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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


"Okay," Tara said. "Interesting nickname." Creepy nickname, actually, though I guess it fits him... I don't know why, though... And was he just asking his tail for permission? It's like his tail is his master... I feel kind of sorry for him... He probably wouldn't like it if I told him that, though, I'd better keep that to myself... Don't want to lose my new friend...

"I think we should keep moving..." Tara said, "Who knows where that creepy doctor is... Or the other mutants... That one chimera looked like he knew you, though, who's he?"

Just then, Tara heard the sound of running feet. Someone was coming. To eat us! Tara thought fearfully. She whirled around and bared her teeth at whoever was running toward them. 

I muttered "Its not creepy, its cool..." to her, before saying "Tony is my friend. Also the... him... it... well... went south..." I stated, not really wanting to talk about it. I watched her twirl around to bare her teeth. Instantly Arby went into a deep growl, and changed from simply having a huge mouth and jaws to medium sized and long, and wrapped himself around me, hissing a warning in the direction that Tara was hissing in.

"What is it, you two seem--"

"I can't identify this scent; might be because I can only smell you and what I ate right now~" 

I blinked, kind of surprised. Oh, right. He can only smell through his tongue...

Ketzuma stared at them then said. "Well I will be going to Doctor Deathshire's house. If you guys want to meet up that's fine. I have full control over him like the other's I call friends, you see I have friends like that. There's the doctor, as you have seen quiet insane but once his blood lust is gone he tends to be more intelligent....and well I like using him and throwing him threw windows, doors, walls, well what can I say hes very useful. That's why I didn't kill him yet. Then there are the others..." Ketzuma said. "You see I, before I came to that little party owned a well asylum, you know killers, insane humans, and other types. I tend to use them as my tools for special jobs, so I wont have to get my hands dirty. As long as I live they obey me and fear me, they listen to my voice and kill those who disobey."

Kazimoto stared in shock. " kill people?" Was all he could say. 

"Yes I do. Its part of a job I play in, like chess, I am there king and they are my army." Ketzuma said. "And if you guys wish to stay with us I will make it clear to my followers that they will wont be allowed to kill you...." Ketzuma said. "After all I have full control over them."

Why did I just stand there and bare my teeth? Tara thought. Why didn't I just grab Raino and run... Though if I grabbed him his tail probably would have mauled me...

She stared at the two monsters, the big black wolf-man in the bloodstained tuxedo and the timid (but still scary looking) chimera. "What should we do?" she said to Raino. But why are you saying 'we', Tara? said a small voice in her head. You just met him, you don't know if he's really on your side yet...

Well... What should I do then? she wondered. She did not know. The way this wolf had been talking about that horrifying doctor, like he was just a mild nuisance, rather than a huge danger... And all that blood on his tuxedo...

He doesn't seem to want to kill us right now, at least, Tara thought, maybe we could stay with him for now... And if he starts to think of killing us, we can flee... I can, I mean, not we... gotta remember not to think 'we' until I know for sure Raino's on my side...

"Maybe I'll stay with you," Tara said, "but only if Raino agrees, too... I'm sticking with him..."

Ketzuma nodded. " Okay, and sorry if your all still scared of me. I am nothing to be scared of and if your wondering about the chimera, hes scared of everything. Tony and Raino......well......Ah what the heck with it. We got off at the wrong foot earlier. Listen when we get to the doctor's house I will cook us up a little something. I know the doctor is nerving at first, and well loud and annoying in his regular state but don't worry about him. I know everything about him, what he likes, hates, and who he trust. So he is my most trusted Allie. Tell me when you guys want to go, for knowing all of you, you might get lost. And I know Raino...I know how you fell about the doctor. He is the creepiest thing but you will soon come to trust him. You remind me of myself when I first me him....He was a true monster, but once you get to know him, he tends to get soft and nice, even obeys every thing you order him to do. So if you have questions about him ask me. I know a lot about my little psychopathic friends." Ketzuma said happily. 

The chimera, Kazimoto hid behind Ketzuma.

