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Curtis felt the energy in the room change as Kevin came storming out of the changing room. "Riley and Rex!" he yelled. Curtis listened to what T.J. and Kevin were saying. Travis and the rest of the crew came back down the stairs. "Kevin, calm down!" yelled Curtis. He took out one of his swords. Chelsea stopped him. "He's just angry. He's not going to hurt any of us," she said. Curtis put away the sword. "Luna needs to calm him," said Kenny. "Right," said Curtis. Curtis listened to them all as Harper and Harry pushed Luna closer to the angry mutant. "Calm him down Luna," said Curtis. "Yes, I don't neeed anything destroyed," said Tony. Kevin was breathing angrily. T.J. kept him back, but the mutant looked like he was about to snap. Curtis admired his claws. "He has his own swords, in his body," he said. Chelsea giggled and hugged him. Curtis looked back at Kenny. "Looks like Kevin's gonna' kill real good in two weeks," said Curtis. Kenny nodded. They turned to Luna and Kevin. "I think she's startin to calm him"
Everyone practically pushed silver towards the angry boy.Silver felt the anger roll off of the boy named Kevin. Silver felt the anger get absorbed by her body like lava it heated her insides and Silver felt her eyes turn silver then her vision dimmed but she continued walking to him. The boy Kevin was keeping everyone at bay but she walked up to him gently. Silver felt her mind reach out to his. "You must calm yourself" she said gently. Anger slowly started to leave his body. Silver walked up to him and placed each hand on his checks and stared into his eyes and put her head to his. Silver helped to clear all bad energy and bring out his inner light there was a girl in most of his good memories. There was lots of anger and pain that Silver felt come into her soul and she released it all turning it into positive. Just then silver felt something warm on her lip she touched her mouth and looked at her hand blood was coming out of her nose. Silver took one look at the blood and suddenly she was having a vision. Silver fell on the floor and screamed her vision was showing her things she had never seen before."Stop, Stop" she felt herself whispered as visions formed in her head of the future battle to come.
Kevin watched as Luna walked up to him. She placed her hands in his hands. Kevin felt the anger rush out of him. He looked into her eyes. Memories of Keisha ran though his head. His anger and sorrow went away. "What did you do?" he asked. His claws then retracted. Luna started to have a nose bleed. She then fell to the floor. "Stop, stop," she said. "What's wrong with her?" asked T.J. Kevin looked at Luna. He knelt next to her. Dalilah and Chelsea were at her side. "She's having a vision," saiid Kevin. They looked at him. "Metal manipulation," said Kevin, tapping his temple with a finger. "What's it about?" asked Kyle. Kevin stared into Luna's eyes. "The future battle," he whispered, as Steel Terror (Riley) laughed evilly in the fray, holding Lt. Ronnel's body. Kevin felt the anger come back, but he pushed it away and thought about Keish and him at the park. It was a beautiful memory. Happiness filled him. T.J. knocked him upside the head. "Focus. We gotta' get her upstairs," he said. "Alright,!" said Kevin.
Travis watched as Kevin's anger dispersed. Harry ran over to Luna as she fell. He caught her head before it hit the ground. "Luna!" he yelled. "Stop, stop," she said. "She's having a vision," said Kevin. "About what?" asked Kyle. "The future battle," whispered Kevin. Travis ran over to them. T.J. smacked Kevin upside the head. The two yelled at each other. Harry picked Luna up and said, "I'll take her up stairs." "I'll get something for her bleeding," said Pepper. "I'll order pizza," said Rhodes. "Bring me three slices and a bottle of pepsi," said Tony. Travis smacked his teeth. "What? All this excitement's got me hungry," said Tony. Harry shook his head and ran up stairs with Luna in his arms. He laid her down on the couch and stroked her hair. "There, there Luna," said Harry. "You'll never have to do that again," he said. He picked up a glass cup and formed three ice cubes in his right hand. He dropped them in the glass and then formed a ball of water in his left hand. He dropped it in and handed it to her.
