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Rivet took his hands off of her tail, that was a good enough answer to sate his curiosity for now. There was important things he needed to do. He opened the supply pack Nightling had given him and reviewed the uses of all the materials in it so he wouldn't forget. They had a lot to remember in the next three days and every minute counted.

Elmfern turned to his offspring not remembering a thing about any of the plants he had out. Best to leave studying to him. He turned back to Nynx, "I can help you go over the layout of Leafon's 'castle'." His home technically wasn't a castle, but a large hollowed out tree. Surprisingly it still grew dispite the damage done to it. It was one of the oldest trees in the Forest colony's territory, but not the oldest or largest. The oldest tree in the forest was respected and well cared for by their people. Some said that the goddess Flora, the plant and agricultural goddess herself planted the tree so of course it would be worshipped. Some used it as a shrine of sorts. Maybe he would sneak away and pay it a visit while they were there.

It was best not to be distracted. Elmfern needed to go over the 'castle' layout with Nynx, Sparky, and the other guards that would assist them. He needed to better his fighting skills and help his son who had little to no experience with physical combat. There was so much to do in the next three days and so little time. Not that he wouldn't waste some of that time thinking of an escape route.

Sighing internally as Rivet"s seemingly rambuctious mind took him elsewhere, Nynx decided it was time to head in for the day. She bid everyone a pleasent goodbye, shaking Elmfern's hand and nodding at Rivet. She sauntered away, hoping the green shade was watching her go, but Nynx knew he wasn't. At least she had tried.

Remembering what Nightling said about food, Nynx ate as much as she could. It was unnatural for her to eat excessively but, apparently it was necessary.


The days past quickly, the training she endured with Rivet and his father going smoother each time to the commander's relief. Elmfern did much better then his son, obviously being a dragon allowed him to be much more durable and attain a higher level of damage. Nightling came about after her lessons to teach Rivet more about magic related endeavors in which Nynx usually stuck around for just so she could watch him. Nynx was sure Elmfern noticed what she was doing, but since he never said anything so she didn't either.

Everyone, including Sparky, was in the armory preparing to leave for their mission. Tyrann had assigned Nynx leader of the retrieval, much to her amusement as she loved being at the head of things. Nynx noticed Rivet out of the corner of her eye and walked up to him and his father.

"Here, take these." She said in a very gentle, almost meek voice, and handed Elmfern two sets of leather armor with leaves and branches craved into the hard hide. "I had them made for you. I hope they fit." The tool was beautiful in the leather. Nynx had hoped it would gain their appreciation and perhaps urge them to stay as well. The shade nodded to Elmfern and hoped Rivet would noticed her.

Nynx suited up eagerly, enjoying the feel of metal on her fur. Her armor was always made of titanium, as the metal was strong and durable, yet lightweight and easy for her to fight in. The smell of her head guard filled Nynx's nostrils, still faintly smelling of the char and hot magma it was forged in.

The commander took one look around, nodding her head as everyone finsihed up packing their satchels and making sure everything was lace, tethered, and strapped together just as it should be.

"Alright then soldiers, let's get on with it." Nynx said in her "army" voice which accentuated her natural feminine baritone. She looked down towards the Tidal Sowrd, holstered magnificently in its sheath upon her hip. The breeze outside was cool and it made the hair-like fur on her head and down her back flow in the wind. She loved the way it felt.

With a push of the ground at the top of the castle steps, Nynx was airborne, propelling herself up to the wind current on massive, feathered wings. She gave one look back to make sure everyone was following her lead. Snapping back into her old, military self once again, Nynx put her game face on.


Nightling retreated after one last 'perk up' for Sparky... She was waiting for Leafeon... Nightling had also gotten some of the guards to remove the scents of shades from the place... Nightling didn't put wards to conceal herself she just stayed in that dark cave with the sliver of light and the small stream slowly carving it's way into the ocean... Nightling scried and watched the progress of the others... She saw Sparky following after Nynx senses on high alert and silent well padded feet making his steps silent... The storm had held out until after everything in Cove colony was cleared buying them all some time... Leafeon had gradually tired of the two shades and left them behind bleeding and weak... The colony that owned the land they were on accepted them back into the fold...

