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As Tyrann shook the smaller male's hand, he was thinking of what to do with the pair next. Finally he can up with an idea.

"Baird, escort these two down to the training yard to be started with Nynx at 3. In the meantime, show them around the cove. Take Gregor with you, just in case Elmfern decides to get a bit roudy again." Said the king as Baird nodded with a firm "Yes my lord" and rushed the two out of the castle and down into the city below.

On a stroke of luck, Tyrann caught Nynx headed to the training yard when he turned away from his throne and informed his commander of his request.

"Nynx, I ask quite a task of you. The two prisoners, Rivet and Elmfern, are to be trained to retrieve the Terra and Volt Swords from Leafon's castle. You will the lead the team of them, Sparky, and a few of my guards. I need you out of the castle soon, Leafon is on his way and he's out for shades. You need to hurry. I am sorry to throw this on you so randomly, but I need it done quick. I have faith in you." Was all Tyrann said before running off to go attend to other things.

After an hour or so of talking to advisors, Tyrann asked his servant Tybil to fetch Nightling for him. He needed to speak with her.

Nightling had the feeling of being watched again and she put her garb on the silk echoing her movements and the bells further enhancing the effect... When she arrived before Tyrann Rex she said "Sire I know you were planning to send me out with the others but I cannot leave Cove colony territory. Not without attracting the Wicked or his servants. He is waiting for a chance and not all of them are possessed enough to detect easily. I have come up with several hiding places... A few sea caves with below water entrances... They all have small cracks to the surface for air and I have figured out the route... I can fit supplies in one and there is a source of fresh water so I can stay while you 'entertain' Leafeon Rex. I actually found those hiding places by listening to the chicks about cracks they wanted to explore but are too big to fit..." Nightling said "Unless you have a better hiding place or a ruse of some sort, I think I'd best prepare..." She turned to leave but paused to hear if Tyrann had any other ideas... His trumped hers...

Soon, very soon, Tyrann was approached by Nightling as he sat at his throne, dozing away. The sound of her voice surpirsed him and even made him jump a tad in his seat while looking around to see if anyone noticed his frightened moment there.

"Ah, um, yes hello Nightling." Tyrann greeted Nightling with a smile.

"Sire I know you were planning to send me out with the others but I cannot leave Cove colony territory. Not without attracting the Wicked or his servants. He is waiting for a chance and not all of them are possessed enough to detect easily.�I have come up with several hiding places... A few sea caves with below water entrances... They all have small cracks to the surface for air and I have figured out the route... I can fit supplies in one and there is a source of fresh water so I can stay while you 'entertain' Leafeon Rex. I actually found those hiding places by listening to the chicks about cracks they wanted to explore but are too big to fit....Unless you have a better hiding place or a ruse of some sort, I think I'd best prepare..." Tyrann was truly, and whole heartedly thankful for Nightling in this moment.

"Yes Nightling, that works out fine. Do what you must. I am not sure when Leafon will be here. Hopefully it takes him long enough to train my prisoners, well, my newest trainees. One is a shade, perhaps you could get to know him." Tyrann pressumed. "Anyway, what I need from you is a scry report on Leafon's whereabouts and his next location. Can you do that for me?" He asked Nightling, completely confident she was capable of such an easy task. "And, tell Sparky he has very neat handwriting by the way." Tyrann added and he chuckled a bit.

Nightling got the bowl and started scrying... Then she got back and reported "If weather conditions remain constant based on where he is now and the fact he's removing every shade from every lesser colony he finds along the way I'd estimate him to arrive within five days... Our neighbors have already hidden their shades in various locations and bunkers of some sort... Sparky knows he has good handwriting... I should go and prepare my own hiding place in case Leafeon shows up early... He's moving in a spiraling pattern moving further inland with each pass and this is his first pass but he may come back several times. This might start a war in of itself or make his colony revolt..."

