me....it doesn't make sense. So I was stalled away in the confinements of my head, unable to be released from a sort of prison as I tried to figure out a reason why I have such a blade and what I ever did to deserve it. Sometimes that happens to me...I get so caught up in events and I shut myself out. I'm sorry Adrah." Saxon confessed, trying to explain himself in a way that would make sense.
Hearing all of this made Adrah think to herself a moment, his compliments and confessions turning the whites of her cheeks a light shake of pink. She hadn't known him to be quite so emotional. It was as thought he was proclaiming his love for her, without even needing to say those three words.
By this time, Adrah hadn't noticed quite how close they had become, until she had snapped fully back to reality. The sword still playing on her mind, she couldn't let his efforts to keep her fail. He really did mean what he was saying. The white dragoness had earned some self doubt in whether his affections had been real, or just a passing thing whilst she was there. However now Adrah fully believed him, pulling him into that one-crushingly tight embrace she had been known for, planting her head on his shoulder.
"Oh, Saxon. How could I ever stay mad at you?" She asked with a gentle sigh, however it seemed the squeeze of her hug was a punishment in its own right. "I must mention about the sword though.. a similar thing happened to me.. but I believe it to be an elemental sword, not one of the Colonies like you, but its lengendary finesse.. Those who have wielded it before.. I don't believe I was whom it intended to fall in the hands of." She confessed.
Tyrann was overwhelmed and overjoyed entirely. He couldn't believe this was all happening, Briefly in his joy, he wished King Thantos and Queen Stella could be here to see their grandchildren.
"Yes..."Tyrann stared lovingly at his wife then at the four little ones already running about the room. "Ramses, Lily, Stella, and Delphine." Tyrann threw an arm around Kitsune and pulled her close to him. "Aren't they perfect?" He mused, content in every sense of the word. His life felt complete, yet an overwhelming urge to protect came surging through his veins. Tyrann would never let anyone hurt his family.
Realizing there were guests outside waiting to meet the new prince and princesses, the king ushered his family out into the hallway after yelling to the crowd to back up and give the hatchlings some space. Eeveryone marveled over the four hatchlings, but mostly over Stella. Her uniqueness was unbounded, as many dragons and dragonesses had never seen such a breed as her other than Kitsune.
Even then, Stella looked a bit different. She was black like Kitsune, but her scales were more iridescent indigo in color. Her small wings were extremely extraordinary, being blue in color with butterfly-like patterns and a whopping thirteen metacarpals. Tyrann hadn't a clue where that came from. Stella also had a small fin ridge starting at the top of her head and ended about the middle of her neck. She would have beautiful, black plated horns as an adult as well.
Delphine was also very unique. She had three stuby horns at the top of her head that made a sort of crown, yet she wasn't a Crowned Chaos Dragon. She was pure white, not a speck of any other could could seen on her. She had very rounded features with a slender nose and that was it. She truly was the meaning of simple yet elegant.
Tyrann watched as his new children played with the staff.
Nightling was noticably keeping a little distance from the little ones and noticably drooling a milky blue substance... She snuck over to Tyrann and said "The only reason I am not feeding them is I'm producing shade's milk and that will make them hyper... It's the blue stuff..." Nightling swallowed hard to get it under control and said "All shades produce it around hatchlings particularly around the newly born like this.. I am leaving before someone thinks I am going to try to eat your youngsters..." Nightling was getting glares and she scurried off before anything happened...
Nightling got back to scrying and found that Leafon was making no plans to hasten home... He was going to use the scarring on his face to convince Crash rex that Tyrann was rouge and that shades were evil... One of Crash's advisors however a crystaline a mix of light and quake saw this coming from a scrying crystal and warned the old timer before Leafon arrived... He was promptly shown the door...
Something was driving that dragon to do this and it was not just the wicked... Nightling caught "She thought she could turn me away? Shades have no loyalty to their colonies if they refuse their rex like this... Was I not handsome enough?" One of his entourage said "Sire she said you were physically too large..." "Silence Alder! Shades are liars..." Nightling realized that a spurned romance was part of this... Leafon was a large dragon... Even a massive shade wouldn't be that big... He was too large to mate with even the largest female shade... Female shades were noticably smaller than males... There was enough spite in Leafon to make him think genocide was the answer... He was not right in the head... Crash had spotted the insanity then and there... He was making to figure something out even annexing grove colony to get that mad dragon out of power...
After being ushered out unto the Hall by Tyrann Kitsune suddenly feels protective of the four young dragons. Grabbing the closest one -Stella- she holds Stella close, and growls everytime she feels someone gets to close to the hatchlings or makes a wrong move in her mind.
As Stella chews on her mother's scales Kitsune eyes the children and chats with people, receiving congrats, and then chats with Tyrann. "So...now what Tyrann? Where will they sleep? Because four hatchlings are not sharing a bed with us. "She giggles. "I love them...they are my children...but still."
She hears Delphine yelp and growls at the Staffer who stepped on the small dragoness. She then takes Delphine and holds her close like Stella, once again feeling protective.
