Saxon watched Adrah race up the staircase and down the hall to the room of the king and queen. Making sure she got there without an complications, Saxon nodded then cantered to the castle doors where he was met with Tyrann speaking to a iridescent...shade? Yes, she was a shade. Saxon's eyes went wide when the sleek female introduced herself as the former Commander ofthe Ice King's army.
'Holy shi-' Saxon almost cussed before realizing he was in public view and abruptly stopped himself. Coming out of the doorway fully, the copper dragon made himself totally visible as Tyrann read some sort of letter.
"FrozenFlame Rex is dying..." He heard Tyrann mutter.
"What? Froenflame is dying? Tyrann explain!" Saxon felt like that three year old who was tyring to get his mother's attention as she continuously swatted him away. Defeated, Saxon escorted the beautiful, black shade into the castle with Tyrann. He stood proudly as they walked in and a crowd had gathered to see what the comotion was all about. He had a stupid grin on his face, till the king beside him introduced the shade, whom he now knew as Nnyx, as the new Commander and General of his army. Dragonkind cheered, while Saxon got a confused expression tugging at every facial muscle he owned. Tyrann dismissed the staff of his castle and had a guard show Nnyx to her quarters. Finally, Saxon got Tyrann's attention.
"Tyrann, you're just going to make her a high ranking miliatry official? Just like that?!" The prince boasted, clearly puzzled with his friend's descions.
"Yes I am. She was already Frozenflame's General and a damn good one at that from what I read in this letter. Oh, and you and Adrah will be joining us for dinner tonight. Better go find her." Tyrann stated flatly then walked away from Saxon. The orange dragon gathered his friend was really not in the mood to talk. Saxon just shook his head and decided this was better left alone till Tyrann had more patience.
The night left the castle with a soft white glow when the moon's ray cascaded down onto its edges and accented the architecture marvellously. Saxon wandered up the finely carpetted stairs, making a left at the landing to head into the West Wing where he saw Adrah disappear into earlier. The top of the stairs was a much longer walk then he expected and Saxon was winded when he reached the peek. The dragon stopped and gave himself a moment to recover from his walk. Reaching Tyrann's bedroom, Saxon knocked, waiting for a reply.
Adrah kept an ear out for any commotion that would sound like an attack. She had planned out several hiding spots and escape routes. She just liked to be prepared.. Pacing back and forth impatiently for any sign of either hostility or placidity, the white dragoness leadned against the door, almost jumping out of her scales once the knock sounded. Hissing through her teeth to calm herself from the fright, Adrah excused herself from the chamber to join Saxon outside, closing the door quietly. "Who is it? The guest.. Are they friends of Tyrann.. or, well, enemies?" She asked, quite unsure of the situation.
Adrah peered over Saxon's copper shoulder to the corner, as though expecting an attack. Her plummage was all ruffled in suspence, before she looked back to the dragon before her. "It didn't seem like the guards were too pleased a Shade being at the gates and all." She gave a gentle shrug as if to give reasoning to her questions.
The lithe white dragoness soon passed a soft sigh. For a regular dragon, she was quite fine in shape, her head feathers falling neatly both around her face and down her back, she often having to blow a feather or two out of her eyes whenever she hadn't fixed them into place, The slight turqouise to her white scales was rarely seen unless in direct sunlight, offering a shimmer effect. Her plummage, running down her neck all the way down her back to the tips of her two tail's, as well as her elbows and the arms of her wings, offered a range of blues, from indigo to sky blue. An ocean of blue. The backwards facing horns atop her head almost seemed to twist slightly.
Nnyx continued on with her celebration dinner like the occurance with her cousin didn't even happen. The dragoness had other things to worry about than an old family arguement. It was Nnyx's motto that things are better left in the past,; however, the shade did have a way of finding trouble for herself at every corner.
"Be careful..." Nightling began to rub her for some reason. "You're lucky I am putting wards on you..." Her cousin said.
"Protective wards? Nightling what on Bazul are you-" Nnyx whispered to Nightling sternly before realizing the room got suddenly quiet, then lookied to her hosts at the dinner table with an apologetic smile. Apparently, she had drawn an audience. Nnyx turned back to ask Nightling what such wards were for, but, the lithe, black shade was gone.
