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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Jane saw Night dart of into the trees in the direction of the wolf that left. Something was wrong. The wind blew even stronger now, and with it came the scent of hunters. "Nightmare!" Jane howled, leaping off the branch and hit the ground at a sprint. She ran as fast as she could through the trees. Why was Nightmare going towards the danger? Breaking through the undergrowth she saw the hunters. And Nightmare was caught in one of their nets in the back of their truck. The male who had left was just standing over a deer. Didn't he care? Nightmare had just sacrificed herself for him and he was just standing there like a knot on a log. Jane for got the wolf when the truck started to move. She took off after it.  

I ran after the male "Come back" I howled after Swift. When i finally caught up with him he was standing there. "Shhh do you hear that" he said to me. I listened and I heard it. The clicking of claws on the ground on a man made road. "Come on I shouted at him". I sprinted threw the forest with Swift right near me. When we came to the road we I saw  humans in a truck and in the back seat was a wolf. The we caugth the sent it was nightmare. Jane was closest to the truck and we caught up with her flanking her sides all alpha presense gone a wolf need help and she would get it we were all connected, all family in a way because we came from the same roots.
Jane ran after the truck for about a mile and a half, chokeing on it' s exhaust the enitre time. The acidic air was burning her throat makeing every breath sting her lungs. Suddenly, two of the wolves from the clearing were beside her, running after the truck that was taking her sister to the humans vile city. "What are doing?" she barked. They didnt know her or her sister, so why were they trying to help? The humans in the truck had not seen them yet but soon they would be at a gate to the city. The path was turning to gravel, cutting into Janes soft paws. It would'nt be long until them reached the gate.
"Were helping you what does it look like were doing" I said to Jane. I was getting tired of this she wolf. "We wanted to help you save you sister, because I know what its like to lose family." I had lost all my family my sisters, brothers, my father, and my mother. The smoke from the truck was comeing in black wisps choking me but i pushed foward with Jane. She looked like her muscled were straining each step she took. I glanced at Swift if he was getting tired he sure wasn't showing it but then he was a male and males were stong and built to last endurance they were the females protecters but they knew we could also take care of are selves."The smell of humans gets stronger" I said to Jane.
"I cant belive we caught a wolf James" I said to him while in the pick up. "Shes a real beauty what are we gonna do with her" I asked him. "Well thats up to pa to decide but i heard there was a lady that wanted a living wolf in her house said shed give us a load of money" James replied to me. I sat silently the wolf in the back had protected another wolf. "James you think that wolf was her mate the one we almost caught" I asked him. I didn't like to kill or remove a wolf from its habitat unless I needed too. My brothers on the other hand loved to catch the creatures in the forest. I looked behindthe truck. "James theres wolves tailing us" I shouted.
I thrashed, hearing the others. I snarled and growled, ending up in the floor-board of the truck. I snapped my teeth and my bindings, but the would not break. "LET ME GO!" I knew humans couldn't understand, but I wanted out. I kicked and only got more tangled up, but I kept on. Memories flooded into me. My parents being violently killed, growing up alone. Jane. What would she do without me? We where the same age but I had sheltered her, afraid she would become hatdened like me. Fear for her was stronger than for myself. I howled and bit into the rope again.
I surveyed as they took the female, called 'Nightmare' away. I also watched as the wolf called 'Jane' chased frantically after the rolling-paw monster with the male. In five swift leaps I leaped onto the top of it and dug my claws deep into its hard metal pelt. This brought back bad memories. Of how the hunters mercilessly through my wolf parents onto the seat of that filthy thing, then drove off, leaving only me, only a pup, too survive against the dangerous elements of the world. I would get those idiots back, because they made a terrible, terrible mistake murdering my parents, no matter how cruel I have to be, I will get them back, I thought. With that, I let out the most piercing, loudest, ear-shattering howl/snarl/roar I ever had in my life. The humans inside the monster let out some shouts and swerved it to a stop and and got out, looking for their prey. I sighed because they had guns, so I gave a shout to Jane as the doors were left open before leaping onto a comfortable branch. "better be quick!" I said to her "those hunters'll be back before you know it." I smirked and flicked my tail. I love being superior over one when it comes to danger; after all, I'm always on the lookout for it.
I sighed, of course they were helping me but why? The trees were starting to thin out. The city was not far off now, and once the truck was through the gate Nightmare would be gone forever. The path turned from gravel to asphalt. I pushed myself even faster, straining to keep up with the truck. I was level with exhaust now, the black smoke was thick and sufficateing. It was turning my white fur a dirty gray black. I lenghten my stride as much as I could, gaining a bit more speed. I noticed the cat wolf on top of the truck and growled. 'What is with that wolf?' i thought. The asphalt was tearing open the small scrapes that the gravel had made. I didnt know how much longer i could keep this up.
A wolf was on top of the tuck. "Stop the car James grab your gun and get out"  I grabed my dart tranquilizer gun and my hand gun and jumped out of the car. I ran to a tree and swung up. The I aim my Dart gun and shot at a female they probaly thought i was shooting bullets. There was so many wolves. I heard James yelling. I reached for my pocket. I panicked I had forgotten my cell phone in the car. "James call are brothers" I shouted I knew he had his phone."Okay" he shouted. A wolf had just bit my ankle so I kicked the wolf with my boot.

