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Pahanovae stared at her blurry relflection in the quickly-expanding puddle of water. "Woaah. Something wierd is going on.. I don't like this one bit." She glanced at Miziki fearfully, hoping she had something brave and cool-sounding to say to make everything better. Instead- Massive streaks of lightning lit up the areas of the cieling open to the sky, and bathed everything in a frightening neon blue glow. The statue was now rattling and hissing, as though attempting to come alive, eyes still sparkling horribly. "Miziki what do we dooo?!" She wailed miserably, shaking to keep the rain off her already waterlogged midnight feathers. The howls of panicking wolves only added to her terror, plus the reminder of the story she had remembered. 

Rift lay silently in his cave, listening to the sudden thunderstorm rage across the forest. His keen eyes picked out the pack of werewolves in the distance, attempting to hunt a full-grown moose. "Sillies.. You can't do that, you'll all be squashed flat... " He muttered to himself. "Plus them mooses always taste too.. moosey." The strange lightning began to attract his attention though. It was being way too specific, striking particular members of a particular group instead of random bolts. "Something's not right..." Rift pulled himself up and wandered to the mouth of the cave, determining whether or not it was really worth it to go out in all that rain. 

Miziki heard the howling of the dying wolves.

"What is that?" She asked.

The sound of thunder roared throughout the forest, causing the ground to shake beneath them slightly.

Miziki was definitely sure that the statue had spoken now. She could see the spirits of the night floating around outside, seeing if they could devour the souls of the poor wolf men.

"Maluk! Hiranda mo mock!" The statue whispered. Miziki saw as the statue came to life. But, it wasn't a statue anymore. She looked down and saw that it was nothing more than a small, glowing creature of some sort.

"Hello?" Miziki said finally. "What are you?" She asked.

Ikoi lay in a cozy corner near a large pillar. She was sleeping quite peacefully when a loud cracking noise woke her. There were frightened voices echoing from the other side of the temple, probably from another room. She slowly half-opened an eye to see what all the commotion was about. Ikoi smiled at her ignorence. "silly me!" she thought to herself. Ikoi yawned and pulled herself up onto her paws. Another loud Crack boomed beside her and she lost balence. Ikoi fell back onto the ground with a big thump. This situation would have been confusing to anyone outside the temple walls but Ikoi knew exactly what was going on. "again?" Ikoi sighed. She pulled herself up again and started walking to the next room.  

Wolf Fang woke up. Something didn't feel right. He could hear a real great power speaking. He looked up at the temple. Suddenly, he remembered the lightning and his dying pack. Wolf Fang leaped away from his spot, just as a bolt of lightning hit. "My pack is dead because of the power of this temple!" he snarled. He could see his dead pack members out of his peripheral vision. Wolf Fang bounded towards the temple. He leaped in as another bolt of lightning struck the ground behind him. Wolf Fang stood up and sniffed the air. Something or someone was in the temple already. He could feel the power radiating from it. Wolf Fang then howled his anger. The werewolf walked deeper into the temple, growling. As he neared, he saw glowing light. Wolf Fang saw that it was a glowing creature. "That little peasant must be the reason why my pack was killed," he growled. Wolf Fang snarled and leaped forward, revenge on his mind.

Pahanovae plucked up as much courage as her tiny raptorian brain could muster, and boldly stepped forward toward the little glowing light-creature. The ground rumbled again, much harder this time, and she went flying across the mossy stone floor. "Aieeeeeee! We have to get out of here!" She raced toward Miziki and hid between her front paws. So much for bravery.. this was something very scary and very unusual, so there was good reason to be scared.. Pahanovae comforted herself with the thought, and stared at the little light thoughfully. "Yes, What ARE you? And why are you here?" 

Rift finally made his desiscion after much contemplation. His cave DID seem very warm and lovely right now.. but this was probably more important. He trotted down the wet, muddy path down the hill, and nearly fell to his death more than once. "Cursed rain.. Can't just come and go in peace, always makin' the sun hide and everyone miserable..." 

Testing slug gargled and flopped in a puddle, still very dead. 

