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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Gumby continued to carry Medussa. "I know that your unconscious....but Medussa, we both know who is going to kill your brother." Gumby laughed and giggled. "After all me and him have a bone to pick with one another...." He continued. He then started to walk towards Rattlebones house. "This will be amusing....I can't what to see Rattlebones face, for I have brought his true foe." Gumby said as he opened the door. He walked in and walked to a guest room and laid Medussa on a bed, strapping her down in chains and covering her mouth with a cloth. He then went back to the shed where Rattlebones was. "Rattlebones~ I have a surprise for you." Gumby hummed. Rattlebones looked up at Gumby as gumby said. "Follow me~" Rattlebones followed Gumby, but when Gumby shown Rattlebones Medussa, Rattlebones stood there quietly until he finally spat out. "How?! And why?! Gumby why?! S....She!!! Gumby!" Rattlebones yelled as there was a loud click, as Gumby placed Rattlebones and Medussas hands together in the same handcuffs, chaining them together. Rattlebones had a shocked look on his face as Gumby swallowed the key and ran. Rattlebones was quiet, he then unchained Medussa and carried her out of the house as he looked for Gumby. Then there was a loud scream. "Rat! Get Off Me!" Medussa yelled when she woke up. Rattlebones out of shock dropped her, and since they were cuffed together he fell to. She got up and brushed her shirt off. "Wha....What did you do?!" She yelled at Rattlebones while she kicked him on the ground. Rattlebones got up and stopped her from kicking him. They were both silent, and stared at one another. Then Medussa realised what had happened. "GUMBY!!!!!" Medussa yelled. "Be quiet you snake!" Rattlebones spat at her. They both started to walk to the town. Rattlebones tried to go back to his house while Medussa dragged him until he finally decided to go with her. "This is all your fault." Medussa hissed at Rattlebones. Rattlebones then said back. "MY fault! Says the traitorous snake! You do more than I!" Medussa rolled her eyes and continued to walk. Rattlebones stopped and pulled her back and lifted her up off the ground. "Get off me!!!" Medussa screamed punching Rattlebones in the chest. "Stop whining then and your wounded! I don't want you causing trouble!"  Rattlebones yelled back. " Get your disgusting smell off of me!!!! Get off!" She continued to yell, as Rattlebones continued to carry her. Then Medussa bit him. Rattlebone's scream of pain was loud enough to cause a echo. He then yelled. "F...Fine! You wanna play that way!" He then bit Medussa in the arm. They both let go and stopped fighting each other shortly after when they were sitting against the wall. "Y...You taste disgusting Rat!" Medussa yelled at Rattlebones covering her mouth. Rattlebones was quiet. He just sat there as medussa tried to get the taste out of her mouth. Rattlebones then held out a small candy bar. "Here....have this..." He said handing her the bar. Medussa opened it and slowly ate it. Rattlebones looked around, hoping that the others would find and help him and Medussa.

"Gumby! What are you doing?!" I demanded the answer out of him, frustrated. Why bring Medussa here? And why chain those two together? Frankly these were reasons unknown to me, and all I could do was demand to hear the reason. Besides, what if the police found this place? Then they'd both he in huge trouble. Not to mention, what if Rammy came back here, WHILE the police were here, and if Gumby or one of those other two were attacking the police, then Rammy would do something CRAZY and end up getting at least one of us killed, or even get himself killed!

"Unhandcuff them!"

Gumby giggled and said. "I know you, and I am not going to. Just watch the show, they will soon tear each other to pieces." Gumby giggled. "And I don't like other men, so if you attack me, I will eat you like you were nothing but a drumstick, tearing off your flesh and bone." Gumby hissed at Tony. Gumby then climbed a tree and watched as Medussa and Rattlebones where in the town. Gumby laughed harder and harder. He was amused by this, but he knew that this was the start of either a new friendship or the end of both of them. 

"Tara, you're alive!"

Tara nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard her brother's voice. She whirled around to face him. He gave her an affectionate punch in the face, the blow made her stagger and almost fall. "Well, I'm glad I still have you, at least," he said, "though frankly I'd rather have my friends..." Then he saw Raino standing there, and was about to make a rude comment when they heard the sounds of Medussa and Rattlebones shouting in the distance.

"OH MY GOD!" said Gregor, and he zoomed off in the direction of the shouts. Jackie followed. Tara glanced over her shoulder at Raino then followed too.

They were shocked to see Medussa and Rattlebones handcuffed to each other.

"Um... Gumby... why did you do this..." said Tara quietly, not sure what to do.


