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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Victelo shrugged "I honestly have no idea, I think it's a bear...maybe a moose..." he said with a laugh and handed him the note book, it really was a terrable drawing, then again he put little effort into it, odds are it probably would have turned out the same even if he was really trying to draw something and knew what it was he was drawing.

Salbria nodded with another smile "Yup." she replied.  She had put the flower he gave her in her hair behind her ear so it would not get wrecked and so her hands would be free .

Hunter took the notepad and looked at it, he scrunched up his face likr he always does when concentrating. He turned the notepad upside down, because for some reason, upside down things look better and make more sense to him. After about two or three minutes of examining the drawing, Hunter came to a strange realizeation(spelling fail!) "I think it looks like a moose with a scarf on ice-skates." said Hunter nonchalantly as he handed the sketchpad back to Victello, and went to put on some trunks so he could go swimming in the lake. Hunter was definitely a strange character.

Gabriel smiled and held his arm out to Salbria, "Shall we?!" he said in a silly british accent.

Victelo looked at the drawing again and let out another laugh, he couldn't help it, Hunter was right, it did look like a moose wearing a scarf and a pair of ice skates! He then closed the note book and set it down on his bed next to him, he fluffed a pillow up and layed backwards on it staring into nothingness, he was officially bored which rarely happend, he usually had something to do, but this time he didn't so he just closed his eyes.

Salbria grabbed his arm and answered back "We shall!" she said it in the same silly british accent.

Gabriel laughed and walked down the path, pointing out colorful little bugs and butterflies, and showing Salbria patches of wildflowers. He then began to make jokes about the crazy antics of the squirrels and rabbits that were scurring about. When they came to the oak tree, he spread out a little blanket in the shade of the tree, the went off to a little cluster of bluberry bushes, he picked a few and popped  them in his mouth. Soon his toung and fingers were stained with the delicious juice.

Hunter came back dressed in a pair of orange and yellow plaid swim trunks and a towel draped around his neck, "Hey you wanna join me and some guys for a swim at the lake?" he asked Victelo.

Salbria sat down on her knees in a corner of the small blanket and giggled at the sight of his now purple blueish tounge and fingers, he made her laugh, it was one of the things she liked about him, she looked up into the tree branches at a bird that was chirping and singing at them and a couple of squirells chasing eachother through the branches playing together.

Victelo opened his eyes then he sat up again and looked at Hunter "Sure why not, it's something to do." he said calmly and stood up off of his bed to get his trunks on.

Gabriel laughed, and walked over to the tree, he sat down on the blanket next to Salbria and wiped his hands on his shorts. "So what do you wanna do now?" he asked as he watched a bumble bee buzz around and land on a flower. "Do you want to-" he sentence was inturupted by the thwak of an acorn dropping on his head. Gabriel rubbed the spot where the acorn had fallen, "Ow!" he said as the two squirrels seemed to be snickering at him. Sometimes Gabriel wondered if the squirrels knew that he could shoot them down with an arrow and give them to the cooks for stew, of coarse, he wasn't really that kind of person.

Hunter nodded, "Okay, see you at the lake." he said as he walked out the door, and down the steps.

Salbria looked up at the squirrels who were chattering looking down at them almost making fun and smiled then looked back at Gabriel again "You alright?" she asked with a slight laugh and picked up the acorn and tossed it up into the tree at the squirrels making them jump off across the branches away from her and Gabriel.

Victelo nodded "Alright, meet you there." he said and after Hunter left he went and changed into his swim trunks, then he opened the door and walked down the steps closing the door behind him following a ways after Hunter going towards the lake.

Gabriel laughed,"and don't come back, or I'll have to get Salbria on you!" he called after the squirrels laughing. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that, sometimes those dang squirrels can be real butt heads." said Gabriel with a slight smile as he reached into the picnic basket fore some water, "You want something to drink, I've got water and juice?" he asked.

Hunter waved at Gabriel and Salbria then stood there waiting for Victello to catch up. When he finnaly did catch up, Hunter jokingly whopped him with his towel smiling because he always liked to joke around and act silly.

(Sorry for taking so long to post)

Salbria waved back to Hunter then turned towards Gabriel and smiled "Sometimes they can be, um sure waters fine." she answered then added asking somewhat curiously "What were you going to say though? you were about to ask if I wanted to do something, but then the squirrels hit you in the head with the acorn. . . " 

Victelo smirked and grabbed the towel from Hunters hand and thwaped him back with it before looking over and waving slightly at Gabriel and Salbria, he tossed the towel back at Hunters face and trotted towards the lake ahead of him.