"I swear, she always had a way of disappearing like that." The older shade mumbled to herself under her breath. "But I wonder what I'm being protected from...." Thought Nnyx aloud and very quietly. She didn't want her new boss to think she was weird, it was bad enough she was Nightling's cousin and the two brought upon the young Rex old family issues to witness.
Dinner was over soon after Nightling had disappeared and Tyrann showed Nnyx to her bedroom. It was a large, marvelously crafted room with a bed made of silk and satin and decorated with the skins of various furred animals. The furniture was fantastic, a large oak desk sat in the corner with a mini library and inculded a private office that was in a seperate, circular room off to the far right corner. The office was splendid, overlooking the French Sea with a 180 view made possible by and entire wall of circular glass. There was a bathroom built from marble with silver trim that sported many ammenties such as a jacuzzi bathing pool and an overhead steam shower. The entire room was a deep purple, almost like that of Nnyx's fur and feathers. In the farthest left corner, there was as door that led up to the guard towers and down to the armory. Nnyx's room was located in the West Wing of the castle, the part reserved for high ranking officials and family of the king and queen. To say the least, Nnyx was truly honored to be here.
Carefully climbing onto the bed, Nnyx looked around her new living quarters. She would certainly have to grow into the room. The shade then got up and moved to the office and looked out the 180 window, staring off below the cliffs and down at the water below, then at the part of the city she could see. Lights beaming from the kingdom gave the room a soft, comfortable glow. Settling down into a victorian looking armchair, Nnyx got to work writing out a few battles strategies.
Nightling was not feeling well suddenly... She staggered outside her lair and threw up. She got water... For once the Wicked wasn't watching her. Nightling was weakening fast and she knew she needed a certain medicine... Watching sickness... Nightling checked the herb racks and actually found the herbs she was looking for and started grinding them into a powder... She made it into a paste and mixed it with food. It wasn't really a cure it just treated the symptoms. Nausia, vomiting, weakness, and if it progressed far enough she could lose temporary control of her magical powers... She couldn't do anything about the loss of control except keep herself isolated in a place where she couldn't cause too much damage... A barren rock out on the ocean was a safe bet... Nightling knew she had to tell someone but she couldn't leave Cove colony... She noticed she was flashing and there were pulses of darkness coming from her... She was starting to lose control of her magic.
She managed to find a pit to wait it out... Sure enough she started spitting lightning every time she opened her mouth produced wild flashes of light and pulses of shadows, a whirlwind was spiraling in the pit, and it was making an obscene amount of noise... Her cousin would more than likely see what was going on... Sparky was keeping others back and the event lasted the entire night... If Nightling had been unconsious things would have gotten more out of paw and things would have been much worse. For some reason the Wicked was leaving Nightling alone... Nightling realized he was sizing up a new target and Nynx did not know when she was being scried so though she was exhausted and weak Nightling found her cousin after donning her garb... Nightling got her cousin's entire attention and said "Nynx... The Wicked has stopped watching me every time I am out of garb... I think he might be watching you. Do NOT go over any military strategies with ANYONE until I ward the room. Right now I don't have the strength..." Nightling's stance was weak and anyone could see how weak she was. Nightling said "Complex magics take a lot to use. You think physical combat can exhaust you? Magic can be just as exhausting... Consider this get up my battle armor. Tyrann trusts me... But now I need to get some sleep..." Nightling actually fell over while she was walking away. It was like she was wounded and losing blood. But Nightling managed to get back home before she passed out...
Quietly reading after becoming frustrated with too many ideas for plans of action, Nnyx sat reading by the fire place in her room. She was made comfortable by the soft cushion of the armchair in her "living space" and the crackling of the fire made the area feel all that much more like home. She missed her parents greatly, especially her father, Fenrir. She was very close to him, practically a mini, female him. Nnyx shook her head, unwilling to let weakness show on her face, even if she was alone. Almost alone. Nnyx didn't feel quite right, almost as if someone was watching her somehow. She then remembered what Nightling had done earlier by placing those wards on her...and of course how her cousin failed to mention what they were for. As if on que, Nightling barged right on it.