Elmfern was the slowest of the group with his son not being much farther ahead of him. They were definitely slowing down the whole group with the closest guard being a dozen or so feet ahead of Rivet. One of the guards towards the head of the group grew frustrated with them and started circling the pair, "Speed up!" He was snarling trying to intimidate them to move faster.

"We can't. We come from a family of slow fliers," Elmfern was starting to become frustrated with them. It was difficult to fly fast in the Forest colony's territory without crashing into every tree possible. It was more advantageous to be slow and small yet agile fliers. "Where we come slow fliers are common."

The guard looked like he was about to start an argument before Rivet tried to diffuse the situation. "We're flying as fast as we can but it's hard to do that with you snarling." The guard seemed annoyed with him but moved back to his position. Rivet examined the hide trying to determine what species it was modeled after. It was definitely some variety of tree found in the jungles around the cove, "What variety of tree are these carvings modelled after?" The carvings looked beautiful.

While Rivet distracted himself with his armor Elmfern was trying to figure out how he could get away long enough to get ahold of a steelbark tree, a large pot, and some native soil.

That morning was different, no birds chirpping at the dawn, no sea breeze racing about the city, not even the ocean waves danced at daybreak. The ocean was placid till a coastal storm roared in the cove, mighty waves lapping at the top of the cliff that held the tall castle belonging to the Shadow Dynasty. Rain hurtled down towards the ground like missles. It was like the planet knew what was to come.

Tyrann was tensely strung upon his throne, brows tightly knit with a stoic expression worn across his chizzled features. He rested on his left shoulder, hand underneath his chin with eyes locked upon the massive door that gave entrance to the castle. As a massive clap of thunder boomed from the raging storm outside, the king's heart rate quickened and Tyrann could hear the shouts of his guards  from outside the castle walls. Leafon was here.

Another roar of thunder and the ebony doors swung open with a creeking noise echoing in the large room. Tyrann wanted him out of here as quick and as soon as possible without any trouble. But, somehow he knew that wouldn't happen.

"Tyrann Rex. My my, look how you've grown." The voice was jagged and as cold as ice. Tyrann looked at the black figure standing in the doorway of the castle. There were many other silouettes behind that one too.

"Leafon.." Tyrann started. "..why do you come into my kingdom unannounced?" Was the young king's only response.

Leafon Rex was a tall dragon. Taller than Tyrann by about three feet only because his neck was very enlongated. He was a vibrant green color with darker green stripes running along the length of his body. The Forest King's frame was lean and muscular, a much different kind of powerful than Tyrann's robust, bulging brawn. Leafon's head was narrow with long horns that protruded out forwards from his head and curled at the top. They were very unique to forest dragons. His underbelly was a light sand color and plated.  Also, down his spine, Leafon had a mane of orange fur growing all the way down to his tail, which at the end, was fashioned with spear-like apendage perfect for stabbing any unlucky victim.

"Well, you see Tyrann, you and I both know the Wicked is coming to power in Bazul once more. This time, I do not believe the combined powers of our colonies will be able to stop him a second time. We got lucky the first time was only because we had Marino Rex, Frozenflame, and your father of course..." Leafon walked out of the rain and into the Great Hall, motioning for his soldiers to guard the door from the outside. Tyrann didn't move from his seat. "My business here is unannounced yes I understand. But, if you will kindly hand over to me any shades you may possess, I will be much obliged." His words sparking a nerve, Tyrann got up and walked down the small stairs in front of his throne, headed for Leafon while trying to keep his temper at bay.

"I do not posses anyone Leafon. Just because I am a king, doesn't mean I have rights to any of the people in my kingdom. No shades live here." Tyrann spat back at the green dragon as he lied.

"Well, that surely is interesting because..." He gave a big whiff at the air," surely smells there have been. Multiple actually. Four to be exact. One smelling faintly of char dust, one of night herbs, another of grass, and the other of....fresh snow. So tell me Tyrann, do you want to rethink your answer? Or do I have to tear your kingdom apart looking for them?" Leafon mused with a toothy grin. The two dragons were fairly close together now, as Tyrann's lips curled up into a half snarl.

"Get out." Demanded the crimson king in an angry but controlled voice, yet with fury dripping from the tip of his tongue. Tyrann's low voice reverberated as the sound of thunder rumbled in the distance and a strike of lightning struck the ocean that was raging outside.

