Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.
(Sorry for being gone and stuff, but I'm sick in bed with a cold, and I feel like I have the flu)
Groggily, Lucas woke up. The sun was shinning on his face, and despite the early morrning light Lucas felt as dark as ever. The night before, he had nightmares of Seth, choaking him to death and threatning that if he didn't do his job he wouldn't see the light of day. Lucas shivered and rubbed his neck, rembering the nightmares, and to his surprise there were a few bruises and finger marks. Maybe it wasn't a nightmare after all thought Lucas as he sat up and pulled his collar up further.
(Hellllooooooooo people! Read my post!!!! Lucas is awake!!!!! He is standing at the mouth of the cave!!!! I will post it again, though it is already up there)
Lucas looked up at Kiro and smiled nervously, "Um yeah, something like that." he said standing up. Brushing his hands on his shorts, Lucas walked out of the cave and into the sunshine. Shielding his eyes Lucas scanned the horizon, he then spotted a large tree with fruit grwng on it, he walked over to it and picked an armful and carried it back to the others. He then put them in a pile, grabbed one for himself and took thoughtfull bites of the sweet juicy fruit. Lucas sat at the mouth of the cave, looking out into the jungle, watching all the different creatures wake up and wipe the sleep out of their eyes.
(And I deleted the late posts so no one would be confused)
((I almost forgot I had him to rp lol))
Dusk emerged from his shadowed area, it used to be a prized hunting grounds he knew about, but slowly it had dwindled down to where there was not anything to eat anymore, he figured he would have to find another area so he flew up and glided around, hovering over the trees, he was just about to fly over a cave when he caught scent of Birdy, he hadn't seen her in a while so he decided to land, he lowered himself in the trees being there were others with her which he found rather strange but didn't think much of it as he walked out to greet her unaware about what was going on inside there little group.
Dusk really didn't find it suprising that a sword was drawn and pointed at him, after all he was unknown by most that were around here, so he just calmly stated "I am Dusk, and a close friend of Birdy." he kept his gaze looking down on Lucas as he towered above him.
Birdy nearly laughed as she looked over at the two of them, she grabbed Lucas's sword from him, pointed the tip of the blade down at the ground so it was no longer pointed at the large dragon and put the handle back in his hand and before she said anything walked over towards Dusk and gave him a hug around his neck then turned back towards them both and spoke "Lucas this is Dusk, he's been a good friend of mine since I've been here, practically like a brother, and Dusk this is Lucas, whom I know absolutaly nothing about."
Dusk extended his or what would be his hand and shook Lucas's, he had a tight grip on him though and if he had it a little tighter he would have easily crushed his hand, "It was an honest mistake I'm sure, after all how would you have known I wasn't going to cause any harm, you must have your reasons to be on guard all the time." he said tossing a glare at Lucas, still nearly crushing his hand but before any damage was caused he let go, he was very unsure if he would be able to trust Lucas, he had just met him and didn't know anything what so ever about him.
Lucas only returned Dusks glare with a sly smile then cracked his knuckles as he leaned up against the cave wall, his dark hair shining and his icy blue eyes cold and dark. He stared off into space, a dark uneasy feeling creeping up on him, it was like he could feel the serpopad creeping up on them. As he kicked and moved a rock infront of him, Lucas dematerialilized and materialized only a few feet infront of the serpopad, looking it in the eyes, daring it to attack, Lucas' eyes glowed a dark slate gray, and his hair ruffled in a nonexistent wind, revealing his true identity to the serpopad.(though I doubt any of you know who he really is, you can message me your guess if you want, and I'll tell you if you're right)
(by the way, who's John? and who's Sarit? Please let us know in your post because I am confused)
Main Locations
The Desssert Of Karnak
The Ruins of Zokron
The Jungle of Inos
The Tavern
The Volcano of Rotharger
Here are some rules you must follow
1.No swearing
2.Keep all romance to hugging and kissing
3. No killing other people's charectars
4.No gmodding other peoples charectars
5.If you are going to slightly gmod this story then i will permit it if you are original and it is a good idea
6.No swearing
7.Keep it pg 13
8.No playing as a Aultrusion
9.Have fun