Saxon's subliminal charm had struck again. He loved the way the Twin-Tail dragoness's body fit perfectly into the mold of his, almost as if it was meant to be. Saxon started to blush and quickly felt a surge of an emotion he'd never felt before rushing through his veins. Odlly enough, he liked it.
Adrah pulled away and Saxon watched her as she looked down at the sword around her hip. His turqouise eyes went wide as he glanced over at the Gale Sword.
"I must mention about the sword though.. a similar thing happened to me.. but I believe it to be an elemental sword, not one of the Colonies like you, but its lengendary finesse.. Those who have wielded it before.. I don't believe I was whom it intended to fall in the hands of." She confessed. Saxon didn't know what to say, except for the million facts about the Rune Swords that swarmed his head.
"The Rune Swords are choosing their weilders...I read about them in an old book." Saxon said before quoting the text he'd read. "Rune Swords take to a soul of royal blood, who's heart is pure as gold, and bravery as strong as steel. The ancient weapon, like a chivalrous knight, stands in the way of evil's breath. All foes shall fall at the blade's mighty wraith, so to end tyranny in the lands that prevail." He finished the long quote, remembering it exactly.
"My father made me study up on the Rune Swords as much as I could, in the event that one day I'd have to weild one. It seems as though you are a long descendent of Albatross the Typhoon, first weilder of the Gale Sword. He didn't found a major colony, but the the city of Dale in the borderland of the Dessert and Forest Colonies is a force to be reckoned with and where Albatross and this sword are from. It made a long journey to get to here, and I don't think it would make a mistake." Saxon assured her, even though he felt as though the Quake Sword had also wrongly chose him. Saxon knew this was false.
Saxon then remembered Adrah was leaving. It hit him like he had just sprinted into a wall of bricks. Saxon would know how this felt, because he had actually sprinted into a wall of bricks before in his teenage years, trying to escape a very large, very angry banshee he had tormented.
Feeling suddenly confident, the copper prince cupped Adrah's cheek in his large hand with a loving gaze in his eyes. Blush formed on his cheeks but he didn't care. Saxon knew if he didn't do this now, Adrah would leave him forever. Gently leaning in. Saxon brought Adrah's elegant face closer to his, going very slow, as to give Adrah time to object his attention if she so choose it.
The castle memebers were adoring his newly hatched youngsters when Kitsune broguht the mighty king back to rela life.
"So...now what Tyrann? Where will they sleep? Because four hatchlings are not sharing a bed with us." She said quickly. "I love them...they are my children...but still." Tyrann understood this completely and agreed. Thantos and Stella never let him or his brothers and sister sleep in their bed. They always slept in their nest.
"I suppose they could cleep in their nest. My mother and father alwasy made me and my siblings sleep there thill we were old enough to have our own rooms, which was around the age of 10. Of course, my sister Estelle got to have a gigantic room all to herself while I had to share a room with roudy brothers." Tyrann chuckled at her.
Tyrann was enjoying watching his children being adored by his loyal staff, even laughing when Kitsune's maternal instincts kicked in a little too strong as she snatched Stella up from the ground. Things got a bit weird when Nightling showed up however...
There was a milky blue liquid being oozed from her mouth and as she creeped over. Tyrann could only look, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape, and wondering if what was drooling from Nightling's mouth was what he thought it was.
"The only reason I am not feeding them is I'm producing shade's milk and that will make them hyper... It's the blue stuff..." Tyrann made the deepest sigh of relief he thinks he'd had ever made in his entire life. For a second there, the king thought he was looking at Sparky's handiwork. "All shades produce it around hatchlings particularly around the newly born like this.. I am leaving before someone thinks I am going to try to eat your youngsters..."Nightling ended before walking away.
Tyrann laughed as his now favorite shade walked off. "Okay Nightling." He chuckled.
Adrah took glanced between Saxon and the sword sat perfectly in its shealth against her hip, moving her wing to allow it to be seen in more detail. "The Rune Swords are choosing their weilders...I read about them in an old book." Saxon said before quoting the text he'd read. "Rune Swords take to a soul of royal blood, who's heart is pure as gold, and bravery as strong as steel. The ancient weapon, like a chivalrous knight, stands in the way of evil's breath. All foes shall fall at the blade's mighty wraith, so to end tyranny in the lands that prevail." He finished the long quote, remembering it exactly. Adrah rose an eyebrow immediately, passing a gentle sigh. She couldn't quite believe what she was hearing.
"I still don't believe it should be me that holds this legendary sword in my possession. I'm so worried I may break it, or lose it or.. show it any injustice. I believe with this sword, I will go down in history.. I don't want to be 'that' Twin-Tail that couldn't use the sword." Adrah sounded almost defeated, a strange tone to be heared from the otherwise headstrong dragoness.
"My father made me study up on the Rune Swords as much as I could, in the event that one day I'd have to weild one. It seems as though you are a long descendent of Albatross the Typhoon, first weilder of the Gale Sword. He didn't found a major colony, but the the city of Dale in the borderland of the Dessert and Forest Colonies is a force to be reckoned with and where Albatross and this sword are from. It made a long journey to get to here, and I don't think it would make a mistake."