Medussa looked at the others and got up, then rattlebones got up and was going to say something when his hand brushed against Medussas. Medussa had a disgusted look on her face, then she punched Rattlebones. "I said don't touch me you horrid Rat!!!" she yelled. Rattlebones then grabbed her by the neck an yelled. "Calm down you snake!!!! I was not the one who got us into this mess, this was all you!" Medussa then bit Rattlebones in the arm. Rattlebones let out another yell, trying to get Medussa off. Medussa finally let go and kicked Rattlebones in the leg, making him fall to the ground. 

"Hey, leave him alone!" cried Tara. She sprang at Medussa, knocking her to the ground, and held her neck in her mouth, not biting down but threatening to, growling menacingly.

"Tara!" shouted Jackie. He grabbed his sister and yanked her off of Medussa.

"Are you actually defending that creepy doctor? Those two are both clearly dangerous... well, the girl looks harmless but if she can knock down that creepy doctor so easily... well... I think it's best if we just let them kill each other..."

"No!" said Tara. She pulled herself free from her brother's grasp and darted to Rattlebone's side. She crouched over him defensively.

"Stop fighting you two! I don't want to see either of you get killed," she said. "I know I must sound like a turncoat, but you both saved my life... so you know... But don't touch Rattlebones Medussa or else."

"HEY!" shouted Gregor, rushing over to Medussa's side. "If you two do anything to Medussa you're in for it!"

"Don't make me laugh," scoffed Jackie. "You're both too wimpy to stop the girl and the creepy doc from fighting. Just back off and let them fight, or you'll both get beaten up."

"Um... Gumby, can't you just uncuff them?" Tara asked. "This isn't necassary, is it? Because if you don't they'll keep fighting... And I'll fight too, and probably Gregor will too... And we'll all get hurt... That would be bad..."

"Sure you'll get hurt. So what? You're all being idiots anyway," said Jackie, and he started to walk away. 

Gumby laughed in the tree, then said. "Do you think I am your friends?! I am not uncuffing them for I want something....and Medussa holds it dear to her heart." Medussa looked shocked. "Leave him alone." Medussa hissed at Gumby. "Medussa, me and your brother have a deadly bone to pick with each other....I wonder how he will taste...."Gumby hissed back smiling and showing his reptilian eye. Gumby then left before Medussa could say anything. He jumped down and out of the tree and disappeared below. Medussa looked at Rattlebones and go up with him and said to him. "...I can't believe you let Gumby live....If he kill's him, let me just say, I don't care if I break your arm off. This is all your fault. When you found that boy, you should have killed him...." Rattlebones then said. "I did not kill Gumby because I believed at the time he still had some humanity in him." Medussa then turned at Rattlebones then ripped off his mask and yelled. "He has no Humanity!!! For one reason WE found him eating his own family!!! You threatened all of us when you brought him here! So I suggest YOU finish what you started with that boy!!!" Rattlebones looked shocked and looked away from her. "I know what gumby can do first hand, because I was stuck in a place next to him when He took us there. What ever He did, that boy lost all of his humanity and is corrupted....He ate his own sister for goodness sakes, while she was trying to comfort him."  Medussa continued. "Would you kill a child for that reason, a boy who has been through more then we have? For once will you lisen Medussa and not be blinded by your pride. He was 13 when we found him... and what would you do if that happened to you?" Rattlebones said back. "If I turned into a monster like that, I would want you to kill me! Not just take me in and expect things to get better!" Medussa said. "Well Gumby is my problem not yours!" Rattlebones yelled back. "Why do you care about him?! He want's us both dead! Don't you see that!" Medussa yelled. Rattlebones was now angered. "Gumby...won't do that...." Rattlebones said. "Open your eyes!!! He is not a Human any more!" Medussa yelled. Rattlebones was quiet. "You are to stubborn and to stuck to your own reality! Listen for once!" Medussa yelled. Rattlebones looked at her then said. "Well if that happened to someone you care about like Raino or your brother, what would you do? Would you be so heartless to kill them?" Rattlebones said calmly. Medussa was quiet. 

"Um... maybe I can pick the handcuff's locks with my claws," Tara said. She started trying to do this. It took her a few minutes but finally she got it off, first off of Rattebone's wrist then off of Medussa's wrist. Then she stood there silent. She didn't know what to say. Gregor didn't seem to know what to say either, and Jackie had disappeared.

"Please don't fight, you three," Tara said finally. "There are already lots of people out to kill us... you know, like the police, and animal control... Shouldn't we try to sort things out peacefully so we can work together to survive? And you know, I don't think any of us are completley human anymore... I already murdered at least a dozen people... I feel horrible about it... I'm sure we all feel bad about our sins... But... well... you know..." Then she fell silent again, worrying she hadn't said quite the right thing.

