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"I see. The intruder you spoke of at the lagoon was Lavana. I see, I see." Tyrann nodded his head and thought for a moment, considering all the information that was just given to him. "Alright.." He finally spoke after a few moments of thinking. "...I believe we have a couple ways we can approach this situation we have here....first off we could outright accuse Hammish of something dastardly; however, we do not have enough evidence for that, only accusations. Hmmm...we could lie about our prescence in his kingdom at all. Say we are there for a friendly visit. True, that could make him suspicious...perhaps we find this Lavana of yours, Tungsten? She's obviously a direct link to old Hammish. As a king myself I know that Id only allow my best, most trusted warrior take on a mission like this..." Tyrann took a claw to his chin, pondering the idea for a moment as Tungsten very obviously cursed himself for allowing this to happen.

"You said something about finding an egg, aye? What did you plan on doing with it? Rear it? I suppose it's not concern of mine, but since Lavana now has it, it's of obvious worth if she went to such lengths to snag it..." The red dragon thought.

"Any thoughts on how we are getting in that castle Tungsten? Obviously they'll let us in, we just have to have a good reason for it. Hammish Rex is a suspicious reptile. We have to have a good reason.." Tyrann Rex then looked the the water dragon, eyeing him as he thought.

"No, no, no, going in there blind is a direct way of getting either attacked or even prisoned for a few days, and the hole of the Volcano Colony is not where one wants to be," said Tungsten. He thought for a moment. "Ah! A training request!" exclaimed Tungsten. "Hammish has many young male hatchlings within his walls that are dying for masters of combat," he said. "I overheard him mentioning he needs a teacher for the younglings." He began to pace. "Now about that egg. I found the little rock of mine inside Senator's Lagoon, abandoned," he said. "Lavana's scent was nowhere around the area, meaning she couldn't have stolen it and placed it there," said Tungsten. "No, that egg was stolen by another foe that we know yet of, and I have a feeling we left them back in the ruins," said the Water Dragon. He looked at Tyrann.

"My attentions were to rear it, yes, and the egg had to be a male. It was too big and too strong not to be," he said. Tungsten looked about, seeing the waves of the ocean. "We have our Rune Swords, meaning our armor will activate upon drawal of the weapons. Just in case we're attacked, but I am hoping no one dares attack another Rex within the company of their on Rex," said Tungsten. He approached Tyran, grasping his right shoulder with a strong right forepaw. "This is a mission for just the two of us. So we can get in and get out," he said. "Our mission is to catch up with Lavana and retrieve my satchel. If she makes it to Hammish before we do, then plan B it is," said Tungsten. "Plan B is you consult Hammish about the teachings of the young Flame Dragons while I go to visit the young ones....when really I am locating Lavana," he said.

"If all goes to plan, we fly out of there with our lives and get back here safe with the Volcano Sword," said Tungsten. He spread his wings wide and prepared to take flight. "But if we are caught, then you must have full trust in my aquatic abilities, for we are taking the ocean back home," said Tungsten. With that, he sprang into the air. "And call for your guard! Hammish will be suspicious as to why a Rex would visit him solely without a faction of his own!" called Tungsten, hovering in the air.

Nightling heard the plan and wanted to offer to scry ahead but she had never seen Volcano colony... Nightling had seen one of the pillars containing the wicked so she had been able to scry him... Her grandmother had said scrying during the day took more energy but was possible... So Nightling had Sparky bring her the bowl and she scryed it... Another pillar broke this time around volcano colony... Lavana was standing in front of the pillar with the sword... She was trying to seal it back... The shape of a black dragon was condensing...

Nightling did report this to Tyrann "Sire scrying is not easily transported in fact if it weren't for the fact this colony sits on a ley line at the moment I'd only be able to do it on a full moon. Ley lines are lines of magic running through the earth... But they shift... That is all that is known at this time... I am sorry I cannot provide more assistance..."