And with that, Adrah was sold. "I was forever fold we were just a fishermen family, nothing more, nothing less.. Whether it was said to keep us humble, I'm not sure." The white dragoness took a long moment to process all that was happening, not quite recognising Saxon's warm palm against her cheek, not until his face was within inches of her own. She could feel her own heart hammer within her chest, who knew what was to happen? The look in his eye, the little twinkle the copper Prince held in his eye only for her sold her completely. The blush on his cheeks made her only want to remember this moment more, before she too leaned in to close the small gap between them and initiate the kiss.
Dusk on the horizon line of light blue ocean water painted a priceless canvas as the young lovers shared their first true testiment of affection towards each other. Saxon could feel his heart pounding in his ears and fluttering in his chest to the rythm of an entirely new melody. He pulled Adrah closer to him and pressed her against the flush of his body. Saxon held her as he dipped the dragoness, almost as if they were waltzing about the balcony. This was Saxon's first kiss and he was surprised how well it was going. Finally, fate broke them apart as well as the need for air.
The prince pulled Adrah back upright, using more of his strength then he was sure the dragoness knew he had. It turns out, Saxon was in great shape. All the physical training ordered by his father whipped the soon-to-be Rex in military grade condition in no time.
Once Adrah was on her feet again, the subtle embrassment that happens in any situation such as this set in the air. Saxon cleared his throat.
"Well...um, that was nice." Saxon said a bit awkwardly, all the charm he had just shown gone for the moment. "I am sorry if I offended you right then. I just felt...I just felt it. I don't want you to leave....because you mean more to me than anything on this planet. I wanted to show you that." The Copper Dragon inched towards Adrah and tentatively nudged the left side of her face wth his, stopping himself a couple times in case she wasn't okay with the gesture of his affection.
Kitsune nods. "Okay. That seems fair enough." She muses then puts Stella down and allows her to play again, giving the staff wary growls or glances once more.
Watching nightling, hearing her explanation and seeing how the others were reacting Kitsune chuckles. "Poor nightling." She chuckles with Tyrann who agrees with a short nod. Seeing Delphine yawn slightly Kitsune chuckles and picks her up. "I think someone's Tired Tyrann." She then hands Delphine off to Tyrann. "If you wish I can watch these three while you take care of her?" Kitsune offers, watching the other three baby dragons, still wary of the guards.
Her heart hammering ten to the dozen within her chest, Adrah was sure it intended to break at least a few ribs with its current beating. The kiss left her feeling all light - fluffy, even. Nothing in the world could possibly have ruined that moment for her. Being her first kiss also, it was her idea of the perfect first kiss. And she wouldn't have dreamt of anyone other than Saxon to share it with her. The orange sky smiling down on them, Adrah allowed a smile of her own to pull at her lips once the two had pulled away from one another.
She was rather surprised at his secret strength, his muscles showed he was strong, but Adrah wasn't quite sure whether he could in fact put them to use, and her doubts had been defeated. "From a little chick that refused to spar with me, you've definately improved." The white dragoness rose an eyebrow, moving her hand to his bicep. Finding his eyes once more, she couldn't help but chuckle softly.
The poor might had thought she was offended by his advances. It was his advances along with him just being himself with her that had persuaded her to stay after all.
A gentle blush set on her cheeks, she only moving closer, butting her own cheek against his before resting it atop his shoulder. "I'm sorry I worried you with leaving, I just thought my family might need me. But I have a feeling you may need me more." The dragoness smiled to the large copper dragon.
The gates of the Forest Colony stood tall and mighty, making poles from two very old trees with vines strung between at the top. Lamps with firebugs in them were on each tree pole, illuminating the path before them. Night had enveloped the team, the black camoflauge making their mission easier. All the more to use to Nynx's advantage.
The squad landed in a clear patch of forest near the gate, as the structure stood relatively unguarded: however, was watched by a guard tower in the city. A dense patch of forest stood between the gate and the city walls, which were thick bramble patches made of massive thorns. Unfortunately for Nynx and her team, the armored defense would not be easy to conquer.
"Alright, this is what I need. Rivet, as I'm sure you know, the Forest Colony is guarded by a large bramble patch. Is there any way you can manipulate the roots to give us some sort of access? Preferably toward the back of the castle, where Elmfern can navigate us further." Nynx asked the shade whom she was growing unrequited affections for.
Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.
The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.
Map of Bazul:
Your main prey:
Banshees: flying lizard like creatures
Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles
Seven Great Colonies:
-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.
Rex: Leafon Rex
-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.
Rex: Frozenflame Rex
-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.
Rex: Crash Rex
-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.
Rex: Tiber Rex
-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.
Rex: Hammish Rex
-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.
Rex: Mathias Rex
-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)
Rex: Tyrann Rex
Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.
Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.
Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.
Playable Species:
-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.
-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.
-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.
-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.
-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.
1.) Light swearing
2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)
3.) No killing other's characters without permission
4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission
5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)
6.) You may have as many characters as you want
7.) No god moding