"Tyrann, I can't do that. These shades, well, they're dangerous..." Leafon said with mock angst,"...and if you don't let me have those shades, whatever would have happened to them, I will make sure ten times worse happens to your wife and children as I force them from this castle with your beaten body laying lifeless at the front door." The green dragon suddenly became very serious. With a growl, Leafon launched himself at Tyrann, striking the young king with a strong paw across the face. Tyrann fell to the floor, three red lines starting to drip blood down his left cheek as the older male climbed over him. Tyrann rolled over and kicked Leafon in the chest with his hind legs to give himself time to get back on his feet. The green dragon flung backwards, stunned, and hit a black pillar hard with his back. On his feet, Tyrann hissed and growled, a hard snarl forming on his face to show every one of his 32, shining pearly whites.

While Leafon experienced whiplash from impact, Tyrann took his chance to launch his own attack at his rival. Leafon must have been somewhat consious, because as Tyrann sprung forward at him, the larger dragon moved away, causing Tyrann to hit the same pillar. Dazzed, Tyrann noticed a green blur out of the corner of his eye and rolled over, swinging a massive clawed hand sharply in the air above him. He heard a thud, and when he turned to look, he saw Leafon's body falling to the floor ten feet to the left of him. Catching his breath, the king stood up quickly, glancing back over to find Leafon jumping to his feet once more.

Tyrann had claw marks on his left cheek with another above his left eyebrow, and impact bruises forming on his shoulder and forehead. Leafon was much better off but had two deep wounds to the left side of his face where his head made contact with Tyrann's swinging claws.

Before Tyrann was fully awake, he barely had time to move out of the way as a spear-like object came flying towards his face. Ducking and running in a direction unkown to him in the moment, Tyrann fled to the grand staircase with Leafon hot on his heels. Reaching the top, Tyrann climbed over the railing and leaped off. He heard Leafon give a growl as he did the same. The red king turned around to face his rival mid air and roared only to have the same done in return. What Tyrann was about to do next, he was sure Leafon wouldn't expect.

The sound of charging electricity echoed in the Great Hall and Tyrann gave out a massive blast of electric purple lightning, sending the weapon directly into the face of the older Rex. Leafon howled in pain, a shriek that is only comparbale to that of the mythological banshee. The Forest King fell to the the floor from fifty feet in the air , his face scorched and bloody. There were burn marks on his chest and face, with clusters of holes dappled in his wings. For a moment, Tyrann wondered if Leafon would every fly again.

The two king's battle had attracted an massive audience in the room, and as the beaten king made an effort to stand back up, his face was put on full display for everyone to see. The right side of his face was singed to ruin, the light green eye that used to be there now burnt from his skull. The once handsome king was now more ugly than he'd ever bullied someone else for being. Combine that and the broken horn Elmfern gave him and it was firmly written in stone that Leafon would never show his face publicly again.

Tyrann sprinted over as Leafon attmepted to get up, only the have the red king push him back over with and "oof".

"I warned you Leafon to get out while you still had your good looks. You will never have my shades, or my family, or anything but a shattered ego and a burnt face. I hope you think of me everyitme you look in the mirror and wonder where your eye has gone." Tyrann declared strongly in front of his people. Before Leafon could respond, Tyrann bent down and gave the green dragon a long scratch by the corner of his left eye, marking  him like he had done Rivet and Elmfern.

"Now everyone will know what you are." He whispered, watching as Leafon fled from his castle.

Nightling saw the fight was over and Leafeon had fled... His guards were seemingly reluctant to follow him... All of them had been disgusted by the genocide their rex had been commiting. Leafeon had barked at them to follow him and the one said "You had my sister exiled... I am done..." This dragon was borderline shade in size and Leafeon ignored him... Nightling waited until they were long gone leaving the one behind to ask Tyrann Rex to join a more tolerant colony...

