Tungsten cheered with the other dragons among the ceremony. He told of his mission to his liege, Frozenflame Rex. "Excellent job, my Sapphire Apprentice," said the Ice King. He placed a fatherly arm over Tungsten with a hardy laugh. Tungsten chuckled, watching the Rex swig down a goblet of tasty mead. Tungsten laughed at the Desert King's embarrasment before the thunder of dragon within the room. "Good one, Tyrann Rex," said Tungsten, nodding at Thantos's son. He walked over to Kitsune. "I don't believe we've officially met. My name is Tungsten the Frost, son of the late Marino Rex and Queen Aquesa of Jettilis," he said, bowing before her. "I am the Head Guard of Frozenflame Rex's army and want to congratulate you and my former apprentice/student on a job well done," said Tungsten. He looked over at Tyrann. "Take care of this one, eh, Tyrann?" asked Tungsten, winking at the king.
He chuckled before turning to go. As he did so, he spied Hammish Rex and Queen Electra talking with five of their respective guards. Tungsten had to do a double take, as if his eyes were playing tricks on him. Among the five guards was red dragon smaller than the rest. A mighty kitana with a crimson and purple handle was resting in the dragon's scabbard, a red right forepaw sitting on the pommel. Red mail adorned the dragon's slender, more fine-figured body. Tungsten gasped as he saw the red bands wrapped around the intruder's neck, tail, and sword. "No," said Tungsten. It was the Volcano Colony intruder from the ruins. "What is that cursed dragon doing here?" he whispered with a growl. Tungsten made his way over to the Scorch Dynasty dragons. He watched as they finished their conversation, the dragon from the ruins bowed to Hammish Rex and his queen before heading to the doors.
Tungsten quickly slipped past the other dragons, unseen. He reached the doors, grabbing the dragon and exiting the doors as he muffled the dragon's grunts. Tungsten flew over to a corner, slamming the dragon's back against the wall before ripping the Tidal Sword free from its case. He held the blade against the neck mail of the red dragon, holding the dragon tight against the wall. "Bet you weren't expecting to see these blue scales again, eh?" asked Tungsten, pressing harder. "You again?" asked the dragon, voice still muffled by the helm. "I knew I'd find you again," growled Tungsten. "Now, give me one good reason why I shouldn't behead you where you stand?" he asked. "Let me explain," said the other dragon. "Yes, but before you do, let's see who's under this helm," said Tungsten. He went for the dragon's helm, but the red dragon was quick, spinning and ducking, shooting out of Tungsten's reach and strength.
Tungsten stumbled into the corner but whirled suddenly, the tip of his blade slicing the neck mail of the red dragon as the dragon tried to flee. This caused the Volcano Colony dragon to stumble over, with Tungsten pouncing. He side flipped, with his tail slamming into the intruder's jaws. The intruder yelped, with the helm flying off and clattering off the floor. Tungsten tackled the dragon once more, holding his foe to the floor. He raised his sword, ready to deliver the final blow, but halted his actions. With the helm off, he now received an up close look at his opponent's face, and it made his heart skip a beat. He was wide-eyed, shocked and astonished at what his eyes were resting upon. Staring back at him, and the reason for the slender and fine-figured body, was a ruby scaled dragoness with citrus colored eyes. Upon her head were two crimson horns that were at least eight feet tall. Her neck mail fell away from Tungsten's sword attack, and he saw five medium sized rubies on either side of her neck, trailing down and stopping at her throat. The inner scales of her neck, throat, chest, and stomach appeared to be a paler color of her outer scales. Tungsten saw the dragoness's claws for the first time. They were a glittering, snow white color, poking out of her metal gloves. She looked up at Tungsten, arching her neck to do so.
"Y-You.....You're a fe-female," Tungsten stammered. "Of course I am," growled the ruby dragoness, embers beginning to fly past her white fangs. Tungsten knew the dragoness's spinning flame move was fast approaching. His wings launched him backwards, letting him rise fast the dragoness stood, rocked her head back, and released a fiery blaze of red and orange flames. Tungsten held up his forearms, bracing for the attack. Suddenly, the Tidal Sword vibrated in his grasp. It glowed blue, with the gemstone at the pommel of the sword sending a rushing and sudden viel of glowing blue water surrounding around Tungsten. The water viel spun around him, acting as a shield and forcefield as the flames slammed into it.
The flames dispersed quickly, with the viel disappearing. Tungsten landed on his hind paws, sheathing his Tidal Sword before looking at the dragoness. "Who are you?" he asked, still shocked at what he found.