"You know, there is such a thing as knocking." Nnyx demurred with a flat, irritated tone in her accented, baritone voice. "For all you knew, I could have been changing." The shade said matter-of-factly with some dry humor. "Anyway, what brings you up here unannounced like usual?" It was then Nnyx saw how Nightling was standing, her posture, her tone of voice. It wasn't her usual prescise, and rather annoying, aura of irritatingly astute correctness in a room. She looked weak, frail almost.
"Nynx... The Wicked has stopped watching me every time I am out of garb... I think he might be watching you. Do NOT go over any military strategies with ANYONE until I ward the room. Right now I don't have the strength..." The younger shade said, her tone very delicate, as if she''d just run 100 miles up a hill. Nnyx's mind exploded, paranoia and some anger taking its place where serenity used to be just moments ago.
"How could this be and why me?" Nynx asked, but , Nightling didn't respond to her question.
"Complex magics take a lot to use. You think physical combat can exhaust you? Magic can be just as exhausting... Consider this get up my battle armor. Tyrann trusts me... But now I need to get some sleep..." Frankly, Nnyx didn't find her cousin's last statement of the night to be all that helpful. She did find it slightly amusing Nightling was still trying to convince herself magic was harder than raw physical force. But, Nnyx felt inclined to let her visibly feeble cousin think what she wanted for the moment.
"Nightling are you going to be okay?" Nnyx asked, only to get no response yet again. Nightling stumbled out the door and down the hall, and for a split second, Nnyx wondered if she should help her cousin get to her home. The shade stood there peering out the door just watching the other's strife to keep herself even standing. Nnyx considered helping Nightling one last time before pointing her slender head at the ground while furrowing her eyebrows in a tormented expression. 'No, she's fine.' The thought was forgotten just as quickly as Nnyx slammed her door. She told herself she hadn't helped Nightling solely to keep her cousin's practically necessary dignity in place. In reality, Nnyx only let old envy win.
Nightling got her rest and started scying the Wicked again. "The little fool did not heed her cousin's warnings... This little commander is a fool and a pathetic strategist to disregard magic. But my little bride knows I am very much here... How else would she have known what wards to place? But this little commander is lovely and I could imagine having a little fun with her..." Nightling was revolted but she kept watching "An old feud between them will make it easier to get my little Nightling alone... Right now I'd imagine she is frail from being watched... I dare not glance at her and jepordize her health."
Nightling was shocked she'd recovered so quickly herself. Sparky put the pen down and got back to making something... He was using fire magic to heat up his forepaws to shape metal... An amulet of protection... Nightling would have to bless it but within an hour he was putting the resin in for the blackness of Celestia's hide... It needed a final coat and he heated the substance dipping the amulet in a polish of sorts to keep it from tarnishing... He used his magic to force the molten object to cool before putting it on a leather throng enough for Nynx's neck... Nightling was handed the amulet and she enchanted it... It would ward her cousin but sap some of her strength to keep working... The spell did not need to be renewed...
Sparky was working on making more and Nightling went finding her cousin and slipping it over her neck... The object was cool but would tingle at first when put on. "This will drain some of your energy to keep working and it will wake you if it kicks in when you are sleeping... If you grow too tired just make sure you aren't doing anything classified and take it off. Nynx I don't give a dang anymore pettiness will not fix the past... I did not know there was bombing preventing you from helping that night. Granny Celest told me why I was chosen over you. It was purely elemental affinities. If we'd had the same she would have trained both of us." Nightling said "You can thank Sparky for making it, I did the magic work... He's watching you to find out plans... Burn this after you read it. It's what he just said word for word..." Nightling handed a copy of the recording of her scry over. "If you need to see anything else I have my den has an archive in the back." Nightling turned to leave but actually gave her cousin a chance to reply.
It was about midnight and Nynx was lightly sleeping in her new room. The slightest sound had her sitting straight up in bed, ready to pounce on and tear apart anyone who entered the room. To say she was now paranoid was an understatment.
Nynx was finally in a deep sleep, but she could feel the luring presence of someone else in the room with her. She quickly shed herself of the covers, hissing and swatting at where she could feel the magnetic energy radiating off of the other soul in her quarters. When she saw who it was, Nynx was all to relieved.
