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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Tara kept getting the feeling she had forgotten something. Something important. But what? She thought about it for a few minutes, then realized... Trouser! How could she forget her sweet little friend, just leave her behind? Was she still with that strange boy? She couldn't be, she probably ran off by now... but if Tara was lucky, maybe Trouser would still be nearby... She would look for the cat while she looked for food, something to feed Trouser, Hyko and herself.

She had the unsettling feeling someone was following her. She wondered if it was Hyko... but wasn't he still asleep? The breeze was blowing her scent toward him, and his away from her - if he was even there - so she couldn't tell.

She wondered if this was how she made Raino feel, always following him, and she felt a pang of guilt.

Presently she got back to the place she had last seen the mysterious boy. He was still there. She could smell Trouser too, her scent was still fresh, but she didn't seem to be here anymore. She also smelled a bit of blood from the boy, he probably tried to touch Trouser and got scratched.

She wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but she decided to try to talk to him.

"Hello? Who are you?" she called out. "I'm Tara... I won't hurt you... I'm looking for a black cat, a friend of mine. I'm also looking for food. Erm... do you know where I could find either of those?"

Hearing the furry person say something, I turned around quickly, startled. "F-food..?" I asked, the thought hadn't crossed my mind for a long time. Slyly I pointed in the direction of her feline friend; I was a horrible liar, but calling her feline friend food wasn't lying so my 'act' about the truth of there isn't really much food here at all except for us living things...

A bad feeling came as I almost remembered what I did with... the other people... last time... things that I made myself forget; that I didn't want to remember at all. I covered my eyes and leaned against the wall, not wanting to remember or show the furry person my eyes because I knew that they held the look of dread in them. Dread of something horrible. Possibly... dread of hunger..?

Not even I knew the answer.

Hyko then came out of hiding but kept his distance. He knew Tara would not see him but then he started to approach them. "...I happen to not like small meals...I would rather prefer more...meaty food. But of course it takes awhile for me to get hungry...after all I had a nice juicy meal before I came here....and I happen to like this place. Seems more...secretive than most places." Hyko said in a calm soothing voice. He looked at reflection but of course acted friendly towards him now, in his eyes there was a small flicker of hatred and anger towards Reflection. He did not know what to think of the boy, was he competition, or was he pray.
Tara looked at Hyko, she wasn't suprised to see him but was rather nervous. He scared her, she found herself shaking like a leaf as she stared at him. "Um... hi Hyko," she said. "I'm looking for food... I'm also looking for my friend Trouser, the black cat... Are you going to come help me look? How about we just leave that boy alone, okay?" She glanced at the boy again, he didn't seem to want to tell her his name. She had the unsettling feeling that he had been implying that Trouser was food... but she'd never eat Trouser... besides, there had to be something else to eat... she sure hoped there was... She glanced at Hyko again then started to wander off in the direction the stranger had pointed. She hoped Hyko wouldn't torment this stranger again. She wasn't sure if she should try to stop him again if he did, this time she'd definetly be killed... Maybe she'd wait and see whether they'd just talk or if they'd actually start to fight physically...

I peeked at the creature that was aggressive, or at least passive aggressive to both of us. It was almost as if it thought that it was the largest, and meanest thing around... well what if he saw disaster..? I shook the thought out of my head and didn't say a word to any of the two. Yet that didn't mean that I stopped wondering about them, as I was as curious as a kitten. The next thing I had thought about at the moment was; why was the furry person so... well... friendly? She seemed to be the most friendly of the bunch at the moment.

I tried to hide my unease when the larger creature of the two walked any tad closer, hoping that it wouldn't show at all.

Hyko knew what reflection was pointing at, then thought and realised that he must be referring to the cat. He then realised that this could be another predator like him so he decided to at least try to befriend him. He then said to the boy. " Sorry if I seem to be aggressive...I just don't like other male creatures. I see them more as competition...rather not get into my past...but I think we got off at the wrong start earlier and I am sorry for trespassing on your territory and world. But might I ask sir, where are we? And also my name is Hyko, and if you see me acting aggressive to you its nothing towards you. It's just in my nature."

I shook my head no. I didn't want to be near this creature. I didn't trust him. I couldn't trust him. "N...No... don't come close..." I whimpered, mainly referring as to how he was acting as if he wanted to get close to me suddenly, and also referring to how I wanted for him not to take another step closer. "...and... I am not male or female... I... I guess you could call me both..?" I suddenly stated, correcting him, notifying him as to how I was a hermaphrodite.