Nodding as she trotted off twords the Castle, Kitsune wondered what the caps could hd, that he would put her in charge. Upon trotting up too the castle she saw a few people scurry out, looking scared. She sighed and stopped them. "Is everything okay?" A smaller dragon sighed. "Yes Queen. Everything is fine." The other dragon with the smaller one nodded in agreement. "Is there anything wrong inside?" The two dragons, exchange a glance before shrugging. "Everything seemed fine to us Queen." 

Kitsune sighs and nods. "Very well. My apologies for stopping you so abruptly. Please. Continue and have a nice day." She smiled. The two Dragons smile up at her and the shorter one replies. "Of course Queen. You have a nice day as well." They bow before trotting off, happily talking. 

Kit watches them a kowmnt before entering the castle. Not being informed of what was wrong. Chaos was an understatement. People were scurrying. No. Running around the castle. Bewildered and worried.  Kitsune eyes widen. She stops a nearby,  helper and questions her. "What's going on?" The helper shrugs. "What happened?" The helper shrugs, again. "I don't know." Kit sigsh. "Then why are your inning arpund?" The helper smiles. "Too get my work done early Queen." She replies before abruptly running off. 

Kitsune growls lowly and takes charge. She steps forward and roars, a roar that echos in the hallways a good minuet or two. Everyone stops and stares at her. "Someone tell me what's going on RIGHT now or so help me, NO ONE leaves this Castle, and NO ONE enters this castle until Tyrann returns!" She says. "And someone get me one of Tyrann's closest helpers who may know what's going on! Nightling possibly?" She asks.

Tyrann listened to Tungsten's plan, thinking it very solid and workable. "That should work." The red dragon concluded with a nod. "Oh and Tungsten, I'd deactivate the armor before going in Hammish's castle. The old lad will think it funny we came fully armored and with a guard as well. Speaking of, let me fly back really quickly, Baird is practically deaf. Be back in a jiff." The King gave out a hearty laugh then propelled himself off the ground in one mighty swoop of his massive wings.

Returning rather quickly to find Tungsten there practicing a couple battle move with his new sword, Tyrann landed on the ground with three of his finest guard. On his right was a bright yellow dragoness, two white horns protruding from her head and orange membrane connecting her wings. "This is Danielle. She may be small, but do not, under any circumstances, underestimate her. The lass beat mybum when I was in fight school as an adolescent." Tyrann said to Tungsten. "That's Baird, as you know." Pointing to a navy blue dragon on his left with black, bull-like horns and a very stocky build. "And behind me is Brutalus." Tyrann motioned to an emense wyvern, brown in color and very, very muscular with a deadly, barbed tail. "Figured he'd be as good as any for muscle." Tyrann commented, causing the massive wyvern to simply give a nod.

"He's a reptile of few words. The strong, silent type." Laughed Baird. With a moment of comedic relief, the group flew out of the clearing.

Nightling updated the queen leaving the scry out of it but mentioning she could do it... There had been something funny about it... Come to think of it Granny Celest was missing... Looking back Nightling realized her grandmother had done inexplicable things and when Nightling first used magic she'd been there almost guiding Nightling's first spell along... Nightling's first spell had been a healing spell on her own snout... Nightling fell into thought... Then Nightling mumbled something about going back to that library or sending the only other literate dragon in the colony Sparky to go look something up... Nightling said to the queen "I was also instructed to watch over the dragon in the cocoon my lady..." She excused herself and resumed her vigil sending Sparky to go look something up...

Tungsten nodded and they were off. "Tungsten the Frost, please to meet your acquaintance," he said to the three dragons. "The pleasure's all mine," said Danielle. Tungsten nodded and continued forward. He deactivated the armor trigger, meaning once he drew the sword, the armor wouldn't release and attach itself to Tungsten's bulky body. He flew in a winding pattern, trying to pick up a scent. "No luck," he said. He then remembered they were tracking a Flame Dragon, meaning a dragon that would steer clear of water close as possible. Tungsten looked down, noticing they were only thirty feet above the waves. "Of course, she'd fly higher, right within the clouds," said Tungsten. He soared higher, reaching the right elevation for Flame Dragons. After that, the scent was upon his nostrils in seconds. "Perfect," the Water Dragon growled with a smirk. He flew forward, gliding through the clouds. He spiraled past a flock of birds, spooking them in disturbed sqwuaks.

