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Shade shoulder was bleeding and she looked around and seen her brother was also injured. Shade took off her mask and let it fall to the floor then she ripped off her sleeves. Then she seen silver and walked up to her. Shade felt her claws sharpen as she approached silver. "You hurt my family" shade snarled and grabbed into silvers arm digging her nails into her arm. Shade felt her fangs grow. Then Silver touched her face "This is not who you are Sara" she said. Shade looked into her eyed and tears fell down her face. "This is who I am" shade said and fell to her knees and cried letting silvers arm go. Silver wrapped her in her wing and said "You are good Sara its your brother who isn't but if you come with me I can make you both good again." Just then she seen the girl who hurt her come at he Shade snarled but Silver stood in between them.


Night Wolf dodged Metallic Drone's sword swing. He then flipped onto Metallic Drone's back and began to choke him with the chain fron the knives. "Release me!" choked Metallic Drone. "Certainly," said Night Wolf. He threw Metallic Drone into Magnesium, knocking them both into a building. Hawk Sky sped towards Shade and Silver, wanting to finish Shade once and for all. She drew her bronze knuckls and bow and arrow. She walked up to Shade. "You're dead Shade," she said. Silver jumped between them. Hawk Sky was shocked. "Silver, move out of the way. I'm finishing Shade once and for all," said Hawk Sky. When Silver didn't move an inch, Hawk Sky got the message. Shade must've had a change of heart. Hawk Sky lowered her bow and arrow. She then ducked as Scream and Silver Barette flew over her. The two girls wrestled. Harmony and Batella were at it as well. Harmony bashed Batella upside the head with her hammer. Night Wolf leaped at Metallic Drone, driving one of the knives into his metal armor. The knife stopped.
Shadow looked at Shade standing behind silver and he felt his anger boil. "What are you doing Sara" he snarled his sister looked confused and then all of a sudden he seen her tears. "Don't cry littler sister" he said getting calm. "Brother don't you see this fight is lost and I was never meant to be bad" Sara said to him. Shadow looked down then he turned to the loosing Villains shooting dagger at Night Wolf. "I will do what you want me to do sister but only cause I cant bare to harm you" he said and knelled before Silver and looked up at her "Can you forgive me" he said to her. "I forgave you the day you left the village but you must ask everyone for forgiveness here" she said looking at her friends who were fighting. Silver staggered and Robert picked her up. Then he let his mind wonder giving all the villains nightmares. "This is the least I can do for your friends" he said. Some of the villains stared at him in horror before collapsing. Robert smiled as each collapsed under a nightmare.
Metal Clamp and Bullet Leap watched as Blackout turned back into Rex and died. "Yeah!" exclaimed Bullet Leap. They then saw the rest of the villians getting nightmares. Metal Clamp turned to see Shadow doing the work. "I guess he had a change of heart," he said. Metal Clamp turned back into Kevin. Keisha ran over to him. The two hugged. "Never again am I leaving you," said Kevin. The two kissed. T.J. walked over to Houdina. Houdina turned back into Nina and the two hugged, as well as Harmony and Shark Fin. Aqua Freeze turned back into Harry and he ran over to Silver. He hugged her, swinging her around. "Oh I missed you," he said. Kevin looked over at Hawk Sky. She was looking over at Night Wolf, who was still fighting Metallic Drone. Metallic Drone grabbed Night Wolf by the neck. "You think this is over?" he asked harshily, in pain from the nightmare. "This is just the beginning," growled Metallic Drone. And with that, he unsheathed his large sword and stabbed Night Wolf in the stomach. "No!" yelled everyone.
Shadow almost lauged out loud when night wolf was hurt but he didn't he just smiled then he felt the panic and his smile got bigger. He may be good now but he was still bad no one could change that.He then turned to Harry who was hugging Luna. "Who do you think you are" he snarled at Harry ."Remember this is not who you are" Luna said. Shadow stared at her and looked at his sister. Then he looked at the scene that had everyone so shocked shadow let go of Metallic Drone's mind. "I may be here because of my sister but I am not all good and if this Night Wolf is a hero he shoulf fight his own fights" he said.
Harry spun Silver around and she could help but hold him "I have missed you also" she whispered."Who do you think you are"Robert snarled at Harry ."Remember this is not who you are"Silver said. Shadow stared at her and looked at his sister. Then he looked at the scene that had everyone so shocked. "I may be here because of my sister but I am not all good and if this Night Wolf is a hero he should fight his own fights" he said. Silver shook her head then she pressed her head to Harry chest and looking at the fight before her. Then she turned around when she heard Sara crying. "Why are you crying my dear Sara" silver asked. "I love him" she sobbed. Silver felt herself stiffen "You love Night Wolf." Sara shook her head and sobbed louder "I love Metallic Drone my teddy bear." Silver shook her head "You cant be in love with someone that evil" silver said. "Why not you can't be with him but you are" Sara said and pointed to Harry. Silver stiffened she hadn't wanted to tell Harry she was betrothed to Robert. Silver felt tears form and she looked down. Then Shadow put his arm around her and smiled at Harry"Me and Luna are supposed to get married"
Harry was shocked. He let go of Silver and brushed past Shadow. "You mean you're supposed to marry him?" he asked. Clouds began to form over head. Shockflame was busy punching Magnesium in the face when he saw the clouds. "Oh no," he said. He looked at Harry. The boy, his best friend, was getting angry. It began to get windy and before long, a light snow started to fall. "Harry!" yelled Shockflame. He saw Metallic Drone fighting a weak Night Wolf. Shockflame flew at Metallic Drone, but the villian caught him by the neck, causing his flames and electricity to go out. Travis began to choke. "Let.....Him....GO!!!!!" yelled a voice. Metallic Drone grabbed Night Wolf by the neck as well and held both heroes high. He then turned to see Aqua Freeze. Aqua Freeze was definitely angry. He formed, for the first time, an ice cannon blaster with his right hand and aimed at Metallic Drone. "DIE!" he yelled, a large flood appearing in the distance behind them. He shot at Metallic Drone, striking the villian with ice.