Nightling trotted off and put food and other things in water proof bladder bags sealing them up tight and preparing to dive carrying her loads... The fact she'd be diving to get there would hide her scent she did however stop to ehem 'boost morale' for Sparky and she'd no doubt do it again several times before he left. Nightling managed to put all her supplies down there finding part of the place surprisingly dry... Nightling had brought fire wood and other such things just in case knowing the risk of smoke giving away her location... Nightling was prepared and she wasn't going to go down until it was time...

There was so many new plants and new sights for him to see. It was a shame he and his father had a set destination, the training yard. He wished he could have been free to explore though he seemed to be content for now, he was sure he was making the guards nervous as it was with how far he'd wander off only for one of them to yell at him to return. He was lucky they were even permitting him to move so far from them.

Elmfern didn't have that luxury and was being watched like a hawk. If he could get to somewhere where they could only chase him on foot he could easily escape which was likely why they were practically hovering over him. His flying skills were lacking as his leathery wings were shorter and weaker than other dragons of his size so he couldn't escape through flight. His offspring wasn't as swift which was likely why the guards let his son practically run circles around them. Although his son could always become invisible so maybe the fact that they allowed him to move ahead of them could suggest they had some trust in him, or they could simply be thinking that he wouldn't leave without his father. As soon as he was caught his son had stopped to try and free him which had resulted in Rivet's capture. His son had always been too loyal for his own good.

Rivet stopped by a tall grassy plant he was unfamiliar with. So much of the plants in this area were unique to him, what he wouldn't give to be permitted to go back into that jungle to see more of them. One of the guards emitted a growl when he noticed him so close to the grass. Rivet's feathers ruffled and he moved away from it spooked by the guard. It was clear they didn't want him to get too close to any plants. Shortly after the incident they arrived at the training yard.

Elmfern knew how to fight well enough. As soon as aerial combat was involved though he was as good as defeated. He was built for speed on the ground. His son had little to no combat training. He had taught him to evade enemies while his wife had taught him how to defend himself with magic.

Nightling had been called by someone because there was a glade shade that needed some training and she brought him an herb kit wasting no time in getting him familiar with herbal medicine... The guards growled at her when she brought live plants for this shade to play with. Nightling said "You can't send him out there without any practice of any kind... Light elementals have stronger healing abilities and I was going to show him that..." There was a skeleton model with her and Nightling also had a chick with a broken wing... "This is how you set a bone before you heal it... Watch closely..." Nightling forced the bone in place and the chick yelped as Nightling healed the wing properly... She grabbed a particular root and said "This is chewed to relieve pain... Nightling also had of all things moldy cheese... She said "Remember the smell of this fungus well it can be used to treat infections and flora shades can accelerate it's growth as needed so do NOT eat this cheese it's medicine not food... Put it in festering wounds to help clear up infections..."

She showed him how to make a light double and create a blinding flash... Nightling's teaching speed was fast and the uptake was freakish... She didn't notice her markings and eyes glowing again... If this Rivet had been trained when he was younger this would have been easier but Nightling by some miracle managed to keep the hyperactive shade's attention and give him basic field medicine 101 and a bag of supplies to keep with him. Nightling was also quite clearly incapable of using a sword because she couldn't rear up on her hind legs and move around. All it did was expose her belly and since she was not agile enough it just made her a target.

When Rivet and Elmfern and Rivet arrived, Nnyx had everything laid out and waiting for them.

"Hello, I am Nynx, Head Commander for Tyrann Rex. I have been instructed to teach you the basics of sword fighting and also of raid and return tactics." The shade started, looking at Rivet for the most of the time. Seeing him and his father were more lean, sleek dragons rather than a sturdy, heavyweight like Tyrann, Nnyx was relieved she wasn't training a bunch of muscle heads the art of stealth. She also very much admired Rivet's beautiful, deer-like horns that looked similar to branches. Nynx had never seen such horns, well rather antlers, that were quite as marvelous as his.

"Today, I will be teaching both of you the basics of sword fighting. Tyrann has also informed me neither of you have any sort military training whatsoever. So, to start off with, I'm going to have you both put on the armor I have laid out for you and you can both run around in it to get used to the way it feels." Nynx instructed. Once Rivet and Elmfern had taken a few laps around the training yard with the armor on, Nynx called them back.