"Apologies, my feathered friends," said Tungsten. He soared onward, the scent finally getting heavy upon his nose. "She's close," said Tungsten. Before they knew it, he gained a higher altitude, using his icy breath to help with his breathing. As he gained almost higher than the clouds, Tungsten looked down. There she was. The ruby red scales were in and out of a lengthy group of clouds. "Smart one, she is," said Tungsten. The Torch Spy had her armor upon her body, her helm covering her head and face once more. Spiraling forward, Tungsten felt the tips of his wings give off a trail of frost as he jetted forward silently upon the air. He was glad the sun wasn't at his back this time, otherwise his large shadow would be casted upon the red dragoness. Tungsten wanted to quietly surprise her.

He caught sight of his satchel. Diving, Tungsten tucked in every moveable appendage on his body, keeping straight for the dragoness. Smartly, he dove past her, with Lavana turning, thinking she'd heard something. Tungsten intelligently righted up, gaining a bit more as to stay right under Lavana without touching her. His left forepaw suddenly glowed, catching a blue light and growing into a glacier-like clawed hand. Using his index claw, he motioned up to the satchel. With a heave, a frost ball shot forward, gliding below Lavana and passing her. It suddenly gained altitude and dispersed into freezing air and turbolence before Lavana. "Gah! Darn turbolence!" she cursed, fidgeting in the air. With that, Tungsten quickly clawed a hole into his satchel, smartly opening the other satchel he'd found, Lavana's.

The contents of his satchel that was wrapped around Lavana's shoulder spilled out of the hole, landing within the satchel Tungsten held open. The crystals, nest, and egg was now his once more. Before he could speak, the red and orange iridescent holster of what appeared to be the Volcano Sword slid through the hole, stopping suddenly. Tungsten saw it was stuck in the hole. "Curses," he growled. He saw Lavana's left forepaw fly back, patting the satchel. "Time to go," said Tungsten, rising quickly. He flew back to the others as they caught up. He stuffed the satchel in Bailard's bag. "Guard it well," said Tungsten. He then sped ahead, pulling the Tidal Sword free. He reached Lavana suddenly as she discovered the hole in the satchel.

"What the hellabit?" she asked. She saved the rune sword from falling. Something caught her attention. As she glided within the clouds, she noticed a snake of sapphire spikes trailing fifteen feet away from her on her left side. "Huh?" she asked, distracted by the trail of spikes that jutted out of the clouds like the fin of a shark. The spikes headed in her direction before disppearing underneath the clouds. "That was odd," said Lavana, facing forward. Before she knew it, her eardrums were rocked by the thundering roar of a Water Dragon. The unactivated Tidal Sword slammed into Lavana's side, almost cleaving through her. Lavana cried out as a torrent of blue and white flames escaped the clouds, catching her by the shoulder. Then a blast of ice rocked into her chest, sending her wheeling out of the clouds. Her attacker was upon her now, grabbing her about the throat and chest. "Tungsten!" screamed Lavana, just as the sapphire dragon snarled at her.

Tyrann thanked Nightling, finding the information useful. He flew underneath Tungsten and waited for him to be done with his sneaky antics to tell him what his shade had scryed up. As Tyrann and his guard flew about 100 ft below Tungsten and waited, they were left up to their own devices. Finally, Baird broke the silence.

"Rather nice day, eh?" He commented trying to spark a conversation.

"Aye, it is Baird. I was just thinking the same thi- BANSHEES!" Shouted Tyrann and the group scattered while a massive wave of yellow and blue banshees flew directly into their mass. The ravenous creatures snapped at the limbs of the dragons, one catching Brutalius on the leg.

"Oh I feel sorry for the poor fellow who bit him..." Muttered Tyrann and Daneille nodded her head as the massive wyvern tore the thing to shreds. A few comical expressions of shock were exchanged between the two, Baird shrieking a bit when the severed head of the dead banshee impaled itself on his bull-like horns. The group laughed, being sure to quitely do so as Tungsten was at work up there. Soon enough he heard a feminine growl and the group knew the levitate themselves.

