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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


"Joltik, use stringshot!" Sola's voice rang out loud and clear, sending back a slight echo. The joltik raced through the tree tops, dodging attacks while coating the area with a sticky web.

Unfortunatly, joltik wasn't fast enough to dodge one of the magby's moves. It scored a direct hit, knocking joltik to the ground. With an umph, it pushed itself back up. A lot of damage had been done, that was obvious. Joltic, while an extreamly fast and versitile pokemon, but it couldn't take hits. Unless Sola got creative, Joltik wouldn't last much longer.

"Joltik, use charge!" Joltik began to charge electricity, sparks coating around it's body faster and faster, sending a bright glowinging throughout the area.

Erith, comeing on to the sceen and seeing the girl and her Joltik, immediatly pointed at the Magby and without thinking or even waiting to see if the girl needed out he immediatly said. "Luna! Use Ember on that Magby!" Luna, hearing her master jumped off his arm as a flash of anger danced in her eyes at the attacking Magby. She then hummed before attacking. "Luuu!" she chimmed as her attack whent off, trying to hit the Magby. When the Magby was hit it sent some dust in the air as Luna landed on the ground ready to help.

Erith then relised what he was doing, he was fighting a pokemon with someone, but then he looked at the girl and seemed to blush before looking away and thinking. 'Maybe this was a bad idea, never have I fought for or with someone....I hope I chose the right move to prove myself.' Luna however seemed to look confident, her fur glown and shimmered blue while her eyes seem to lock on to where the Magby was.

Sola was a little stunned for a moment as some guy in a cloak came out of nowhere. He had sent out a Larvesta, aparently named Lulu, out. Your first battle being a team battle? Was that like, a sign or something?

Sola noticed the guy had blushed a little and turned away from her. Internally, she bristled a little. Was he doing this because she was a girl and he thought she needed protecting? Surely not!

Focusing back to the battle, Sola's brain stuck to its earlyier plan. "Joltik, Discharge!"

"JOLLTIKK!!!!" An arc of lightning surged forward, striking the magby directly. With a cry, it fainted, and Sola couldn't help but wonder if that was only because of the Larvesta's ember.

Joltik scrried back to Sola, where she scooped it up with a smile. "Joltik, you did so well! I'm so proud. Now why was this magby on the rampage anyways?" She said, walking over to the hurt pokemon.

She glanced at the guy. "Don't just stand there. Come help me make sure he's not hurt to badly. Then we can sort this all out and figure out what happened exactly." Sola reached into her pocket and pulled out a small vial of Potion for the magby. "Oh, I'm Sola by the way." She added hastily.

Erith looked before nodding saying. "Alright... Nice to meet you Sola. Luna, come." He said gently picking up the Larvesta. Luna hummed, climbing on top of his shoulder and burring her face in his cloke with a small chime as he pet her head. "You did good, I am proud of you...hopefully father will be to." He whispered to Luna as he approched the Magby with Sola. He nelt down and took out a oran berry. "My name is Erith, I mearly heard the commotion going on over here and came to the sound of it...Luna was frightened by it and she wanted to see if it was okay. Sorry I joined in the fight so abruptly, sometimes I do things without thinking at most." He said, he was calm as his sharp eyes looked at the Magby.

"Lu. Lu Lu." Luna chimmed out of happyness as she nugged Erith's duskull mask a bit, haveing it fall off and a clear veiw of his face. He petted luna a bit as he picked back up the mask and placed it on. Erith hummed a bit as Luna climbed down his arm and took the oran berry and placed it by the magby for it to eat when it awoken.

A smile twitched in the corner of Sola's mouth as Erith explained himself. Her eyes darted away from him when his mask fell off. Sola bit her lip. He was cute. She wondered if...

Shaking away her thoughts, Sola turned her attentions back to the magby, who was coming around thanks to the potion and oran berry. "It's no problem, you just shocked me a little is all. Oh This is why you were so upset" Sola pulled a thorn out of the magby's foot, in which it gave a cry of releif.

Sola looked sideways at Erith, her eyes darting over his visable features. What kind of guy was he anyways? "So... are you a trainer?"

Erith looked at her when she asked, then replyed saying. "I am a trainer. My father is a trainer to but is quite powerful, and I hope to be just like him one day..." He said with a calm voice. A smile came across his face before he continued. He knew he couldent tell anyone about destroya, which pained him a great deal, for he wanted to speak about it but couldent. Luna then climed back up his arm and fluffed her fur out on his shoulders, makeing herself comfortible and makeing a small chime of happyness.

Erith then smiled and said. "Are you a trainer as well?" His eyes seemed calm and gentle as he spoke. He was calm, he wasnt mad or angered here, it was peaceful and seemed far from the troubles he left behind.