"Great gods Nightling!" Nynx gave an exasperated huff. "I almost tore your eyes out!" The shade was breathing heavily, the lingering idea of her being watched by a murdering psychopath taking a toll on her.
Nightling slipped a very handsome looking amulet around her neck before explaining what it was. "This will drain some of your energy to keep working and it will wake you if it kicks in when you are sleeping... If you grow too tired just make sure you aren't doing anything classified and take it off." Her cousin finished, the older shade realizing it was a protection charm as she examined it. Nynx felt a tingle ripple down her whole body as the amulet was placed on her, her fur stood on end and her feathers ruffled at the sensation. She looked like a fluffy blueberry for a second.
"Nynx I don't give a dang anymore pettiness will not fix the past... I did not know there was bombing preventing you from helping that night. Granny Celest told me why I was chosen over you. It was purely elemental affinities. If we'd had the same she would have trained both of us." Nightling said "You can thank Sparky for making it, I did the magic work... He's watching you to find out plans... Burn this after you read it. It's what he just said word for word..." Nightling handed a copy of the recording of her scry over. "If you need to see anything else I have my den has an archive in the back." Nightling finished. Shock was clearly prevelant on Nnyx's face, and she also made a mental note to thank and apologize to Sparky at a later time.
"It's quite alright. We should leave the past in the past. We both are respected professionals in our fields and we should accept each other for that. While I may not be the best at magic, but you surely are. You wouldn't exactly pass a fitness test, and that's okay. Everyone has their limits. But, if I have anything I ever wanted to say to you, I would say sorry for not being able to be there when your parents were murdered. I can't say it hasn't kept me up at night before...I mean, that was my aunt and uncle and cousins too." Nynx admitted in cold hard honesty because, in reality, she too had lost family members that night as well. "I will take a look at the recordings shortly and perhaps take a trip to your home in the morning." Nnyx's eyes scanned the paper very briefly before looking at the finely cut stone on the floor in her room.
"It feels so...unnerving to be watched." The commander admitted.
Rivet and his father were on high alert scoffing down as much of the Kais carcasses they had hunted as they could. They hadn't eaten in a few days and although that didn't seem like a long time to be without food they didn't know how long it would be until they had another opportunity like this. The Glade shade looked up at the night sky in frustration. It was so close to a full moon but not quite, if only it truly was a full moon. He could have scried to see what this colony was up to. As far as he was aware though he had detected a shade fly into the area earlier so hopefully the stranger would divert their attention away from hunting or patrolling. They shouldn't see any guards this late, then again this area was ruled by the shadow dynasty. They rarely trespassed on this territory and were unaware of their patrolling behavior.
Rivet thought he heard rustling and his head shot up, his owlish eyes scanning the horizon. He certainly didn't smell anything but he wouldn't if whatever was out there was downwind from them. Trying to not seem suspicious he subtly nudged his father with his foot making it seem like he was trying to get closer to the carcass. He flicked his ear letting his father know they possibly weren't alone. Whoever was watching must have recognized he was trying to tip off his father of danger as they were quickly ambushed.
There must have been three or four guards. It was hard for Rivet to tell with his face being shoved in the dirt. He quickly conjured up a quick blast of light temporarily blinding his kidnapper. These were definitely guards of this colony, a hunter must have noticed them and reported them. That's how they became noticed in most colonies. Although he was free his father still had three guards holding him down trying to stop him from his incessant squirming. "Don't just stand there! Run Rivet!" Elmfern snarled. There was no way he was going to lose his only offspring. The now somewhat blinded guard bolted at Rivet and tackled him before he could run far. He became invisible which was useless if he was already caught. He became visible again and looked up at the guard. "Hello good sir! Would you mind letting us go?"
The guard just glared at him. "There's already a guard notifying our Rex of your prescense. We can't simply show up empty handed."
"Why not just kill 'em? They're marked traitors! They could be spies or assassins. Do we really want to let these beasts near Tyrann?"