He pled his case and made the point that he actually hadn't done anything which from Nightling's observations of the situation had been the opposite he'd risked his neck to help those two female shades escape... and had multiple times gone ahead of Leafeon to warn colonies. He hadn't gotten the chance with Cove because Leafeon had caught onto his antics and almost marked him a traitor. The dragon's name was Oak and his sister who was missing was Meadow and a priestess of Flora... Oak also asked for permisson to find his sister... She'd been named for the fact she had a rainbow of spots that looked like flowers... Like Rivet she was a glade shade and Nightling actually managed to scry her in a minor shrine to Flora not too far off... The others had hidden her by masking her scent with more pungent flowers and fruits... Nightling's lair was actually a shrine to Celestia every shrine had a few live in attendants priests and priestesses... It was Tyrann's call to accept this dragon or not... Nightling had healed Tyrann's face and scried Leafeon commenting good riddance and coming up with a way to spin this as a story against shades claiming Tyrann was possessed by a shade... Any dragon who knew anything about shades and their powers would know it was false...

After being woken up by the sounds of fighting Kitsune makes herself known, running down stairs. She leaves two guards at the door and stops at the bottom of the steps...assessing the situation before her. Passing Nightling with a 'goodmorning' she runs to Tyrann. "Tyrann whay on earth has happened!?"

Tyrann quickly explains Leafon, the shade matter and the fight. "The shades aren't bad! That's nonsense Tyrann! Nightling is a shade and is helping! Sparky...I'm assuming is a shade - considering he's always seen with Nightling - and is helping! And that new dragon is a Shade!" With a perplexed look from Tyrann she laughs. "Yeah...I know about the new shade that has arrived." She chuckles.

In aims of following Saxon, Adrah did so quietly, opening her mouth to speak after a moment before she was hit with a sudden and unexplainable gust of wind along her spine, through her feathers and hitting the back of her head. She narrowed her eyes slightly, glancing behind her to see where the mysterious breeze had come from. With no further sign, Adrah faced forwards to conitnue walking, only to no longer see Saxon ahead of her. Giving a light shake of her head, but yet finding herself buying time, she walked towards where the gust had came from. The white dragoness poked her head into a side room, which seemed otherwise vacant. Completely empty, if not for a glow emitting from the centre of the room, and gust after gust of wind spirling relentlessly around the room.

"Curious.. and curiouser." Adrah murmured, stepping foot into the room, and once nothing happened, she peered outside and stepped fully into the room, closing the door behind her to keep the contents of the room secret to all but herself. Venturing towards the light, the wind seemed to disappear just a little bit, a more gentle breeze as though it accepted her into its prescence whereas before it was unsure. Adrah could see a glimmer of metal within the white light. Reaching her claw inside, she came across a textured handle.

As soon as contact was made, the light and breeze vanished, ceasing to exist all together, yet leaving an occupied sword sheath behind. Engraved on it were a series of  swirls, symbolising the element that was wind. "This.. This is impossible." She murmured to herself, before unsheathing the sword, the metal shiny and spotless enough for her to see her reflection better than any mirror in the castle. "Unbelievable." Adrah whispered, the same swired patterns engraved into the metal of the blade. The handle was masterfully carved. taking the appearance of fine feathers spiralling off of the handle. The dragoness ruffled her own feathers, somehow feeling a connection to the sword. She had only heard of it in fables and old stories, of dragons who once whield the colonist swords, along with the lesser known elemental swords. "I need to find the others." Adrah murmured, sliding the strap of the sheath over her shoulder, setting the sword back into its protective casing before setting off to find Saxon once more, after being separated.

The brutal battle commmenced and the crowd cheered for their king who came out victorious. Tyrann was covered in blood, not that it was very noticeable as his scales were already a vibrant crimson. The sky seemed to grow happier and the clouds faded, as did the symphony of thunder and lightning that had just been the soundtrack of the battle just moments ago. Tyrann went from looking towards the door where a fleeing Leafon had made his humiliating exit, to his people watching him in the middle of the Great Hall. To his pleasure, Nightling made quick work of his wounds, only leaving dried blood and some faded looking scars in their memory.

"My kingdom, I apologize." Was all he said in the tone one uses when they want to just disappear. Tyrann quickly hurried towards the grand staircase until he was met on the landing by the lovely, yet slightly scary, black dragoness who happened to be his wife. Not waiting for a first response from her, Tyrann quickly jumped to explaining himself.

