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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Tyrann Rex listened to the shade as she spoke. He believed she'd fit well on his medic team. She was a good hunter, obviously, but she was to slimly built to be a warrior. Yes, the medic team was perfect.

"I will appoint you to the medic team. You will fit in well here Nightling. Guards let her go. You are dismissed." Said Tyrann and the shade walked off. Tyrann went into his cave atop his throne and thought about Kitsune. He felt so lonely. The red dragon thought of his mother and father and how in love they were. He missed them very much on times like these. The Rex sighed as night blackened the land.

It was in the dead of night as Tyrann watched the starry sky, not a soul stirred in the cove. That was, until he saw Kitsune, or Kit, as she wished to be called, walking along underneath his throne.

"Kitsu-, er, Kit! Would you like to come up for a moment?" He excitedly asked her.

Kitsune sighed, as she walked along the pathway, thinking about her father, and who he was, what  he was like. Hearing her name, her head snaps up again. She looks around not seeing anyone. She walks again, before hearing her name called a second time. She looks Up and sees Tyrann. She smiles widely and nods. "Sure! I would be honored too!" She replies, as she turns around and goes up the path. She stops at the edge. "Are sure, Tyrann?" She asks, looking around, a bit hesitant. Being her first time ever asked upon a kings throne a thousand d things were running through her mind. What if she messed up whatever he needed help with? He may never talk to her again! She sighed and looked away, before smiling back at him.
Nightling walked off and went into the jungle with a sling coming back with a number of plants and a fruit snack... She found a thick branch and started using her talons and other things to make holes in it getting some sap and essentially hanging herbs to dry. Unlike many Shades did have opposable talons and could stand on two legs if she used her wings as supports. She looked bizzare doing it and when asked she bothered to explain what she was doing... She had to learn more about the local flora to make more complex medicines... When she was done setting the things out to dry she started peeling one of the fruits that had inedible skin... Most dragons didn't know these things were food but they also lacked the dexterity to peel them. These things were actually delicious... Nightling was in the shade where it was cooler...
"Oh it's fine Kit. Don't worry about it, im the Rex. I can call whomever I wish up to my throne. I just wanted to learn more about you......and it gets lonely up on this pile of rocks" Tyrann Rex said to the lovely female and chuckled a bit. "Please lay down, don't be shy." The King assured her. He was the Rex, who was going to yell at her for being on HIS throne?

"So tell me about yourself darling." Tyrann invited Kit to speak. He wanted to know everything about her. The red dragon listened intently, waiting for Kitsune to speak.

Kitsune, gasped, shocked. She then I'm bed up by him and sat down. "You want to know about me?" She asked surprised. "Okay..." She says before starting. "I was born into a large....clan...I suppose you could call it. My father left when I was around 100, and I was stuck with my over protective mother." She says chuckling. "Even though she smothered me, I loved her to death. She died when I was around 135. After that I was...moody to say the least. I got into some arguements, that turned into screaming, that turned into growling, that ended up in a legit fight. I won, but the Rex of the clan didn't like fighting so I got kicked out. After that I was wandering for a few years, before joining another clan. Everyone was pretty sketchy in that I left. I wandered again for about 2 or more years before ending up here...with you're clan." She says, lying down and smiling at him. "Yeah....that's my background. Any questions?" She chuckles.
Tyrann listened intently to what Kit was explaining to him about her life. The Rex felt a buzz in his stomach and wondered what it was...he had never felt this before. Kit was very easy to listen to, her voice soft yet firm. Tyrann liked her sassy side and he noticed how shy she was at first but once you got her talking she just opened up. The king even noticed Nightling walk by and roll her eyes at him, he just pretended like he didn't see her.

"I am deeply sorry for your losses Kit." Tyrann said, putting his large, clawed hand on hers. He understood what is was like to lose your loved ones and be left in this big open world. Him and Kitsune had been talking for a bit when one of the guards came to his throne and informed of the shade possibly bringing in poisons.

"I apologize for always leaving in such a rush Kit." Said Tyrann with a sad look on his scaly face. "You look very beautiful in the moon light." The red King said last to her before they departed for the night. Soon he came upon the medic team's cave.

"What's all the fuss about?" Said the kind with an anointed undertone in his voice.

Kitsune smiles and blushes at Tyrann's compliment. She sighs and watches as he leaves, before curling up on the rock. Not caring if she was allowed up on the rock anymore, she looked up at the moon and thought about Tyrann's compliemnt. 

'You look very beautiful in the moonlight.'

She smiles and closes her eyes, happily sighing. She hoped he would understand that she could never get mad at him for always having to rush off. She understood the life of being a rex, and understood there are things that need immediate attention, and things that could wait. Her only question....

'WHy was he so interested in me?'

Nightling went and assessed the equipment since nobody else seemed to have opposable talons the equipment was severely lacking. She started making drying racks by using her talons to drill holes in branches and hanging the branches... She found herbs and stuck the stems in the holes and using a sap to hold them in place. She was using her wings to hold her weight and free her forelegs for work. She made a mortar and pestel for grinding plants and roots to make medicine. Another member of the medic team a drake was suspicious of what she was doing and went to tell the rex she was up to something. Nightling didn't realize she was in trouble until she saw the Rex and he asked what was going on. Nightling looked up surprised. She was just working...

