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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Tsuki saw the paw indentations the she dragon was showing, she glared at the humans. "Dragon you would be advised to just slaughter them. That is what I plan to do, devouring filth is bad for you." The dragon was surprised untill she looked at her feet and swore. "Oh wise kitsune, what do we do with the dead humans then?" Tsuki grinned sharp teeth showing "I don't really care as long as they die for what they did." The pair watched the humans, "This is like a kitsune festival isn't it? I was invited to a moon viewing one for some reason..." "No it isn't we don't capture other creatures for our amusement." The dragon shook her head "Name's Luna, what's yours?" "Tsuki, I hope this means we are allies against the humans." "The enemy of my enemy is my freind." "We have to rescue those creatures from them, then the humans die." "Sounds like a plan..." 
I lay there in a cage that the humans put me in, just thinking about them makes me sick to my stomach. I rolled over on my side, boerd out of my mind. Then a human came up "Feeding time." he yelled to all the creatures and threw me a steak that was the only thing good about all this free food. I started to eat the steak, then a little girl walked up to my cage "Kitty." she said and pointed at me. Her mom stood behind her "You don't want to pet that kitty sweety." she told the little "Aww." she said then they walked away. That was different. I thought. that little one didn't seem to have any interest in killing me or imprisoning me. These are strange beings. I thought and continued to eat mt steak.
Luna looked down at the kitsune, Luna herself had no bad experiences with humans but she considered them a threat. This fox however had been greatly wronged. "If you don't mind me asking Tsuki what did the humans do to you?" "Raided my village and killed all of them except for me." Luna looked a bit shocked, "Wow... I'm sorry to hear that..." "Nothing for you to apologize for dragon san." "Please just call me Luna." "Luna then." "You got a plan to get those creatures out?" The fox took a careful look about and said "We wait for the moon to rise before we do anything." The pair hid in a cave and waited for nightfall talking over plans to get the other creatures out without being caught themselves.
Alexis looked up at Taber,he had hit her very hard in the head,now she could only see in blurs... "Taber I'm sorry..." was all she could choke out. She could feel herself getting colder and colder. The volcano was dieing out too... Its color was fading and the lava was cooling. So was Alexis. She lifted her head to nudge Taber on the shoulder. He looked down with sorrow. "don't feel bad it wasn't your fault..."she drifted off. The volcanos core stopped flowing,and Alexis' heart stopped beating. She lay limp next to Taber. The volcano became dormant and the island seemed increasingly colder. One of the stones on alexis' shoulders fell off. Taber picked it up. Ful of grief and sadness he walked off...
"The volcano is cooling down... another dragon down..." Luna was saddened by the loss of another one of her own and her resolve waned. "Did you know them?" Tsuki asked. "No I didn't. Now I wonder if my idea to just have chicks to preserve my kind is the better choice for me." "They would be in danger as long as humans exsist here. There is no choice except fight or wait to die." "You think that rescuing those other creatures is worth risking our necks?" "You'd leave them there?" "Untill we could be assured we'd make it out." "Yes it's worth it." The howl of werewolves announced moonrise. "So Tsuki what's the plan?" "Can you breath fire?" "Not enough to melt those bars. I'm not so good at destroying things but I can try." "So we require a dragon who can melt or break those bars..." The silver fox sighed "We need others then like the she dragon Crimson..." "That's my sister..." "Why did you not inherrit some of her power?" "She's at her best when the sun shines I'm at mine when the moon is full and high. We're almost polar opposites when it comes to our abilities."
Tsuki sighed "Where do we find her then?" "I don't know she ran off to gather others to fight the humans. Speaking of others, at this rate we'll be forming our own group at this rate. Who's in charge?" Tsuki looked up at the dragon staring into her silver eyes "We are equals at present, if others joined I assumed you would take charge." The dragon shook her head "I'm not a leader, nor am I such a good follower. I make up my own mind but can cooperate as needed." Tsuki's ears flattened "Of all the dragons I had to run into, I found one who hasn't tried to eat me but also can not fight and will not obey reliably. Can you not hunt too?" The dragon looked offended "I'm a great hunter my success rate is nine out of ten hunts result in kills. I eat just enough to stay alive and well. I am keeping my size down for a good reason. I wish to keep my maneuverability and agility. The larger I become the harder it is to get into places other dragons can't so I have more options of food and shelter." The vixen looked surprised "So you are small by choice? That is stupid and let me guess you abstain from unicorn and alicorn too?" "I like my water clean and my prey plump so yes I do unless they are old, injured, weak, or suffering." Tsuki laughed at the dragon beside her "How have you survived this long?" The dragon answered "A sharp mind."

 Starhorn and Dary flew down and landed next to Alexis. Taber was just flying away. They saw the look of grief as he took off, and heard him let out a roar of anguish as he soared into the sky.

 They looked at Alexis. They saw the puddle of blood forming around her head. Then they saw that one of her gems had fallen off.

"No..." said Starhorn.

"We're too late," said Dary, "she's dead..."

"No, it's not too late!" cried Starhorn. "We can still save her! I know we can! Let's heal her, right now!"

He touched Alexis with his horn. His horn glowed, but nothing else happened.

"I'm sorry Starhorn, but it really is too late..." Dary said.

"No it's not!" said Starhorn. "You have to help me! If we do it together we can bring her back to life!"

So Dary touched Alexis with her horn too. But still nothing happened.

After awhile Dary stopped. "She is gone, Starhorn, it's too late to bring her back..."

