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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Yarrow reached the camp fire."  Its heat was unbearable in the heat of summer, more than doubling the heat of summer, so Yarrow sat down a good distance away."  He noticed a girl with a huge wolf had followed him."  The headmaster had probably been to lazy to create another map, and had told her to folow him."  Other people started to croud around him, watching his pokemon white game."  The looked technologically starved."  Yarrow began to wonder if he shouldhave brought his charger, and turned the volume on his game down to save power in case they didn't have any outlets.

Salbria half way nodded "Well if you see or talk to him anytime soon, thank him for me, it's put my moms mind to ease a little bit knowing" we're at a place she knows where were safe and protected." she said with a smile" then added" "You see my mom is Aphrodite, the goddess of love... but I think she loves us a little to much"" she said in a somewhat" joking way as she switched the position that she was standing in and blew the hair out of her eyes again.

Victelo nodded in agreement as he lowered his arms and put his hands in his pockets but his face still rather serious." 

Shadow spotted the others and figured friendly was worth a shot. "Hi... I'm Shadow daughter of Loki..." She patted Liufr "and this is Liufr..." Her shyness was practicaly written in her eyes. Liufr was staring at the demigods working out that they wern't a threat to his 'pack sister' as he considered Shadow. Packs stick together. Humans and demigods" didn't have much" on the concept of" territory though... Shadow put an arm on Liufr to keep the wolf from getting" protective and snarling. She planned to make a good impression and avoid making enemies. She figured the fewer foes the better life would go.." 
Gabriel smiled and chuckled slightly, "Okay, I'll be sure to tell him that." he said relaxing a little more. He pushed his hair out of his face, revealing his blue-green eyes, his father's eyes. He then turned to Shadow, "Hello, nice to meet you Shadow, I am Gabriel, son of Zeus." he then tried not to look Liufur in the eyes because he knew that was sometimes considered as a threat or chalenge. "That is a mighty impressive wolf there, I can tell he really cares for you." he said with a friendly smile. Shadow was truly lucky, most of the time, animals don't even bother to look his way.

Salbria turned and flashed a friendly smile at the" girl" "Hi" Shadow," I'm Salbria, daughter of Aphrodite."

Victelo nodded "I'm Victelo, son of Aphrodite and Salbrias older brother" she said calmly with a somewhat blank expression on his face, not really paying attention to the wolf but glanced down at him anyways then brought his attention back to Shadow.

Salbria" looked down at the wolf extremly tempted to pet him but resisted the urge "What's his name?" she asked curiously as she got down on her knees in a friendly posture" looking at the wolf but keeping her hands in her lap."  At eye level with the wolf.

The Lunch bell rang a loud ring. All of the campers filled into the huge dining hall were massive round" tables were located all around the room. There were several carts with different kinds of foods that lined the walls. All courtesy of the godesses Demeter and Artemis.
Gabriel turned towards the direction of the Dinning Hall, "I do belive it is lunchtime." he said walking towards the open doors. As soon as he walked in he was greeted by the delicious smells and sights of the great feast that was layed out for them. He wondered what theny had for special occasions. All around people were chattering, stuffing their face, laughing and goofing off, having an all around good time. Gabriel smiled and grabbed a plate he then went around and helped himself to all the delicious delectables that surrounded him. Though he remembered to mind his manners and not tottally pig out.
Yarrow looked up from his game and blinked."  He must have played through the entire tour!"  Oh well, he had a map."  He started to follow the stream of students to the lunchroom, and, when he got there, realized he didn't partucularly like any of the foods there."  He got a couple of cubes of butter-nut squash, a plate of grilled fish, (he wasn't sure what kind) and a grape-fruit."  It was good, just not..."  Great."  Well, what did he expect?"  It was summercamp food."  He continued eating, realizing how hungry he was, and went back for seconds because of it.
Gabriel took his plate, he liked to balance his meals out, so he had gotten, some grapes, Oh how he loved them! He also got some baked chicken, and kale (its kinda like spinich but different) Gabriel got some juice and some water and went an sat down in an empty seat. Across the table he saw some other guys having a contest to see who could stuff the most grapes in their mouths. Gabriel just shook his head in distaste, it seemed as if some people had absolutly no manners at all. He then turned his attention back to his food and began eating.
Salbria and Victelo walked into the dining hall together, both grabbing a plate and putting food on it, when it came to the food they liked, they both enjoyed the exact same things, they both had a decent pile of salad on there plate, a piece of chicken and a glass of water, what was really freaky though is they had the exact same things on there salad, a few crutons, a slice of tomatoe, green pepper, and onions."  Even though they never seem to notice what eachother are eating, they walked over to a table and sat down next to eachother.