Night Wolf and Metallic Drone dueled and fought, until Metallic Drone dodged one of Night Wolf's blows and stabbed Night Wolf in the stomach. "No!" he heard everyone yell. Metallic Drone snatched out the sword, causing Night Wolf to drop to his knees. He was weakening now. Night Wolf dodged another blow from the sword, twisting around to slice off part of Metallic Drone's armor. He and Night Wolf fought, but Night Wolf began to lag. Suddenly, he saw Shockflame fly at Metallic Drone as clouds began to form above. Metallic Drone quickly caught Shockflame by the throat, causing his powers to go out. Metallic Drone then had Night Wolf by the throat. Just then, an icy blast struck Metallic Drone in the chest, causing him to release Night Wolf and Travis. Metallic Drone went flying back in a street light. Night Wolf coughed up blood, with Hawk Sky at his side. "Curtis, get up. Baby, we gotta' get you to a hospital," she said. Night Wolf shook his head. "I have to finish this battle," he said. And with that he rose.
Silver breathed in and closed her eyes ignoring the snow falling gently in her hair. She pulled any fear Night wolf had and took it from him. Then she focused on Aqua Freeze taking away the anger he was feeling. Silver touched aqua freezes soul "You must let Night Wolf have his moment" she calmly whispered. Then she looked up at him and smiled sadly. "I love you" she said and touched his face. Then Sara snarled and bared her teeth her eyes had gone all feral looking but she made no move to stop Silver as she kissed Harry gently on the face. Silver tried to draw emotion from Sara when she notice something was wrong. Sara laughed and fell to the ground her eyes where a strange color.  Silver turned around. "My cuddly bear I love him" Shade said in between laughs. Then she turned into a Tiger her mind wasn't human any more."Since when did her powers start acting up again" silver shouted as Sara the tiger lunged at Night Wolf with furry in her eyes.
Kevin watched as Night Wolf rose. He then saw Shade transform into a tiger. "What's going on?" asked Keisha. "Trouble," said Kevin. He turned into Metal Clamp. Shade leaped at Night Wolf. Metal Clamp roared and leaped at Shade, knocking the tiger to the ground. "Nice tackle!" exclaimed Dynamic. "Now help me with Rufus!" he yelled. Blackshock (Rufus) was busy battling Dynamic. Nina and Harmony went to help. Metal Clamp bit down on Shade's arm and then threw her towards a building. Metallic Drone, who was covered in ice, began to move slowly towards them. "You....hurt....Shade," he studdered. Night Wolf looked over at Metallic Drone. Metal Clamp threw Night Wolf the suitcase. "Use," demanded Metal Clamp. "I'll keep Shade at bay. T.J., keep her brother at bay too. He's bound to attack," said Metal Clamp. "On it," said T.J. "I'll help," said Shark Fin. The two blocked Shadow's way. Metal Clamp leaped over to the building. He raised a large sheet of metal out of the ground, ready for Shade to recover.
Shadow eyes narrowed as he looked at everyone attacking his sister but he made no move to attack them she was after all out of her mind right now. Shadow shrugged his shoulders "She started acting up when I went in her mind" he said staring at an angry tiger shade attacking metal clamp. Then he laughed "I'm surprised she didn't turn into a ball of furry kitten" then he laughed at the chaos around him. Shadow looked at Harry then looked at silver and looked into her eyes"Im sure I can be good if you help me though" Shadow looked at Harry and smiled. Silver nodded her head she had no clue what Shadow was doing.     
Shade layed down on the cold floor the tiger fur keeping her warm the wound on her was bleeding but didn't hurt. The she heard a voice"You....hurt....Shade," he studdered. Shade felt herself purr. Then she got up and growled baring her fangs at the person in front of her. A sheet of metal was coming up Shade felt her ears flatten and she hissed charging at the metal. Instead of running full force she pulled back and jumped it getting to the side with the people. Then she seen the man in the metal suit. Shade ran to him but noticed he was being attacked and snarled but was knocked back by something. Shade snarled and felt her claws extend and looked at the person who attacked her.
Harry was surprised from the kiss. He then looked at Shadow. Harry didn't trust him. Harry then watched as Blackshock sent a ray of dark aura at Dynamic, sending him flying into the street. "Kyle!" yelled Harry. Travis saw this. Flames and electricity formed around him. He then was cloaked in it. Shockflame shot at Blackshock. Harry turned into Aqua Freeze, causing the snow and distant flood to stop. He shot at Blackshock too. The two dual typed heroes sent a blast of water, ice, fire, and electricity at Blackshock, who countered it with a large and powerful blast of black aura. The moves collided, causing a massive explosion. Scream and Silver Barette were still at it. Scream screamed at Silver Barette, sending waves of red energy from her mouth. Silver Barette shielded her ears as the sound waves hit. Bullet Leap shot at Blackshock, who dodged the bullets. Fire Spin sent a whirlwind of flames at Bullet Leap. Houdina stopped the assault with a blast of psychic energy. She then sped towards Fire Spin, angry.
Night Wolf looked down at the suitcase. He then turned to the advancing Metallic Drone. "Unfreeze him," said Night Wolf. Houdina came over to them and healed Metallic Drone. She then healed Night Wolf. "I want a fair fight," said Night Wolf to Hawk Sky. "That's all," he said. Night Wolf stepped on the suitcase. The case opened up around his foot. The black suit armor began to form. He placed his hands into the case, putting them in the suit's hand armor. He grabbed hold of the suit with the hand armor and placed it on his chest. The armor formed around his entire body. The head peices came on last. As the mask stayed up, Hawk Sky took off hers and kissed Curtis on the lips. He looked at her as she backed away. "Come back to me alive," she said, tears in her eyes. Curtis nodded. "I will," he said. He looked at Metallic Drone, who's sword was drawn. "Let's do this," said Curtis. He flipped his mask down, completing the armor. His two ninja swords extended from under his suit's arms and out the bottom wrists.

