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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Salbria screamed and fell out of her bed at the sudden and loud trumpet blasts, well that was one way to wake up she thought as she stood up, took a brief shower and put on her new uniform for the quest.  This one had shorts, which excited her to an extent.  She didn't put a large amount of effort into her uniform like her last one, so she combed out her hair, and did her make up before rushing out the door for breakfast.

Victelo woke up a little groggily, the trumpets didn't startle him as much as they did Salbria, he got dressed in his uniform, ran his fingers through his hair untangling it and headed out for breakfast, he wasn't a huge morning person.

Shadow was already awake before the trumpet and saw the tables were for the two teams. Shadow started packing what she could take from the table wrapping it up in napkins for later. Stashing it in Liufr's 'saddle bags' aka his knapsack. Nico copyed her with Marian. It took alot of food to keep Shadow going, Liufr could just catch something or Shadow could easily snag a rabbit or bird in falcon form for him. Hellhounds and wolves shared dietary requirements, flesh, organs, hair, and bone were nessisary for them to get the proper nutrition they needed. That and it gave them more energy than kibble ever could. Most canids are best fed as carnivores wolves and dogs even supernatural ones are no different... 

Gabriel ate everything on his plate, then gulped down a glass of water and another of orange juice. He grabbed two crisp red apples off of one of the tables, a granola bar and a water bottle he tossed them in his bag, though he doubted they would even let them carry things with them. Gabriel then made sure he had one of those quest pamphlets that the headmaster had insisted on grabbing, Gabriel had noticed an odd twinkle in the headmaster's eye when he had mentioned it. Was it some kind of clue? Gabriel would be sure to find out. (Hint Hint! )

Yarrow had just stumbled into the lunchroom, he was not a morning person.  He sat down at the silver-something or other table, and glanced down at the food he had randomly grabbed.  He ate a few bites, and pushed it away from him.  He stood out from the others at his table in two ways: One, he still refused to wear the uniform, and two, his eyes were colorful and constantly changing, but rather dull, due to his un-energetic state.  Yarrow noticed pamphlets being handed out, and he stood up slowly, and snatched one, then sitting back down, waiting for further instructions. 

Salbria walked into the dining hall and grabbed a pamphlet from the headmaster as she went right by him, she wasn't to tired, but wasn't completly awake either.  Salbria wasn't super hungry that morning so she just grabbed an apple and a glass of water then went to sit down and started to scan over the pamphlet with a little curiously.  

Victelo trailed in the room behind Salbria, he was so tired he didn't even bother to grab one of the pamphlets that were pretty much right next to him.  He went straight to the table where the food was and piled his plate with a couple of eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. 

Shadow had read the pamphlet and was discussing it with the cabin heads of her team and Nico was adding helpful comments. The team was going to make things work. Liufr saw it as a multi pack alliance, along with Shadow's suiitor that he didn't mind, unlike her previous suitors. Tyson was giddy, Percy and Anabeth had stopped giving goo goo eyes, Clarissa had a determined look matched by most of the cabin heads on her team. Shadow was cautious, Liufr eager to go, Nico confident, and Marian looked down right bored. When the headmaster started to speak the team fell silent listening intently...

As Gabriel studied the pamphlet he realized certain patterns along the edge didn't match the others. He called the rest of the group over and together they started to decipher it. Gabriel circled every symbol that didn't match, when he was done, he wrote them down on a sheet of paper. Hunter confirmed that it was some kind of message in another language, sorta like hieroglyphics. As the team worked together racking their brains trying to uncode the hidden message. And by a stroke of luck they actually figure out what it says.

To find the cup, trek up high but beware as for danger is nigh. Always remember, as this may save your life, always follow the golden knife.

"Okay, besides the ominous warning, what else do you think this clue means?" asked Gabriel as he looked at his team.

(I totaly made this riddle up on the spot, so if it can be improoved let me know. But just so you know, I have a plan to go with this)

Shadow had spotted it right away and decoded it, because she recognised the difference as not random, "So golden knife might be a safety marker... up high might mean up the mountain, so chariots are not such a good idea. If we hurry we might be able to get some of the mustang breed horses. They've evolved in the reigion. Strong swimmers good climbers and alot of stamina..." Clarissa put her two cents in "We may wish to put some people checking the lower parts to be sure we don't miss anything." Shadow had conned a sayter into getting wireless headsets for the heads of the seperate groups and Shadow's two person with canines or the K9 unit... Shadow and Liufr finished preping their gear while the team's equines were being brought to where they were being saddled, the wider more open ground was going to be searched by the 'cavelry' the most treacherous by foot and the rest of the team would be ready if anyone found anything... 
Salbria looked over the riddle for a moment before turning away from the group, you could tell she was deep in thought just by looking at her, even from behind.   Hmm... trek up high... she was thinking when she glanced up and noticed the mountains... mountains? mountains! That's it! she slowly stepped farther off from her group keeping her gaze set on the mountains, to study them and the shape of the terrain that she was able to see from her spot, standing by the enterance of in the dining hall, obviously still deep in thought, really anybody would be able to see that. 
Shadow was looking at the rest of the team Liufr sitting beside her tail wagging and panting in anticipation. Percy had a hellhound called Mrs. O'Leary with him as a tracker and to tag team with Tyson, like Shadow and Nico had planned to. Said hellhound was sporting slightly different armor, the armor wasn't intended for someone to use O'Leary as a mount. Shadow was doing her best to be calm but she wasn't very patiant when it came to waiting for something to happen... She started singing Kung Fu Fighting to herself out of boredom. "Everybody was kung fu fighting..."

