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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Giving myself a quick, unnerved but curious lick of my flank, I attempted to make sense of this place. What was it? What was the creature that I followed into here? It smelled slightly like that of decay, canine, and human all in one to my sensitive nose. I let out a confused "Merow?" as soon as I watched the reflector glass' doorway just be a simple hard stone that looked to be slightly like a huge gem.

Nothing made sense, this place was also cold! I let out another "Meroooow~!" of confusion to attempt to catch the attention of the up-walker with canine fur, something that I'll just call a canine up-walker.

Tara heard the cat meowing. "Hi there kitty-cat," she said, "you're very pretty..." She crouched down and started petting it, admiring its lovely black fur.

"How did we get here, kitty-cat?" she said. It was rather stupid talking to a cat, who couldn't understand her, but she hadn't had anyone to talk to for quite awhile, and was rather lonely. "It almost felt like someone pulled me through the mirror... We can't actually be inside the mirror, can we, kitty-cat? That seems crazy, but I can't think of any other explanation... I wonder if anyone has noticed I'm gone... probably not... even if they do, they probably won't miss me, they'll probably be relieved I'm gone... No, I shouldn't wallow in self-pity. I should take a look around this place, maybe see if I can find a way out, right kitty-cat?" She picked up the cat and started wandering around, still petting the furry little bundle. It was very cold and dark in here, even though it should still be daytime... Tara was nervous, she hugged the cat tightly...

A single 'Merow' was the only response she got from me before I sniffed the odd thing's fur on her arms. After a bit, I managed to finally understand that she meant to just have me as a companion, and not anything else of the sort. I settled down in her arms and started to purr, noting that this canine up-walker was afraid. But why was it afraid? No, I didn't have to attempt to answer that. after-all; I was just a cat who's been through many things and lived through the thick and thin of my life; it's not like I was actually going to die here, right? A soft huff of amusement at the thought was all else I let out.

Tara searched for a long time but she couldn't find a way out. She couldn't even remember where or how she got in here exactly... This place was so vast and endless... She was getting hungry, and it was getting very cold... Her stomach growled loudly... An evil thought flashed through her mind... You could eat the cat, Tara... But then she thought, NO! How could I even think that?! I need a friend way more than I need food... besides, even if I did do such a horrible thing, I'd quickly starve or freeze to death anyway, and I'd die alone... But no more thinking horrible things like that, I need to find food and shelter for both the kitty and me... Look at all those huge shiny stones around the walls, maybe we can crawl underneath one... It'll still be cold, though... I wonder if I could build a fire somehow... But how? There are no sticks, only all these shiny pebbles... I wonder if I could start a fire with these somehow... She picked one up and examined it. It was strange, it reflected her whole body except her face... Which was a relief, she didn't want to see her monstrous face... She picked up another stone and rubbed the two together, the way people rub to sticks together to start a fire. Nothing seemed to be happening though. She kept trying anyway, but wondered if she was wasting time. 

Curiosity flashed through me whenever I noticed the change in one of the few pieces still there of my mirror's surface, the reflection changed slightly... surprised at this I was practically stumped on what happened. Was something messing with one of the stones other then me? I didn't think that anything else could disturb the balance here, if there was anything. I got up, for once forgetting my boredom and leaving alone the person whom I was taunting with changing all the little details of their reflection, something which I knew could drive a person mad after a while.

Could something else actually be here? Like that one last time... I shuddered, looking at the remains of my mirror's surface. That girl... how... she... how could she throw my very own thing at myself? I shook away those thoughts of hate, not forgetting the current task at hand. Finding out what was messing with the balance. I cautiously moved towards the only place that was capable of getting something to come through it; the only rip in this place that rarely provided a one-way ticket to my 'world'.

Anne-marie was standing in front of the mirror and admiring her beautiful face, something she'd do every five or ten minutes, when suddenly a very strange and terrifying thing happened. Somehow she fell in, or got pulled in or sucked in. Suddenly she wasn't in her room, she was in a weird, dark, freezing-cold place. It looked like an entire new world.

Where am I?! she thought. Oh no, I fell and landed on my face, my hair and make-up must be ruined! And there'll be streaks of dirt all over my face! She saw some large shiny stones piled high near the walls, they looked like they could be used as mirrors. She could still see her beautiful curvy body but to her dismay she couldn't see her face. Oh my god, what is this horrible place?! she thought, starting to panic.

I let out a long and sharp hiss as soon as I could smell the other Up-walker. Why would an Up-walker have such a faint sent? This troubled me greatly. I let out another long hiss and as soon as the Up-walker came into sight.