"Kitsune darling, I'm fine. Just a couple scratches. Leafon, well you knew he was coming, it turns out, wanted all the shades to star some form of genocide. When I wouldn't hand over Nightling, Nynx, and Sparky he threatened to kill me and do unspeakble things to you and our children so I had to stop this before it started." Tyrann said calmly, trying to push past her to get away from the public eye. He felt embarassed at what had just happened, feeling like his kingdom now saw him as some savage monster. Tyrann just wanted her to move.

"The shades aren't bad! That's nonsense Tyrann! Nightling is a shade and is helping! Sparky...I'm assuming is a shade - considering he's always seen with Nightling - and is helping! And that new dragon is a Shade!" Kit announced with a surpised look from Tyrann. He hadn't remembered mentioning anything to his queen about Rivet and his father.

Yeah...I know about the new shade that has arrived." Kit chuckled. Sneaky devil, Tyrann thought.

"Well, um yes, Rivet is the new shade, now if you would just let me go up to our room, that would be marvelous..." Tyrann was struggling to get past Kit. You'd think it would be easy judging how much sheer size he had on her, but Tyrann's wife was not a push over. Finally, he managed to just get around Kitsune just enough to sprint towards their room, a sigh in releif as the king reached the solitary area.

Now sheilded from the eye of any interested onlookers, Tyrann could begin to process what had just happened. He had makred a Rex as a traitor.

"Oh Draco, what would my father say?" Tyrann slumped down in the corner of his room after slamming the door shut and locking it. Tears welled up in his eyes and threatened to spill over. He had marked Leafon for good reason hadn't he? Leafon did technically betray the Code of the Rex. A rex is supposed to keep his people, all his people, safe, not start a genocide against one specific race. The Cove Colony always had good relations with the Forest Colony. Now what would happen? Maybe Elmfern would take back his throne, seeing as the Forest Colony surely woudn't want Leafon at the helm any longer...

With his thoughts racing, they were stopped abrupt at the sound of a craking noise coming from the other side of the room.

"Oh lord..." Tyrann muttered and shot his head up to see what was happening. In a panic, the massive dragon burst out the door and down the stairs like a maniac, shouting and yelling for his wife.

"Kit! KITSUNE! Our eggs! Hatching! OUR EGGS ARE HATCHING!"

Nightling heard the eggs cracking and her reaction was surprising she stayed outside the door instead of rushing the newborns her instincts were compelling her to let the new parents bond with their offspring before darting in to become auntie Nightling... So Nightling stayed back and went back to scrying Leafon...  He was still trying to spin the rightful marking of traitor to anything but... Oak was off picking up his sister... Nightling also checked Grove colony and found that they were already planning to overthrow him once they realized who was in charge... They wanted their shades back their livelyhood depended on magic users... Nightling wanted to deliver the news to Tyrann but she knew to give him privacy. All Leafon's former advisors were trying to find a replacement strong enough to take him before he got back... They were considering a champion to buy themselves time to find a rex more suited to politics... There was a massive shift in Grove colony culture... No longer would might make right... Tyrann just happened to have might, political savvy, and enough of a sense of justice to keep his colony satisfied on all fronts for the moment...

With her questions Answered and Tyrann managing to slip past her she shakes her head and sighs. She then decides some food would be good and begins to walk down the steps. Processing what's Tyrann had told her she briefly remeber ed Elmfern- she thought his name was- as a Rex of another Colony. Her husband a rex himself....nnamed a rex of another colony....a traitor. She was in shock. 

Running back through her thoughts she was interrupted. "Kit!" She hears Tyrann. "KITSUNE!" He bellows down the hall. Figuring she was in some sort of trouble or in need she trots back up the steps. "EGGS! OUR EGGS ARE HATCHING!" Tyrann bellows like a mad man. 

Kitsune gasps and runs up the steps. "Oh my! Tyrann! Room! Quickly! Noe! Do we need Dr. Slavv!?" She says as she runs by Nightling shooting her a fast and swift "hello." Once  she made sure Tyrann was in the room , she told Nightling to step away from the door than none to politely slammed it. 

Running over to the eggs she steps up beside Tyrann. "Ohh! Oh my! Ohh my my my...Tyrann! What do we do!?"

