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After being hugged by Jason, Jewels looked at Grendile and nodded. "Yes, that would solve many problems." She began. "But it's impossible to." She continued. They looked at her confused. "Zonan is a power crazy lunatic that will stop at nothing to get us killed." She looked at the ground. "But, if we were to take him down... we would have to have a plan." She suggested in a serious tone, looking up. Hina nudged up against her, examining her newly acquired coat. It seemed to be very strong. Jewels bent down and stroked Hina's fur. It was matted and dirty. She pulled out some burs and continued to stroke him, then looked up at the others.
Sorian sighed. It seemed that every time she made a plan to kill Zonan, something got in the way. "Perhaps it is not my place to do it. Perhaps someone else is destined to destory him." She mumbled to herself. "Hm? What are you saying?" Grendile asked curiously. Sorian did not answer. She simply stood up, balanced on the thin tree branch, and then began to jump up and down, making it shake and nearly break. Grendile, who was very confused, went back to the ground where everyone else was. Sorian had no explanation of why she was acting like a hatchling, but she didn't really care at the moment. 

Zonan looked at her. He knew why she was so angry and brutal, though he didn't want to share it. "I really have no idea why she did this." He lied. He was a good liar, you could barely tell he was. He saw a rat scamper across the ground, and he muttered some more words and took the rat's energy and gave it to Xina. "Does that help a litte?" He asked with a smile.

Allison popped up from behind the others. She looked up at Jewels. "Is there any way we can destroy him?" She asked hopefully. Jewels glared at her with sadness. "I dont know." She said plainly.

Lilya narrowed her eyes, "Kidnap Xina." She muttered and everyone stared at her like she was crazy. She shrugged, "It will be practically impossible- but it may work. I have a plan..."

 Xina sighed in relief once she felt more energy in her paws. She nodded slowly, "Yes- that's better.." She mumbled and looked at him again, "Did you control her?" She muttered, knowing that some of these dark magic spells have drawbacks- she used light magic, so she didn't have many drawbacks. She narrowed her eyes, hearing that dark wizards take years to master dark magic enough to make sure that no drawbacks happen... but she didn't know about Zonan...

Grendile sighed looking at the group. "I'm almost positive Zonan wants us out of the way so he can kill our criminal. The only reason he knows magic is because of the books from the mansion. Some of those books had a curse attached to them that made the reader able to use dark magic. And catching Xina won't be easy, she knows plenty of magic spells that she could use against us. If we were to catch her we'd first have to some how knock her out, and it's almost impossible to get close enough to her without being killed. Zonan has a few other followers that are with him too. The one I see as the biggest threat is Ferru because he's immortal. If we're lucky, some of those books from the mansion would kill the reader, but I doubt that Zonan's that stupid."

Zonan looked at her. "The only drawback is that whenever I want to heal, I must find some living creature and take it's energy." He said to her. "Are you strong enough to walk?" He asked kindly.

Jewels looked at Lilya. "What's your plan." She asked.

The sun was rising, her blinding rays in their eyes. It was getting warmer, and the ghostly wind had passed. The birds chirped their happy morning song in the trees above them. Squirrels chattered and woodpeckers began their pecking. It was a beautiful day. Jewels used her hand to shield her eyes from the suns blinding rays.

 Lilya smiled, glad that someone was interested. "Sadly, Xina is very alert. We have to have someone stealthy- someone who doesn't need to walk-" She looked at grendile pointedly, "Someone like a ghost. Leave, grab Xina, and get out before anyone notices. Sadly, Zonan is also very alert and he practically has Xina next to him at all times. We have to distract him from her somehow. That part I didn't get to."

 Xina slowly got up on shaky paws, 'Yes- I can." She mumbled and stretched unsheathing her claws as she did so and yawned, showing sharp, white teeth. She looked up at Zonan expectantly while she was done stretching away the shakiness.

Allison popped up again. "I can be a distraction! Im good at dodging swings from swords and stuff!" She said happily, rocking back and forth on her heels.

Jewels glared at her, shocked. "What?! Thats too dangerous! you'll get yourself killed!" She remarked, almost with a shout. Allison looked at her. "I can do it. I'll be fine!" She added, then looked at Lilya. "Can I?" She asked with a smile. She wanted to help with something. Jewels rolled her eyes. She knew it was a bad idea, but if the girl wanted to help, she could. There was no stopping her.

Deonday looked at Allison, he found it amusing that someone her age would try and help. "You'll probably get yourself killed within five minutes flat, I think it's a terrible idea."

Grendile looked at Allison. "It's not a bad idea at all, but we need somebody to stay in hiding for you incase things get out of hand. I'm pretty sure we've all seen how cruel Zonan can be, I'm positive he wouldn't hesitate to kill you." Grendile looked over to Deonday. "I think Baltor should stay nearby in case she needs to make a get away." Deonday sighed with disappointment. "Fine... We could do that." Grendile looked over to Jewels, Allison, and Lilya. "Allison would be a great decoy, but we should have someone in hiding to protect her."

Jewels looked at Deonday. "I'll do it. Im practically invisible with this coat, and it deflects bullets." She said bravely. She pulled out her gun. "And with this guy, i can do some pretty heavy dammage if somebody tries to get at her." She smiled and put the gun away. Allison looked at her and smiled.

Zonan looked at her pleased. "Good. You'll need to." He said strongly. "We should find the others in case they come back." He said looking toward the end of the alleyway. "We need all the help we can get. Who knows what they're planning." he continued.