Gem had been following Metallic Drones group for some time and she had been standing on the roof looking down at the battle when all of a sudden they had teleported. Before anyone could see her she hid herself. Gem watched the battle from a distance no emotions on her face. What a interesting group of people she thought to herself watching the heroes then she frowned I thought these villains would put up more of a fight she thought. Emerald looked at a Blondie girl and felt her panic for a loved one "You want to protect him do you not want to attack and save the one you value" Emerald said in her mind sending it to the girl suggesting it. Then the girl turned into a tiger and was trying to attack a ninja hero but of course the other heroes stopped her. Emerald walked calmly to the group but she must have appeared harmless. "What might you be doing" she asked to a boy who was about to attack Metallic drone and was now wearing a black metal suit. When the boy didn't look back at her she frowned again. Look at me Gem shouted in her mind suggesting it in his mind.

Super Life
Takes place anywhere in the world.
You are a brand new super hero. One day, you wake up with extraordinary powers. Now you must make a choice. You can use these new powers for good, or use them for evil. Either join up and be heroes, or join evil doers and be villains. Your choice. There is also a new evil force called "The Evil R.I.N.G. (Renaissance Incorporation Nationally Gifted). Their leader is the Metallic Drone. His main bodyguards or associates are Riley (Steel Terror) and Marcus (Magnesium). Steel Terror is a mutant man who can transform into a metal-like cat-humanoid. Magnesium is a man with the combination of Earth and Water powers, sort of like Shockflame.
History is made up as we progress through the roleplay.
Rule No.1: No godmodding. Rule No.2: Romance is allowed. Avoid going beyond hugging and kissing. Rule No.3: You can have as many powers as you want, just don't make yourself invincible. Have fun! Rule No.4: No killing other people's character without permission. Also, you can interact or visit or even live with any of the DC or Marvel heroes! If you're bad, then just seek out any villians to hang with.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Bad Hero
Bad Heroine
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Good Heroine

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Smile (#18991)

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