Gabriel  and the rest of the team was called outside to see the headmaster. He had summoned them so they could pick their mounts for the quest, "Now choose wisley, because you only pick once." he said. Gabriel only nodded because he had his own mount already. He had a huge gryphon named Electra, she had white and silver feathers and wore silver armor that matched Gabriels. She was a very special gryphon because she and Gabriel could see what each other saw and share their energy and powers. Gabriel smiled as he mounted Electra, she screeched happily as Gabriel scratched between her ears.

(and Wulfraptor, I was planning on giving your team a different clue, because I was thinking they all could collect different pieces, then when it comes down to the final piece, both teams would have to use all their strengths to get it.)

Shadow's group was dragging more than horses, in fact there were only two a unicorn and a black winged one who made a bee line for Percy. She blinked "More than just horses?" Quite a few animals were not really usable as mounts but better suited for hunting fighting and even healing. Clarissa had the unicorn and was frowning, Shadow remarked "Unicorns are vicious when protecting something you know, and only lions and humans mess with them..." That made her much happier about it. Anabeth had a very intelligent looking fox with her that grew in size then transformed into a human form "I work with daughter of Athena sama." Anabeth started talking to the kitsune in japanese about something. Tyson had Mrs. O'Leary with him and had started playing frizbee with the hellhounds and Liufr laughing his head off. Shadow saw the creatures assimilating into the team quite nicely and almost laughed about it...

Yarrow had chosen a steed.  He had heard someone mutter about mountains, and that cheered him up, he liked mountains.  The steed he had chosen was a blue-green Hydra, with a yellow-orange belly.  It stood on two stocky legs, with seven heads on long necks sproutng from that.  The heads appeared to be arguing in snorts, grunts, and the occasional roar.  It looked to be the only Hydra, and the sallde was located on top of the center head, which, apparantly well trained, lowered itself to let Yarrow on.  Yarrow climbed up, grinning.  He had run for this one, beating anyone else who might have claimed it.  ((I'm pretty sure I'm in the same group as wulfraptor, but I'm not sure.  Does anyone rememeber?))

As Gabriel smiled and patted Electra, his team chose their beasts. Marie chose a the one and only pegicorn, she had to give everyone her best glare, warining them not to touch it. It was  white pegicorn with a pink highlights in its main and tail. Hunter chose a large lion that could talk and had healing powers. Three more kids chose the mustangs that were bred for the quest, and two others chose wolves. The Athena girl that had the lightning rod idea during capture the flag, picked a pheonix named Blaze. (I know an unorigional name for a pheonix but whatever)

Almost everyone had their beasts, and the area was blanketed with nervous chatter. The horses grazed, the wolves howled and played like pups, and Hunter and the Athena girl carried on a conversation beside their beasts.

Shadow and Aries cabin were snickering about Marie's choice of animal. The thing couldn't fly her wings were too small. The pegacorn tried and failed an epic fail. Liufr was rolling in something and Shadow looked over, just dirt as long as it wasn't toxic or smelly he could roll in what ever he wanted. Clarissa's unicorn was dignified and moved with sure cloven hooves. Clarissa's unicorn could match Liufr on endurance and out run him on a sprint. But Liufr had teeth and claws made to tear into his foes and had the build of a hunter. The unicorn could be tamed by any pure heart, but the wolf was not so easily controlled. Shadow pet leaned against a tree waiting for the quest game to begin.

Camp Half-Blood

The Camp is in a valley surrounded by Hills.

There is the Cabins where you sleep.

The Dinning Hall, where you eat.

The Field, where you can relax, play, and just hang out.

The Campfire, in the center of camp, where meetings are held.


You're running through a grassy field, a Minotaur behind you. A large tree looms before you and you run past it. Halting, you see that the Minotaur hadn't chased you past the tree. A girl runs up to you from the hill that slopes down below the tree. "Hi! I'm Marie and this is Camp Half-Blood." She tells you.

One of your parents is a god, that means you are a Demi-god, or a Half-blood. You were sent there for your saftey, and to learn to prepare you to be a god.


Basically the same as the Plot so I'll just put the gods

Zeus- god of the sky, rain, thunder, wind, lightning, storms, justice, hospitality, heaven, earth, and is the king of the gods. One of the Big Three.

Poseidon- god of the sea, horses, and waves. One of the Big Three.

Hades- god of the Underworld, wealth, and the dead. One of the Big Three.

Athena- goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts.

Artemis- goddess of the Hunt, wildlife, the Moon and maidens.

Apollo- god of the sun, light, prophecy, healing, medicine, plague, truth, poetry, archery, the arts, music, and intelligence.

Ares- god of war, bloodlust, and slaughter.

Aphrodite- goddess of love, lust, pleasure and beauty.

Demeter- goddess of the Harvest and the seasons.

Hermes- god of roads, speed, messengers, travel, thieves, and athletics.


All normal RP rules

Only 3 or 4 children per god.

Only 2 or 3 children of Zeus.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
ShesGot_A_WildSide (#6070)

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