Moji jumped as another flash of lightning struck the area. Under the cover of a hollow log she was warm and was protected from most of the downpour. There were noises other than the thunder and sound of the rain that she thought she could hear. She wasnt sure but they sounded like screams or wails. I wonder when the rain will end. she thought. She watched as something went past the log making everything black until it was out of the way again.  She poked her head out for a second to see if what she saw wasnt just her. When she saw the figure continue going was when she decided to follow. Hopping from one plant to the next, trying not to get too wet, she followed it. They ended at a huge temple.
Wolf Fang stopped as he saw the little creature's power. He had just threw a little dino. "Die you brat!" Wolf Fang snarled. He attacked the creature. The little creature knocked Wolf Fang into a wall. Wolf Fang growled and stood up. He then howled, shaking the temple a bit. He leaped at the creature. The two tussled. Wolf Fang bit down on the creature's neck. The creature yelled out, causing Wolf Fang to cover his ears. Wolf Fang slammed the creature into a pillar. The temple shook again. Wolf Fang could feel the lightning coming. The creature grabbed him by the neck and threw him across the room. Wolf Fang caught himself on a pillar. He then snarled and leaped back at the creature, teeth and claws bared. He tackled the little thing. He then kicked the creature into a rock, knocking it out cold. Wolf Fang howled his victory.

Pahanovae shrieked at the scary wolf-man and ran into a small arched doorway in the side of the temple. Random thunderstorms, evil statues, deadly lightning- She could live with that, but this was just too much. As she ran, she noticed that the tunnel seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. Eventually it would stop altogther and she would have to turn around, but Pahanovae shuddered at the thought. She felt a sudden pang of guilt, as she had left her poor wolf friend all alone to face the evil statue-beast and the scary wolf-man. She felt torn. "Maybe- Maybe I should go back- But, its so terrible and awful- But my poor friend!" 

Rift lumbered through the forest, keeping an eye out for anything possibly edible. He perked his ears a flash of black and white, speeding through the downpour. His poor sense of smell couldn't identify it immediatly, but his sharp falcon eyes picked up the features of a rabbit. Rift began to stalk it silently, trying to keep his splooshy footfalls as quiet as possible.  He followed until they reached the crumbling temple. He recognized it almost immediatly. He had often come here in the severe heat of mid-summer, seeking the cool shadows it provided. "Mrph. Sillies masscring each other again?..." He stared disdainfully at the bodies of the wolf-people scattered around. 

Miziki stared at the dead-looking creature. She trotted over to it. It was a very ugly and giant rat-like creature with huge fangs and red eyes. She shuddered as the creature shut it's eyes, and died.

She turned around and saw a small little white fox-like creature. It had glowing blue eyes and a mist seemed to emit from it's tail.

"Great!" It began. "Now I have to find a new body to take over!" It floated through Miziki which nearly scared her to death.

"A ghost!" She exclaimed.

"Nono, silly! I'm an animal spirit! I come to angry animals to help them to become happy so they dont become possessed by Night Spirits!"

Wolf Fang stopped as he saw the little creature's power. He had just threw a little dino. "Die you brat!" Wolf Fang snarled. He attacked the creature. Wolf Fang then stopped. He looked at the little tiny creature. Wolf Fang couldn't attack it. The creature was just a little thing. Wolf Fang's rage was gone. He sat on his haunches and admired the little creature. "I can't hurt you," said Wolf Fang. He petted the creature, who smiled at the touch. For the first time, Wolf Fang felt real nice. Suddenly, he began to shrink. His fur disappeared. His claws and sharp teeth went away. His ears and snout were gone. Wolf Fang had turned back into his human form. Wolf Fang couldn't believe it. "I never thought in a million years I would turn back into my human form," he said. Wolf Fang then looked down at the creature. It was staring over at something. Wolf Fang could smell it. Something was coming back. Wolf Fang stood up. He growled.
Pahanovae finally made her decision after much contemplation, and slowly shuffled back down the path towards the main room of the temple, claws clicking against the stone floor. Unfortunetly it it was much harder going back, as she had been in a blind panic when she first entered the tunnel. "Eeep. This is not good.. Not good for little dinosaurs.." She muttered quietly, pausing every so often in her shuffling to sniff the floor or the cieling. At one point, she located a small, squarish patch of light on the cieling, but it proved to be nothing more than a crack leading to another tunnel. Pahanovae felt panic rising quickly in her chest. "Must.. Escape... Must... Not going to die..." Suddenly, something brushed by the feathers on her crown, dissapating quickly in the shadows. "Oh what NOW!" She moaned, and began to shuffled faster, breaking into a gallop at one point. More of the little somethings brushed past her face, causing her to fall into a panic attack again. "Nooo Goo away! Leave me alooone!" She screamed, and then everything rushed by in a blur. Pahanovae had fallen through a loose tile in the floor, which could have been fatal. Instead, she ended up on top of Mizki's head. 

