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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

"Rammy..." I muttered his name, watching him leave. I know that I could not allow my family to see me like this, in so much pain... It would break my mother's heart, and I would not be able to stand see her burst out in tears because she cares for me so much. "Can someone make sure that he does not go there... I don't think that Father Jennard would care for him or treat him the same since he has the infection. Father Jennard is the head preist; and he probably would respond terribly to the infection..." I said.

Tara finally made up her mind. Why am I hesitating, she thought, I have to follow Raino and stop him before he gets himself in trouble! Not that I'll be able to do anything, but...

She turned to Rattlebones. "This is late," she said, "but... um... I am sorry for all the things that just happened to you... I'll be your friend, if you like... I'll be friends with all of you, if you like... But right now I'm going after Raino..."

So she ran in the direction Raino had gone. She didn't stop to see if they were chasing after Raino too, though she assumed that they were. Her long wolf legs carried her swiftly, though she was badly out of shape and was panting hard and aching all over by the time she caught up to Raino.

"Raino (pant)... Don't go home (pant)..." she said. "Bad idea (pant)... they'll kill you (pant)..."

But she was panting so hard she wasn't sure if he could tell what she was saying. Even if he did, she was worried he wouldn't listen.

"I do not ever want you going anywhere near my little sister, or my family." I said cold-heatedly to the doctor. My eyes narrowed, and I ignored Tara for the time being. I should have the right to see my family, and without these others OR the doctor ruining it! Tara could come along, sure... But if she wanted to step in between me and my family then she has a serious problem, and for the doctor... well... My reasons for keeping him away are obvious.

I would never want him going anywhere near my family, nor would I ever like to see him again. I might say different at times, but my opinion stayed the same on the matter.

Rattlebones then said. "That's fine parasite, after all who would want a rat following them. I will just warn you that if they see that thing on you parasite, they will kill you." Rattlebones laughed and said. "And if your wondering why I am calling you that, its because I am stating the obvious. My so called allies call me a rat because they can't tolerate me or if there cannibal, they cant even eat me for they say my blood taste like black tar or worst. We call ourslef's different things, and since I don't completely trust you, I will call you a parasite because that is what you are." Rattlebones then took out his phone and text ed someone.

"A-a parasite..? I am NOT a parasite! Tell me how I am a parasite! Parasites only feed off of living things, are no good, rotten things that everyone hates... and... only want to get rid of... and kill..." I shouted at him, my sentence breaking up towards the end of it. A parasite? Is that what he would refer me as such?

That agrivated me. I was sevearly irratated at the thought of being called that word. That would be a terrible mislabel...

"A terrible mislabeled indeed. You are not the parasite here, not you at all... if you are anything then you are a host, and pain is the parasite." 


Rattlebones then said. "Arby is a parasite and you are his host! I don't understand you! Your just like Medussa with her pathetic snake! So what I dissected it in front of her, I don't understand how humans can bond with those disgusting creatures, let alone you and that parasite." Rattlebones said angrily. "Are humans that pathetic now that if they lose there minds or if there abandoned to bond outside of the species line?! Your lucky I am controlling my other side from cutting that thing off of you." Rattle bones continued. He put a hand on his head. "You remind me so much of her I want to kill you so bad now! Medussa is a pain! She is my only hatred in the world, and if you keep acting like her I might as well not even look at you, let alone stay nere you." Rattle bones had a disgusted look on his face. "I want to kill her! So badly I want to kill her and she wants to kill me! But of course the others separated us over and over, when I find her I will destroy her." He hissed. He then riped off his mask, underneath it, his skeleton jaw was showing, barley being held together by flesh. "This is what happens when you mess with monsters boy! This is what happens when you play god!" Rattlebones said as blood dripped from his teeth. He had no mouth or nose, and his flesh barley clung. "I am falling apart, nothing matters but her head on a sword, burning in the void where people like you belong! Befriending something that you cant even speak to. Its out of your mind! How douse he speak to you?! How douse he talk boy?! Because all I hear is him hissing and puffing! I don't understand how people like you can exist....I...I...Abomination! Am I the one insane here?!" He hissed. Rattlebones stopped and calmed himself. "Lets never speak of this....I Sept over my line of sanity and almost snapped....sorry." He said to Raino.

Tara was silent. She was alarmed by the sight of Rattlebones tearing off his own face (or what she thought was his face, perhaps it was really just a mask all along). But who was this Medusa he kept talking about?

She thought about what Rattlebones said about Raino and his tail. He was pretty harsh, she thought, but it's true, Raino's tail, Arby, is a parasite, and Raino is the host...

They were both ignoring her at the moment... Why did you think they'd actually want to be your friend, you idiot... she thought bitterly. 

Then her stomach growled, she had only eating a small piece of meat today, and that had been burned off already. She was already getting weak with hunger, and happened to be near the town, so she decided to go dig around in people's garbage cans for a snack. Disgusting, but what else could she do...