It was all I could do but burst out in a fit of laughter. "Him-- civil?! I doubt that thing could ever be any more civil then an ape! He for one tore off his own arm, and sank his own teeth-- into his own flesh! He'd be lucky if he weren't to die of blood-lost by when you get back! I mean, even IM and YOU KNOW WHO are more civil then he could be-!" I accused him, even though I had no idea as of how I could compare myself to this freak.

"I dont like this. Not one bit. You WILL spilt up if someone joins with that monster... You understand, right?"

I nodded to Arbies' silent words, agreeing with his decisions.

The doctor then came back with a bag. "There done..." The doctor said. Ketzuma grabbed the bag and put it on the ground. "Okay I still need to test something." Ketzuma said grabbing the doctor by the head and threw him into a tree, that fell over when the doctor hit it. The doctor let out a scream of pain while Ketzuma laughed. "Now I know your still useful, At least with your head." Ketzuma said laughing. The doctor looked at his hand that was covered in blood and started to laugh creepily to. "Oh master Ketzuma, you have such wonderful jokes....for a dead man. But I also needed to tell you master that all the assassination contracts were completed and we almost have enough money to by the pathetic town and tear it to shreds. But the others are having second thoughts about you for you have been gone for far to long, They have split up. And knowing you Ketzuma you will want me to gather the wolfs and the sheep and turn the predators on. But I need conformation, after all were best friends forever." The doctor laughed.

Ketzuma smiled as well and patted the doctor on the head. "Blood Lust how about we head home, and please be nice to our little friends...." Ketzuma said. 

"Yes master. I will do as you please. I will even break my own bones for your happyness. For I dont care about myself. All I care about is our sanctuary." The doctor said. 

Ketzuma nodded and snapped his fingers in the doctors face. The doctor was not smiling, just staring confused. Then freaked out when Ketzuma lifted his hand. The doctor quickly backed up into a tree scared. " dont do that.....I..." The doctor said scared before Ketzuma walked up to him. The doctor then yelled out in fear. "Don't kill me!!! I am sorry I have failed to control myself!!!" The doctor had tear going down his face. 

Ketzuma then grabbed him by the throat. "I wont kill you, your to important to me." Ketzuma said having his claws on his neck. "I just want you and your dark side to be more....well, quiet and less scared of me..."

The doctor then screamed. "Okay OKAY!!! Put me down! PUT ME DOWN!" He was shaking. Ketzuma laughed. "You see! Your pathetic in both worlds! But useful in Manny ways. You do remember how I punish those who don't listen? Don't you?" Ketzuma asked smiling.

"I know! Kill them slowly and let the dogs take care of the rest! I know everything you shown me!" The doctor yelled. 

Ketzuma then placed him on the ground and patted him on the head. "Good boy. I see you still know your boundaries well, and broken in peaces still. This is good. Means you still respect me." Ketzuma said.

The doctor had the look of fear in his eyes. He shook in fear.

Did my ears lie to me? Did I just really hear this? One of my friends... one of TRENT's friends... planned on wreaking our home town, the place where we grew up? This... this was terrible. And I could see that Rammy obviously hated the idea of it, as soon as he over-heard. "Don't you dare touch that town or ANY of the occupants inside of it, you freak!" He shrieked at them, eyes locked in a cold, defensive glare. The infection swung, unwinding itself, hissing at the Doctor and his friend as if enforcing Rammy's wishes that I also wanted. "I wont stand for that, either. I have known you for so long... why start this up now?"

Ketzuma then said. "Why? Do you think I am the nice guy?! I am the monster here the doctors just a puppet! The only reason to why he listens to me is because he is afraid of everyone! He has no other friends!" Ketzuma laughed. 

"Leave the doctor alone then!" Kazimoto hissed at Ketzuma. "You torchered him didnt you?! Like what he did to us! I cant beleave you! The doctors is not the threat! You Are!"

Ketzuma then laughed. "Like anyone of you would stand up for that whelp?! He is mine to control! This town will be mine! I would be surprised if any one of you care about this fool! I already know how idiotic you all are!" Ketzuma said. 