"Tungsten what are you doing up there?!" Shouted Tyrann, flapping his strong wings to propel himself upward. When he was level with the water dragon he noticed the situation. "Oh my..."

When Sparky got back the mystery only deepened... There was nothing about some of her grandmother's abilities but the goddess Celestia was known to do these things... But that was impossible... The gods exsisted on a higher plane and watched Bazul as they controlled things... They didn't just come down and meddle with the affairs of mortals... Nightling was still confused but she kept her watch over the dragon in the cocoon... The wound was healing slowly... Nightling kept brooding and thinking... She also kept scrying when she checked the volcano pillar it was just cracking... That's not what she had seen before... Nightling checked other places... The dragon shape was condensing from the desert pillar becoming more solid... It was still a weak thing but then suddenly the darkness stopped leaking out and the strange jet black dragon became very real and he flew off laughing sickly green eyes glowing...

Tyrann realized something he hadn't thought of before. The dragon flew adjacent to Tungsten, deep in thought when he suddenly burst out with energy.

"Tungsten! I have an idea! We should visit my sister, Estelle, Rex of the lesser colony of Aradis. She can provide us with better information on the Volocano King, as her colony lies within the outskirts of his domain. Take Lavana with us so that we may consult with my sister on the matters. If Hammish is up to something, Estelle would know. It is our best hope at getting solid information." Tyrann suggested as the saphire dragon knocked Lavana out. It had been years since Tyrann had seen his sister. His missed her scaly hide, the two being very close as hatchlings. They were the opposite in coloring, Tyrann being red with black horns and ridges and Estelle being black with scarlet horns and ridges.

Tyrann Rex had two other siblings as well. Jonas Rex, a mighty sliver dragon that is King of the lesser colony of Dumbrak. Tyrann's other brother, a deep purple and blue dragon by the name of Torent Rex, King of Hasgard, a colony that was very close to becoming a Great Colony of its own, perhaps the Storm Colony. Torent, being the second born, was very jealous of his brother, Tyrann, for having been chosen as sole heir to the Cove throne. The purple dragon was feared throughout his domain, killing to get his way. Tyrann worried for his brother and feared the idea that one day he may rule over a Great Colony, as Torent was not fit to do so. He wasn't sane enough.

Tyrann's family is the only known family to have come from entirely Royal blood. Tyrann was the first member of his family to take a queen not of Royal blood, at least to his knowledge anyway. His mother, Queen Stella, was the daughter of Tiber Rex, King of the Great Swamp Colony. Thantos and Stella fell in love, unknowing of each other's social status. When Tyrannis Rex and Tiber Rex found out of their son and daughter's love affair, they jumped at the chance to wed them. Tiber Rex is still around even after Tyrannis and Thantos, at the ripe, old age of 923. He will soon pass down his throne to his nephew, Skelton, a very good friend of Tyrann's. Skelton would also prove to be a worthy ally in the case the Wicked returned.

Nightling was tired and still at her post... She was eating this one fruit that seemed to give her some extra energy but wasn't enough to keep her awake... So Nightling decided to ask Slick to watch the dragon in the cocoon for a shift while she got some sleep... Back at the den she saw Sparky with something called a chalk board he was practicing writing on... Said something about teaching the little ones to read... Nightling just went to sleep and had a strange dream... Her grandmother was sitting on a throne made of stars next to an older dragon who she recognized as her grandfather who ironically looked a bit like Sparky only his spots were a lighter shade of gold... His throne was made of solid gold with a rainbow of gems in it... Nightling felt compelled to bow down and she did so. The old shades laughed and her grandmother said "You needn't bow to your old grandmother..." Her grandfather suddenly grew stern "Nightling you have to stay in cove colony... You have a purpose there all will be revealed in time..." After that the dream became a normal one of her walking through flowers watching sunsets swimming and flying... When Nightling woke up it was a few hours later and she felt remarkably clear headed so she returned to her post...

Kitsune woke up that mprning, happy and bouncing all around. Once finished getting ready for the day she goes out too the castle. Seeing a maid she stopped her. "Have you seen Tyrann?" The maid shook her head. "No ma'am sorry." She said before scurrying off. Kit sighed, and wandered arpund the castle. 

