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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Yuki laughed at Zarya and giggled slightly before saying. "Well...there are always Magicarps. I mearly care about bonding with pokemon, but I especialy like Ice and Water types like Frost here. Its just the purness of it is satisfying. Erith follows more of the darker pokemon path though, following more for power....I realy want to know what is in the box his father gave him...what do you think it is Zarya?" He asked takeing it out and looking at it.

He spun it a bit and was stairing at it, looking at the wooden engraveings of a duskull skull. Yukire smilled and then said. "I wonder if I could spin this around on my finger.." Yuki muttered. Frost tugged on Sola's side to try to get her attention, mearly haveing a small flower from the guarden in its hand.

Zarya examined her nails, uniterested. "I think it is a seavered head. Wouldn't that be fun? Her voice became a deep, moching voice. "'Here son. Back in my hay-day I was a real go getter. This is my lucky severed head.' What do you think is in it? Some family heirloom that is important to his dad. So DON'T spin it around your finger, or that hydreigon may eat you."

Sola knelt down, a soft smile on her face. Luna climbed onto her shoulder, fitting next to Dream somehow. The chattered back and forther amongst her hair. "What is it Frost? Oh, thats a very pretty flower you have. Did you find it in the garden?"

Frost seemed to blush almost and whent and hid behind Yukire who laughed and was spinning the box. "Must be very special, and a good balance practice box then." He giggled. Then he stoped spinning it and put it in his bag and then said. "now imma head inside and pack things, where do you want to meet up at once were done packing?" Yuki asked Sola.

He was still smileing and quite joyfull while Frost seemed rather shy and mischevius.Yuki while waiting rocked back and forth and ran in place, his energy did not take long to come back to make him hyper again.

Sola smiled at frost from around Yukire and gave him a wink before tucking the flower behind her ear. Sola stood up slowly (so as to knock of the two pokemon on her shoulder) and replyed. "I have to go home and pack a few things. Erith knows where my place is, so he should be able to show you. Where is he by the way? I need to get Luna off."

Zarya sighed, pulling out a pokeball. "I'm going to go pack. Someone needs to protect you three and acording to Erith's daddy, I'm stuck with him. So whoop dee do. South, return!" A beam of light surrounded the starly, bring him into the ball. She then proceded to walk to the dorms without anyone's chance to reply.

Yuki then said. "He is inside, no dubt talking to his fathers pokemon. I can give Luna back to him if you want. " He smiled as he said that. Meanwhile inside Erith was up in his room, after reding the message he was packing his things. He was ready for the jurny and was exited, feeling happyness through his veins.

He couldent help but smile, he was happy, and quite pleased about what happened. He started to think of what things might happen, knowing Yuki he would want to get a Magicarp first. He let out a sigh as he thought about Yuki. Still rather confused to him wanting a Magicarp.

Sola smiled. "No, thats ok, I will take her myself. I need to make sure Erith knows what all is going on anyways."

While that was partly true, Sola also wanted to see Erith before she left. She wanted to make sure he wouldn't abandon her. When she went inside, she stopped dead, seeing a very large and very scary Hydreigon sitting in the area of a throne. It was watching her carefully, eyeing the pokemon on her shoulders as well as herself. "They seem fond of you."

Sola was shocked by the words coming out of his mouth, causing it to chuckle. "Erith is in his room. Leave him be for now. Luna can stay with me until he returns down here. He will not break his promise."

Sola bowed, awed by this beast, setting Luna down so she scammpered to the hydreigon. "Will you tell Erith..."

"I heard what you said outside. Go, he will know of your plans. And beware of Erith, My master loves him as do I, but he can be a wild card. Think carefully before to let your heart leap forward."

Sola stammered out a 'yes' and walked back out quickly. That did NOT just happen...


Erith was done packing after awhile, and walked down his hall, seeing Yuki comeing with his bags. He gave a sigh when Yuki cought up to him and started to humm with Frost by him, who seemed rather quiet. Erith mearly sighed and then said. "So your realy comeing along?...okay...just don't cause trouble." He said as Yuki nodded and then said. "Now now, let us not be hasty...we are going to have quite fun. Now lets wait for Zarya"

Erith was always bothered by how Yuki seemed almost to happy. It was always strange to him but he always kept his silence in. He mummbled before they entered the main hall. Luna seeing Erith chimmed and then scuttled to her master climbing up his arm and on to his shoulder as they waited for Zarya.

Zarya sighed, pulling a bag out from under her bed. She'd been packed for months, knowing that eventually Erith would venture out. She picked up South's pokeball, it humming with energy beneath her fingers. Are you ready to become the greatest?

She swiftly left her room and headed to the main hall. Zarya kept her pokemon in their balls, feeling that they were safer there. When she arrived at the hall, Erith and Yukire where ready. "Ok you two. Sola said to meet at her house, which I have no clue where that is. So as muvh as it pains me, Erith, lead the way."

Erith nodded slightly, before stairing ahead and started to exit his fathers castle. Yuki followed behind him as he gently kicked the ground as Frost made ice for him and Yuki to skate on. Erith mearly sighed as Yuki started to poke the tip of his mask, mearly from the corner of his eye seeing the mischevius smile Yuki always made.

'Nothing more and nothing less then the usual for Yuki, such a annoyance he is. I still don't understand these two wanting to follow me, maybe its just because they want to have a adventure of there own with us. I know Yuki still wants that Magicarp and is praticaly going to begg us to head there next, course we shall see what Sola wishes to do first.' He thought as Luna clung to his shoulder, mearly humming and chimeing once and awhile.