Miziki flailed and made a grunting noise when Miziki fell on top of her. She pushed her off of herself gently and rolled about.

"Something about this temple..." She began. "Seems very strange." She walked around when she finally came to a small pile of sand, a pile of twigs, and a puddle of water.

"I wonder what these are here for." She kicked a small pebble into the pile of sand. It disappeared into the sand with a small woosh.

"That's strange." She muttered and picked up a long stick. She stuck it into it. it sunk in completly so that you couldn't see the stick at all anymore.

"How deep is this thing?!"

Takist felt something step on a frond of his fern, trampling said frond; it hurt quite badly, rather like a  broken arm, though a bit subdued and dulled.  The first thing he said through the telepathic link formed through contact was: "OWWWW GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF", then "It's only about five and a half feet deep.  Your stick is only about four feet long."  Shortly afterward, when he realized he was actually talking to someone, and having an experience that did not involve the nasty, rocky soil or the dim torchlight, he established through the link  "Hiiii, I"m Takist!" and shortly after inquired  "Who are you?  What does meat taste like?  WHy can't something cooler than a wolf step on me?" and finally ended with "Wolves are rather dull, aren't they?  Of course, I don't mean to offend you, but still."  ((Just to clarify, Miziki stepped on a lonely fern struggling to survive in the torch light & rocky soil while she was messing around with the sand.  Specifically, Takist's fern.))

Pahanovae scruntized the mystifying depts of the puddle cautiously, not sure what to think of it, and stiffly nudged a few small pebbles over the edge. They made little noise, and sunk out of sight rather quickly. "Oh.. That IS a wierd puddle.. Perhaps it is a sinkhole or something..." She remarked brightly, advancing closer to get a closer look and ignoring the peculiar voices that seemed to be cropping up randomly, either out of the puddle or elsewhere. There was a pronounced crunching noise, as Pahanovae stepped on several miniscule, bushy plants that found themselves in her path. Then- Out of nowhere, a strange voice began to complain loudly and angerly, causing Pahanovae much confusion. She whipped around in a panic scanning the room for the intruder, but there was no one to be found. It did not occur to her in the least to investigate the fern, primarly because Miziki was standing on it. The voice- whatever it was, seemed to be saying some particuarly odd things, however, pointless questions and odd remarks. Pahanovae continued to scan the area for it but saw nothing, and in frustration punted the pile of twigs near the puddle. In an instant, the whole room began to be alterted and distorted, the disfigured, crumbling walls changing color before her eyes. "Oh Noooo I did something- again- This is not good, not good for little dinosaurs- Miziki help meeee!" She cried, dashing back towards the puddle and nearly falling in. 

Miziki flailed and screamed when the plant person appeared. "Ahh! Demon plant! Demon plant!" She started to stomp on it, but it didn't do hardly anything to the plant. As she was stomping on it, she stumbled over to the pile of sand. She fell into it, and before she knew it, she was sinking. "Ahhh! Help!" She yelled. But soon, she sank all the way into the sand and found herself in a vast desert. The hot sun beamed down on her face while the harsh desert wind blew against her fur.

"What the-" Was all that she said.

Untouched Forest

A great and mystical forest, extends for many many miles. 

There CAN be other areas of course, such as: Lakes, rivers, seas, and most other natural features, as well as ancient ruins, crumbling temples, and the like to explore~ 

You are a creature (Normal, anthro, or other) in a massive, unending forest with many magical secrets and surprises. Explore to your heart’s content, battle others, or basically  whatever you want- This rp is VERY ad-lib, so please feel free to deviate and add whatever you think should be there! :D


Not a lot, we shall make this up as the rp progresses ;D 


Typical Ex rules apply, no god-modding, killing without permission, mary-sues/gary sues, etc. etc. 


Also, PLEASE ask before doing something completely major, such as: Demolishing the entire forest, massacring everyone within ten feet, creating a nuclear explosion etc. ;D 

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Dusk Spirit
Morning Spirit
Mythical Creature
Night Spirit
Normal Forest Creature
Other (Explain in description)

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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