Nightling did stick her head in and said "This could take hours..." Nightling heard an egg crack and start to chip... She started getting the new parents food... They'd have to chew and regurgitate meals for some time... Nightling knew shade chick food had an extra componant in it and made her ill suited to feed newborn anything but shades... Tended to produce high energy and restless dragon and anything else chicks but baby shades needed that pep up to kick start their metabolism and their magical abilities... Did not work on baby dragons wyverens or anything but baby shades... Meat and fish were provided...

Nightling got back to watching Leafon forcing a shade with healing abiliites to do what he could to mend the face but the damage was too extensive... The eye was gone and most of the face would be scarred... Leafon promptly killed the shade when he was done calling the shade a waste that was good for nothing. It was a stray shade and Nightling saw the Wicked was planning to try to sway shades to his side but it wasn't working his 'heralds' were convincing no one... Shades were not stupid as a general rule... The rexes were made aware of 'strange shades reeking of evil' prowling around and the youngsters were soon kept closer to the vest... Nightling knew he was scrying her and she was allowing it... The Wicked seemed pleased with the weight Nightling had been putting on for shades sleek was beautiful and Nightling had been a little boney but she was filling out nicely... For a shade it was obscenely hard to become obese after a certain point the metabolism went into overdrive and converted the excess into pure magical energy. Despite the scrying Nightling was gaining weight and she realized she needed to go flying she was getting borderline chubby... So Nightling actually used wind magic to make the flying harder... This might have been a moment of vanity...

"Yes, yes!" Tyrann turns on his heels, calling to a servant to go fetch Dr. Slavv and send him up to the master bedroom of the king and queen. With a push off from the ground, Tyrann half runs, half glides up the stairs towards his bedroom with insane compulsion. As if this day couldn't get any more hectic. It seems Tyrann has been having a lot of these days lately and he was certain they weren't going to stop.


Somehow, in his mad dash for the room, Tyrann ended up surpassing Kitsune in the process and was staring very intently over the eggs as they began to crack open when she walked in.


“Ohh! Oh my! Ohh my my my...Tyrann! What do we do!?" His wife asked with a bewildered tone.


"Hell if I know...." Tyrann replied, incredulous. Tyrann realized after he said that, that it may have sounded rude, but he truly didn't mean to be. He genuinely didn't know what to do. It was all he could do but to stare at the four little ovals making tiny, crackling noises as the hatchlings within them started to break free. Finally, and to Tyrann's great relief, Dr. Slavv appeared in the doorway.


"Hello, kids, what do we have here?" Asked the elderly doctor. Tyrann pointed to his and Kitsune's eggs as they began to emerge from their shells. "Oh, you two, you don't need me. Just wait for the little fellas to arrive that's all. And Kitsune dear, be prepared for them to want to nibble at those colorful spikes of yours. Little rascals will have some sharp teeth at first. Anyhow, I'll be on my way. Send someone for me if anything looks suspicious." Dr. Slavv laughed and walked out of their room, his arthritis clearly acting up. Tyrann huffed, feeling more vulnerable now that his long time friend and doctor had left the room.


"I guess it's up to us now...Kit look" He said to his wife just as the first little egg began to fully break free. It was the little golden one, the egg Tyrann felt a deep connection with. The youngster emerged, flipping the top of the egg shell off as it went tumbling out of the nest. The golden bronze hatchling that appeared brought a smile to Tyrann's face, as the little dragon was certainly a male.


"Look Kit! He was a male, I knew it!" Tyrann overjoyed. He craned his neck to nuzzle the little male, whom bit the end of his snout with very sharp teeth, just as Dr. Slavv predicted. With a muffled, nasal sounding yelp, Tyrann laughed a little in embarrassment. "You will be Ramses." Tyrann declared, picking up the hatchling and setting him on the bridge of his nose. Wide, purple eyes gleamed back at Tyrann with youthful innocence, melting the king's heart.


The hatchling now known as Ramses was a Golden Crowned Chaos Dragon, like Tyrann's grandfather Tyrannis. He looked a little different however; Ramses had small ears, a subtle nose horn that was sure to grow, and a two, small, semi stag-like prongs that would sprout into a magnificent head of horns.