"What if Tyrann wants to question them? If they're spies they could have useful information for our colony." With rumors of the Wicked floating around they couldn't be sure if they were affiliated with him or not. None of the guards were shades and wouldn't be able to tell if they had traces of the Wicked's magic. If they were though they might be able to get information out of them.
"Fine," the guard seemed dissatisfied with the decision to drag Rivet and especially Elmfern all that way. He was too slippery.
After making it halfway there another guard showed up to help with Elmfern who had suddenly decided to feign death. Rivet only needed one guard as he didn't seem to be struggling much. One of the guards at his nightshift post saw they had the marks of a traitor on their faces and tossed a bone at Rivet, the less aggressive looking being. How dare a traitor show their face in their territory!
Rivet picked up the bone with his tail and put it in his mouth cracking it to get to the marrow. It was such a kind act coming from such an aggressive looking guard, "Thank you!" The guard just glared at him confused.
Elmfern looked hopelessly at his offspring in between his struggles. "That was a sign of disrespect."
"Well then we should be disrespected more often if it means free food," he dropped the remainder of the bone. "Hey guard person, what's that?" He nodded his head in the direction of a seagull-like creature.
"That's a busk."
"And that?" Rivet's questions continued all the way into the castle doors, as did his father's struggling. The shade had never been this far into this territory and had too many questions for his guard to answer. The guards who were handling Elmfern were exhausted and seemed jealous of Rivet's guard. That was until they realized his guard looked like he was on the verge of strangling Rivet to keep him quiet. It took hours to get the pair here. It must have been a little after midnight now.
"No the gaurds were not, considering she jipped 'em all. Flew right past them. Tyrann wasn't too happy about that, but then again, she is a Grade A military official with an expertise in stealth tactics. Her name is Nynx. She is the former Head Commander of Frozenflame Rex's Ice Army. Tyrann, being the slightly impulsive lizard he is, just made her his new Head Commander." Saxon scoffed sarcastically. He still couldn't believe his friend had made Nnyx Head Commander that quickly when he barely even knew her. "Hey, could be worse I suppose right? She does seem to have a knack for the theatrics. I resepct that." Saxon gave a smile and laughed a little bit.
It was a little past midnight when Saxon heard Tyrann shouting for him and Adrah from the Great Hall.
"It sounds serious, we better go." The copper prince gestured with his hands for her to follow him. Saxon was claud in the same leather armor he had been wearing before, his prized bow and arrow made of the finest red wood was strapped to his back and a long sword on his hip. The pair was running past the Weaponry when Saxon noticed a brownish glow coming from the room.
"What the.." He was intrigued and entered the room, unsure if Adrah was still with him. The glow came from a sword encased in strudy glass. Saxon opened the case and the sword started to float before placing itself in Saxon's paws. "This can not be...the famous Quake Sword." Indeed it was the same sword of old, once wielded by the Brandish the Collision, the great-great grandfather of Crash Rex and founder of the Mountain Colony during the Golden Ages.
The powerful Rune Sword carefully sheathed itself within Saxon's sheath at his hip, turning it and the hoslter a chocolate color with a grey quartz gem in the middle. Armor formed on his body as well, his once hard leather turning to a dark chocolate colored metal. The face mask created an extra set of horns for Saxon, ram horms at that and at center of the forehead was another grey quartz gem with two large spikes poking out from the base of the jaw. The metal plates on his neck were thick and bulky, with a similar spike from the face mask pointing out from each along his spine. On his tail formed a formidable looking mace-like club that had retractable spikes. The sword also morphed Saxon's bow into a lethal weapon, giving it sharp blades on either end and knitted a bow string made of string steel. The arrows had dark brown feathers with black in them and the ppoint became sereated.
"Whoa..." Was all Saxon could manage to say before the armor disappeared. He then remembered Tyran calling for his aid and decided to put this exciting experience on the back burner for now. He looked around but didn't see Adrah.
Saxon arrived at the king's side as four guards hauled in two skinny greenish-yellow shades, one putting up much more of a struggle then the other. He looked at their faces, a scar beside each of their eyes, the mark of a traitor. Once they were placed infront of Tyrann, whom sat upon his throne looking rather regal, a gaurd ordered the two shades to bow before the mighty king.