I didn't want any of those two to come anywhere close at all at the moment. Besides, at the moment I had backed myself against a wall when I wasn't even endangered or threatened, and now I had a feeling that one of them might threaten me in some sort of way. Was this how the feline felt?

When Hyko heard that he looked rather confused then said in a soft voice. "okay. we won't bother you." In his mind he was shocked and confused about this boy being nether male or female but both. He did not know weather to be aggressive or not. He finally decided to be more, neutral towards it. The look in his eyes now were more calm and less aggressive. He then looked at Tara and said. "Well lets go get your cat...or creature...I just wont guess what things are any more." Hyko was rather embarrassed and shown that from the look in his eyes. 
So that stranger is both male and female? A hermaphrodite? Tara thought. Gee, and I actually thought he was a boy... Or she was a boy... But I can't call him or her an "it"... And I can't call him or her "him or her" all the time either... Oh well, I worry about it later... She nodded to Hyko, in reply, and slunk away, walking fast, not really waiting for him to catch up. She was still a little scared of him, and didn't want to get too close to him, so she wouldn't sink deeper into his flirty trap.
Hyko caught up to her. "That was strange was it not?" He whispered to her. He still was confused about it all. "...I truly do not know how to really...think about such things...disturbs me..." Hyko said. He was being friendly to her now, not really releasing that he was. "If you need something to eat I am sure I can help in some way...." Hyko said to her kindly and soothingly. He knew that this might mean ripping off his wounded wing for her, but he just could not help himself. He was more harm to himself than to any 'friend' of his.

"Um, yes, it was strange..." said Tara. "It is disturbing, and hard to know what to think of... And thank you, I am hungry... If you know where I can find something to eat that would be great..." She didn't quite know what he meant by this, but it comforted her, she was getting worried about how to find food, since she'd never ever eat Trouser.

And she was suprised he was being so friendly, and that his voice sounded so kind and soothing... It almost made her forget she should be afraid, made her want to trust him, let herself fall for him... She still knew she shouldn't, it was probably a trap, he was probably trying to get her gaurd down so she'd be an easier meal... And he was probably offering to help her find food because he wanted to fatten her up a bit, so she'd be a plumper and juicier meal... But she found herself thinking, if he wants to eat me, then let him eat me. I'll probably never get out of this place... And life has been so bleak and meaningless ever since the day of that party, I'd probably be better off dead... And besides, Hyko's so beautiful, and I'm so ugly... He probably only likes me because I'm the only girl he can find in this place, normally, when there are lots of girls way prettier than me around, he'd just ignore me... I should be glad I get to be friends with him even if it means I'm gonna end up as his dinner...

Hyko when he heard that, without thinking riped off his wounded wing. "...It would have fallen off anyway... not to mention this world seems to have no food... so if you want to you can." Hyko said calmly. He did not know why he was doing this, but he knew his wing would not have healed so he decided to discarded of it. But of course he knew this might make Tara worry, but it needed to be done. He did not show how much pain he was in for he was use to getting severe wounds. It did not bother him much at all.

Tara was horrified. She stood there, paralyzed with shock, staring at Hyko, then at his torn off wing, then at him again with her mouth agape.

"N-no... your poor... your p-p-poor wing..." Tears started trickling down her face, and her voice started cracking. "And it's my fault... I bit your wing... If I hadn't you wouldn't have had to... h-h-had to..."

Then she broke down and started blubbering. Her knees gave away and she crumpled to the ground, crouching over the torn off wing, sobbing, shaking.

"I don't want to eat your beautiful wing," she whimpered, "but I guess if I don't, you would have lost it for nothing..." She peeled away a few feathers and started nibbling on the exposed flesh, but she felt horrible, and choked on her mouthful as she started sobbing even harder.

Hyko, felling bad knelt down beside her and used one of his wings to wrap around her and to try and comfort her. "It's fine...After all we need to survive long enough to get out of here..." Hyko said in a calm voice. He cuddled up to her trying to comfort her and he knew the guilt she felt. But of course that guilt left him after he became what he was now. If he could not use a hurt part or move it he counted it as useless and removed it anyway. He still had some humanity though, but not much. 
Tara felt him wrap one of his wings around her and cuddle up to her. She pressed herself against him, buring her face against his chest and sobbing. She kept sobbing for a few minutes, she didn't know how long exactly but it was probably quite awhile. Then her stomach growled loudly, reminding her how starving she truly was, and she reluctantly started eating the torn off wing again, slowly at first, but then faster and faster, it was gone in just a few minutes, only a pile of feathers, bones, and bloodstains were left. Then she felt so horrible and guilty, she started crying again.