Nightling was still breaking in her mortar and pestle when the group showed up. She looked irritated... "I am finding and in some cases like this making standard equipment for my task... Some medicinal herbs and roots need to be ground into a powder then mixed with water to make a paste. This is called a mortar and pestle used to do that... I've been drying herbs for later use since when the seasons change some plants become unavilable... Drying them also makes it easy to powder them. In short I am working. There were no drying racks so as you can see I made them... No mortar and pestle so I again had to make one... I need to make more racks..."

Nightling huffed after a moment. "I do not like talking so forgive my rudeness. I can't dry herbs in a cave so I also need to build something to keep these herbs dry and in the sun where they can dry further. I am very busy doing basic work... I also need to eat a lot of food so I have been snacking on fruit. If I don't eat a certain amount every day I become sluggish and lethargic. Meat is more sustaining but various plants will do... I have always been like this. If I use my powers it saps my strength and I need more food. Good thing I am small..." She shook her head "I do not know how these mixed plants work my mother taught me and she said over time dragon kind has been figuring this out..." Nightling got to work again making more racks supporting her weight on her wings to free her forelegs...

Tyrann listened to the shade, wondering why someone reported her for bettering the medic facilities. The dragon stood in front of her, guard on either side of him and Nermandor on his left flank. Once she was done explaining, the king had had enough of listening. There's was no crime here.

"Get on with your work then. There is no crime here." Said the Rex as he turned away and Nightling went back to her doings. She was turning out to be a useful medic. Tyrann dispersed his guards to their duties and thought of Kit. He was deep in thought when Nermandor asked of his attention.

"Your majesty?" Asked the horned dragon.

"What is it Nermandor?" Tyrann replied, seemingly uninterested.

"There is evidence of a rival colony in the area. Carcasses of Kai and banshees have been sprouting up all over the territory. None of them are our kills." Nermandor explained. The king's face suddenly hardened.

"Bring me Tooth, Head of the Militia. I need to speak with the drake." Commanded the red dragon.

Nightling got back to work but the medic drake was still suspicious of her and watched her carefully carving into wood to make a structure that was held together by a combination of resin and well fitting pieces... She used live plants to make the leaf roof and made sure it was water proof before moving on to finding more medical herbs... She made more racks and hung more herbs... She also dug up roots setting those out to dry on sunny rocks... She was also constantly munching on fruit and edible plants the whole time... The drake was still following her and when they got back he commented to another member. "That thing eats plants..." Nightling heard him and said "You did not hear me explain that I require large amounts of food so yes I eat what I can... I also hardly ever fall ill so I think it does some good... If you are going to watch me you can help me dig up this root... It's a big one... What was your name again?" "My friends call me Slick and I don't dig..." Nightling sighed and started digging... It took her a long time to dig up the root and when she did she washed it off in the nearby stream to check and see if it was medical... She cut a sliver off and ate it clearly tasting it cautiously... "Yep this one is good... There's a bitter tasting one like this that is actually poisonous in anything larger than that sliver..." Nightling set that root and felt tired but something was wrong... She smelled the wind and smelled another shade... Male, mature, healthy... She couldn't place what kind he was but reported it to the guards....

Nightling was unsurprised as the guards ignored her... Slick had heard her make the report and then she decided to go investigate herself. Slick again followed after her the dull brown drake however stopped when he smelled the shade... "It smells like smoke..." Nightling said "Shades usually smell like their elements and pheremones... The night doesn't have a particular scent which is why I lack a particular scent..." Slick nodded and said "So what are you going to do?" "See what he wants... I know somebody has been raiding... I never actually took conventional prey while I was out there... I didn't think anyone would miss the buzz bugs, plants, and scavenging... You might want to wait here... Just because I keep my word and usually do as I am told doesn't mean this one does..."

Nightling slipped into a stalk white flecks like a fawn's spots helping her blend into the undergrowth... Didn't work... She was still spotted by a shade 25% bigger than her clearly an inferno shadow mix if the black and flame colors were anything to go by. He looked similar to Nightling except for the more stocky, build different coloration, spines along his back, and larger horns... A belly like fire and flecks like embers with a pair of deep red eyes...

He looked menacing to say the least... Commonly called a hellfire he seemed happy to see her. "Another shade? Nightling knew Slick was watching as the shade introduced himself as Shadow Sparks... Or Sparky for short... "I have been trying to find a colony to join for a year... My old colony was wiped out by some sort of sickness... That was over a year ago and it spread by bites... Drove the infected crazy... Never got bit so all good." It seemed he was lonely and desperate for some sort of friendly contact..." Nightling decided to deactivate his offensive powers and the glowing mark appeared after she gently bit his snout to cast it... Couldn't stop him from lying or defending himself if attacked and it would wear off in about a day. But she saw Slick and said "Are you going to back up my story on this? Put a spell on him so he can't attack anyone in anything other than self defense." Slick nodded and Nightling led Sparky back to Tyran explaining the situation. "I actually have heard of the sickness so his story is plausible sir..." Sparky bowed to the rex and greeted him properly. "I don't know about the raiders but I only just now came in your territory with the intention of making myself known sir..."

