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Species Suggestions

Is Exhibited missing one of your favourite raptor species? Post them here!

Species Organization List. |Read before making a Species Suggestion Thread.|
I just noticed, how many threads were being made about what or which dinosaurs wanting to be added. I thought I'd add something, that would make Kitty's looking over the board easier :3. Rather then go through pages of threads, you can post your dinosaurs you wish to suggest here. But you -must- fill out this form before you can post it.

* Note, if the ones posting on the thread do not say 'Support.' It won't be counted as a Supported Dinosaur. Saying, 'I want this or that.' doesn't work, sorry :3.

Now, I personally went to every thread and did this. Enjoy :3.

Accepted Dinosaurs.
Allosaurus fragilis.
Anchiornis .

Those being added with new updates.

Rejected Dinosaurs.

Supported Dinosaurs.
Giganotosaurus. -Lot of Support.
Acrocanthosaurus.- No Support.
Deltadromeus. - Twenty Support.
Archaeopteryx. - Lot of Support.
Cryolophosaurus. - Nine Support, Could use more info.
Neovenator. - Three Support. Could use a bit more info.
Santanaraptor. - Eleven Support.
Apatosaurus. - Two Support, On Accepted list.
Dracorex. - Seven Support. Linked info.
Raptorex. - Ten Support.
Mononykus. - Lot of Support, Lacking info.
Rahonavis. - Eight Support. Lacking some info.
Achillobator. - Two Support, Linked info.
Bradycneme (Breme). - Lacking info, One Support.
Austroraptor. - Twelve Support.
Conchoraptor. - Four Support.
Dromaeosaurus albertensis. - Five Support.
Variraptor. - Ten Support, Lacking some info.
Caudipteryx. -Three Support, Lacking some info.
Unenlagia -Five Support. Lacking some info.
Baryonyx -One Support, Lacking some info.
Mojo Ceratops. - Four Support

Yet to be approved, Supported or Accepted.
Fukuiraptor. - No Support.
Nano Tiranis. - Next to no info.
Therizinosaurus. - Needs info.
Kryptops. - No Support.
Afrovenator. - No Support.

Dinosaurs Posted Here.

Post: #113795
Achillobator, oh god yes. I never see anything about my favorite dinosaur, it would be so awesome to have them here.
You've got red on you.
Post: #129611
I fixed up my Therizinosaurus thread it's right here

Post: #141208
pretty sure this is out of date... can someone make a new one?

Post: #167106
Updating the thread:

Accepted dinosaurs.
Allosaurus fragilis

Supported Dinosaurs
Giganotosaurus - 62 support
Acrocanthosaurus - 32 support
Dimetrodon - 33 support
Adasaurus - 54 support
Dunkleosteus - 21 support
Archaeopteryx - 65 support
Dryptosaurus - 14
Achillobater - 15
Austroraptor - 39
Cryolophosaurus - 16
Therizinosaurus - 22
Baryonyx - 36
Mei long - 18
Balaur bondoc - 31
Carcharodontosaurus - 13
Masiakasaurus - 12
Megalodon - 7
Gorgonopsid - 5
Sarcosuchus - 4
Godzillasaurus - 2
Eodromeus murphi - 2
Yangchuanosaurus - 19
Deltadromeus - 44, needs more info
Xiongguanlong - 2
Appalachiasaurus - 1
Kryptops - 11
Eotyrannus - 7
Daemonosaurus chauliodus - 11
Andrewsarchus - 14
Dromaeosaurus albertensis - 17
Mononykus - 34
Fukuiraptor - 7, likely needs a form
Variraptor - 12, also needs a form
Afrovenator - 5
Ornithomimus - 16

Need support

Need more info, or need a form

Support was counted according to how many had the word "support" in their post. Double posts were counted as one.
This list is not fully complete, but I did my best to make it as accurate as possible.

Post: #167138
If you can link to each thread in your updated version, Dracosaura, then we can update the original posts~

Post: #167176
Of course you ask for the one thing I didn't do because I wasn't sure how to go about it. XD
Guess I had better go figure it out, now!
Edit: There! Got a lot of them. Wasn't as hard as I thought.
Post: #175891
I dont know how 2 post and stuff all I wanna is 2 have these dinos put on here thanks!

The Following ARE AWESOME:
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Post: #177720
I got a list of supporters of Giganotosaurus in this link Click!

I will update it as frequently as I can :)
What is a Velociraptorx? That's for only me to know and you to find out.
Post: #203128
Ill suport Fukuiraptor!!!!!!
Post: #262073
Thanks for those that have been updating this, been away for a year. ;~;.

I'll be sure to do weekly updates (If I'm not busy.)

Post: #279768
XD Ah~ Looks like this threads a little out of date~ I wad hoping for hints as to what we may see next~

“The tongue like a sharp knife … Kills without drawing blood.” Want terror birds. Trading 2 - 3 acro. Any pairing I have bred just for you.
Post: #279769
Once again, I think someone needs to re-update the list, because Giganotosaurus is close to 100 supporters soon.
What is a Velociraptorx? That's for only me to know and you to find out.
Post: #279989
I wanted to make a post for the Therizinosaurus, but then I found out that it was already suggested. Only one thing left to do:
Therizinosaurus has my support!
Post: #293874
apparently i can just suggest here? Then i suggest Tarbosaurus Bataar, made no thread for it but i do support. I'd love a new Mongolian dinosaur because we already have Velociraptor, Tarbosaurus wouldn't hurt, right?

Name: Tarbosaurus Bataar
Diet: Carnivorious* *meat-eater
Height: 15-18ft.
Length: around 40ft long, all websites that mention Tarbosaurus's length say 'estimated to be 40ft' or 'around 40ft'.
Weight: 6 tons.
Location: Mongolia.
Era: Maastrichtian of the Cretaceous.
Name means: 'Terrifying lizard'
Name pronounced: Tar-bo-sore-us.
Information: Tarbosaurus Bataar is a close cousin of Tyrannosaurus Rex, the king of the lizards. Tarbosaurus definitely deserves the meaning 'terrifying lizard' with a length of 15 to 18 feet and massive teeth lining the jaws.
Interesting fact: Tarbosaurus Bataar might have evolved straight from T-rexes crossing a land bridge between America and Asia, a land bridge that disappeared and then isolated Tarbosaurus from Rex.
Picture references:
Actively breeding: Allosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Albertosaurus, Dimetrodon, Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, all of GP/NGP quality. Getting started on breeding: Canotaurus, Baryonyx, Terror Bird Not started: Dimetrodon, Terrors.
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