"Now, let's practice some sword fighting." She said with a grin. Nynx loved the art of sword fighting, it gave her thrills. First, Nynx practiced on a coupled of the training doubles, showing how various moves were to be executed. Rivet and Elmfern were then expected to perform the same manuvers. Both did well and by the time their training session was over, Nightling appeared. Apparently she was here on accord of Tyrann to train Rivet in his magic skills. Nynx bid them all a good day, the headed over to the armory to place the armor she had used today back on the racks.

When Nynx came back out, Nightling had an asortment of plants scattered around the yard. The commander stared in horror, making it clear to Nightling she better had clean her mess up. Nynx then walked over to the viewing area behind one sided glass so the others could not see her observing them.

Rivet noticed Nynx seemed to stare at him most of the time and assumed he was simply more distrusted than his father. He had never seen fur on any shade or dragon he's encountered and couldn't help but find himself curious. His curiosity was quickly smothered by her orders though giving himself no time to ask about it. What idiot had invented armor? The better defense felt useless if it weighed him down so much that he was vulnerable to every incoming blow. He wasn't used to how armor felt and it seemed neither was his father.

Elmfern had never preferred metal armor. Most of the armor the Forest colony had used was made of only the strongest and heat resistant bark. A material that was much lighter than this. The Forest colony had very few mineral recources that they reserved for weapons and sometimes they still didn't have enough. Nowadays most of their metals came from the Mountain colony in exchange for lumber and meat. Why did he know such trivial matters? His own father had taught him such matters in preparation of becoming a king. He was better with swords but his son most certainly needed... help. Rivet stumbled having some troubles initially trying to keep his balance. His father helped teach him what stance was best.

Rivet's ears perked up to see Nightling come to teach him healing remedies and magic. He had known how to create a blinding flash but the rest of this information was all new to him. It was amazing how little he knew he was capable of. He had next to no experience with his healing magic, light magic, and healing remedies and herbs. Most of the magic his mother had taught him centered around his flora magic. He stuck his face in the bag of supplies trying to remember the smells of it's content. He had learned so much, it put how little he knew into perspective. "Are there any plants I should avoid?" He didn't want to mistake one of these plants for a similar looking one.

Nightling said "These are just the ones native to all of Bazul. I'd avoid anything else as a precaution... This is just field medicine there is much more but this is all you can afford in a pinch... They smell and taste different... If in doubt take a little nibble." Nightling went over how to deal with an abscess and looked at Rivet's talons finding them dull... "You need to sharpen these things... They are tools..." Nightling showed him a scratching post and examined the other shade's antlers... "You could also rub these and sharpen them to use as weapons... Mine curve back and if something gets a hold of the back of my neck I can usually jab back and stick them in the face..." Nightling said "But mine are harder to sharpen..."

Nightling covered more medicine and finished up with a warning to be careful with the antlers... "I've seen dead male kais with tangled antlers so you need to be very careful with those things and they do tangle... I've caught Kais that have their antlers tangled in plants..." Nightling was actually a capable fighter but she couldn't wear armor it was too heavy... She also saw Rivet's father and said "You can strengthen your wings by grabbing onto something you can't lift and try to lift it anyways... Those wings are better suited for tight turns..."

Nightling's wing muscles were well developed in comparison to the older pair and Sparky was doing something to the armor he was supposed to wear... He was putting leather padding... "I don't even know why I am bothering with armor... My grandfather called me an iron hide... I crave iron and it all seems to go right to my scales... Metal clanks against my scales too... Swords have a harder time going through..." He was grumbling and Nightling was listening to him... Nightling's scales in comparison were velvety soft and sleek for speed... Nightling was also a very attractive female... But it was clear she was smitten with Sparky...

Rivet was trying to sharpen his talons but it seemed he wasn't too sure how to rub his claws and horns on the scratching post. His father had to show him how to do something as simple as sharpen them. He took careful mental note that he needed to be careful with his antlers, though his flora magic could help untangle him in such an incident. 