Yet the up walker suddenly stopped, almost as if out of shock of seeing something else here. Someone else in this case. Wasn't this up-walker used to other living things around? Almost tauntingly, the up-walker just stood there. Was it wondering if it still had time to flee? Most likely, since it seemed to turn away and go off. Another hiss I let out. Was the furry up walker going to notice?

Hyko was in more of a fine tune when his own reflection simply slipped away in his own mirror. He fell through with a thump of his wings then got up without saying a word. He was confused to where he was, but did not care. He fluffed up his wings and started to use his hands to wipe the dirt off. Once he was done he began to explore little by little until he found something or some one. He did not say a word when he approached it, but was silent as his wings gently batted the air, shaking all the left over dirt off.

I didn't really notice the creature that was approaching me at all, still walking (more like trotting or skipping in a way) wondering how something could have gotten in again. how could they even get in..? Did they know anything about the creatures that were fluffy with white fur and horns? What were they called by the last person... the... one who broke my mirror... Sheep I think it was..? Or was that when she compared me to something... I think it was a dog? My thoughts wandered from one subject to another, and when I turned around and noticed the creature that was approaching me I let out a wail of surprise, suddenly breaking out into a run and peeking over some rocks I hid behind.

Creatures aren't suppost to be here! This... this was wrong! How could this get in here? Would it attempt to eat me?

Hyko saw what ever was in front of him run and hid. His wings outstretched as he walked as his tail slithered behind. His feathers glistened, but he ignored it. He was rather curious to what that person or creature was. He then sat down and wrapped his wings around himself, waiting to see if whatever it was would come out. He did a small, but odd purring noise as his feathers rattled. He liked it when people ran from him, it makes it fun for him to hunt. This seemed more like a game to him, and was calmed by it. 

I just sat there, almost as if I was frozen. Why wouldn't it go away? Was it going to try to eat me? I bit my lip and covered my eyes, as I still highly held the belief that if I couldn't see them then they can't see me. I let out a whimper hoping that it wouldn't come over and attack me... This actually reminded me of those times years ago when people worshiped things that weren't real, things like 'gods' of odd liquids, some man who killed a ton of others, I didn't understand why they worshiped him. Well the only thing that reminded me of that was because there were these winged creatures that they used to draw on almost everything...

I suddenly lost track of my thoughts with the reaccuring thought of what if the creature came over here and attacked me. Would I be able to defend myself?

Hyko became rather bored that this creature did not come out. So he decided to creep over and look over the rock. He quietly made his way over and jumped on top of it and stared down at whatever it was to discover a human like being. He did nothing but outstretch his wings and smiled darkly. He then muttered in a soft, soothing voice. "Why so scared?" Hyko said. He wanted to see the reaction of the creature he was talking to. He was full for he had eaten before he came into this strange land. He was entertained by how scared this creature was.

"You can't see me because I can't see you, so Ha..." I whimpered, not wanting for the creature to bother me. I had no idea how close it was at all, and just stayed in a curled up ball waiting for it to go away. It should go away soon... right?

I was wondering if I should peek to see how close it was, but I wasn't really up to it. It wasn't worth it, I mean... what if it saw me? It was scary enough when I couldn't see it... I bit my lip, hoping that it wouldn't touch me at least.

Hyko then was silent then did a small laugh. "Does this mean I can see you and you can't see me? Because I sure can see you cowering." Hyko said in his soothing, unusual voice. He used the tips of his wings to touch reflections face. "Oh...and does this mean I can touch you and you can't touch me?" Hyko asked. He was fully entertained by this creature, rather to much. "So tell me...why so scared of me? Is it because of what I am?" He asked again. "Or do you fear because you think people..." Hyko said calmly with a smile on his face.

Tara heard the cat hiss sharply. She caught a faint scent, it smelled like a human, but somehow different... but the smell waas so faint she couldn't tell how exactly... She looked up and saw a teenage boy standing in the distance. The cat hissed again. The boy turned and fled, probably scared of her. Tara decided to follow him. Maybe she'd try to talk to him without scaring him too much. You could also kill and eat him, said the same little voice in her head that suggested eating Trouser. No I can't! she told the voice angrily. It's true I've eaten people many times before... but it's cannibalism; horrible, wrong and monstrous. And I haven't had anyone to talk to for quite awhile, it would be nice to have someone to talk to...

She got closer, and started picking up another scent. It smelled sort of like a human too, but also like a bird. It reminded her of Raino's cousin Tony's scent, except unlike Tony, this person's bird-half smelled alive, not dead.