Gabriel couldn't help but smile when he noticed Victello and Salbria's plates, and the even funnier part of it was that neither of them seemed to notice. Usually he wouldn't do such a thing while eating but Gabriel laughed so hard he almost choked on a grape. But he composed himself befor someone had to do the Himlick(doubt this is spelled right) manuver on him. He just grinned in between bites of his chicken and kale. He then got bored and normally wouldn't play with his food, but here at camp he seemed so different he started to take grapes, throw them up in the air and catch them in his mouth. Gabriel then started bouncing them into his mouth. When he was done eating and amusing himself, he leaned back in his chair and took a sip of water.

Salbria glanced back over her shoulder at Gabriel hearing his outburst of laughter and she looked at Victelo and whispered asking "What's so funny?" she was clueless and she had a questioned expression on her face as she took a bite of her salad pulling her long hair back behind her so it wouldn't get in her food.

Victelo shrugged confused" "I don't know" he whispered back and ate a piece of his chicken then took a drink of water, not noticing untill it was to late the sleeve of his sweatshirt got in his salad dressing "Oh man!" he said.

Salbria giggled "Here give it to me, I'll clean it later" she grabbed his sweatshirt from him and layed it across her lap.

Yarrow finished eating, took his plate to throw his leftovers away."  He continued to play his pokemon white game, and noticed that the battery was getting low."  He began to obsesivly save, and thought of hiring someone at the weapons shop to build him a charger cable out of iron."  He'd also need a magnet and wire, but if he had all those, he could handcrank his d.s lite, or maybe set up a water wheel in a stream if there were any here."  He saved his game and put it away, they were probably going to do some activity soon." 
After lunch, one of the campmasters ordered everyone outside to the campfire, today was the presentaition of the group housing and actvity signups.
Victelo stood up and headed outside again towards the campfire, wondering what sort of stuff was gonna be going on, he crossed his arms over his chest again and since his sister had his sweatshirt, the sleaves of this black t-shirt were tight around the muscles in his arms as he stood off a little ways from the fire. Salbria wiped the salad dressing off his sweatshirt as the best she could before putting it on herself and walking outside to stand next to Victelo, his sweatshirt hanged extremly loose on her being the size difference between her and her older brother.

Camp Half-Blood

The Camp is in a valley surrounded by Hills.

There is the Cabins where you sleep.

The Dinning Hall, where you eat.

The Field, where you can relax, play, and just hang out.

The Campfire, in the center of camp, where meetings are held.


You're running through a grassy field, a Minotaur behind you. A large tree looms before you and you run past it. Halting, you see that the Minotaur hadn't chased you past the tree. A girl runs up to you from the hill that slopes down below the tree. "Hi! I'm Marie and this is Camp Half-Blood." She tells you.

One of your parents is a god, that means you are a Demi-god, or a Half-blood. You were sent there for your saftey, and to learn to prepare you to be a god.


Basically the same as the Plot so I'll just put the gods

Zeus- god of the sky, rain, thunder, wind, lightning, storms, justice, hospitality, heaven, earth, and is the king of the gods. One of the Big Three.

Poseidon- god of the sea, horses, and waves. One of the Big Three.

Hades- god of the Underworld, wealth, and the dead. One of the Big Three.

Athena- goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts.

Artemis- goddess of the Hunt, wildlife, the Moon and maidens.

Apollo- god of the sun, light, prophecy, healing, medicine, plague, truth, poetry, archery, the arts, music, and intelligence.

Ares- god of war, bloodlust, and slaughter.

Aphrodite- goddess of love, lust, pleasure and beauty.

Demeter- goddess of the Harvest and the seasons.

Hermes- god of roads, speed, messengers, travel, thieves, and athletics.


All normal RP rules

Only 3 or 4 children per god.

Only 2 or 3 children of Zeus.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
ShesGot_A_WildSide (#6070)

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