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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Hey guys, just thought I'd ask you to please use capital letters at the begining pf scenences. and periods at the end. Also, if your wolf is speaking, use quation marks like these "talking". Thank you. ^^

I narrowed my eyes at the male wolf, sizeing him up. Alpha male and female were mates, or only one at a time, and I wasn't sure I wanted to give up my position, or if I liked this wolf. "A truce? What can you offer us? We have made it on our own for almost a year now, and we can't trust you." I sat down. "Besides, I'm not so sure if you could make as Alpha male." I allowed a weary edge to creep into my voice. The last thing I wanted this male to think was I was and easy target. "Jane, what do you think?"

The sounds of an argument carry on the  breeze, and my ears flatten against my skull. They're drawing attention to themselves, something that I wouldn't do, especially in these hard times. I easily catch their scents, and the fur on my neck bristles involuntarily. I don't trust anybody except myself. I realize that I'm going to have to go towards them in order to get to my favorite hunting area, and that unsettles me greatly. I sit and ponder the situation for a few minutes, before finally standing up and trotting cautiously in their direction. I stare unblinkingly at them, my gaze cold and icy. I walk stiff legged as I near them, the hair on my hackles raising. I sniff at them, wrinkling my nose in disdain. I hate to have to be this close to them, seeing as I hate company and I hate confrontations with others. I can't help myself, and I say, "If you wanted to draw attention to yourself, you've succeeded." It comes out as a growl, and I narrow my eyes at them. I walk slowly and very cautiously. You can never know what wolves will do these days. I keep an eye on them as I move, watching their every move. I'm not taking any chances.

I snarled, furious at this wolves idiocy. "Drawing attention is one thing, walking into a group of four uneasy wolves? That's just plain stupid." The hair on my back rose to high end as I lowered to the ground. "And I personally don't think you should have done that." I leaped, landing inches from the new wolf, snapping my teeth at his ear. I caught the edge of it and shredded it, before leaping away to await the other wolf's move. I was not in the mood to play. I hadn't seen other wolves since my sister and I were left on our own. This was playing on my nerves.

I was alone. I knew that I finally had to except the truth. So here I was, grieving it. So I decided to pick up my feet and get company for my so called 'destiny journey' Ahh, finally the smell of other wolves reached my nose. What were they doing? My nose twitched again. And what were four of them doing in the middle of a forest? They definitely smelled unrelated. Like a shadow (I'm proud of my stealth abilities) I slunk to behind a she- wolf who didn't look too threatening. Her scent flowed around my nose mixed with the others's. There was a male who seemed aggressive with strangers, along with a vicious-looking female who looked like she pick up a fight anywhere. Just like me. I smirked and backed away. Just as I was walking away, a twig snapped loudly under my paw and echoed through the forest. I have to admit, I AM a bit reckless for danger and... Ok, I DO like to show off my skills, so I leaped straight up a pine and was sitting on a branch behind the male before they could do anything, still smirking. I dug my claws in and narrowed my eyes. Just like a cougar. "boo" I whispered in his ear before laughing out loud. My laugh sounds like a roar.
Jane was about to reply when yet another wolf appeared. Nightmare snarled at the wolf, she lounged at him and shreaded his ear. 'I can't remember the last time she was this mad.' Jane thought. Suddenly a twig snapped behind her, but one was there. Jane heard the laughter of a she-wolf above her head. Growling, she leaped up the tree, climbing trees was a skill she had always held over her sister. She dug her claws into the soft bark of the pine tree and pulled herself up on the same branch as the she-wolf. Baring her teeth she stalked forward. This fight would show everyone how strong she really was.
I smiled at the she wolf baring her fangs. "Oh, hello," I said. She seemed to be ready for a fight. "Now just before we fight, what might be your names?" I stretched unconcerned and stretched like a cat, flexing claws and smirked at her with my eyes. I yawned widely to rather proudly reveal my huge, cougar-like fangs. I arched my back and rolled my shoulder muscles before leaping onto the next branch. The empty air felt lovely beneath my toes. "I've had a LOT of experiences in tree fighting, and I hope you have because I've been looking for a fighting match for a LONG time, so let's see how you do." I hoped I made her uneasy with my favorite arrogant tone. I unsheathed my claws and crouched on the branch, tail flicking, ready for a fight. I had been born ready.
"Jane." she said, leaping onto the branch with she-wolf. "Who are you?" she growled. Jane had never seen a wolf like this. She was like the big cat Jane had fought in the mountains once before. The cat had been arrogant, much like this she-wolf is now. But it had been no match for Jane, even though it was twice her size. In a fight, the size of Jane's opponent had never worried her. She had plenty of skill to make up for her small size. Jane flicked her black tipped tail. She watched the starnge she-wolf, waiting for her to make the first move.
My ears flattened to my skull and I bared my teeth threatiningly. I was used too girls arguing but on comeing out of her placce and attacking a male that was another. I locked I with the male he was a threat to my position. I had been a alpha of myself for a long time and i was not going to let another male challenge that. I locked eyes with him daring him to atttck or flee from me. He was injured but not bad. I would say we were of equal build but i knewmif we fighted it would take a lot of seperation to get us apart.
I was furious. Chaos had broken out and I was done, past my breaking point. "THATS ENOUGH!" I howled out, causeing everyone to stop dead in their tracks. "I swear, if another wolf... or cat thing... makes another move, I will shread them. This is not natural. The gods must be playing with us today for everyone to have a chance gathering like this, and I for one don't like it. One, you two..." I glared at the two males. "Neither of you are alpha as of right now because I'm not giving up my position and don't feel like i need a mate currently. I am NOT afraid to fight, and I don't thik of male as superior, so your out of luck. And you..." Here I looked at the strage cat-wolf. "I dont know what you are, but stay away from my sister."
Jane laid back her ears. She did not need her sister trying protecting her every second. She could take this wolf , even if it was part cat. Jane held her position not takeing her eyes off the wolf. The wind started blowing, bringing the scent of rain with it and makeing the branch sway back and forth beneath them. Jane's claws sank deep into the branch, steadying herself. The cat - wolf did not even blink, she just sat there moving with the branch jerking beneanth her like it was nothing. She could feel the gazes of the other wolves watching them. 'I guess they've never seen wolves climb before.' she thought. 
I look around, surprised to find that I'm actually amused. I keep my expression calm and collected though. I stare unemotionally at all of them, despite the she-wolf's arrogant shredding of my ear. I flick both of my ears. I suppose my eyes show my amusement, so I begin to pad away from the situation, not really caring what happens to them. I pick up my pace, knowing that my hunting spot grows near. I pass a large thick tree when I smell it. My mouth waters and I head towards it. Deer. A buck, all alone. Venison hasn't been common for a while, so this is a treasure. At least, a treasure for me, someone who has been living off of rabbits. I lower myself to a crouch and begin to stalk it, my eyes glittering with excitement. I raises its head, then looks in the opposite direction of me. In this instant, I leap out of the bushes, attacking the buck. I latch my teeth onto its neck, and it begins to buck wildly, its hooves flailing in an effort to kick me. I swing from its neck, but the large buck fails to remove me before I kill it. I lick my bloodied muzzle and take a ravenous bite, the saliva filling in my mouth. Knowing that my catch isn't safe with other wolves nearby, I begin to drag it away.
I trot into the clearing with all the wolves. I act surprised before saying "Can I join the party?" Really, I've known they've been here, I've just decided not to reveal myself until the right moment, which happens to be right now. I grin toothily at all of them before focusing on a speck of dirt lying on my nose. I go cross eyed with the effort, and finally I wipe it off with a paw. I replace my grin with a small smile, and I look around at all of them. They must have been close to fighting, because they all look riled up.

