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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


(Sorry but I gotta go guys! My mom is bugging me to get off the computer so I might just switct to my mini so don't worry)
Shadow yawned at the table enjoying an omelette and some grape juice, Liufr had a bowl of bacon eggs and ham he was eating. Shadow and Nico were having a conversation about their godly parents. Percy and Tyson were bolting their food, Shadow may have been sired by chaos incarnate but she had table manners. Nico's mother had been a woman of the upper class and had taught him manners. Liufr had picked up his manners from Shadow... While at a table anyways. Liufr was her nephew technicaly, having been sired by Fenrir a wolf son of Loki. She'd heard that Fenrir and the other beast gods had a human form, she wondered if Fenir had sired a human half blood...

Gabriel walked into the dinning hall and grabbed a plate, he went from cart to cart, piling his plate with fresh fruit , toast, eggs and bacon. He then grabbed a glass of orange juice. Gabriel waved at Shadow then took a seat at an empty table. He then dug into his food.

When he finished, Gabriel threw away his plate and sat back in his chair, rocking back and forth lazily. When Hunter came over and sat down, they played Rock, Paper, Scissors and Arm wrestled. They also laughed and made jokes about yesterday's food fight, and Headmaster being knocked out by a ball of food.

Shadow waved back grabbing an apple and biting into it. Tyson had peanut butter again, Shadow didn't think much of it must be a cyclops thing. Tyson was better than a giant. Giants had been after her for her whole life, the bane of the nordic gods. Probably why she was the only demigod from the nordic panthion. Liufr had killed many giants heck she had faced a few, if not for Liufr and the valkery she'd have never made it to camp. She was here now and she figured she'd just hang out and wait for one of those quest things she'd heard of...

Salbria walked over to the carts but didn't bother to grab a plate, she wasn't all to hungry that morning, she just grabbed an apple and went to go sit down at another table by herself and she began to eat her apple staring into a blank nothingness infront of her.

Victelo though was starving and piled his plate up with bacon eggs and toast before he went and sat next to Salbria before he started to eat his food keeping his mind focused on eating not really caring what was going on around them.  Somehow he managed to finish his food at the same time Salbria finished her apple.

Gabriel soon became bored and wandered over to the bulletin board. Most of the things that were pinned on it were just advertisements for activities. But there was one flier that was meant to catch your eye, and it did just that. It was a very silky looking paper and it seemed to ripple like gold water. Gabriel picked up the paper and carried it over to the table where Salbria and Victello sat. "Hey, listen to this." he said as he read the paper aloud.


The following groups will take part in the quest for the golden goblet. They will face of in a race to see who gets it first. The quest begins in two weeks, so prepare for the adventure of a lifetime.

Swiftwind Group

The children of Zeus, Aphrodite, Apollo, and Artemis

Silverwind Group

The children of Hermes, Ares, Athena, and Demeter

Due to the changes in camp expansion, all children of Nordic or Aboriginal gods may choose wich group they will be part of.

(Note: each group must be even so either way, somone is going to have to be on either side)

Victelo stood up from his seat wiping his mouth "Sounds like it'd be fun, you think it'd be like an obstacle course type of thing or just a sort of track race?" he asked sounding rather intrigued about it, he smirked "Well we are gonna be on the same team this time so there's no reason to nearly choke the life out of me." she said in a joking manner, he hasn't forgotten about it but he didn't lord it over him either, he viewed it as a personal joke.

Salbria stood up next to her brother and slaped his arm rolling her eyes at his comment.

Gabriel laughed, "I don't know, but I know that we'll beat the mess out of those Hermes guys." he said as Rick and his crew walked in.

Just then, the headmaster walked in, dressed in a very fancy suit with a serious look on his face. "May I see the following cabins please." he said to everyone. He then called out the groups that were on the list.

Gabriel, Hunter and a few other kids followed him out into the square, and gathered around the campfire. Rick and a few of his friends shot nast glares at Gabriel, and he returned them.

Shadow had finished her breakfast and saw the flier. "They neglected to state your cabin or Posidon Nico... Liufr and I are going with you. Looks like Artimis is bringing her hunters for this too. This is gonna be good." Nico looked over at Percy. "He's going with his girlfreind..." Clarissa from Aries cabin came walking up "You going to join us? I remember the foodfight. You handled yourself well." Shadow blinked "I thought you hated me for losing catch the flag. I pushed myself beyond my limits there..." She actually chuckled "Personally I just hate losing." Shadow looked at Nico then Liufr who was looking confused at the daughter of Aries. Shadow shrugged "Ask Nico I'm just going with where he goes..." "Sure... just don't blame her if we lose." Clairessa held her hand out "Deal." Nico and Shadow shook and confirmed their alliance.