 Lilya looked annoyed at all the chattering, "SHUT UP!" She screeched and everything fell silent. "Okay.. good.' She sighed, "Jewels and Alison will both do the distraction and Batlor will be their getaway transportation thing." She sighed, hoping that they didn't start to chatter again. She sighed and rubbed her head, "You may talk now...' she muttered.

 Xina flicked her ears and morphed back into a human and dusted her cloaks off. "But we shouldn't worry, they are weak." She scoffed, even though Jewels killed her it didn't escape her mind that they were weak idiots. She narrowed her eyes when she thought of Lilya again..

Jewels looked at Lilya then rolled her eyes and smiled. "Ok, so, the rest of the plan? Who's going to attack?" She asked confidently.

Allison smiled. She was glad she could finally be included in something. She was thinking what she would do if Zonan tried to kill her. She decided that she would trust jewels, who knew more about this than she did.

Jewels had an idea. "I think I know how i can hide and protect her if Zonan decides to attack. She can come up from the shadows, and i stay in the shadows behind her, holding my gun. If he trys anything, I can quickly spin around and shoot, because i have to be facing the wall or he will notice me." She looked at Lilya.

Zonan looked at her and smiled. "yes they are." He looked toward the end of the alleyway. "Jewels is very weak. I proved that years ago." He said with a snicker. "It was almost two years ago." He sat on the ground, his heart still ached. "I had to kill the idiot that distracted her. I did her a favor! And she spat in my face. So for that, I spat right back." He grinned.

Jewels looked at Lilya. "Do you have anything to add to my idea? Or do you have a better one." She asked kindly, but still serious.

 Xina smiled at Zonan, she knew she didn't kill him for a reason."What idiot?' Then she realized that she didn't know Zonan all her life- he had a past as well as she did. She looked at him, interested in hearing his story. She already told hers, now it's his turn. "What idiot did you kill for her?"

 Lilya glared at Jewels, "No attacking. We are only going to capture Xina, no attacking just distracting." She ordered sternly. "If I have attacking I will punish them Jewqels, and if you disagree with that Alison will be the one distracting Zonan alone." She didn't want anyone to get injured- or like recently- killed.

She sat again on the small hill. Nobody seemed to bother her here ecept for those poor people she acidently steped on. She yawned and scanned the aerea. She was saprised nothing latly cought her curiosity. Then again, the humanoids didnt really have intresting lives. She yawned again, and flicked the bag of coins that sat at her side. Geuss I wait to see what the events are? She then took her stute like pose, freezeing. Acsionaly she let the flicker of her tounge pass her lips. If anyone needed her they would come...or she would find something else to reek chaos on land..or steal some cattle for food. Or just sit here.

A Day in the Life of a Sweeper

The setting is on the continent of Carnon. Carnon is a huge land with many cities and different climates. Covering the land are series of species of mythical creatures, animals, and humans. It is said that under the city are underground caverns...


Mariola: A smaller, more peaceful city than the others, many people with children choose to live here. It is on the plains Mariola and the largest, and most successful, farms are started here. It it known for it's best produce and best onion buns.

Capricorn: Capricorn is a mysterious and small town in the high, misty Mountains of the War. This was where the many wars were fought to free this country from the evil people of Sharquee, their former controller. Nobody really lives in Capricorn, except for widows and the extremely poor. But, some say that the secret entrance to the underground caverns, is in one of the shops... but no one really knows.

Kolnco: The Gem of the Coast. Thats what the people call Kolnco. Its a beautiful place for vacation, retirement, or just living. The beaches are the best on Carnon and the people are friendly and kind. It's famous for it's yearly 'Fish Feast. That's when all the fishermen in the city go out and catch as many fish as they can, then they fry them all up and the entire city gets to eat all-you-can-eat fish!

Carnon City: The largest City on Carnon. Everyone who's anyone lives here. The people here are normally very very rich. But the crime rate has gone up, and the people hid to protect themselves, and their money.

South Banks Megalopolis: A huge city on the river of Ja where the crime rate is large and the death toll is also large. Many sweepers come here to earn huge bounties but are often killed in the process. Only the most elite can come here and earn the bounty.


" A sweeper only needs a genuine desire to help..."

This land was once peacful and quite. It was very rich and prosperous. But, over the years, the law enforcement has been overturned and completely removed. Now, the only hope for Carnon, is their sweepers. The 'good' sweepers have been given a license to do so. The 'bad' sweepers have just been hired as practically assasins. They will stop at nothing to get their prize, and many others as well.

A person has gone missing and there is a very large bounty for whoever finds him. The only problem is: it's like he disappeared from the face of the Earth! No one can find him, for he is expert at hiding, and now the two sides of Bounty Hunters feud, which doesn't help find this person any faster. Evil Bounty Hunters will kill anyone that gets in their way, as good bounty hunters only kill to cover their bare necessities.

This person that has gone missing has made the Bounty Hunters angry, by stealing many of their bounties and killing many of them. This person also killed many innocent people and robbed them of their money. He is a greedy thief, and we have no idea what he's doing or where he is. And when he disappeared, the Bounty Hunters were trying their best to find him...but he just disappeared suddenly. The bounty for him has risen as the years went by-but, no one can seem to find him no matter how much riches are at stake. And the Bounty Hunters still try to find him.


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Joinable Species
Dire Wolf
Evil Bounty Hunter
Good Bounty Hunter
Neutral Bounty Hunter
Neutral Human
Other (tell me in description)
Other Canine Species
Other Feline Species

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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