Sola bit her tongue lightly. Erith seemed like the kind of guy who you could lay back and forget the world with. Those were the ones Sola was most careful around, because they were excellent in hiding secrets.

"Honestly? No. My... mom won't let me go out on a journey alone. She says there are to many things that could happen. Joltik here," she reached up to pet the pokemon on her shoulder, "isn't even technally mine. I rescued it and was supposed to turn it loose today, but she won't leave my side."

Sola rotated from her crouched position into a sitting one, where she put her head in her hands. The days events were catching up to her. "Well crap. Now what am I going to do? Mom is going to be soo mad..." She lay with her back on the forest floor, the Joltik sitting on her chest watching Erith.

Sora had the pidgot beside her instead of Kin this time as she started to walk. As the bird moved Sora confirmed that the leg didn't bother him. But he was leaving a trail of feathers and had temporarily lost the ability to fly. Sora's father had a pidgot of a smaller sub variety and she knew that around this time of year late spring to early summer pidgot molted and grew new feathers. It could take days for her to name the bird if she didn't find a Meowth that could talk. A telepathic pokemon could substitute. Just because she evolved Kin wouldn't ensure that she'd be telepathic. Some ninetails never 'spoke' others took years. Unless well bonded to their trainer, coordinater, or master as the case may be it was very rare for a ninetails to be telepathic right off the bat. Telepathy didn't make them anymore powerful, in fact it's usually the weaker ones that learn it faster. Intelligence was a ninetails strong suit, but they aren't the most intelligent pokemon out there. The only real reason Sora had to consider evolving Kin right then was so the pidgot didn't keep trying to eat her... Sora needed a bike or something. She wore her contest ribbon to discourage trainers from going after her. Sora talked to the Pidgot as they walked keeping her thoughts on the back burners of her mind. She didn't know if the bird understood her but she wanted the thing used to her presance and listening to her voice. She had a book 'How to train your flying pokemon to carry a human.' that she'd bought in that town she'd just bought. Hadn't had a chance to read it yet but next break she would.

Erith looked at her from the corner of his eye and then said. "why not find someone you can travle with, so that you wouldent be alone?" he asked. He then leaned back and layed on the ground with his hands behind his head. Luna climbed and layed down by his head again, stairing at Sola, then chimed. "Lu."

Small embers seemed to come off her fur. They seemed to dance blue before turning black, while her blue eyes sparkled and seemed to shimmer to lighter to darker blues.She seemed to eye the Joltik and her, mearly observing them as she was on Erith's arm.

The Joltik was eyeing Luna, little sparks coming off its fur. "Tiktiktik." It seemed to be talking to Luna, though what they said Sola had no idea.

"I'm not exactly the most popular kid around. No one really likes me because no one really wants to get to know me. I have issues opening up to others." So why am I doing it now? "But I never considered it. I guess my mom wouldn't mind if I could find someone to travel with me, but I'm not sure. She's kinda... over protective you know?" Where is this going? Why am I trusting some random guy I met alone in the woods no less?

Sora was taking a lunch break from the walking and was alternating between reading the book and staring at the sky. Kin was out of her ball and had caught a rattita as a peace offering to the pidgot. The pidgot was eating said rattita and Sora was ignoring that for the sake of her stomach. Her father had made her watch his houndoom kill and eat a bidoof in an attempt to desensitize her to feeding pokemon a more natural diet. Sora could have handled it better if Kin had thought to use flamethrower to cook it first. Then again that would have burned the fur off and for a pokemon bird of prey that needed roughage in it's diet like fur, hair, bone, and feathers it would be a bad thing. Heck Sora could gut and grill a pokemon like a pidgy no problem. (No Sora will not eat her pokemon. Just being more realistic than the cartoon here.) Just eating it raw like that disturbed her. Sushi was a no go for Sora, the only things she could eat raw were berries and fruits. Kin preferred her food cooked too. Something to get used to. Mentally despite the revulsion of watching the bird eat Sora was thanking her father for preparing her for this kind of thing.

Erith was silent, looking up at the sky before answearing calmly. " father isnt realy protective, but he does watch over me...He gave me Luna as a gift, to take care and evolve her. Then he continued on...with his friends. I dont see him a lot. Same with..." Erith then trailed off, remembering the others and how they were. He remembered there names, the pokemons they used before everyone scattered.

'I wonder why they did...I do miss them, but what does that make us. Destroya, does that mean we are lost untill we are found again. How will I know when I am ready?' Erith thought. He listened as Luna chimmed in reply to the Joltik, in little chimes and words.

Sola turned her head sideways, searching Erith's face for answers. "I don't know whats bothering you, but I won't pry. If your dad doesn't really care as much, why havn't you taken off to somewhere else? I mean, you have a pokemon and the means to do so... so why haven't you?"

