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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Gabriel was just about to enter the Dinning Hall when he spotted Shadow and Lilfur, he waved then trotted over, "Hey Shadow, we were just about to head to dinner," he said motioning over to Victelo and Salbria, "care to join us?" he asked, sticking his hands in his pockets, waiting for her answer.

(Wow, I can't belive no one is really online, this is so so boring right now and I'm only going to be on for a few more minutes anyways so I guess it doesn't really mater much anyways. By the way if anyone has any ideas for any camp activites PM me or post on the OOC board)

Shadow shook her head "I've been here before, I don't want that bunch of thugs..." She gestured to Aries cabin "To beat the snot out of you..." Shadow always kept to herself and"  Liufr because nobody could make Liufr go away. She also remembered the stick to your own table rule, Hades cabin had another loner some kid who's name Shadow had no idea of. The Loki cabin was almost done so she'd have a roof over her head soon. She looked around she was the only nordic demigod in camp. She pushed her plate out of the way before faceplanting on the table...
Yarrow grabbed lunch, sat at an empty table, and started to ponder over who his godly parent was."  He didn't really have the traits of any of them, and no one else in camp had his uniquely colorful eyes."  As he pondered this, he chewed on some cheesey hashbrowns and crab."  They tasted weirdly good together, especially if you put lemon juice on the hashbrowns."  He couldn't"  se why no one else was eating this, maybe they were all just crazy."  ((Sorry I wasn't on earlier, I had a lot of home owrk."  By the way, I neeed more words.))

Gabriel laughed, "I'd love to see them try and beat me up," he said flexing his muscles, "but see you around." he said, as he walked back over to Salbria and Victelo. When he got into the Dining Hall, Gabriel grabbed a plate and some turkey with gravy, spinach, macaroni and cheese, and two buttered rolls. He then got a juice and sat down at an empty table. He rocked back and forth in his chair as he ate.

(That's okay, I was on and off yesterday too, so It's not a problem. and Herbal said to post all OOC on the OOC boards, and no using fillers instead of posting 100 words)

Salbria dropped herself off her brothers back and followed him and Gabriel back into the dining hall before grabbing herself a plate and Victelo standing next to her, once again both getting the same things to eat without noticing each others plate, a small side of potatoe salad, apple slices, and a taco" type of thingy, they both grabbed a glass of" water again, then walked over towards Gabriel, Salbria waved towards shadow as they walked by her,"  then" they sat down, her" and Victelo both sitting on one side of" Gabriel and began to eat there food, every once in a while glancing up from there plates." 

Gabriel smirked as he chewed on some of his maceroni, Salbria and Victello were absolutly hilarious. Just then Marie stalked over, carrying a salad and some water, she 'tripped' and spilled her food all over Salbria, the salad dressing staining her shirt. "OOps! I'm so sorry!" she snickered the flounced off, leaving her mess behind. Gabriel went to get tome napkins, and tried to help clean up the mess , "Don't worry about Marie, she can be such a witch at times." he said, dabbing at the ranch dressing that was all over the place. Gabriel always tried to make the best of the worst situations.


Salbria jumped up out of her chair looking at the stain on her shirt, she glared at Marie who was skipping off as if nothing happend "She's worse then the devil himself!" she said low and grabbed a handful of the" potatoe salad that was on her plate and threw" it at her, hitting her in the back of the head "Bullseye!" she shouted and worked on getting the stain out of her shirt, dipping her napkin in her glass of water to clean it up.

Victelo looked back over at the now shrieking Marie and grinned "Gee sis, didn't know you had it in ya."

Shadow ducked under her table before the unavoidable food fight. She knew because she'd started plenty of them in secret protest to cafeteria food. She grabbed all the food she could, hopefuly Liufr wouldn't eat all the ammo, she put the pile down and grabbed more food. Then she snatched a platter for a shield snickering. The kid from Hades cabin Nico joined her with another platter and more food. Athena cabin took heed too and ducked for cover Percy Jackson wasn't done in camp Halfblood and joined Athena cabin in descretely taking cover... Shadow started giggling imagining the mayhem about to go down...

Marie got angryer and grabbed a handfull of spegetti off some other kids plate and threw it at Salbria, but she ducked and it hit Victelo in the face, the noodles and sauce ran down off his face as he turned and glared at Marie.

Salbria looked at him and the others getting down under the table uh oh... she grabbed the tray her plate was on and god under the table they were at to hide.

Victelo snarled and threw his taco thing at Marie, who dodged it and then it hit someo other kid in the face "shoot..." the other kid jumped up on the table and yelled "Food Fight!!!" he began randomly throwing food at people.

Salbria screached in a somewhat laugh" from under the table and began to throw food around while she hid.