Silver was lifted up into someone arms. There was movement as they moved her suddenly and Silver held onto whoever was holding her. Suddenly was set on a bed and her voice came back to her "It was very horrible" she whispered and cried at the same time. Just then silver heard Harry talk to her and sooth her. Just then she looked at him and he held out a glass of water she grabbed the cup and drank the whole thing. "I have never felt a vision that strong before because I usually handle them myself" she said to Harry. Then she touched Harry's face "Thank you for helping me" she said and smiled. Just then the group walked in.
Curtis was surprised to see how fast Harry got to Luna. He watched as T.J. hit Kevin upside the head. The two argued and then Harry ran upstairs with Luna. "She had a vision?" asked Curtis. Chelsea nodded. "Wow. She saw the future battle," said Curtis. "I wonder who dies?" asked Kyle. "Hey!" yelled Curtis. Kyle looked at him. "No ones dying," snapped Curtis. "We're all going to survive the battle," said Curtis. "How do you know?" asked T.J. Curtis looked at him. Nina did too. "I'm mean, what if I die, or Kevin, or even you?" asked T.J. Nina teleported and then appeared by his side. She slapped him in the face and then turned his face to her. "We're not dying and YOU'RE not leaving me!" she yelled. "Ok, ok," said T.J., surprised. Kenny was like, "Whoa!" Harper looked at him. "I'm not dying," he reassured her. She nodded and smiled. Curtis thought. "I'll be back," he said. He went upstairs saying, "Kevin, come with me." T.J. grabbed Kevin and pushed him over to the stairs. "We're gonna' get Keisha back."
Kevin got pushed by T.J. "We're gonna' get Keisha back," said T.J. "Alright, but if you push me again, I'm ripping your arm off," said Kevin. Kevin then followed Curtis. "What do you want to talk about?" asked Kevin. "I want to talk about that vision," said Night Wolf. (I got permission from Spino345 to talk as him). "What about it?" asked Kevin. "What did you actually see in the vision?" asked Curtis. "I saw Steel Terror," said Kevin. "He was laughing, with Lt.-Lt. Ronnel's body in his arms," said Kevin. "Really? Is that all?" asked Curtis. Kevin hesitated. "No," he finally said. "Well tell me," said Curtis. Kevin sighed. "I saw T.J., you, and me um....perish," said Kevin. Curtis froze. He stopped and looked at Kevin. "Really?" he asked. "Yeah. I died, sacrificing my life, alongside T.J. to save you guys. You died from battling Metallic Drone," said Kevin. Curtis sighed. He then looked at Kevin. "What about Chelsea and Kenny?" he asked. "They survive. I didn"t get to see the rest," said Kevin. They nodded.
Shadow Shifter had to intigrate herself into the magical community. It was a slow process even with Gin. A feral shape shifter had been causing problems. "I think I had a run in with the guy. What does he call himself?" A witch spat out "King..." Sophia snickered "He's about to get knocked off his 'throne'... Permantly, if he's lucky he'll be maimed but odds are he'll be off alot worse. Needless to say when I catch him he won't be bothering you again." The witch grimiced "You shape shifters are a troublesome bunch, but at least you seem to be looking after us." Sophie smiled "The Bat was smart enough to get me to handle the supernatural department. His first supernatural run in was with Dracula." "You don't say... Batman slew Dracula?" "Or so he said. I stepped onto sacred ground one time, and..." Sophia laughed "The vampire looked like he ran into a freaking wall! It was so funny!" The witch cackled "Quite the adventurer I see... Good luck dearie! You'll need it to catch King." Sophie waved "Thanks I'll get started!" Sophie started hunting and found the Feral from before duking it out with another shape shifter. Sophie's apperance stopped the fight. "Hello Woman what brings you here." "A shape shifter has been causing problems. Who here refers to himself as King?" The other shape shifter grunted. "Then you and I have a problem." King smirked "Hello Beautiful, want to be my Queen? We'll rule this town!" Sophia glared "That's Joker's bid... I work for the other team. I said I'd maim you..." Sophie clawed King, got him in the eye. King howled and the Feral laughed. "You call me feral." "You are, I live in a house. With a weird little family, fully intigrated into civilized society." King stood back up and lunged at Sophia who sidestepped and swiped again drawing more blood. "I can do this all night or you can leave this town and never come back. It's my town not yours." "So you've claimed this as your territory?" "If you don't cause trouble you're welcome. Otherwise get out of my town." 