Elmfern doubted what Nightling had recommended would help his weaker wings. His father and his father before him had never had particularly powerful wings. His family was never meant to be strong fliers, they were meant to be swift runners. The Forest colony's territory is dense with trees that make it easier to maneuver on the ground. He took notice of what Sparky was doing to his armor and huffed. Leather? Would it kill them to use some bark for once? Many in the Forest colony believed that wooden armor helped provide more jobs as the armor would eventually decay and return to the earth it once grew from. Once steel wore out it was either discarded or remelted. "I swear, it seems only the Forest colony seems to value decent wooden armor."

Once he had successfully sharpened his claws and horns Rivet started playing with one of the medicinal plants Nightling had brought over. One of the guards assigned to them seemed particularly antsy but didn't interfere yet. He couldn't do too much with a singular plant. His eyes narrowed and focused on the plant. It's roots deepened into the earth and it grew at an accelerated rate, fast enough that they could prove a threat if anyone came close enough. It could also weather and break down bricks and rocks within anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. Plants were versatile things, able to be a shield, a weapon, a medicine, a poison, a home, a repellant, and food among other things. The only goal he had in accelerating this plants growth was to collect more of the medicine from it. After it had finished growing he collected a few sprigs. The ground beneath it was bone dry now and devoid of most nutrients. "Someone will want to water and fertilize this area if they want anything to keep growing here."

Onlooking and feeling a bit bored, Nynx decided to go join the gathering of shade and dragon at the center of the training yard,

"Well, I've decided to join you all since I have no other orders from Tyrann to accomplish." Nynx cleared her throat a bit as she sashayed her best over to the group. She wanted Rivet to notice her.

Nynx knew the armor was very heavy, especially for Rivet and his father, they were simply not built to sustain so much wieght on their bodies. Perhaps she could dig up some leather armor for them, surely it would'nt be nearly as heavy.

"You know, I could get you two some leather armor made if you like, custom even. My uncle is the blacksmith here in the Cove Colony. It would probably be a lot easier to carry and fight in. Rivet, I saw you having trouble balancing in it earlier, perhaps the leather would be better? It's almost just as strong as metal once you put the chemicals in it so that it'll harden." Nynx was trying to be nice for once. Kindness wasn't her best attribute, but, she wanted Rivet to find her at least somewhat likeable. All those long years of military training had led her to want to be the best of the best and leave emotions in the dust because emotions softened you. Maybe it was time Nynx let her heart feel again.

Nynx saw everyone acknowledging their muscles and did the same. She was extremely muscular, especially for a female and a shade at that. Her wings muscles, chest, forearms, and quads especially. In fact, it was her who had the most muscle definition out of the five of them, even the male shade Sparky. Nynx was sure she could fight anyone of them and win, mostly because of her experience with such situations.

"Armor isn't everything. I once had to combat a male dragon much larger than me during the battle at Domra. I had no weapons, nothing to defend myself with except talons, teeth and my secret weapon." Nnyx said and smiled. "Eventually, my assailant made a fatal mistake and his hand landed on the toxic barbs hidden beneath my fur down the ridge of my back." She pulled some of the fur away from her elbows and showed the group her barbs. They were black with iridescent tips so they blended in with her fur. One of them even dripped a blot of clear liquid just by being touched. "They are down my back and on my elbows. When touched, they immediately inject venom into whatever landed on them. I sometimes scrape myself, forgetting they are there. Fortunately, I'm immune to my own venom thank Draco." Nynx showed everyone and moved closer so they coud have a better look. She also hoped to impress Rivet just a little.

Nightling said to Rivet's father... "We don't have those kinds of trees here..." Nightling knew her cousin was ripped but she knew Nynx would need a better fat reserve to use magic more effectively and said "Nynx for the sake of using magic and long distance travel you could use a bit of a fat reserve... Eat healthy but large and frequent meals..." Nightling looked at herself and said "Come to think of it I need to put on a bit more too..." Nightling looked at everyone and said "Looks like you all need to tone up and fatten up for this... Young Rivet doesn't know healthy weights... Most of dragon kind are underweight so it isn't anything to be ashamed of..."