Addressing him as he would any king, Saxon said something about the scar. "Sire, their faces, look at the scars. They are marked traitors." Saxon whsipered to Tyrann loud enough for others to hear. The king had a very stoic expression on his face. Saxon made internal assumptions as to what the two had done to marked so accordingly.
After eating dinner with his new Head Commander, Tyrann headed upstairs with Kitsune for a good night's rest to a long day. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, that was, till the guard alarm went off and Tyrann was awoken from his sleep. He was extremely happy his hatchlings had not been hatched yet, for he was sure the alarm would have risen them with screams and the ear piercing wails of babies in the middle of the night.
Getting up in a hurry, Tyrann kissed Kit back to sleep and threw on clothes and opened the case of his Anarchy before sheathing the blade in its hilt as the armor formed upon Tyrann's body. The king rushed down the grand staircase and came to halt upn his throne before calling fr his friends to join him.
"Saxon, Adrah, Nnyx, Cynder! Come to me at once!" Shouted Tyrann in a booming voice. Moments later all four of them lined up at his side, Saxon and Adrah at his right, with Nnyx and Cynder at his left.
Before the king, was brought two very slim, greenish-yellow dragons. The larger one looked to be older, possibly the father to the younger male. Tyrann nodded to Baird, whom shouted at the two intruders and the pair fell to their knees as they bowed.
"Sire, their faces, look at the scars. They are marked traitors." Saxon whispered in his ear. Tyrann heard Saxon but kept a plain, stoic expression on his face for when his imposters looked up. The room was entirely silent till Tyrann broke it.
"So, been snacking on my food have we?. The food I need to feed my family, my staff, my army." Tyrann started with an authoritative yet easy tone. "So stealing, that will just not do." Tyrann glared hard at them and arose from his throne to walk towards them. "You see, I can very well discern those marks on both of your faces just as well as everyone else in the room. And if I was anyone else, I would be most inclined to tear your wings off, tie your feet together, and send you barreling down the side of the cliff outside, leaving you and your son to drown." Tyrann was talking to Elmfern directly then, with a slightly more sadistic tone. "However, I'll give you one minute to tell me everything before I decide your fate." Ordered the king. "But, I want him to tell me." The massive red dragon pointed to the younger looking male. "Your time starts now." Tyrann sat back on his throne and awatied the explanation that determined whether the two dragons lived, or died.
Oh they were both so very dead if his son was the one explaining their situation. Elmfern wondered if he should just chew off his own wings now and save them the trouble. He was a large enough dragon to be somewhat of a threat to this Rex. Not much of a threat as he looked far stronger than himself, but what were the odds they let him live? His son had both a scar and was a shade and had an equal chance as him as far as being permitted to live was concerned. He noticed this Rex had a rune sword, as did Saxon, some dragon he assumed was his advisor. They were double dead now.
Rivet was stroking his delicate feathered wings very much preferring they remained attached to his body. He wasn't too afraid though, if he messed up sure they'd probably be killed. If he spent this entire explanation stuttering and trembling he could mess up the explanation just as bad. "Well technically sir it's not stealing if it wasn't caught yet."
"Oh Draco," Elmfern hid his face in his paws and decided to start knawing at the base of his wings. He wasn't doing much damage really, it was meant more as a sign of surrender. They were doomed. Not only had he misaddressed a king as sir instead of sire he was running the risk of directly insulting the king.
"We were banished from the Forest Colony and given these marks because my father challenged Leafon Rex and broke one of his horns. We travel from territory to territory for food. It's hard to find any without trespassing since we're not welcomed anywhere." That was all Rivet was aware he could explain. He couldn't think of anything else. He had never been in a castle before and was too overwhelmed with his own questions to give Tyrann much answers.
Elmfern wished it had been him told to explain everything. His son didn't know they were suppose to be royalty yet which could have saved their life. Maybe. Technically neither him or his son had ever seen the throne.
"Oh my mother used to travel with us but she had horrible things done to her. There's some small hostile colony way out west. I think they could have been cannibals based on their face paint but I'm not sure. Either way she's dead." The way he had simply stated it as fact bothered Elmfern very much. "We get to see a lot while traveling but I've never seen a castle before," he looked up at the beautiful stone and beams that ran throughout the castle. "Oh I haven't even told you our names. I'm Rivet and my dad over there is Elmfern."