Then she saw them. The boy she saw was curled up in a ball, barely visible, and the other one, resembling a double-winged angel, or perhaps a demon, standing over and looking rather threatening, like he was going to hurt this boy. She was scared for the boy, she wanted to help him. She tucked Trouser under her arm and charged at the winged man. "Leave him alone!" she shouted. She sprang at him and chomped one of his wings.

Into The Mirror

The World Of Light -

Earth, Manhattan, Texas, Europe, just about anywhere in the 'Real World'.

Realm Of The Mirror - 

A place filled with no life except 'him', the lone resident of this place, and those who have wandered into this world. Many hazards are in this place including how cold it is could give someone frost bite if they lay down with a sleeveless shirt or shorts for around 10 to 20 minutes, unless they somehow manage to create a fire.

Huge shiny stones litter the walls, and a ton of smaller ones that someone could attempt to collect if they wanted to keep something of this place, they're a pretty odd stone because it doesn't reflect people's face, only the rest of their body.

There is a few warm areas, but those are rare and they quickly get cold after around only 10 minutes. In quite a few areas there are pools of something of a transparent water-like yet gooey deep blue color that would remind you of the night sky, because of some of it glows in patches which is the main source of light in this place.

On a bad day the tempature drops down by up to 30 degrees, it is a wonder how the resident of the mirror manages to survive this cold world.

The Pot - 

To say 'Off to the pot with you' is the equivalent of saying 'Go die a horrible prolonged death'. The pot is a lake of acidic fluid that creates toxic waste into the air every time something or someone falls into it. That is also the reason why the lone resident would attempt to get away from it and that is one of the main things that could help you get it off of your trail.



Ever thought of how lonely it was on the other side of the mirror, or what it would be like? Ever wondered or thought of that while putting a hand against the mirror?

Well, of course you did think of one of those things while touching a mirror, since you somehow like the curious creature you were took a step into the mirror. Yet now, you cannot get out of this cavern of a whole new world, the world inside of the mirror.

Find others and attempt to escape back into the 'World of Light' or more of, back home.

Or perhaps you prefer to attempt to find the lone resident of this world and attempt to befriend it?

It's your choice.

Choose wisely--

--you never know what hazards might appear.


Every single one of you have either boasted about your looks, spend more then an hour a day just insulting another's looks, or beat yourself up about your looks because they aren't perfect, and that is one of the reasons why you could go through your mirror.

This all started when you wondered about what if someone could be in the mirror, or something along those lines, while touching the mirror on an otherwise perfectly normal day. Though one or two of you might have not been the one who touched the mirror, but followed, the facts are still there.

Unknown to all other life, there always has been a lone being inside of the mirror who was the practical definition of 'Envy' and 'Loneliness'. He would have been sweet and innocent a few years back, but loneliness can do things to you...

...horrible things.

He may be seen as a hazard to this world, or just someone who needs a friend

He is the one inside of the mirror who alters people's reflections in order to make them hate themselves or get over-confident about their looks...

Depending on your opinion on yourself, that decides whether he'd let you live or attempt to do some... worse... things to you.


Species List -

Cat - only 2 at a time alive allowed. The reason why is because that this is an RP mainly for humanoids.

Dog - only up to 2 alive ones at a time allowed. Same reason as listed above.

Humanoid Monster - up to 5 allowed. The reason why is because this is a RP for humans more so then humanoid monsters. They have to stand/walk on their 'hind legs' mainly and they have to be able to speak English.

Humans - unlimited amount allowed.

Reflection - there is only one reflection, AKA the resident of the mirror.

Rules -

At least 1 killable character all of the time unless someone chooses to have 3 killable characters and allows you to use their extra nonkillable character slot. Max 3 nonkillable characters at a time. You may put a limit on when they can die (Etc. max page 40 for until they can be killed) and their status may be changed with permission from the RP Master.

No Mary/Gary sues, please. ;)

Cussing is only allowed once every 10 pages, and if you do it cannot be worst then the other word for poop.

No flaming other people.

You will get 4 warnings before I put a momentary to perma ban from this RP for breaking the rules~

Accidental things that are obviously accidents will not be counted for the rule above.

Please attempt to keep the numbers even of what the people think of their looks, I don't want to start off with only a ton of people who 'Hate themselves'.

I will only give a catch-up to those who have missed at least 5 to 10 pages of the RP. Any lower then 5 you could actually read yourself.

You may use characters from other RPs and of course it not affect that RP one single bit; but if you do use a character of yours from another RP then please link to the RP that they're from. ;)

Have fun~!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Humanoid Monster

Second RP Master

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