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Kevin ate some of his fries. He liked the plan. "Which reminds me. You and Chelsea should think about getting a makeover," he said to Curtis. "Why?" asked Chelsea. "And in what?" asked Kenny. "They should redo their costumes," said Kevin. "Instead of this flying clothe, which could rip any time, you should think about getting metal-like wings in a metal-like suit or something," said Kevin. He then looked at Curtis. "Same with you. You can't keep taking any metal darts or even bullets, in case you miss one," said Kevin. "You two need protective gear," said Kevin. Chelsea thought. "Well who would make it for them?" asked Kenny. T.J. interupted. "How about Mr. Stark?" he asked. "Tony Stark?" asked Kyle. "Yeah. The famous Iron Man can build the suits for you," said T.J. Kevin nodded. "Well let's find him," said Dalilah. "Where does Mr. Stark live?" asked Harper. They all looked at Curtis. "Well Curtis?" asked Chelsea. Kevin looked at her, and then back at Curtis, waiting for an answer. He wondered.
Curtis thought for a moment. He pondered the idea of doing a wardrobe change. After all, he was just a human. But he was a human with ninja skills. He knew karate, martial arts, tai quan doh, and kung fu. Curtis then thought about the Avengers. Stark was good at building things with new technology. And Black Widow did help Curtis, Chelsea, and Kenny kill those revengfull ninjas that attacked last year. Curtis smiled. "Alright. I'll do it," he said. The group clapped. "I think I'll do it too," said Chelsea. Curtis nodded. He then finished his meal. Curtis drunk some of his shake and stood up. "I know where Stark lives," he said. "I'll get the commisioner to get us a private jet," said Curtis. "Cool," said Kyle. Curtis placed on his mask and ran off. He made it to the city. Before he could enter the building, he was knocked aside. Night Wolf leaped to his feet and stared at a giant cobra, the one from before. Night Wolf and the cobra fought for thirty minutes. Night Wolf killed it and then read a message on it.
Travis watched as Night Wolf leaped off. He then climbed into the tree house. "Travis, get yo' butt out of there," said Harry. "I just wanna' see a pup," said Travis. "Please don't hurt them," said Chelsea. "Curtis would kill you for that," she said. "I'm not," said Travis. Travis looked around. He saw a TV, a refrigerator, a bed, a microwave, and a closet. "This dude has everything except for a washhing machine, a dryer, a table, a oven, and a stove," said Travis. He then saw the box of puppies. Travis picked one up. It was a black pup. The little puppy licked his face.. Travis chuckled. He then placed the puppy back and leaped out. "See? No harm, no fowl," said Travis. Chelsea nodded. Harper, Nina, and Dalilah looked to the cityy. "I felt something wrong," said Harper, ruffling her wings. "A disturbance," said Nina. "Me too," said Dalilah. She then looked closer, zooming in on the city with binocular vision. "It's a giant cobra!" yelled Dalilah. "Oh!" everyone yelled. Chelsea placed on her mask and ran off.
Kevin watched as Hawk Sky ran off. Shark Fin followed her. "Guess we're going too," said Kevin. He extended his claws and summoned a platform of metal from the ground. He leaped on it and flew off, using his metal manipulation powers. T.J. cocked his gun and leaped after him. Kyle did too. Harper and Dalilah flew with them. Nina grabbed Travis and Harry and teleported the three of them into the city. Kevin arrived with Hawk Sky and Shark Fin. Night Wolf was looking at something. A giant cobra lay dead on the ground. Kevin, Harper, and Dalilah landed. T.J. and Kyle stopped jumping. Nina appeared with Travis and Harry. Hawk Sky took off her mask. Chelsea made her way to Night Wolf's side. "You killed it?" she asked. Kevin clearly saw the messed up snake. "What's this, a message?" asked Chelsea. Night Wolf nodded and handed her the note. Chelsea read it out loud. "Dear Night Wolf & Co. I, Metallic Drone, am gathering recruits. We all know you are as well. I'm wanting a real battle. We will meet in 2 weeks."
"Two weeks? Where?" asked Shark Fin. "Here," said Night Wolf. "Oh no," said Chelsea. "Why can't we just fight them in New York? It's much bigger there," said Kyle. "I guess Metallic Drone wants to destroy the things I love the most. Including this city, the forest, and the animals here," said Night Wolf. Chelsea sighed and shook her head. She then hugged Night Wolf. "I'm sorry Curtis," she said. "It's ok. We're not gonna' let him destroy our home," said Night Wolf. Chelsea looked him in the eyes and smiled. She then removed his mask and kissed him on the lips. "Whoa," said Kyle. "Oh my God," said Harper and Nina. "Wow," said Dalilah. Curtis smiled after the kiss. He then looked at the rest of them. "You guys with me?" he asked. "Yeah!" they all exclaimed. "Cool. Let's cremate this snake and head to Stark Industries," said Curtis. "I feel like upgrading," he said with a smile. Curtis then walked into the building. The commisioner agreed to let them use a private jet. Curtis came back out. "We go it," he said.