Gabriel laughed, and made a funny battle cry like noise loudly in the back of his throat. He then grabbed a handfull of the green slimy spinach that was on his plate. He hurled it across the room, hitting" Marie right" in the face, "That's what you get for messing with Salbria!" he said, laughing as it slide down her dress, and onto her brand new, bubble gum pink tennis shoes. Marie squealed "Ewww! Ewww! Get it Off! Get it Off!" she"  then glared at Gabriel and picked up a slice of pizza and prepared to throw it, she then shook her head in mock dissapointment, "and I thought you were cute." she said then tossed the slice of pizza at Gabriel. He doged it then used his tray as a sheild. "Missed me!" he said in a teasing tone.

Salbria couldn't help but burst out in laughter, coming out from under the table she stood holding the tray up as a shield throwing whatever food she could find, a wad of jello came flying at" the back of Gabriels head and she swung her tray" hitting it back like as if it was a baseball nailing the person who threw it in the face.

Victelo laughed as he hurled a pile of sweet potatoes threw the air hitting hunter in the shoulder" as he came through the door curious about all the yelling, he nearly fell over and grabbed a chair holding it up for a shield till he could calm down.

Gabriel smirked and grabbed a handfull of mashed potatoes off of someones plate, holding up his tray, like a sheild, he threw the wad of potatoes, aiming at an unsespecting person from the Hermes cabin, they had filled the bathtub with jello, last week, and he wanted revenge. The mashed potatoes landed smack dab in their face. Gabriel ducked down under the table as the person looked around trying to figure out who just threw the mashed potatoes at them. Gabriel sat under the table, his cheeks red with laughter, and he was grinning so hard, it hurt. But then everyone suddenly grew quiet, the Headmaster had walked in......

Salbria" looked over seeing him she quickly dropped the handful of gooy salad she had in her hand, her expression changed to innocence seeing him" and crawled under the table she whispered "Mind if I join you?" holding back a smile she was about ready to burst out in laughter but easily held it back as she watched the headmaster walk through the room.

Victelo sat down watching him, the speggetti that Marie had thrown at him dried on his face, he became extremly serious again and it was rather a scary look being as how he was just laughing his head off.

Shadow pelted Aries cabin with cream puffs causing a nice splatter, then she grabbed a pie and in classic slapstick hit Marie in the face before ducking and high fiving Liufr. She'd leave an impression here. She nailed a few younger campers with soggy rolls. She didn't start this one but she was sure going to enjoy this, a few of the staff had noticed she hadn't started it this time... Nico had engaged Aphrodite alone but Shadow joined him and she had the time of her life! She knew when to duck and even showed the younger campers she'd hit the art of the food fight...
Yarrow had spent this whole time hiding behind a barricade mad eout of three tables and four chairs, with an Athena kid and two Hermes."  The Athena kid had constructed a catapult out of a huge peice of brockley and some turkey bones, and Yarrow was aiming it."  The Hermes kid was running back and forth, grabbing sharp and hard bits of food for ammo."  Yarrow was especially prowd of this last bit him and the Athena kid had constructed, which was made out of some empty crab legs, and peices of cucumber shell, stuck together with some peanut butter, which added some weight."  He lobbed it over the side, wondering who it would hit.

Camp Half-Blood

The Camp is in a valley surrounded by Hills.

There is the Cabins where you sleep.

The Dinning Hall, where you eat.

The Field, where you can relax, play, and just hang out.

The Campfire, in the center of camp, where meetings are held.


You're running through a grassy field, a Minotaur behind you. A large tree looms before you and you run past it. Halting, you see that the Minotaur hadn't chased you past the tree. A girl runs up to you from the hill that slopes down below the tree. "Hi! I'm Marie and this is Camp Half-Blood." She tells you.

One of your parents is a god, that means you are a Demi-god, or a Half-blood. You were sent there for your saftey, and to learn to prepare you to be a god.


Basically the same as the Plot so I'll just put the gods

Zeus- god of the sky, rain, thunder, wind, lightning, storms, justice, hospitality, heaven, earth, and is the king of the gods. One of the Big Three.

Poseidon- god of the sea, horses, and waves. One of the Big Three.

Hades- god of the Underworld, wealth, and the dead. One of the Big Three.

Athena- goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts.

Artemis- goddess of the Hunt, wildlife, the Moon and maidens.

Apollo- god of the sun, light, prophecy, healing, medicine, plague, truth, poetry, archery, the arts, music, and intelligence.

Ares- god of war, bloodlust, and slaughter.

Aphrodite- goddess of love, lust, pleasure and beauty.

Demeter- goddess of the Harvest and the seasons.

Hermes- god of roads, speed, messengers, travel, thieves, and athletics.


All normal RP rules

Only 3 or 4 children per god.

Only 2 or 3 children of Zeus.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
ShesGot_A_WildSide (#6070)

Current Characters
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