"Yes yes Rivet you've explained enough. I'm sure its been well over a minute now," Elmfern would prefer to die with some dignity.
"But he can't possible expect us to explain everything in a minute! I haven't even talked about my siblings!"
"He doesn't want to hear about your dead siblings." They weren't even a year when they were killed. There was no way Rivet could explain much about them.
"But mother had told me about them! I could!"
"Really you've talked enough Rivet!" Elmfern finally growled not wanting to hear his wife mentioned after what had happened to her a decade or so ago.
Tyrann noticed the older male squirm when he apointed the younger to explain. This made him smile, because he knew he had made the right choice.
"Well technically sir it's not stealing if it wasn't caught yet." Was the first thing out of the young male's mouth and Tyrann raised his brows authoritative interest.
"Well you surely are now." Tyrann said loudly, spreading his arms to make a clear gesture that they were in his castle at the mercy of his own accord. "Watch the attitude, but do continue though. And it's 'Your magesty" to you boy." He said and urged the smaller male to talk, notably watching the older dragon hide his face in his paws with regret in his eyes.
"We were banished from the Forest Colony and given these marks because my father challenged Leafon Rex and broke one of his horns. We travel from territory to territory for food. It's hard to find any without trespassing since we're not welcomed anywhere." Tyrann had alwasy been curious as to how Leafon lost his othr horn, now he knew why. Also, knowing Leafon's major ego problem, Tyrann was sure loosing his horn was the only reason these two were marked as traitors. All while the skinny greenish dragon spoke, Tyrann got the weird feeling that there was something that was not being told to him.
"Oh my mother used to travel with us but she had horrible things done to her. There's some small hostile colony way out west. I think they could have been cannibals based on their face paint but I'm not sure. Either way she's dead." The flat way the statment was said by the male made Tyrann feel a tad uncomfortable in the room. "We get to see a lot while traveling but I've never seen a castle before,"The male looked upwards to the castle, "Oh I haven't even told you our names. I'm Rivet and my dad over there is Elmfern." Tyrann took some pity on these two, to him it just sounded as if they had once had a good home but a stroke of bad luck had taken it all away. The king was about to speak when Elmfern, as he now knew him, spoke up to silence his son.
"Yes yes Rivet you've explained enough. I'm sure its been well over a minute now," Indeed it had been, but Tyrann sensed that there was a nerve sparking in Elmfern and let him continue, interested in what information it could reveal.
"But he can't possible expect us to explain everything in a minute! I haven't even talked about my siblings!" What the Rivet said was true, but that was the point. Tyrann didn't want to be held up in the middle of the night listening to two intruders ramble on when he would much rather be sleeping in bed upstairs with his wife.
"He doesn't want to hear about your dead siblings." Elmfern stated and actually, Tyrann would've very much liked to have heard about Rivet's siblings.
"But mother had told me about them! I could!" Said Rivet earnestly.
"Really you've talked enough Rivet!" The older male snarled at his son.
"Ladies, ladies you're both pretty." Tyrann snapped, having heard enough of the pair's bickering. The hall went silent yet again and for this, Tyrann thanked Draco. It was too late at night for this type of banter and it made the king's head spin. The crimson dragon addressed Rivet and Elmfern again.
"I do suppose you know who I am, aye?" Tyrann stood up from his throne, puffing up his chest while spreading his wings, making him look truly massive, especially in the light of the moon shinning in from the aerial doors at the top of the room.." I am Tyrann Rex, son of Thantos Rex, son of Tyrannis Rex, King of the Cove Colony. And, considering that you are marked as traitors, I should kill you..." Tyrann paused, watching the two sweat a little bit, "..but, I feel as though there is something about this story I'm not hearing. So you," Tyrann pointed to Elmfern,"..what knowledge of yours could be useful to me that your son doesn't know?" Tyrann was giving them a chance here. Lucky for them, the king was being patient.