Metallic Drone had finished talking to all the villains in the whole base. There was a little uproar in the villain community because we were attacking in two week but a lot of them wanted to attack sooner. Everyone  was talking except her brother shadow shade turned into a tiger and roared which made everyone be quite then metallic drone said "Every one be quite we attack in two week so we can plan are attack and choose who we each get to take out"  he said.  Then shadows voice broke the silence that followed "Do you know who is fighting for the heroes". Just then everyone was silent because everyone wanted to know who would be fighting.
"I know," said Marcus. The villians turned to him. "I'm taking on Shockflame while Clyde over there handles Aqua Freeze," said Marcus. "I'm getting Harmony and Silver Barette is getting Scream," said Batella. "I got that fool Dynamic," said Rufus. "And I got Bullet Leap," said his brother Rex. "The Adamantium Kid is mine," said Riley. "And Night Wolf is mine," said Metallic Drone. "I'd love to take on Houdina," said Prince, twirling a ball of lava. "Good," said Metallic Drone. "Shadow, you take Shark Fin and Shade, you take Hawk Sky," said Metallic Drone. Travis and Harry were surprised about what the letter said. "In two weeks, we're taking them on," said Harry. "Which means me and you must be ready to take on Marcus and Clyde," said Travis. Harry nodded. They were shocked to see Curtis and Chelsea kiss. Curtis walked into the building. "I knew those two had a thing going on," said Harry. Travis chuckled. He then looked at the dead cobra. Travis raised his right hand and sent a ray of fire at the dead snake.
Kevin looked at T.J. "We're finally gonna' get Riley and Rex," said Kevin. T.J. nodded. "And Rufus," added Kyle. "Right," said Kevin. T.J. looked at Nina. "You ready to take out Prince?" he asked. "Yes I am," said Nina, clenching her fists. T.J. chuckled. Kevin looked over at Dalilah. "I'm ready too," she said. "Me three," said Harper. Kevin looked over at Shark Fin. ")ost definitely," he said. Kevin then watched as Curtis came back out of the building. "We got it," he said. "Good," said Chelsea. "We'll head to the airport and wait for you," she said. She then turned to the rest of them. "Let's go," she said. Chelsea ran off with her brother following her. The rest of the group followed. "Make sure you get your bags!" yelled Kevin, as he ran. Everyone got packed and then headed to the airport. A nice private jet was waiting for them. "Here we go," said T.J. They all boarded the jet and put away their luggage. Kevin sat down by the window. Nina sat next to him in the middle seat. T.J. sat next to her.
Curtis watched as they left. Curtis examined the cremating cobra. "You were once a small, wild cobra. Now you had to die because of my enemy," he said. Curtis headed to the tree house. He packed his things and picked up the box of wolf pups. "I'm sorry about your pack. You'll be rollin' with us from now on," he said to them. Curtis then leaped out the tree house and headed over to the airport. He saw the private jet. "Whoo! Boy this jet looks good!" he exclaimed. He boarded it and thee door closed. Curtis put away his bags and sat next to Chelsea with the box of pups. "I couldn't leave them," he said. "I know. They would've died without us," said Chelsea. She then kissed Curtis on the cheek and laid her head on his shoulder. Curtis smiled. Kenny gave him a thumbs-up. Curtis chuckled and did the same for him, since he was sitting with Harper. The jet then took off. As it flew into the sky, Curtis watched the clouds and birds go by. The jet began to leave Wyoming. "Bye bye Wyoming. Your hero will be back."
Travis sat by Harry, who was eating some shrimp. "You and this shrimp thing," saiid Travis. Harry chuckled. Travis looked over at Kyle, who was flirting with Dalilah. "Where does Stark live?" he asked. "Tony lives either in Malibu or Los Angeles," said Kyle. "Ah," said Travis. Travis looked behind him at Kevin. "It's funny how me, you, and Harry don't have a girl to snuggle up with," he said. Harry punched him on the arm. "Hey! I'm still looking," he said. "Besides, Kevin has a girlfriend....and so do you so don't push it," snapped Harry. "I don't have a girlfriend," said Travis. "Terra? She's not your girlfriend?" asked Harry. "Oh her? Naw. Well actually....I don't know," he said. "Oh come on Travis. You two started dating right when you discovered your powers and she had to move to New York because her dad found a job there," said Harry. "Well I'm not sure if we're still together. I haven't heard from her and she could be with another dude," said Travis. "Did you try her cell?" asked Kyle.
Kevin looked at Travis crazy. He then heard Harry say what he was about to say. "Wait. You have a girlfriend and you don't even know if you're still together?" asked Kevin. (I got permission from Alli246 to speak for her) "Well my phone did get ruined when battling Magnesium before Harry got his powers," said Travis. Harry chuckled. Kyle shook his head. "Tell ya' what. When we finish this California trip, we'll go with you to New York and straighten this whole mess out. Agreed?" asked Kevin. "Ok," said Travis. Harry patted his back. Kevin shook his head and looked over at Curtis and Chelsea. "You two got your ideas for an upgrade down packed?" he asked. "I do," said Chelsea. "Curtis does too hopefully," she said. Kevin nodded and looked at T.J. He was flirting with Nina again. Kevin took out his earphones and plugged them into the little TV behind the seat in front of him. He put on music and took a nap. He dreamed of how he was five years old. He dreamed of how his father raised him for 5 years and died.