The truck screeched to a stop and two human jumped. The female had a gun. I ducked as she started shoting at us. She started climb a tree to get away from us. I jumped up onto the tree sinking my teeth into her ankle. I jumped down, takeing the human with me. SHe kicked and thrashed as I draged her away from them. She tryed to shot at me, a bullet or whatever it was grazed my shoulder. I took the gun in jaws wrenching it from her hands. I leaped back up the and set the gun down in a tangle of branches. I jumped back down, but stumbled, twisting my paw as I landed on it. What was going on? Why was my vision failing? 

James lifted me up and threw me in the truck "Thats it were getting out of here" he yelled while running. I was looking over my shoulder a female wolf was stubbling around shes a beauty I thought to myself. Then I was in the truck next to james. He started the truck and we shot foward. Swerve a little i dont want a wolf to get on the roof again James grunted in agrement. In my mind i knew  it was wrong but i decided I was going to have to sell the wolf in the back after all my family need the money. "Im so sorry" I wispered to the wolf in the back. Just then I felt the pain in my ankle "Oh shoot the wolf bit me"  I said. Then we where in front of the now opening gate.

I calmed a bit as the human spoke to me. Something sound sorrowfull. Could they be unhappy of my capture? No, that was impossable. I looked out the side of the truck as they drove through the gates. I whimpered and whined as sights and sounds came flooding in. What was this place? How could they destroy nature? I continued to whine, terrified of what was going to happen.

One of the humans turned around and shoved something in my thigh, grumbling something. I yelped at the sharp pain. The world began to grow fuzzy and dim. Within moments all went black.

Ima slapped James on the arm. "Ow" James said and then winced when he was slapped on the other arm. "Why did you hit me" James said and Ima replied "because you just slammed the tranq into the poor wolf next time try to be gentle." When Ima got home her father was waiting for her. "What has happened" he boomed when he saw her leg. "Well there we caught this wolf and its pack came after us they were the stangest wolves I have ever seen each one was real pretty and Pa there was more than one male wolf" Ima said. "Well at least you got one of them now treat that wound and tell your brothers to put that wolf in the cage" boomed her father. Ima went to clean the cage in the back it was large and spacious she made sure to pad the wolf cell and stick a big peice of meat she had just caught inside the wolf cell the wolf may be caught but it wasn't going be treated bad.

Sora yawned as she woke up and stretched. She arched her back in the pale light. 'I wonder what will happen today, Sora thought to herself. Just then, a truck passed close to where she was. She sighed. "What are these humans doing now? They typically don't drive quite so close, unless they are searching for wolves, she muttered to herself. Wait a moment! That was a wolf in that truck!" Now what was that chasing it? Wolves? Not only that, but a pack of wolves?!

Something possessed her to race after this truck. She noticed the other wolves slowing down. That or she was speeding up. She couldn't be sure. Sora managed to bite a tire, but was thrown off. When she looked up, she realized that she lost the truck in the city.

We had lost the truck and in losing the truck lost Nightmare. Sky could tell that Jane was sad and it was then that Sky notice a new wolf had joined them and had bit the tire of the truck. Jane was breathing heavily and so where all the wolves the only ones not breathing heavily where the male. "What are you gonna do know Jane" Sky asked. Each wolf felt sorry for the loss Jane had. "If you want we can go after her and make a plan I for one will stick with you" said Sky. So will Swift the male wolf nodded.  "Theres one problem we can only have one Alpha"

Wolves of the Night


A 100 sqare miles of forest that covers part of a mountain and its foothills. It is filled with small mountian streams, most of which are poluted from the surrounding cities.


With peaks higher than the clouds, the top is covered in snow year round. Near the bottom is a network of caverns filled with crystals and underground rivers that have remained untouch for thousands of years.


Bright and shining, it just keeps growing, threatening to consume what little forest is left.



You are a wolf. The time of humans is ready to fall, and your kinds time to rise. After the great massacre of your species, you and only a handful of wolves are left to take down trillions of cities. Though many died, something good did come out of all of the deaths, anger. The remaining wolves have had it, and are ready to fight to the death. It is time to rally forces and defeat the humans and rid the world of the plague that has destroyed the planet. So will you fight, or run with your tail tucked?


Humans have long since covered the earth with their polluting cities. What few wild places were left are tough and violent. The press of humans has caused the animals to adapt and evolve faster than ever before. Fascinated, the scientist studied the top predators to explore these new advances. What the found horrified them.
The wolf had evolved into a new advanced being, rivaling that of humans. They had learned not only how to survive, but how to thrive. The wolves grew angry over the humans foolishness and disrespect for the earth. War began. Wolves were hunted to near extinction, with bounties on their pelts dead or alive. Few escaped, and even few lived.


Same rules in the RP guide apply.

Please use actual wolf ages, a wolf just isn't going to be 14 or 20 years old.

No cussing but if you absolutely have to blank it out somehow. 

Please do not use text lanugage.

Romance and violence are welcome just don't be graphic.


Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
Sola (Nightly Scare) (#4805)

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