Sola was ginuinly curious. If her mom had let her, Sola would be halfway across the region by now making friends with the pokemon. She turned to watch the two bug pokemon's conversation. Pokemon, she understood. But people? She was about as good as a two year old with a Rubix cube.

Erith hummed before answearing. "He does...he just wants me to prove myself. He wants me to become that I can become like him." He sounded deep in thought before continueing. "Well...if you need someone to travle with I wouldent mind comeing with you, me and Luna are still getting used to travel, so if you ever need someone I wouldent mind." He then sat up, he fixed his mask a bit before Luna climbed off.

She still seemed to chirp and commune to the Joltik while Erith was thinking. 'Maybe I can help this way...but this place is to soothing and calm, its worrying me. I am not used to this. Why am I so calm.' His eyes staired at the ground, fixing on a small pebble in thought. 'Would father aprove of this?' he wondered silently.

Sola sat up and looked at Erith closer. Something was bugging him, but what? As a matter of fact, what was bugging her? She felt somthing stir inside of her, but if it was good or bad she had no idea.

"You would do that?" Surprise crept in Sola's tone. Surely he was joking? This was some cruel joke that he was getting a kick out of. No one had ever been kind to her, not since her best frien had passed away. "I... I've never had any other people willing to do anything like that before." She pet Joltik, remebering that it still needed nameing. But, that could wait.


I wanna be the very best! (Pokemon)

Welcome to the Nakotha Region! Here, pokemon and people coexsist peacefully side by side.  Every pokemon may be found here, from the crawling Caterpie to the leaping Zebstrika. This variety attracts breeders, trainers, a coordinaters alike to this land. With so many places to explore, people and pokemon are never limited on adventure.

Cities and towns are scattered everywhere, you will have no problem encountering them. But where will you verture to? Perhaps you would like to climb Mt. Deko with your chimchar, or swim beneath the waves in Threk bay with your squirtle. If neither of those suit you, there is always Shadit forest, where you and your treeko will be quite happy amongst the trees and the bushes.

Weather you wish to run acrosss Dowth Plane, or muscil your way through Rodin cave, there is no limit to where you or the friends to meet can go. A new world awaits you, seize the day and explore!


In the peaceful reagon Nakotha, a surge of new trainers has taken over the region. A new Campionchip has risen in the regeon, give challengers a chance to prove thier skill as trainers, corrdanters, and breeders. Who will be the best of the best, and claim  their rightful title of champion?

But before you can attempt to claim your title, you must choose your profesion! Will you be the average trainer, focusing on battles and strengthing your pokemon. Or perhaps you want to be a breeder, a focus on catching and befriending the many kinds of rarer pokemon. You may be more of a corrdinater, showing off the talent and skill to the judges. There are many other things you can do, never fear! With so many options, you might just have to do a few of them.

You can either begin your adventure as a human, or a pokemon. A set of challenges comes with either, so choose wisly!

But not all is well in this seemingly peaceful land. A dark, sinister organization is working to destroy this paradise. This organization has no name yet, but recently reports of missing pokemon and violent attacks have been growing. What could be their plan?


The history will be made as you make it.

The rules are as follows...

1) The normal RP rules.

2) Don't win every contest/battle. Obviously, you can meet NPC/fake characters on your journy, but you will lose to them occasionally. Please, make it beleivable.

3) Pokemon CAN be shiny if you wish, shinies are mor common in this region. However, that are not extreamly common, so try and make sure you see mostly normal pokemon.

4) If you want to battle another player, both people need to send me a message with confermation and (this is a really kiddish way of doing it but...) a 'Rock, Paper, or Scizers' at the bottom. Obviously, you get the idea.

  ~ It is up to you to discuss how you want the battle to play out with the other player. Please take them into concideration, and don't post without asking them how they would like the battle to go. You can either post back and forth, or decide the battle before hand and post the perspective from loser and the winners stand point.

5) If you are a wild pokemon, you can be captured. If you capture someone, they are considered yours, but may or may-not follow your orders. They are also kept outside of the pokeball.

6) I don't think this needs to be said, but start you journy at the begining, with your first pokemon. It can be any pokemon, but if its a starter (Bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, chikorita, cyndaquil, toadile... you get the idea) you have to get it from the Professor.

  ~ These are to be first evolutions, as we don't want any over-powering in the begining.  It is the very start of you journy. You CAN inherit pokemon later on, but not at the begining. If it is a life-long companion, say growlith, it is alowed, but please, 1 evolution.

7) Only 1 starter per person, unless you do a trade amongst real players.

8) I have the right to change or add any rules at anytime. A notice will be put in OOC chat.

9) You can have a pokemon with unusual coloration but they are just as rare as shinys. No over the top colors though like a rainbow charzard. 

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100 words per post.

Joinable Species
'The Oganization'

Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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