Kitsune yawns when she awakens later. Unsure of the time,she trots back to her den, and sleeps awhile longer. After waking up a second time, she stretches and goes to the corner of her cave where the food is located. She eats the last of her food, before peaking her head out of her cave again. Seeing only two or three others, she yawns and wanders out. After wandering around for awhile she thinks about Tyrann. Once Tyrann enters her mind she decides to go look for him. 

Since they never got to finish their conversation from the night, she figured now would a good time to try and catch up. "Tyrann?" She calls, going back twords his rock.

Tyrann was in the middle of talking with Nermandor when one of his guards rushed to his side, notifying him Slick and Nightling had brought back a shade into the camp.

"What the blazes do they think they're doing?!" Bellowed Tyrann as his guard rushed him to the pace in which the group was being held. The infuriated King stormed into the clearing to approach the trio.

"What is the meaning of all of this? Nobody brings anyone into my camp without my permission or a guard!" Shouted the large, red dragon. Nightling explained the situation while Slick and the strange shade cowarded before the Rex. As the new shade spoke, Sparky was his name, Tyrann tried to see the predicament from everyone's point of view, a skill he learned from his father.

Tyrann squinted his eyes at Sparky, deciding what he was going to do with him at the moment. Sparky was larger than Nightling, yet he still towered over the shade. A Hellfire Shade...could be useful. Tyrann took his father's policy into play and spoke to the shade.

"If your story checks out Sparky, and you are in fact not the ones raiding my territory, I believe we can find a useful spot for you here in my cove." Tyrann declared with his head held high. "For now, you will stay in the cells till I have thoroughly investigated your situation. My guards will bring you a bite to eat for supper." With that the king motioned for the guards to take him away for the night.

It was late in the day when Tyrann sat atop his castle of rocks, reviewing the happenings of the day. What was he to do with yet another shade? Hmmm. Tyrann also did not appreciate Nightling bringing in newcomers without his know abouts. 'I'll have to chat with her about that.' He thought. He was suddenly broken from his persistent thoughts when he heard his name being called from the bottom of his throne.

"Kit?!" He said excitedly, stretching his long neck to look over the side of his throne. Yes! It was her!

"Please come on up beautiful." Said the king smoothly as he watches the female trot up the stone stair.

Nightling realized she should have mentioned that the guards had ignored her when she mentioned she smelled Sparky to them... Slick however asked "What did you do with the glowing thing?" "I thought I said I rendered him incapable of attacking in anything other than self defense... It only works on shades so relax..." "Why the guards ignored you is beyond me..." Nightling shook her head and went out with that sling coming back with fruit... Slick said "You really eat that?" Nightling gave him a chunk of one of the fruits and he spat it out. "Too sweet..." "I like sweet things..." Slick actually stopped watching her and Nightling started eating until she saw trouble a huge carnivorus banshee circling above the nursery... Big enough to eat some of the youngsters... Again she told the guards but they did nothing. She had to talk to the rex about it but first she had to do something.... The den mothers had the youngsters inside and she was in fact big enough to take that thing on in the air... So Nightling shot off going invisible before hitting high altitudes... She was going to use a high speed stoop to hopefully daze the thing long enough for her to finish it without risking injury...

Nightling lined up her shot and helped gravity take her down the impact when she tackled it was jarring but she actually broke the banshee's spine making it drop with a screech... It could still snap but it couldn't do anything else as Nightling became visible claws having clearly gouged holes in the thing's back. The hunters came rushing in wondering what the heck had just happened. Nightling explained that the banshee had been circling the nursery and she'd made to take it out since the guards ignored her yet again. She looked down at the creature that was hissing and snapping at everything before going invisible again and stalking closer. It was snapping at someone else when she grabbed it by the throat in a choke hold. The neck was thrashing and she had to dig her talons into it to hold on while she suffocated the menace.

Gradually the creature went limp and the hunters were glaring at her. The den mothers however seemed happy Nightling had been around to take care of the threat looming over little heads... Word would reach Tyrann about how guards continued to ignore Nightling reporting things and then Nightling taking matters into her own claws. Nightling was used to a colony with no particular assigned roles... If something needed doing and one was good at it then they did it... Nightling was tired and realized she had no particular place to stay... She also had to sharpen her claws... So she found a tree and started clawing it up... She had a long night ahead... At least it was a nice night to sleep outside...

Kit smiles widely hearing his compliment come off so smooth sounding. Never would she have thought a male, let alone a REX would pay attention to her. Many times she would be laughed at by mates for being a lone, and not having any proper introduction to, having a mate, or being with a male, she wasn't sure how to react. As she trotted up the rocks to Tyrann, she got this feeling in her chest. The feeling made her chest tighten, and her heart flutter. In all frightened her. She had never felt this before, but figured it was because of Tyrann. She smiled widely as she came up to him on the top. "Hello! I apologize for leaving, but I fell asleep up here and then woke back up...if felt it wasn't proper for me to just stay up I went back to my cave." She explains.

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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