Medussa then hissed. "I already have enough to worry about. My brother is going to die because of YOU!" Medussa then punched Rattlebones in the face. Rattlebones then got up and then yelled. "Sometime I wonder How we ever became partners with Ketzuna. But oh well, at least Tara can listen, unlike you and your stubbornness." Medussa then hissed at him. " Be quiet!!!" Rattlebones then said. "Oh and let me just say, we both betrayed each other. So stop your crying you idiot!!!" Medussa then punched him. Rattlebones then grabbed her arm. Medussa stared at Rattlebones and then hissed. "I hope you rot like the rest of the cannibalistic trash!" Rattlebones then let her go. " Well girly I already am dieing! So why don't we settle the score, like old partners in crime, and kill each other once and for all." Rattlebones said to her. Medussa was quiet. "After all this is what you want, to kill me. To kill someone who risked there life to save you. Accidents happen, and I made many, I have sinned more than any of you. I know I left you at the asylum, and betrayed you by turning you in to Ketzuna. I know what he did to you was harsh, but I was trying to help..." Rattlebones said. Medussa then said in rage. "You left me to die! Then when I was on Death Row you came, I was almost dead because of you!" 

"I... I'll stop him. He does seem like a real threat, and... I don't want to let anyone else get hurt..." I muttered, what was I saying? Stop him? What kind of idiot was I being?! I couldn't even keep my mind focused on one thing at a time, and the last time I tried to stop someone from killing another, when I attempted to stop him from killing anyone else, I ended up... I ended up loosing a part of me... I bit my lip, not wanting to remember that at all.

"Besides, I doubt that he'd wish to eat me. I don't think that Arby would be tasty to anyone, and for that fact no one with an ounce of brain should want to get me or him."

Medussa then said. "knowing how fast he is, he is a threat....I have dealt with him more and saw that today that he was not trying to harm you. Probably because he was interested in you because he is curiosity. He tends to do that to fool his new pray before learning there weakness." Rattlebones then said. "Medussa, he is not a animal, he is a boy. He probably won't harm-" Rattlebones was cut off by Medussa. "You created this monster Rattlebones, you shown him the town. He knows where to kill people because of what you shown him. He is a threat that needs to be ended. So tell me again...did him chaining us together and threatening to kill us both sound Human? or was he more than anything broken apart, a true monstrosity." Medussa said. She wanted for his answers. "Listen. I really don't care what any of you think, I won't kill him. He is just a boy, a young man who went through a traumatic experience. He just needs help." Rattlebones said. "He killed his family, how is that human?! If you looked in his eyes, he has no emotions or empathy. It is more like staring into the eyes of a killer than a human." Medussa said. Rattlebones was quiet. "I don't see any other way, we have to kill Gumby...." Medussa said. "H..He is my responsibility, and I will handle this! I just need time." Rattlebones yelled. "We don't have time, and since your the one who brought him here, you have more than just him to deal with." Medussa said.


Gumby was at Medussa's so called brothers hiding place, watching him silently. He made a low growl and a hiss to see where he was. Then he heard something and was quiet. He climbed up on the celling and waited. Then when he came in, Gumby jumped on his back, biting down on Medussas so called brother. He let out screams of pain as gumby bit, scratched, and clawed him. Gumby then bit down on Medussas brothers skull, cracking it. Gumby did not give him a chance to fight. Once there was no more struggling, he left with the body. He was dragging it some where, to his hidden home. He walked down the alleyways as cops came by. He hid until the cops left, he then continued on his way.

"I know that I might seem unlike myself to say this but... Rattlebones, you should listen to her. She's correct that he should have been killed from the start. All he is is something that causes destruction and harm to everyone around him, he needs to be stopped, or worse." I stated, currently wanting to hit Rattlebones for bringing such a person here, but I keep my temper.

"You know that you can't stop him, and Rattlebones will continue making mistakes." Arby cooed some words that I didn't want to hear at the moment, and attempted to ignore him.
"Admit it, you and I both know that he as the bringer will continue to make that same mistake and only cause more trouble."

Rattlebones the looked at Raino and said. "Frankly you and Medussa are the same. Cold hearted, and blinded by what you think you see. I known Gumby more than any of you. If he is after Medussas brother, he has done something to Gumby. Gumby just wont attack a randome person." Medussa then said. "My brother has done nothing to that parasite. The first time they encountered each other was at the church, and that was at night. Gumby was following him and when my brother saw Gumby, he tried to run. Once Gumby saw my brother running, he chased after him." Rattlebones then said. "Gumby does that when he is playing, there is a difference when he is playing and attacking." Medussa then hissed then said. "Oh? and what is that difference." Rattlebones then replied. "He will start to mess around with who ever is around. Making idiotic remarks, if it is a girl he tends to flirt. When he attacks, he wont hesitate to extend himself, and his fear is replaced by anger and violence. During that period of violence he is unfazed by the water, or anything that harm him."