Sola got home quite quickly, she had set a brisk pace. Dream had come out from her hair and was buzzing on her shoulder. As she came to her house, various freindly pokemon greeted her. Her mother was not in the house, but there was a backpack and a note.

-Dear Sola

    I had to go to town to get some things for the house while your gone. This bag has everything you'll need to start your journy, including some pokeballs and potions. I love you! ~Mom

Sola smiled, and sat down in the grass outside to wait for the others to arrive.


As they followed Erith, Yukire seemed to tap the ground repedivly as much as he could as he scated along. When they walked on the grass he stoped scateing and walked a bit with a shrugging motion, not used to the terrain they walked on.

Luna watched Frost in curiosity as he seemed to also act like Yuki, and walked akwordly along side him. Frost seemed to shuffle a bit, still not used to the ground. When Erith arived he looked up at Sola when Luna turned and chimmed at her. Yuki just smiled and waved, then ren twords her happily when he fell and triped, same with Frost who ran after him. Yuki just chuckled when he fell then got back up and brushed himself off then said. "Hi Sola" in a cheerfull tone.

Sola stood, dusting off her butt to make sure no dirt or grass clung to it. "Hey Yukire, Erith, Zarya." She nodded to each person in turn. She noticed South, Zarya's starly, was not out and about. She must be one to keep pokemon in their balls.

Dream cooed happily at the sight of Luna, little sparks arcing off of him and making Sola's hair stand on end. She quickly smoothed it down. "So... where are we going? We are all so gun-ho to go, we didn't disscuss much." She laughed, petting Dream under her chin. She gave a chrip of "Jollllllltik!" Before snuggling into Sola's neck.

Sora was petting her pidgot still wondering what to name him. The bird felt a little warm. "You feeling ok?" Sora needed to name him so she could start training him. She was praying for that meowth or a telepathic pokemon to show up. She didn't want to name him something he wouldn't like. Kin had been given her name as a baby and she'd never had a problem being called Kin. So Sora was uncertain. She had to call him something. Birdy was a female name so that was out. Talon didn't sound too bad now that she thought about it...

I wanna be the very best! (Pokemon)

Welcome to the Nakotha Region! Here, pokemon and people coexsist peacefully side by side.  Every pokemon may be found here, from the crawling Caterpie to the leaping Zebstrika. This variety attracts breeders, trainers, a coordinaters alike to this land. With so many places to explore, people and pokemon are never limited on adventure.

Cities and towns are scattered everywhere, you will have no problem encountering them. But where will you verture to? Perhaps you would like to climb Mt. Deko with your chimchar, or swim beneath the waves in Threk bay with your squirtle. If neither of those suit you, there is always Shadit forest, where you and your treeko will be quite happy amongst the trees and the bushes.

Weather you wish to run acrosss Dowth Plane, or muscil your way through Rodin cave, there is no limit to where you or the friends to meet can go. A new world awaits you, seize the day and explore!


In the peaceful reagon Nakotha, a surge of new trainers has taken over the region. A new Campionchip has risen in the regeon, give challengers a chance to prove thier skill as trainers, corrdanters, and breeders. Who will be the best of the best, and claim  their rightful title of champion?

But before you can attempt to claim your title, you must choose your profesion! Will you be the average trainer, focusing on battles and strengthing your pokemon. Or perhaps you want to be a breeder, a focus on catching and befriending the many kinds of rarer pokemon. You may be more of a corrdinater, showing off the talent and skill to the judges. There are many other things you can do, never fear! With so many options, you might just have to do a few of them.

You can either begin your adventure as a human, or a pokemon. A set of challenges comes with either, so choose wisly!

But not all is well in this seemingly peaceful land. A dark, sinister organization is working to destroy this paradise. This organization has no name yet, but recently reports of missing pokemon and violent attacks have been growing. What could be their plan?


The history will be made as you make it.

The rules are as follows...

1) The normal RP rules.

2) Don't win every contest/battle. Obviously, you can meet NPC/fake characters on your journy, but you will lose to them occasionally. Please, make it beleivable.

3) Pokemon CAN be shiny if you wish, shinies are mor common in this region. However, that are not extreamly common, so try and make sure you see mostly normal pokemon.

4) If you want to battle another player, both people need to send me a message with confermation and (this is a really kiddish way of doing it but...) a 'Rock, Paper, or Scizers' at the bottom. Obviously, you get the idea.

  ~ It is up to you to discuss how you want the battle to play out with the other player. Please take them into concideration, and don't post without asking them how they would like the battle to go. You can either post back and forth, or decide the battle before hand and post the perspective from loser and the winners stand point.

5) If you are a wild pokemon, you can be captured. If you capture someone, they are considered yours, but may or may-not follow your orders. They are also kept outside of the pokeball.

6) I don't think this needs to be said, but start you journy at the begining, with your first pokemon. It can be any pokemon, but if its a starter (Bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, chikorita, cyndaquil, toadile... you get the idea) you have to get it from the Professor.

  ~ These are to be first evolutions, as we don't want any over-powering in the begining.  It is the very start of you journy. You CAN inherit pokemon later on, but not at the begining. If it is a life-long companion, say growlith, it is alowed, but please, 1 evolution.

7) Only 1 starter per person, unless you do a trade amongst real players.

8) I have the right to change or add any rules at anytime. A notice will be put in OOC chat.

9) You can have a pokemon with unusual coloration but they are just as rare as shinys. No over the top colors though like a rainbow charzard. 

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
'The Oganization'

Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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