Curtis said, "Oh yeah. My idea is down packed." He then looked over at Kenny. "You wanna' do an upgrade on that trident?" he asked. The trident, which was now a necklace of Posiden vs. Neptune around Kenny's neck, was Kenny's favorite weapon. "No. It's fine the way it is," said Kenny. Curtis chuckled. He then thought about his idea. His idea was a black suit like Iron Man's suit, only a little thinner. The suit was to have swords and throwing stars in it, as well as plasma blasters and be able to fly. The suit also need a metal red head ribbon on it. Even Curtis's daggers were going to be in it. "I think I might change my name," thought Curtis. Night Wolf was great and all, but it wouldn't fit Curtis's suit. Unless, the head of the suit was a wolf-like. Curtis chuckled at the idea. Chelsea looked at him. "What's so funny?" she asked. "Oh, just what my upgrade might look like," said Curtis. Chelsea smiled and sat in his lap, facing him. "Do you love me Curtis?" she asked. "Of course I do. I've always have."
Luna also known as Silver was in California waiting for the heroes she had seen in her visions."I wonder if they will like me" she said to herself. The warm sun was shining. Different thoughts went through her mind what if they thought she was bad or didn't want her on the team they were making. Silver stood on that spot for a long time until finally a jet landed. Silver waited until all the group was out then she approached them she looked down and breathed "My name is Luna"she said loud enough for them to hear. Then she looked up but didn't stare anyone in the eye and she felt a strong sadness come from a boy holding wolf puppies. Silver absorbed the sadness into herself and let it leave her body and started to cry she didn't like using her powers on others but she was a little happy to take some of his sadness away. Silver was still crying and she looked up at everyone "I want to join your team" she said then when no one answered fresh tears formed in her eyes then she looked at the group again they were tall compared to her 5'1' height.
Travis felt the jet land a few hours later. The group grabbed their bags and unboarded the jet, where they saw a girl waiting for them. Harry stopped in his tracks. T.J. ran into him. "Dang Harry. Watch out!" he yelled. Harry didn't budge. He was staring at the girl. Travis pulled Harry over to the girl as the group approached her. She was 5'1. "You wanna' join the team huh?" asked Travis. They alll watched as the girl started crying. Harry comforted her. "It's ok. Why are you crying?" he asked. His left hand absorbed the water streaming from her eyes. Travis chuckled. Chelsea hit his arm. "Don't laugh," she said. She looked at the girl. "I'm Chelsea. What's your name?" asked Chelsea. Kyle and Dalilah looked at the girl. Harper, T.J., and Nina did too. "And why did she just start crying?" asked Kyle. "Yeah, we didn't do any harm," said Travis. "Maybe she was thinking about something horrible," said Harry. Travis pulled Harry to the side. "Listen. We just met the girl. Don't get all freaky deaky now," he said.
Chelsea smiled and said, "Good, because I love you too." The two then kissed. The jet landed a few hours later. Curtis got his backs and picked up the box of wolf pups. They unboarded the jet and Curtis was surprised to see girl standing there. "Who is this?" Curtis asked, getting a shrug from Kenny. Curtis examined the girl. He suddenly felt the sadness and grief in him from the wolf pack's death leave him. The girl began to cry. Curtis stumbled back a bit, but kept his balance. "Whoa. What just happened?" he asked. The 5'1 girl said she wanted to join the team and kept crying. Curtis saw how Harry comforted her. He chuckled. Travis pulled Harry to the side. Curtis gave the box of wolf puppies to Dalilah and he walked up to the girl. "I'm Curtis Woodson," said Curtis. "I'm the leader of this unnamed group. Who are you?" he asked her. The group looked at the girl, with Harry staring at her. "Lovestruck fool," said Kyle. Everyone laughed, including Curtis. The girl said her name was Luna. "Nice to meet you."

Super Life
Takes place anywhere in the world.
You are a brand new super hero. One day, you wake up with extraordinary powers. Now you must make a choice. You can use these new powers for good, or use them for evil. Either join up and be heroes, or join evil doers and be villains. Your choice. There is also a new evil force called "The Evil R.I.N.G. (Renaissance Incorporation Nationally Gifted). Their leader is the Metallic Drone. His main bodyguards or associates are Riley (Steel Terror) and Marcus (Magnesium). Steel Terror is a mutant man who can transform into a metal-like cat-humanoid. Magnesium is a man with the combination of Earth and Water powers, sort of like Shockflame.
History is made up as we progress through the roleplay.
Rule No.1: No godmodding. Rule No.2: Romance is allowed. Avoid going beyond hugging and kissing. Rule No.3: You can have as many powers as you want, just don't make yourself invincible. Have fun! Rule No.4: No killing other people's character without permission. Also, you can interact or visit or even live with any of the DC or Marvel heroes! If you're bad, then just seek out any villians to hang with.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Bad Hero
Bad Heroine
Good Hero
Good Heroine

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Smile (#18991)

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