At the phrase 'cold hearted' I practically just wanted to go and hide away. I shouldn't let simple words reach me so easily, but that was the same reason why I was so easy to pick on, and I still am easily hurt.

"Am I really cold hearted?" I muttered, not really wanting to know the answer, expecting an 'Of course you are' as the answer. "I-if that's what you really think, then why haven't you done anything to me yet?"

"Because he has more problems, don't ask that question. It might-" 

"I don't care what you say, Arby." I muttered to him, before turning to leave. "If you really think that I am cold hearted, then why don't I live up to your expectations? I'll make sure something terrible happens to Gumby since you seem so fond of him, and because I already have reason to because of what he has done." Those words were spat out at him, as I really didn't want to deal with this right now. Why couldn't people just leave me alone now... why do I feel the need to do things that I know that I cannot? Its just not fair anymore.

Rattlebones then said. "I was not expecting you to bring him back alive anyway Raino, after all I know you hate him to. You hate me as well, so come boy. Kill me if you hate me, after all I know you and Medussa want me dead. So why don't you? I don't kill you because I am already trying to kill someone else, and letting you in my territory, your lucky to even be alive. I hate you Raino, I hate you with a passion. After all you annoy me, barge into my home, disrupt my peace, and break my chainsaw. Why Would I not hate a annoyance like you!"

The Fallen, And The Forgotten

His mansion and the huge basement where we were kept for 2 years. Has an indoor pool, and over 50 rooms in total, 47 of them in which are locked.

The Courtyard -

A large Courtyard surrounding the Mansion, over grown with weeds because of too little care. It extends out into the forest.


The Forest -

A large forest, with many trees in it and five clearings, only two of them in which are large. It has forest critters of all kinds, including deer.


The City -

One of the other places we once called home. The only other place was one of the farmlands. It is too large for people to continue to look for people more then a year and a half after they disappear, yet small enough for most of the social people to know nearly everyone.


Farm Lands -

Three farms, each in which have a huge corn or wheat field could have been one of our homes, even though two of them have been sold to someone else in the past year.


The Old Windmill -

Broke down 7 years ago; is now residence to mold, damp environments, and mice.


He is the fallen;

And we are the forgotten.

At First it seemed like just a game; a sweet party with our dearest of friends; Trent. His birthday had come up and we were over at his house for the party, to congratulate and spend some time with him. Everything on our end was just perfect-- then came Trent's father. He seemed almost like a predator, the way he was extra friendly with us, the look in his eyes when we accepted the drinks...

That man offered us to stay for the night. He had enough rooms, he said. Like the fools we were we accepted, some of us will never forget that smile he made...

2 years and we haven't seen the sunlight after that night. Yet one day, while checking up on us, he dies. His keys slip out, and we have the chance to be free yet again.

But the question remains;

Could we be accepted even though we are what we are now?


Trent was one of the first to die throughout the experiments, and he died a month after they begun. It was fall when his birthday was, meaning that it is yet again fall, 2 years afterwards.

You have been stuck and experimented on for two years until 'he' died. Now you have the chance to escape, but the scars and marks run deep on you.


Exhibited's Normal Role Play Rules Are Of Course Still Rules In This RP.

Please refrain from having super-powers; only physical changes from chemicals and other things might be in effect.

You must have 2 characters or more, and at least for one of them to be kill able. UNLESS YOUR ONLY CHARACTER IS KILLABLE. You can have max 3 nonkillable characters.


By marking a player as killable you hereby agree to allowing others to kill that character.

No making a Girl-Friend or Boyfriend for yourself if you have already made your characters and is active in the RP. Only when you first make your characters are you allowed to make a boyfriend/girlfriend for your character, and after that you must get permission from another Role Player to become your character's Girlfriend/boyfriend.

Keep Romance at a mild level; this Role Play is not focused on romance, so please no more then kissing/cuddling... 

Actually work on your descriptions, please! No simple descriptions like 'He is short and has red hair, blue eyes', please attempt to flesh out your characters a bit. ;)




You can be a Wolf-Man or a Chimera.
They cannot be wearing any extra accessories since those would have been taken away;
As said in the plot and history they where supposivly at a birthday Party before knocking out and being experimented on.

They where held there for two years, and they still have the same clothes as before, or they could have a night gown. ^^

Infection is a closed kind; and you may only join it if you have been granted my permssion. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
cycopathic cannabalistic doctor
Normal Person

Second RP Master

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