The flock of Banshees chased after the helpless little sparrow. The bird chirped and whistled in fright, frantically flapping its wings to beat hasty retreat. The four Banshees were hungry, salavating at the mouth like the starving reptilian beasts they were. The sparrow made sharp turn after sharp turn, trying hard to evade its current predators. One Banshee nipped at the bird's feathered tail. The bird panicked, bumping into a rock cropping and falling to the ground. The Banshees came in for the kill, growling and snarling. An immense shadow was upon the creatures instantly, blocking out the sun's light. The Banshees screamed and frantically scrambled as a great sapphire dragon landed with a thud among the ground. A blistering bellow rang free from the beast's throat, scaring off the reptilian creatures. "Filthy snakes! Pick on a more challenging meal! Work for your food for a change, you blasted bafoons!" roared Tungsten.
He lowered his neck, his nostrils close to the frightened bird. "Here, Flyer of the Trees," said Tungsten, nudging the chirping bird onto his nose. He lifted the sparrow into a nearby tree, with the bird being greeted by a family of sparrows. The bird embraced his family before chirping excitedly and thankfully back to Tungsten. The Water Dragon smiled and nodded at the birds before going on his way. He looked about, noticing the small green reside. He trudged through the low trees before heading up a heal, dragging his thick tail. What he saw past the hill reminded him exactly why he was here. It was a barren wasteland from below the other half of the hill on out. Tungsten spotted a tumbleweed making its way by, the breeze blowing onward. "Moonridge," he said, noticing the broken city just five miles ahead. Tungsten leapt forward, his wings spreading as he glided down the other side of the hill before soaring over the barren ground. He flapped twice, lifting higher and outmanuvering a large tree stump. Upon reaching the city, Tungsten's frost breath escaped his jaws, spilling over the metal gates and covering them up, turning them into frosted icicles.
Tungsten crashed into them, landing on his paws. He folded his wings and took a look around. It was truly a ghost town as he trudged forward. Stores were abandoned and full of rats. Birds even made their homes out the broken down fountains. Tungsten tipped over a large crate, with a mother Banshee and her youngings spilling out in a rage. The mother Banshee growled and snapped at Tungsten. The Water Dragon snorted at her, causing her babies to make a dash for a nearby hole. The mother reluctantly followed them. Tungsten shook his head before continuing with his search. Besides his sword, he'd brought along a satchel just in case he wanted some souvenirs. "Why was this place abandoned?" he asked. "It seems like it was once a very busy city," said Tungsten. As he came to a bridge, he halted and eyed the water below. The water was too low and non-moving. "Something's definitely wrong," he said. The icy icicle appendages upon his body glowed like beacons. They did that when the Water Dragon sensed something was amiss. His head shot up, his pale, icy blue eyes darting from side to side to see what was there.
They halted on a trail that led right into a nearby ruins. "The ruins, of course," he said. "The Moonlight Ruins always gave me a chill," said Tungsten. The source of the Ice Colony's water was inside the ruins. Tungsten crossed the bridge, trekking onto the path. When he arrived at the opening of the ruins, he took a look behind him before entering. As Tungsten entered, a reddish blur zipped by.