So she did. She knew it was risky doing this in broad daylight, but she was too hungry to wait. She snuck into a yard, trying to be as discreet as she could, knocked over a garbage can and started eating. And tried not to think about what she might be eating...

She was half inside the can, licking the bottom of it, with just her bottom, hind legs and tail sticking out when a woman stepped out of the house and saw Tara.

"Jooooohn! That stupid stray dog is digging in our garbage again!" she shouted.

"I'm sick of that dog! I'm going to get rid of it once and for all!" John shouted.

Tara struggled to get out of the can, but she was stuck. She heard the man's footsteps, coming closer and closer, then she felt him whacking her rump with all his might with a baseball bat. "Ow! Hey!" she yelped.

"Oh my god, it talked!" yelled John. His wife shrieked with terror, and he started beating Tara harder.

"I'm sorry, I'll never dig in your or anyone else's garbage can again!" whimpered Tara. She finally got herself out of the garbage can. As soon as John and his wife saw her, they screamed in unison.

"EEEEEEK! THAT'S NOT THE STRAY DOG!" cried John's wife.

"IT'S A MONSTER!!!" shouted John, and he started clubbing Tara on the head.

Tara was so frightened, she didn't think before she did what she did next. Her wolf instincts took over, and she sank her teeth into her attacker's throat.

He fell to the ground, dead. Tara tasted the blood. Her mind was clouded with bloodlust, so without thinking she started eating the dead man.

John's wife screamed and ran into the house, to call the police or animal control or perhaps both.

Tara had already half-eaten her victim when she realized what she was doing. Horrified, she turned and fled from the carcass, back into the woods. She hid under a clump of bushes and started to cry. I'm a cannibal... I'm already becoming a true monster...

Rattlebones then put back on his mask and said. "...just wake up and face the facts. Life is not sweet and joyous. It's all death and corruption. I will be at my home making dinner for all of us tonight and I am sorry for my rudeness and my outburst. If you and that thing are friends, I am sorry. I just can't understand how you and others I know talk to this creatures. Do you learn to understand them? also...I really am truly sorry Raino for that. If you need any help I will gladly help you. Also Tony, here's a map to the house if you guy's need a place to stay." The doctor said, handing Tony a map. He then left them. While on his walk he saw Tara, hiding. "Tara are you okay." He said kindly putting a hand on her shoulder. He realised there was blood on her. "Are you hurt?! Tara? Did some one hurt you?!" The doctor asked alarmed. "Listen how about I bring you to my place and give you something to eat...and when you asked if I was your friend. I will be your friend. Here let me help you." He said kindly to her. He knew the others were far away from them now, but he sat beside's Tara waiting for a answer.

Tara was still crying "Thank you," she sobbed, "but I just... I just killed someone... I was eating out of a garbage can, I shouldn't have been doing it in the middle of the day... then these people saw me, one started hitting me with a baseball bat... Then without thinking I killed him and started eating him, I had already half-eaten him before I even realized what I was doing... I thought I was still human, but I'm so stupid and wrong, I'm already pure animal..." She sobbed even harder.

But why am I saying this to Rattlebones?! she thought. He likes eating people, what if I've offended him... And I shouldn't let myself cry like a baby, that is weak, and the weak always die... Though maybe it would be better if I was dead... I don't know...

Then she wiped away her tears with her paw. "I'm still worried about Raino, I guess there's nothing I can do to stop him, but I have to try..." She tried to rise to her feet but was seized by pain and fell back to the ground. That man had hit her pretty hard with his baseball bat, she hoped she wasn't too badly injured. It felt like something was broken, though, and although some of the blood on her was her victim's, some of it seemed to be her own. But you deserved it, Tara, she thought bitterly. Oh great, now I'm starting to cry again...


Rattlebones then said. "It's not your fault, you were trying to survive. And Raino will be fine..." Rattlebones then picked her up gently and carryed her. "I will fix you up when we get home." He said Kindly. Even though she was heavy, he did not mind it. When he finally arrived at the house he opened the door. The house was big, and had a beautiful view of a nearby lake. He laid rose on the couch. The doctor kept his house clean, and neat. He had no trace of blood or his victims here. He then took a blanket and put it over rose, and turned on the T.V., he saw a thing on the new's about him. People demanding the hospital re-hire him. He then changed it to another channel that had a show on. The show was Criminal Minds. "I tend to watch this sometimes. Helps my darker side calm down." The doctor said as he started to cook. He was making spaghetti. He then looked outside and saw that it was going to rain soon.

"I am not a PARASITE! There is a difference in between a parasite and Infection, stupid man!" Arby screeched at the doctor, while I ignored Tara. How could they call Arby a parasite? To me, I gain more from him being here then he could ever gain from me, like the fact that I now have someone to talk to, I could never be lonely. Arby could and would protect me if someone tried to slaughter me, and he was the only person who could understand me completely.

"He is not a parasite, and I am not his host! There is a difference in between a parasite and... and ARBY!" I shouted at him in defense of my friend. "Besides, I have no idea who this Medusa person is, and I don't want to ever know."