Travis sat down. "Um....can I please get some privacy?" asked Tony. They all looked at him. "If you want me to make your ideas, I'm gonna' need time to myself," he said. "Fine," said Travis. He grabbed the bags and walked upstairs, followed by Dalilah, Kyle, Harper, Nina, T.J., Kenny, and Chelsea. As they walked upstairs, Travis heard Rhodes ordering the pizza. They made it upstairs and saw Curtis, Kevin, Harry, and Luna by the couch. "What'cha guys talking about?" asked Travis. "Nothing," Harry quickly said. Travis chuckled. They sat down on the other couches and Pepper turned on the TV. She walked over to Luna. "Here's some medical supplies in case you bleed again," she said, handing the little box to Luna. Travis saw the news. It showed a ruined FBI base. "It really happened," said Travis. "Told you," said T.J. Travis shook his head. "Don't go angry man again," Travis said to Kevin. He then sat back. A few minutes passed and the pizza arrived. Rhodes handed the three slices of pizza on a plate to Curtis.
Someone tried to hand silver a small box and she took it taking out tissue and wiping her face. "I don't usually have nose bleeds unless there is a strong emotional meltdown or I over work my powers" she said to everyone.Then Silver sat up as someone handed her a cheese pizza "What is it" she asked. Everyone seemed to go very still and look at her. Silver looked down and blushed. "Its pizza" someone said. Silver took a bite and smiled "It tastes good" she said which had everyone laugh. Silver then looked at the TV and listened to the attack then when it was commercial she kept on watching then she pointed at the TV "I want to go on that thing" she said and pointed to a roller coaster on the TV. Silver felt that everyone was still a little tense over her vision. "Why don't we all go to this place called a carnival" she said and pointed to the TV. Before anyone could protest she added "It is going to take Tony a long time to make the suits so we might as well be happy" Then she smiled and waited for everyone's reply.     
Curtis gave a weak laugh, but kept thinking about what Kevin said. "I'm going to die?" Curtis asked in his head. He then shook the thought as Chelsea walked over to him. "You ok Curt?" she asked. "I'm fine, fine," he said with a weak smile. Chelsea smiled and kissed hiim on the cheek. "Look, let's just go to a carnival like Luna said," she said. "Or better yet.....Six Flags!" exclaimed Kyle. Everyone cheered. "Alright. Six Flags it is," said Curtis. He took another bite of his pizza, finishing it. "We'll be back Ms. Potts, Rhodes," said Curtis. "Ok," they both said. "Be careful," said Pepper. "Always am," said the group. They walked outside and got in the limosine hummer. "To Six Flags," said Curtis. "Ok," said the driver. "Hi ho silver, awaaaaaaaay!" exclaimed Kyle. Everyone laughed as the hummer pulled off. They arrived at Six Flags fifteen minutes later. They got out the hummer. "Let's play!" exclaimed T.J. Kyle zoomed off at super speed. T.J. leaped high into the air. Dalilah flew after them with Harper.
Kevin looked around. "So this is Six Flags huh?" he asked. Nina and Chelsea turned to him. "You never been to Six Flags?" they asked. "Well I've heard of it, but never been to it because of my job in the FBI," said Kevin. "Oh you're gonna' have fun," said Nina. "Let's go catch up with your sexy friend," said Nina. She grabbed Kevin's arm and teleported them both away from the hummer. They re-appeared by the cotton candy machine, where Kyle was stuffing his face. "Where's T.J.?" asked Kevin. "Taking aim," said Kyle, with his mouth full and pointing. The two followed his direction and saw T.J. taking aim at a stand. He aimed at a moving cardboard target and fired, hitting the target. "Yeah!" he exclaimed. Kevin chuckled and shook hiis head. Dalilah was in the House of Mirrors. "Cool," she said. She then screamed and the mirrors shattered. "Ha ha," she giggled. She then flew out. "Wow," said Kevin. He picked up a large hammer, which he could pick up with ease, and struck a bell thing. The little raiser flew up.