Nightling walked off and got a balanced meal before scrying Leafeon again... She came back and said "He's moving faster than expected three days if the weather holds... I will keep an eye on things..." Sparky said "We're going for a stealth mission so our armor has to be padded..." He got to work and Nightling got back to scrying... She watched a storm brewing around Leafeon Rex and said "Storm might slow him down but how long depends on the length of the storm..."

"Not even one variety of steelbark? There must be three different species where I came from!" With all the trees in their jungles it seemed ludicrous to think there wasn't even one species of said tree. They weren't very tolerant of salt though, and the soil they grew in was very deficient of most minerals to begin with. Of course if the tree grew everywhere how else would the Forest colony be able to trade for lumber when so many colonies had trees of their own? Same with how the Mountain colony and Volcano colony trades their abundant rocks and metals, the Desert and Cove colonies traded their salt and sand, the Ice colony traded well... Ice, and so on. If every colony had the same materials there would be no need to trade or get along with one another. He quickly realized what Nynx was trying to do, though his son seemed too distracted by her fur of all things.

"If there truly is no steelbark in this territory leather would be preferable." Steelbark was so much more useful though! An enemy's weapon could easily get stuck in the armor and be disarmed or have their weapon stolen. It seemed that the said armor must be specific to the Forest colony though. They specialized in making said armor which required special equipment, though assistance from a flora shade sped up the process significantly. Hence why there was, or used to be so many shades in their territory. "Also it's hard to gain any fat stores when we've hardly been able to get ahold of any food," Elmfern's reply was aimed at Nightling.

Rivet ignored the fact that Nynx had walked over in an odd manner and dismissed it as a limp. He paid careful attention to the location of the barbs. He had to know what her fur felt like and touched the fur on her tail, "Does the fur make your less heat resistant? Does it make your scent stronger? If it does how do you mask it?" He had too many questions for something as simple as fur.

Nightling said "Now is your chance to fatten up..." She got back to scrying and she was writing it herself... She found something disturbing... Leafeon was doing things to two female shades he'd brought with him and he was sadistic and since he was many times their sizes the act alone was hurting them. He was delighting in their pain and insatiable... The female shades were larger than Nightling and his soldiers were disgusted in his activities... She reported it to Tyrann rex and looked visibly disturbed bells tinkling... The two female shades were in bad shape and all Nightling could do is pray for them... Nightling went and warned her cousin... "Those spines might not hold up against someone with an iron hide... Metal goes into their scales and makes them stronger..." Nightling resumed her scrying and prayers...

Nynx's mind wondered off when Elmfern and Nightling started to talk of magic related topics. She was in her own mind, that was, till she felt someone stroke her tail. Immediately, her slender ears pricked forward and she jumped a little, unsure of what happened.

"Whoa, what the-!" Nynx exclaimed in surprise to see Rivet very intriguingly touching her tail. "Rivet, what are you-" Nynx's voice started strong but faded as the greenish yellow male continued to stroke her tail. A sensation wrought through Nynx's nerves that she had never felt before, never had the pleasure of. The feeling she experienced when he touched her sent tingles down her body and she shivered at the contact. Rivet then proceeded to bombard her with questions, leaving Nynx's moment of emotion short lived.

"Well, um, yes they are heat resistant for the most part. Where I used to live in the Ice Colony, my fur was perfect for to intense cold. It kept me warm when my scaled comrades froze. My fur does make being here in the cove a little tough however since it hasn't gotten used to the climate. It will eventually though, my fur is special in the way that it gets thicker when I move into colder climates and get thinner in hotter temperatures. In the heat, my coat becomes like at of wicking away moisture from sweat." Nynx stated, hoping her answer satisfied Rivet's sudden interest. She on the other hand, was desperately praying he wouldn't take his hands off of her.

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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