Kazimoto then said. "I don't see arby as a parasite....I see him as something beyond that, he is smarter after all." Kazimoto then saw the doctor was gone. "This Medussa person sound's....interesting.....I wonder what other thing's the doctor is hiding.....Should I go with him Raino? and question him or do you think this is a death sentence?" He asked Tony and Raino. "And...did you see his face?! If medussa did that should we be on the look out for her if she riped of his face like that?!" He said shocked. "...and the doctor was talking about others or his so called 'friends'....." He mumbled to himself. He looked the direction the doctor went and smelt food. "mmm.....I guess he is already cooking....." 

I'd rather that everyone left him alone, that creep weirds me out... I thought to myself. "You go on and do what you want to do. I'm just going to see my family..." I said, a smile crept upon my face with just the thought of being able to see them yet again.

"Be aware that these people you know may not accept you anymore. Your father IS a priest, correct?" I was more then just a little surprised to hear that from Arby; "I'd be just fine, I'm sure that they would be glad to see me again..." I hope...

"I think he has a point." I dully announced to Rammy, worried for him and his well-being. "This... thing... this... ARBY; is just a parasite announced to be called Infection because HE was too stupid to give it a REAL name like the Flu has, or like Tape Worm. If it was possible, I would highly suggest--"

I was rudely interrupted by Rammy saying in that things' defense; "He is not a parasite, he is my FRIEND, someone who actually will listen to me�and understand me unlike you guys. Apparently you wouldn't know the difference in between a squirrel and a shark then."

Kazimoto nodded. "lets just let Arby be with Raino. If something bad happens I am shur Arby will protect him. Tony should we go to the doctors place?" He asked. "And for all I see that Arby is, that he is another living being trying to survive. I don't see him as a threatening creature unless I am in his pray list...and so far, he seem's to be friendly. But I have one question for him. If anything happened to raino, would you only protect him because he is the only thing keeping you alive or do you see him like a brother or a family member?" He asked Raino and Arby. 

The Fallen, And The Forgotten

His mansion and the huge basement where we were kept for 2 years. Has an indoor pool, and over 50 rooms in total, 47 of them in which are locked.

The Courtyard -

A large Courtyard surrounding the Mansion, over grown with weeds because of too little care. It extends out into the forest.


The Forest -

A large forest, with many trees in it and five clearings, only two of them in which are large. It has forest critters of all kinds, including deer.


The City -

One of the other places we once called home. The only other place was one of the farmlands. It is too large for people to continue to look for people more then a year and a half after they disappear, yet small enough for most of the social people to know nearly everyone.


Farm Lands -

Three farms, each in which have a huge corn or wheat field could have been one of our homes, even though two of them have been sold to someone else in the past year.


The Old Windmill -

Broke down 7 years ago; is now residence to mold, damp environments, and mice.


He is the fallen;

And we are the forgotten.

At First it seemed like just a game; a sweet party with our dearest of friends; Trent. His birthday had come up and we were over at his house for the party, to congratulate and spend some time with him. Everything on our end was just perfect-- then came Trent's father. He seemed almost like a predator, the way he was extra friendly with us, the look in his eyes when we accepted the drinks...

That man offered us to stay for the night. He had enough rooms, he said. Like the fools we were we accepted, some of us will never forget that smile he made...

2 years and we haven't seen the sunlight after that night. Yet one day, while checking up on us, he dies. His keys slip out, and we have the chance to be free yet again.

But the question remains;

Could we be accepted even though we are what we are now?


Trent was one of the first to die throughout the experiments, and he died a month after they begun. It was fall when his birthday was, meaning that it is yet again fall, 2 years afterwards.

You have been stuck and experimented on for two years until 'he' died. Now you have the chance to escape, but the scars and marks run deep on you.


Exhibited's Normal Role Play Rules Are Of Course Still Rules In This RP.

Please refrain from having super-powers; only physical changes from chemicals and other things might be in effect.

You must have 2 characters or more, and at least for one of them to be kill able. UNLESS YOUR ONLY CHARACTER IS KILLABLE. You can have max 3 nonkillable characters.


By marking a player as killable you hereby agree to allowing others to kill that character.

No making a Girl-Friend or Boyfriend for yourself if you have already made your characters and is active in the RP. Only when you first make your characters are you allowed to make a boyfriend/girlfriend for your character, and after that you must get permission from another Role Player to become your character's Girlfriend/boyfriend.

Keep Romance at a mild level; this Role Play is not focused on romance, so please no more then kissing/cuddling... 

Actually work on your descriptions, please! No simple descriptions like 'He is short and has red hair, blue eyes', please attempt to flesh out your characters a bit. ;)




You can be a Wolf-Man or a Chimera.
They cannot be wearing any extra accessories since those would have been taken away;
As said in the plot and history they where supposivly at a birthday Party before knocking out and being experimented on.

They where held there for two years, and they still have the same clothes as before, or they could have a night gown. ^^

Infection is a closed kind; and you may only join it if you have been granted my permssion. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
cycopathic cannabalistic doctor
Normal Person

Second RP Master

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