"Kitsune, here is our first born and my heir. He looks just like my grandfather, Tyrannis. I think little Ramses is a Golden Crowned Chaos Dragon like him too." The king and queen reveled at their child. Just as they were fooling over the first, the second started to crackle. "Look Kit!" Tyrann pointed out again with Ramses still on his face. This time it was the red egg. The hatchling inside was clearly a feisty little thing, the shell nearly hitting Kit in the head as it was flung from the top.  A spunky little red female burst from the egg, looking remarkably like Tyrann.

“Oh my word! Kit, you’ve got your girl, and look, the little lassie looks just like her papa!” Tyrann mused, already falling in love with his children. “What do you think for her name? How about Lilliandra after your mother? Call her Lily for short?” Kit nodded and Tyrann placed the rambunctious female in his arms with Ramses chewing at his nose horn. Lily was a vibrant crimson like Tyrann, with the same black points with little ebony stubs that will one day be a lovely crown of marvelous horns, true to the breed of the Crowned Chaos Dragons.

Both Lily and Ramses made little squawking sounds and lovable chirps in the presence of their parents. Ramses was still atop Tyrann’s head, playing with his horns and even bit his eye ridge causing the king to squeal again. Lily happily stumbled over to her mother, the new princess finding the world very exciting. She even had the same red eyes as Tyrann.

Oblivious to all that had happened, Adrah walked on in each of anyone, keeping her oceanic eyes peeled for any moving silhouette. Tryann's bellowing announcement of the eggs hatchling lured her off immediately. She would love to see her friends offspring, finally out of their eggs and tottering about. She could only begin to imagine what they had looked like, or their each individual personalities.

Picking up her pace a little, Adrah soon enough found the Rex and Queen's chambers, waiting patiently outside along with a collection of other dragons that had gathered outside of the door, eagarly awaiting to know genders and names. The white dragoness could only hope to meet the little hatchlings, and would most likely plead with Tyrann to meet them. She liked to think herself an aunt now. Tyrann had always been like a brother to her.

Taking a seat whilst all the other dragons conversed and expressed their excitement. From cooks to maids; Adrah sat alone, keeping the sword she had found concealed from view. She would need an opinion of what exactly it was, and if it should in fact be in her possesion. After all, it didn't seem like she had simply stumbled upon it. 

Days passed without Saxon even knowing. He spent much of his time in his chambers dwelling over the Quake Sword that some how had chosen him. He only came out fo his room to eat and when Tyrann had been entangled in a fight with the Forest Colony's king, Leafon. Leafon and Crash had been good friends and Saxon knew him quite well and what a truly terrible dragon he could be. Crash knew as well, but to be politicaly correct, the Mountain King had never called Leafon upon his ignorances.

A letter had arrived for him from his father Ripper, stating how him and his mother were doing well. Ripper mentioned Saxon's little brother, Wrecker, and how he was going to start hsi traing to be Saxon's Head Guard someday. A metallic smile formed upon Saxon's face. 

Tyrann's fight surely brought Saxon back to his senses, as he had been feeling rather like a hermit lately. He hadn't even seen the beautiful dragoness he hoped to one day call his queen.

Saxon was roused from his room as the fight begun, rooting for Tyrann the entire time and even giving off a loud gasp at the end when Tyrann marked Leafon as a traitor. Even Saxon felt embrassed for Leafon. It was one of those moments when you feel so humilated for the other person even you don't want to be in the room. Apparently, Tyrann had felt the same way and Saxon was laughing internally when his friend, who was a massive, 20+ ft tall dragon, couldn't get past his wife. Saxon had to hand it to Kitsune, she surely kept the big guy in line.

When Tyrann came barreling down the stairs shouting like a mad man, Saxon had done his best cat impression, shouting himself and abruptly bursting into flight with surprise. He heard of the eggs being hatched, but waited for the mass of bodies flooding from the Great Hall to dim down a bit before making his way back up to his friend's room.The event had surely gathered a crowd as the hall was filled with every staff memeber and guest you could name.

Feeling as though he had some relationary rights, Saxon pushed passed many of them to get to the front. The copper prince was even more pleased with who he found waiting there as well.

"Ahhhh, there you are. Hello my dear." Saxon said very kindly to Adrah in a gentlemanly manner. He bowed to her in what room he had, then picked up her hand to gently kiss the top of it. He sincerely hoped she wasn't mad at him for being absent for so long.

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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