((lol it's alright, but same here I had to help my little sister))

Shadow, Nico, and their canines raided the lunch table to have a picnic. Shadow had a battery powered I pod player/charger and was going to play some music. Clarrisa insisted on picnic crashing bringing her boyfreind who she did not make goo goo eyes at along. They found a nice little clearing and set up, Shadow was putting on some old rock and roll. "Can't beat the clasics." Clarrisa asked "Is that ACDC?" "Yep Rock and Roll aint noise polution." Clarrisa's boyfreind exclaimed "I love ACDC!" Nico said "I've never listened to rock..." Shadow looked at him and said "Then you must listen at least once to the classics... Lest you be depraved of soul food..."

There was a river nearby and Shadow was dared to jump in... "I always bring a swimsuit..." She was wearing a black two piece instead of underwear, She took her shoes and socks off then the rest of her clothes resulting in wolf whistles and drooling. Shadow bowed before running to jump in. She poked her head up, the water was cold but she smiled and yelled "Come on in the water's fine!" She gave a glance to Nico who grinned. Rick and his buddies jumped in and poked their heads up with yells of "Crap it's cold!" Shadow looked at them funny keeping the joke going "Feels fine to me..." Shadow was from the mountains so it was cool to her. She added "But I'm from the mountains so it may just be me..."

"Oh, yeah, Its about the quest." said Gabriel as he popped the top off his water and took a sip. "See, the nominations for captians is this week, and I was thinking that it should be either you or Victello." (Though it may not be that way, I am still deciding on who) Gabriel said modestly as he played with the clouds, making shapes and twirling them around. Creating pictures in the sky was one of his favorite past times, he sometimes liked to lay down in the cool grass and look up at the sky and make beautiful pictures.

(100 words exactly! *not including this though)

Salbria half smiled "Even if that were the case Victelo would be a better leader than I would, he is much more confident than I am, and probably ever will be, but I think you would be a great leader for our team also, you have the confidence in yourself to do it." she answered back before she set her sandwich on the bag it was wrapped up in and leaned backwards a little ways tilting her head back and closed her eyes feeling the warm sun on her face and took a deep breath of the clean air still with the half smile on her face.
Gabriel smiled as he twirled his fingers, making a cloud form the shope of Salbria's face with the same half smile, "I don't know, you seem pretty intimidating, you'd probbably have Rick and his crew shaking in their boots." he said smiling at the sight of that, "but thanks." he said as he made another cloud picture, but this time it was of Salbria looking serious, and another one of Rick looking terrified. Gabriel just laughed at them then turned the sky back into a clear blue, blank canvas, the dazzling sun shinning brightly, high in the sky. Today was a beautiful day.
Salbria laughed and lifted her head up looking at him "Oh I know I could do that, I could probably scare the pants off of them and send them for the hills if I wanted, but being intimidating isn't the same as knowing you are able to do something and trusting yourself, I would just be double guessing myself about my decisions in the long run." she turned looking to the side over her shoulder as a slight cool breeze picked up, it felt good as it gently blew her hair back and it added to the shade of the large tree and the hot sun that they were sitting under.

Camp Half-Blood

The Camp is in a valley surrounded by Hills.

There is the Cabins where you sleep.

The Dinning Hall, where you eat.

The Field, where you can relax, play, and just hang out.

The Campfire, in the center of camp, where meetings are held.


You're running through a grassy field, a Minotaur behind you. A large tree looms before you and you run past it. Halting, you see that the Minotaur hadn't chased you past the tree. A girl runs up to you from the hill that slopes down below the tree. "Hi! I'm Marie and this is Camp Half-Blood." She tells you.

One of your parents is a god, that means you are a Demi-god, or a Half-blood. You were sent there for your saftey, and to learn to prepare you to be a god.


Basically the same as the Plot so I'll just put the gods

Zeus- god of the sky, rain, thunder, wind, lightning, storms, justice, hospitality, heaven, earth, and is the king of the gods. One of the Big Three.

Poseidon- god of the sea, horses, and waves. One of the Big Three.

Hades- god of the Underworld, wealth, and the dead. One of the Big Three.

Athena- goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts.

Artemis- goddess of the Hunt, wildlife, the Moon and maidens.

Apollo- god of the sun, light, prophecy, healing, medicine, plague, truth, poetry, archery, the arts, music, and intelligence.

Ares- god of war, bloodlust, and slaughter.

Aphrodite- goddess of love, lust, pleasure and beauty.

Demeter- goddess of the Harvest and the seasons.

Hermes- god of roads, speed, messengers, travel, thieves, and athletics.


All normal RP rules

Only 3 or 4 children per god.

Only 2 or 3 children of Zeus.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
ShesGot_A_WildSide (#6070)

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