"Tyrann!" She called. She wandered into his study, seeing no sign of him, she wandered into the main area. "Tyrann!" She called again. A small dragon- who kit assumed too be a new helper-  came up too Kit. "He's out my lady." She bows. 

Kit sighs again. "Anyway we can get him back? Possiblly get Nightling  in here too consult?" The small Dragon shrugged. "We can try my lady." She said before bowing agajn, and wandering off. 

"Aye, that's a glorious idea," said Tungsten, breathing heavily after the ordeal with Lavana. She was unconscious in his arms, her side a bit wounded from the blow. "She'll heal," he said to the others. "That's the thing about Torch Spies, you have to be strong in the line of work you do," said Tungsten. He turned to Tyrann. "Alright, Tyrann, let's head to your sister's," said Tungsten. "I'm sure Estelle can give us something about the Volcano King's doings," said the sapphire dragon. The Water Dragon took the satchel from around Lavana, wrapping it all around the Volcano Sword. The heating rune sword was vibrating however, lightly but there. Tungsten stared at the wrapped up sword, wondering why it was still vibrating, even though faint as it was. "What in Draco's name?" he whispered. Shaking his head, he put the wrapped up rune sword in the other satchel around his shoulders and then took flight into the air. "Alright, Tyrann, it's your lead," he said, shifting Lavana in his arms.

Tyrann nodded to Tungsten and Baird spoke up. "Oh aye, I remember that lass. Id like to have a go with that filly, eh?" Chuckled the blue dragon. Danielle quickly snapped her head at him and punched Baird in the shoulder. "Oi, I was just jokin', no offense Tyrann." Baird laughed as Tyrann gave him a glare. The group took to flight and was airborne.

After flying for 3 days, they finally arrived at the gates of Aradis. The guard met them and after recognizing Tyrann Rex, bowed repsectfully. "What can we do for you your majesty?" One guard asked. "I need to speak with my sister, Estelle. Is she in?" The King retorted. The guard gave a humble nod then escorted them towards the castle. Estelle's castle was on the smaller side, yet very respectfully built. It was white with green peaks and yellow flags. It looked very elven in appearance. The mighty front doors swung open and the two guards showed Tyrann's group to the main hall.

The red dragon motioned for his three guards to stay in the main hall, then nodded for Tungsten to follow him. "Come Tungsten, leave Lavana here, as she will be waking up shortly. Lawrence, keep this one under heavy guard, and when I say that I mean 10-12 guards. She's a fighter." Lawrence, the dragon who led them in, nodded and called to his comrades.

The king knew his way around his sister's castle, taking a thin flight of stairs up to her study. Estelle was renowned for her knowledge, spending much time in her office. Once the pair made it to the top, Tyrann pushed the door open and revealed a beautiful, black dragoness. She had a crown of scarlet horns and bright, emerald eyes. "Hello brother." Said Estelle with a sultry voice. Tyrann approached her, giving her a hug with his neck. Estelle looked over Tyrann's shoulder and noticed Tungsten. "And who's the hunk of sexy, blue reptile over there?" Estelle pointed to the saphire dragon then took her claw to her mouth and stared, eyes half lidded. She walked up to him and as she passed, rubbed her tail along his chin then strutted behind him. "He's quite the specimen." She commented.

"Estelle, I did not come here for you to flirt with my companions." Tyrann bellowed. Estelle only ignored him, looking Tungsten up and down.

"What's your name big guy?" Estelle whispered in Tungsten's ear then, backing away, she batted her eye lashes at him and waited for a response.

Nightling watched this via scry and started laughing... She was by herself so nobody looked at her funny... She was still on her vigil much to Sparky's annoyance... Nightling's grandmother was still missing but at night the moon seemed brighter and there were more shooting stars at night... Nightling was considering just taking a day off with Sparky just for a good time... It was getting boring just staring at a cocoon watching a slowly healing wound through the transparent stone... Nightling was disinclined to leave her post... Her dreams kept telling her to stay in Cove colony and watch what was happening...

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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