"No!" sobbed Starhorn. "She can't be dead, I only just met her..." He started to cry as he continued to pour his magic into the dragon's dead body through his horn. Dary  stood sadly and silently beside him and nuzzled him. Finally, Starhorn ran out of magic, out of energy, and collapsed. He continued to weep... 

Luna and Tsuki watched the human's night time habits. Luna asked the fox beside her "So some of them stand watch... Think we'll need backup?" "A distraction would be wise." Luna knew that kitsune were cautious and calculating by nature and smart. "Who's going to be crazy enough to volunteer for that?" "A creature on the inside yet not imprisoned. A werewolf perhaps?" "You think you can convince one to help us with this." "My dear the humans are trying to eliminate them, a chance to do this would appeal to them." "They must be crazy or brave, but my next question is how do we find one and get them ready to infiltrate the humans?" "We must gain audiance with an alpha and convince them. They will be able to get any member of the pack to help us. Just let me do the talking." Luna fell silent and continued to watch the humans. One came close to where they were hiding. It was male and alone. A chance to pick one off. Since Luna ate the whole carcass there would be no body left to find just the strange inedible things the human carried. Luna licked her chops and pounced on the human silencing him and removing the inedible items destroying them. She then carried her prize somewhere else to eat. Luna found the meat tender and sweet like a young pig and the bone easy to bite through... 
I landed in the cave and looked around where is everyone? I thought. then looked out of the cave, Miya was who knows where, Dary was up near the top of the volcano, and there was creatures in cages. So what am I supposed to do now? I jumped out of the cave and flapped a few times landing softly. My ears flicked whats that? I thought hearing something. I slowly started to walk to the forest to the sound, then I heard a twig snap. "Humans!" I yelled and took off into the air dodging arrows. I flew toward Dary for help.
Ice-Fire flew around his grand kingdome, his scales gleamed from above and people and creatures of the lower vallys saw his scales glow. He breathed out a blue flame, Proudness and happyness lept in his heart. His huge wings, that were longer than his body and wip like tail rose and fell in the wind. He breathed out another flam of joy, celabrating his kingdomes victory and triumph. He then roared. His roar ecod fore milles and milles away. " My kingdome is now pure, no more evil lurks in my kingdome, my pure grand kingdome." He shouted with joy. 
I raised my head hearing the roar "Hey if your kingdom is so pure come save me!" I roared back out the cage. One of the humans looked at me, I hissed at him and he went along his way. I looked up at the sky to wait and see if the dragon had heard me, if he didn't I'm sure someone did. I sighed and lay down in the cage "Some one give me some food!" I hissed at the human in front of my cage. Animals aren't meant to be in a box, it messes with your brain.
Ice-Fire then swoped down and landed growling at the humans he didnt know and helped Rocky out of the cage. "How dare you intrude on my land." Ice-Fire hissed at the humans. "Your lucky I dont send my knights after you." Ice-Fire said. " I know you are not from her because of the smell so dont say you are. and if you lived in my kingdom you would know one rule, we live with nature. So leave!" Ice-Fire roared breathing out his blue flame at them. When they ran away Ice-fire turned his attention to Rocky. " Are you hurt at all?" He asked with his eyes gleaming from the light.

"No I'm fine but we have to get out of here!Now!" I hissed and took off towards the woods, ready to see Miya, Della, and Dary. 

I stopped at the bottom of the cliff "Hey Miya!" I yelled up to the cave. Miya looked down over the edge "Rocky is that you?" she said in disbelief. I nodded and dug my claws into the ground a rocky ladder formed up the cliff and I climbed it easily. "It's nice to see you again." I said happily "DDo how did you get out of that cage." Miya asked "Oh another dragon." Miya hissed.  

Ice-Fire was fighting off some humans who didnt leave. Then his knights came on horses that had some type of see throgh armor. The knights then chased off the rest of the humans. One knight stayed behind with Ice-Fire. "Shall we send out the Ice hounds my lord?" The knight asked. " Send them, we dont want humans who have no hearts running rampid." Ice-Fire said to his knight. " And thank you Faithfiner Death-Fang." Ice-Fire said to his knight. " Your welcome. Ice-Fire." The knight said before joining the chase. Ice-Fire turned around to see how was Rocky and the others.
I flew down out of the cave and landed near the dragon "You be careful you might be a dragon but it is hard to gain my trust." I hissed and flicked my tail, my torn wing resting on my back "Just because you saved my friend doesn't mean you get trust from the leader of our group." I growled and started to circle the dragon "Name?" I asked still circling. "Also don't try anything stupid that would be a bad idea." I hissed the gem on my shoulders and tail glowing a deep sea blue, for my water powers.

Gem Dragons
The dragons Island.An island filled with creatures from myth and fantasy.
A mythical creature RP.They are called gem dragons because they have gems in their shoulders and tails. Their gems give them element powers.The dragons have to defend their home from the humans trying to take it from them. People setting the forest a blaze, shooting down dragons, and poisoning their waters.Some humans want to help the dragons but the dragons don't completely trust them.
The land used to be full of life where dragons and other animals lived peacefully. Until the humans came and tried to take it but the dragons won't go down with out a fight.

1:No powerplaying

2:Be nice

3:You can be a dragons or another creature trying to help the dragons.

4:You can have four charters

5:Have fun

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Ninetailed fox
stray dog
Tame dog
Water horse

Second RP Master
Dark-Little-Darkling (#18388)

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