Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.
The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.
Map of Bazul:
The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.
Your main prey:
Banshees: flying lizard like creatures
Kais: deer-like animal
Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles
Seven Great Colonies:
-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.
Rex: Leafon Rex
-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.
Rex: Frozenflame Rex
-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.
Rex: Crash Rex
-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.
Rex: Tiber Rex
-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.
Rex: Hammish Rex
-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.
Rex: Mathias Rex
-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)
Rex: Tyrann Rex
Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.
Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.
Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.
Playable Species:
-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.
-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.
-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.
-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.
-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.
1.) Light swearing
2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)
3.) No killing other's characters without permission
4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission
5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)
6.) You may have as many characters as you want
7.) No god moding
Started on: 29/01/2016 @ 12:23 pm