The doctor got up behind him and looked at the othere's patently watching them, seeing if they were going to help him kill Ketzuma. To see if they were going to be his friend or his enemy. For he longed to kill Ketzuma. 

Ketzuma turned around and looked at the doctor. "Kill them!" Ketzuma ordered. The doctor looked at the others. He then walked to tony and stood by tonys side with his chain saw in his hands. 

The doctor was whateing if they acepted him as a allie or a enemy. 

Ketzuma let out a loud growl at the doctor.


Tara stepped forward and stood beside the doctor, and bared her teeth at Ketzuma. Just a few minutes ago, she never would have dreamed of doing this, she would have been too scared of the doctor's chainsaw, and too scared not to side with Ketzuma. But after seeing Ketzuma torturing him, she felt so bad for him, she changed her mind completly.

"I'm not siding with a bully," she snarled, sounding braver than she felt. She knew she was crazy, preparing to fight this wolf-man more than twice her size. But she was fighting alongside a wild man with a chainsaw (and not afraid to use it) and an enormous chimera. And maybe Raino and his tail, too. She glanced at him, wondering what he would do.

Ketzuma then charged at them. When he was approaching and getting ready to pounce on the doctor. The doctor turned on his chain saw and taped it on the ground, the chain holding the deadly blades came off creating a whip, witch cut Ketzuna in half. "Dead center." The doctor muttered. Ketzunas body fell on the ground, motionless. The doctor knew the others might attack him, but he tried not to leave. He wanted to see if they would be kind to him. The doctor was quiet. His heart pounded in his chest scared for he knew that they could attack him any second. Then he felt the blood lust take control and blacked out. "I have wanted to do that for years...." He said. "You deserve that ,soon with those who follow your little organization.Take the towns people and turn them into monsters like me was one mistake you made Ketzuna, one flaw. Soon your organization will fall, but those who have worked with you will die before you destroy anyone's sanity, and ones life, For your no better than a common killer."

"Get away from Tony..." I shouted the threat to the Doctor; not willing to allow for him to harm Tony in any way. I stood, ready to fling myself at him, Arby hissed another warning.

"If he comes too close we'll make sure to harm him, kay?"

I nodded in response, and Tony went over to my side, saying "If you do not harm any of us, then I will be willing for you to be on our side." I looked at him, surprised. "T-tony..." I muttered, shocked. He held a gentle look in his eyes when he looked at me, saying softly, "Besides, with more on our side I could make sure you stay out of trouble more often."

The doctor then put the chainsaw on his back. "I am okay with that....I was waiting to kill Ketzuna....and thanks....If you need any help or a place to stay you can stay at my place. I know, I tend to scare those, but of course I had to survive. I have some friends that are against what Ketzuna and those who allied with him. And I promise I wont attack any of you." The doctor said. His eyes stared at Ketzunas motionless body. "Good thing Ketzunas followers wont know he is dead. But the others in the asylum....I wonder what things they could be doing to them...." The doctor seemed calmer. He seemed less threatening.

Kazimoto then said. "Others? You mean there are more people doing this?!" 

The doctor nodded. "I am afrade so....I only know of some...." 

"I do not want anything to do with this; right now I just want to see my sisters..." I said, starting to walk off in the direction of my hometown, in the direction of my house. The place where almost everyone I know grew up there, including Tony, Trent, and I. Fond memories where kept there, and I hoped that my older and younger sisters wouldn't be shocked or disgusted about Arby, and the infection.

Nor did I think of what my father --Also the town priest, largest Christian-- would think of the infection. He would probaly consider me now a demon and do some sort of crazy thing... or was he musslim? Or any other thing? I keep on forgetting, I wasnt too big on believing all of that stuff he attempted to make me believe.

Tara wandered off a bit, and sat in a patch of shadows, hiding her slightly. She didn't know what to do... She was still scared of the doctor, though after seeing what Ketzuma had treated him, she felt sorry for him (and agreed that the other wolf deserved what he got). But Raino still seemed reluctant to side with him... I only just met Raino half an hour ago, though, she reminded herself, he's not really my friend yet... Neither is the doctor, even if I did stand up for him (he looked like he didn't need any help)... I could just slip away, right now, and none of them would care... Something glued her to the spot though...