Salbria looked up at Victelo then out the door of the dinning hall towards the campfire where Gabriel and the others were standing with the headmaster, "You think they're in trouble or something?" she asked quietly under her breath, then went to throw her apple core away.

Victelo shrugged as he took care of his plate he had his breakfast on then walked over towards her "Don't know could be, maybe it's about the food fight and him coming to his senses after a while, he might want answers, or maybe he wants them to switch teams for the race or something." he replied in the same quiet and hushed tone, he really had no idea.

The Headmaster stood atop a podium, "Good morning campers." he said in a loud booming voice. Everyone said good morning back. "Everyone must know by now of the quest, and if not, you can pick up a flier from over there, and I strongly suggest you get one." he said with a mischiveous wink. "The quest will begin in two weeks, you will be required to train with your group and only your group." he said sternly, "there is to be no interaction between the two groups until the quest begins." said Headmaster.

"The quest is an adventure to find the golden goblet, the gods have hidden it somewhere in the mountains and the surrounding areas and it is your job to find it before the others do." he said, "but it won't be easy, there will be great obstacles, both physical and mental, and only the strongest, smartest and bravest will win." said the Headmaster. "but there is a twist, see the goblet isn't just one piece, it is broken into several pices and you must follow clues and find them all and assemble it."he said.

Victelo walked up closer to where the headmaster was standing by the fire as he was talking and folded his arms across his chest listening carefully his eyes tightly fixed on him, he heard snickers behind him and turned to see the Hermes kids, she shot them a cold glare and they right away shut up, he turned back his attention once again on the head master.

Salbria walked up and stood next to Victelo, her hands folded behind her back as she listened quietly, she didn't know much about them but when she heard avoid contact with any of the opposing teams members she would gladly follow that rule.

"Now you know why you have uniforms, well that's all for now." said Headmaster as he stepped off the podium, "The trainning schedules are posted over there." he said pointing to a board, and then he was gone.

Gabriel just walked over to the board where the scheldule was, he had to push by several people to get a look at it it had these things listed:


Survival skills



Chariot Driving

Hand to hand combat

Weaponery(spelling fail!)


Rock Climbing

Gabriel just snorted as he read the list, he had most of those down, and just was in pretty good shape so tranning shouldn't be too hard for him.

I gotta go soon so I'll make like one more post after this

Salbria looked over at the very crowded bullitan board and groaned, she grabbed Victelos hand and pulled him over "Here give me a boost so I can see the board would ya?" she asked as she climbed up onto his shoulders attempting to get a look at the list on the board.

Victelo nodded and lowered himself closer to the ground as she climbed onto his shoulders, once she got up there he stood up again "What's it say?" he asked.

Salbria squinted trying to make the words out while she balanced herself on his shoulders "Um, archery, survival skills, running, swimming, chariot driving, hand to hand combat, weaponry, nuilding, and rock climbing... I think" she replied


Camp Half-Blood

The Camp is in a valley surrounded by Hills.

There is the Cabins where you sleep.

The Dinning Hall, where you eat.

The Field, where you can relax, play, and just hang out.

The Campfire, in the center of camp, where meetings are held.


You're running through a grassy field, a Minotaur behind you. A large tree looms before you and you run past it. Halting, you see that the Minotaur hadn't chased you past the tree. A girl runs up to you from the hill that slopes down below the tree. "Hi! I'm Marie and this is Camp Half-Blood." She tells you.

One of your parents is a god, that means you are a Demi-god, or a Half-blood. You were sent there for your saftey, and to learn to prepare you to be a god.


Basically the same as the Plot so I'll just put the gods

Zeus- god of the sky, rain, thunder, wind, lightning, storms, justice, hospitality, heaven, earth, and is the king of the gods. One of the Big Three.

Poseidon- god of the sea, horses, and waves. One of the Big Three.

Hades- god of the Underworld, wealth, and the dead. One of the Big Three.

Athena- goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts.

Artemis- goddess of the Hunt, wildlife, the Moon and maidens.

Apollo- god of the sun, light, prophecy, healing, medicine, plague, truth, poetry, archery, the arts, music, and intelligence.

Ares- god of war, bloodlust, and slaughter.

Aphrodite- goddess of love, lust, pleasure and beauty.

Demeter- goddess of the Harvest and the seasons.

Hermes- god of roads, speed, messengers, travel, thieves, and athletics.


All normal RP rules

Only 3 or 4 children per god.

Only 2 or 3 children of Zeus.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
ShesGot_A_WildSide (#6070)

Current Characters
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