Rivet didn't know the names of any royalty except Leafon. Well now he knew Tyrann's. He was an outcast and the only reason he'd visit royalty is if he wanted to get himself killed. Too bad this building didn't have any plants or they could have escaped by now. If his father was explaining things he had little need to pay attention. He stared off in the distance only for the guard watching him to whisper a scold, "Don't even think about escaping." Rivet could see a potted plant he hadn't seen before. Some potted nocturnal flower. If it was potted it would be mostly useless because it would deplete it's nutrients too quickly and not be able to grow very far. The guard didn't like the soulless way he stared at the plant but didn't stop him for now.
None of this was fair. If only his father hadn't been dethroned. If only he hadn't challenged Leafon's rule. "We were from royal decent. My grandfather Barkburr used to have the throne and I would've had it next if Leafon hadn't dethroned him." Most other colonies hardly noticed there was a change in family rule.
Rivet's head whipped around, "And you didn't tell me this why?"
"Because we aren't royalty anymore! Look at my face and tell me this is the face of a king!" Elmfern snarled preffering not to be interrupted when their lives were on the line.
"But Tyrann did call us both pretty," he went back to his flower stalking.
His son was hopeless. Elmfern turned back to Tyrann focusing on his goal of trying not to get him and his only offspring killed. "I challenged him thinking he had taken advantage of my grandfather's age but it turned out he had beaten him fairly and had defeated me. The others in the colony found him to be a more suitable leader I guess or they would have rebelled. He killed all but the weakest of my offspring and ensured I was unable to produce any more."
Rivet simply continued staring at the plant not sure this would be a good time to use his magic.
As the truth was finally uncovered, Tyrann now knew the whole story.
"Well that surely makes sense. You look like Barkburr now that I know you're his son. My father knew him from a long time ago." Tyrann related to Elmfern.
Tyrann then arose from his throne quickly and stalked over to where Rivet stood. He towered of him, practically three times his size. Tyrann looked down at the small shade with an intense glare. "One more time you call me by an unofficial title and I will not hesitate in breaking those pretty feathered wings of yours." Tyrann calmly stated, his voice like hidden acid. He watched Rivet with a suspicious glare then looked to see where the young male's line of sight was directed, noticing the plant in the corner. The red dragon looked from Rivet, to plant, back to Rivet, then at Elmfern.
"Now you Elmfern, look like a dragon. But your son....not so much. He is a shade isn't he? A plant shade?" Tyrann deduced with a look of realization. "Tybil, Brennick, remove the plants from the room please so our young magician here doesn't get any funny ideas about escaping." The king ordered and the guards he named made quick work of disposing the plants from the Great Hall.
"Now that the distraction is out of the way, we can talk about business." Tyrann circled the pair slowly, looking towards the ground. "You're no threat to me. But you are a threat to my food supply, and that will just not do. Therefore, I can't let you go and wreak havoc." The king thought for a moment. "I think I'll have you put in the cells for the night. I'll decide what I want to do with you in the morning." The guards quickly grabbed Elmfern and Rivet. Tyrann turned to walk away but remembered to address Baird on certain details of Elmfern and Rivet's inprisonmment for the night.
"Oh, and Baird..." Tyrann called to his head guard, who walked over to Tyrann when he called him.
>p*>"Yes, my lord?" Baird answered.
"Remove all plants and plant-like substances from the cells too. Even in the cracks of the cement down there. Don't give the little one any chance to escape." Baird nodded and the Great Hall soon became sparse with life till no one was there except the maids. Tyrann happily went back to bed, but couldn't keep his mind off of Rivet and his father. He had a couple ideas on what to do with them...
Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.
The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.
Map of Bazul:
Your main prey:
Banshees: flying lizard like creatures
Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles
Seven Great Colonies:
-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.
Rex: Leafon Rex
-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.
Rex: Frozenflame Rex
-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.
Rex: Crash Rex
-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.
Rex: Tiber Rex
-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.
Rex: Hammish Rex
-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.
Rex: Mathias Rex
-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)
Rex: Tyrann Rex
Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.
Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.
Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.
Playable Species:
-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.
-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.
-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.
-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.
-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.
1.) Light swearing
2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)
3.) No killing other's characters without permission
4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission
5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)
6.) You may have as many characters as you want
7.) No god moding