Into The Mirror

The World Of Light -

Earth, Manhattan, Texas, Europe, just about anywhere in the 'Real World'.

Realm Of The Mirror - 

A place filled with no life except 'him', the lone resident of this place, and those who have wandered into this world. Many hazards are in this place including how cold it is could give someone frost bite if they lay down with a sleeveless shirt or shorts for around 10 to 20 minutes, unless they somehow manage to create a fire.

Huge shiny stones litter the walls, and a ton of smaller ones that someone could attempt to collect if they wanted to keep something of this place, they're a pretty odd stone because it doesn't reflect people's face, only the rest of their body.

There is a few warm areas, but those are rare and they quickly get cold after around only 10 minutes. In quite a few areas there are pools of something of a transparent water-like yet gooey deep blue color that would remind you of the night sky, because of some of it glows in patches which is the main source of light in this place.

On a bad day the tempature drops down by up to 30 degrees, it is a wonder how the resident of the mirror manages to survive this cold world.

The Pot - 

To say 'Off to the pot with you' is the equivalent of saying 'Go die a horrible prolonged death'. The pot is a lake of acidic fluid that creates toxic waste into the air every time something or someone falls into it. That is also the reason why the lone resident would attempt to get away from it and that is one of the main things that could help you get it off of your trail.



Ever thought of how lonely it was on the other side of the mirror, or what it would be like? Ever wondered or thought of that while putting a hand against the mirror?

Well, of course you did think of one of those things while touching a mirror, since you somehow like the curious creature you were took a step into the mirror. Yet now, you cannot get out of this cavern of a whole new world, the world inside of the mirror.

Find others and attempt to escape back into the 'World of Light' or more of, back home.

Or perhaps you prefer to attempt to find the lone resident of this world and attempt to befriend it?

It's your choice.

Choose wisely--

--you never know what hazards might appear.


Every single one of you have either boasted about your looks, spend more then an hour a day just insulting another's looks, or beat yourself up about your looks because they aren't perfect, and that is one of the reasons why you could go through your mirror.

This all started when you wondered about what if someone could be in the mirror, or something along those lines, while touching the mirror on an otherwise perfectly normal day. Though one or two of you might have not been the one who touched the mirror, but followed, the facts are still there.

Unknown to all other life, there always has been a lone being inside of the mirror who was the practical definition of 'Envy' and 'Loneliness'. He would have been sweet and innocent a few years back, but loneliness can do things to you...

...horrible things.

He may be seen as a hazard to this world, or just someone who needs a friend

He is the one inside of the mirror who alters people's reflections in order to make them hate themselves or get over-confident about their looks...

Depending on your opinion on yourself, that decides whether he'd let you live or attempt to do some... worse... things to you.


Species List -

Cat - only 2 at a time alive allowed. The reason why is because that this is an RP mainly for humanoids.

Dog - only up to 2 alive ones at a time allowed. Same reason as listed above.

Humanoid Monster - up to 5 allowed. The reason why is because this is a RP for humans more so then humanoid monsters. They have to stand/walk on their 'hind legs' mainly and they have to be able to speak English.

Humans - unlimited amount allowed.

Reflection - there is only one reflection, AKA the resident of the mirror.

Rules -

At least 1 killable character all of the time unless someone chooses to have 3 killable characters and allows you to use their extra nonkillable character slot. Max 3 nonkillable characters at a time. You may put a limit on when they can die (Etc. max page 40 for until they can be killed) and their status may be changed with permission from the RP Master.

No Mary/Gary sues, please. ;)

Cussing is only allowed once every 10 pages, and if you do it cannot be worst then the other word for poop.

No flaming other people.

You will get 4 warnings before I put a momentary to perma ban from this RP for breaking the rules~

Accidental things that are obviously accidents will not be counted for the rule above.

Please attempt to keep the numbers even of what the people think of their looks, I don't want to start off with only a ton of people who 'Hate themselves'.

I will only give a catch-up to those who have missed at least 5 to 10 pages of the RP. Any lower then 5 you could actually read yourself.

You may use characters from other RPs and of course it not affect that RP one single bit; but if you do use a character of yours from another RP then please link to the RP that they're from. ;)

Have fun~!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Humanoid Monster

Second RP Master

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