I was about to yell again, but something cought my attenton. I raised my nose to the air to smell. Something wasn't right. I searched for the smell that I caught a whiff of, trying to identify it. When I did, it hit my harder than a full on blow of a buck. Hunters.

The smell came from the direction the male had dissappeared from, and my first instinct was to run. But something in me clicked, I couldn't leave a wolf. I tore through the woods, quickly comeing to a clearing where the wolf was dragging off a buck. I focused on the deer, something wasn't right, and thats when I saw it. A spring trap.

"Stop!" I barrled out of the woods, ramming the male out of the way, landing on the trap myself. A net sprag around me, and I was plucked from the qround. A truck instantly drove out of the bushes and humanes came out of it. The male seemed to be frozen in shock.

"Told you it wouldn't take long." One of them laughed. "Quick, before that male comes after us." They cut a rope and I thuded into the bed of the truck. I growled and struggled trying to get out, but I was stuck. Before the male could react, the truck drove off, me in the bed.

I was suprised by nightmares out burst clearly she had a temper. I grinned my wolf grin as I watched the other male leave at least he knew when to leave a situation. I let out a sigh and then when I dicided to leave or talk the situation down a new wolf appeared he was a male but he was lacking in strength so I asumed he was a omega at best a beta so I paid him no mind. "I will take my leave the tense atmosphere is making me jumpy". I flickered my ears and stared at all the wolves "I am sorry we had to meet in such a weird way I will be near the end of the south river that is my location so stay out those who wish to join me shall come along."Then I pushed on my hind legs and was gone the tenseness in my body leaving.

Wolves of the Night


A 100 sqare miles of forest that covers part of a mountain and its foothills. It is filled with small mountian streams, most of which are poluted from the surrounding cities.


With peaks higher than the clouds, the top is covered in snow year round. Near the bottom is a network of caverns filled with crystals and underground rivers that have remained untouch for thousands of years.


Bright and shining, it just keeps growing, threatening to consume what little forest is left.



You are a wolf. The time of humans is ready to fall, and your kinds time to rise. After the great massacre of your species, you and only a handful of wolves are left to take down trillions of cities. Though many died, something good did come out of all of the deaths, anger. The remaining wolves have had it, and are ready to fight to the death. It is time to rally forces and defeat the humans and rid the world of the plague that has destroyed the planet. So will you fight, or run with your tail tucked?


Humans have long since covered the earth with their polluting cities. What few wild places were left are tough and violent. The press of humans has caused the animals to adapt and evolve faster than ever before. Fascinated, the scientist studied the top predators to explore these new advances. What the found horrified them.
The wolf had evolved into a new advanced being, rivaling that of humans. They had learned not only how to survive, but how to thrive. The wolves grew angry over the humans foolishness and disrespect for the earth. War began. Wolves were hunted to near extinction, with bounties on their pelts dead or alive. Few escaped, and even few lived.


Same rules in the RP guide apply.

Please use actual wolf ages, a wolf just isn't going to be 14 or 20 years old.

No cussing but if you absolutely have to blank it out somehow. 

Please do not use text lanugage.

Romance and violence are welcome just don't be graphic.


Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
Sola (Nightly Scare) (#4805)

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