Travis watched as they took off into the amusement park. "Alright Harry, let's check out the boat swing," said Travis. Harry grinned and cloaked himself in water and ice. Travis cloaked himself in flames and electricity. The two flew into the air, leaving the rest of them behind. "Come on Luna!" yelled Aqua Freeze. They flew over to a pool area. "Finally," said Aqua Freeze. He dove into the water, surprising everyone. "Oh great. Harry!" yelled Shockflame. He stayed in the air. Aqua Freeze came back up. "Whoo hoo!" he exclaimed. The kids there cheered as well. Aqua Freeze swam around. "Fine. I'll do it myself," said Shockflame. He flew off. Shockflame landed near a boat swing. "Here we go," he said. Shockflame made the flames and electricity disappear. Travis got on the boat swing ride with a few other people. "Yeah!" he exclaimed. Aqua Freeze flew out of the water and landed next to a gift shop. The water and ice disappeared and Harry ran inside. "Time to buy something for Luna," said Harry. He looked around.

Silver knew that the group was tense but her idea seemed to cheer them up.When they got there she got on a ride with Travis but Harry seemed to disappear. Silver screamed and laughed as she got on the rides with Travis. Everyone had gone of and done something else and silver was glad they were letting off some of there emotion. Silver followed Travis because she had no idea where she was going and each ride she got on she felt her heart beat fast with excitement. "I'm having so much fun I cant believe there is such a fun place" she said. Then she pointed to the cotton candy machine. "What is that Travis" she asked him.

Chelsea laughed and grabbed Curtis's hand. She grabbed Kenny's as well. The three ran off into the amusement park. They got on the roller coaster. "Yeah!" exclaimed Curtis and Chelsea. "Oh Jesus Christ!" yelled Kenny, holding onto the bar. They did a loop-de-loop and then the roller coaster parked. "That was fun," said Chelsea. "Heck yeah. Let's do it again," said Curtis. "No. I think I'm gonna' hurl," said Kenny. "Oh please. This is only the small roller coaster ya' baby," said Chelsea. She then pointed to another roller coaster. "THAT'S the biggest," she said. "Goliath," said Curtis. Harper flew over to them. "Aaw. Kenny, what's wrong?" she asked. "He chickened out," said Chelsea. "I did not. I got on and almost threw up," said Kenny. Harper laughed and kissed him on the cheek, calming him. "I feel better already," he said. Curtis laughed. "Good. Now let's go get on Goliah," said Harper. "Oh hello no," said Kenny. Curtis and Chelsea laughed. "Please?" asked Harper. Kenny shook his head. Harper sighed.

Super Life
Takes place anywhere in the world.
You are a brand new super hero. One day, you wake up with extraordinary powers. Now you must make a choice. You can use these new powers for good, or use them for evil. Either join up and be heroes, or join evil doers and be villains. Your choice. There is also a new evil force called "The Evil R.I.N.G. (Renaissance Incorporation Nationally Gifted). Their leader is the Metallic Drone. His main bodyguards or associates are Riley (Steel Terror) and Marcus (Magnesium). Steel Terror is a mutant man who can transform into a metal-like cat-humanoid. Magnesium is a man with the combination of Earth and Water powers, sort of like Shockflame.
History is made up as we progress through the roleplay.
Rule No.1: No godmodding. Rule No.2: Romance is allowed. Avoid going beyond hugging and kissing. Rule No.3: You can have as many powers as you want, just don't make yourself invincible. Have fun! Rule No.4: No killing other people's character without permission. Also, you can interact or visit or even live with any of the DC or Marvel heroes! If you're bad, then just seek out any villians to hang with.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Bad Hero
Bad Heroine
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Good Heroine

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Smile (#18991)

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