She listened to the conversation... She wanted to be the doctor's friend, and it looked like everyone else did too, except Raino. She watched him start walking away... Oh god, what do I do know... she thought. I still feel so bad for the doctor, I would be his friend but I wanted to be Raino's friend, too, and it looks like I can't be friends with both of them... Well, I already asked Raino to let him be his friend... But I don't think he likes me much anyway, he'd probably prefer it if I quit following him... But I don't want to lose my first friend so soon... Well, maybe I'll just think about it, I can follow his scent if I don't wait too long... Ugh, I still don't know what to do... Maybe I should just be a lone wolf... But I've been one my whole life, I don't want to be a lone wolf anymore... No Tara, don't be sentimental... Try to think straight... But she couldn't. She decided to try to talk to the others. She stepped forward, opened her mouth but then she saw them all looking at her, was seized by shyness, and her words slipped away. So she hung her head and stared at her paws.

The Fallen, And The Forgotten

His mansion and the huge basement where we were kept for 2 years. Has an indoor pool, and over 50 rooms in total, 47 of them in which are locked.

The Courtyard -

A large Courtyard surrounding the Mansion, over grown with weeds because of too little care. It extends out into the forest.


The Forest -

A large forest, with many trees in it and five clearings, only two of them in which are large. It has forest critters of all kinds, including deer.


The City -

One of the other places we once called home. The only other place was one of the farmlands. It is too large for people to continue to look for people more then a year and a half after they disappear, yet small enough for most of the social people to know nearly everyone.


Farm Lands -

Three farms, each in which have a huge corn or wheat field could have been one of our homes, even though two of them have been sold to someone else in the past year.


The Old Windmill -

Broke down 7 years ago; is now residence to mold, damp environments, and mice.


He is the fallen;

And we are the forgotten.

At First it seemed like just a game; a sweet party with our dearest of friends; Trent. His birthday had come up and we were over at his house for the party, to congratulate and spend some time with him. Everything on our end was just perfect-- then came Trent's father. He seemed almost like a predator, the way he was extra friendly with us, the look in his eyes when we accepted the drinks...

That man offered us to stay for the night. He had enough rooms, he said. Like the fools we were we accepted, some of us will never forget that smile he made...

2 years and we haven't seen the sunlight after that night. Yet one day, while checking up on us, he dies. His keys slip out, and we have the chance to be free yet again.

But the question remains;

Could we be accepted even though we are what we are now?


Trent was one of the first to die throughout the experiments, and he died a month after they begun. It was fall when his birthday was, meaning that it is yet again fall, 2 years afterwards.

You have been stuck and experimented on for two years until 'he' died. Now you have the chance to escape, but the scars and marks run deep on you.


Exhibited's Normal Role Play Rules Are Of Course Still Rules In This RP.

Please refrain from having super-powers; only physical changes from chemicals and other things might be in effect.

You must have 2 characters or more, and at least for one of them to be kill able. UNLESS YOUR ONLY CHARACTER IS KILLABLE. You can have max 3 nonkillable characters.


By marking a player as killable you hereby agree to allowing others to kill that character.

No making a Girl-Friend or Boyfriend for yourself if you have already made your characters and is active in the RP. Only when you first make your characters are you allowed to make a boyfriend/girlfriend for your character, and after that you must get permission from another Role Player to become your character's Girlfriend/boyfriend.

Keep Romance at a mild level; this Role Play is not focused on romance, so please no more then kissing/cuddling... 

Actually work on your descriptions, please! No simple descriptions like 'He is short and has red hair, blue eyes', please attempt to flesh out your characters a bit. ;)




You can be a Wolf-Man or a Chimera.
They cannot be wearing any extra accessories since those would have been taken away;
As said in the plot and history they where supposivly at a birthday Party before knocking out and being experimented on.

They where held there for two years, and they still have the same clothes as before, or they could have a night gown. ^^

Infection is a closed kind; and you may only join it if you have been granted my permssion. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
cycopathic cannabalistic doctor
Normal Person

Second RP Master

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