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Deonday sighed continuing to scratch Baltor behind the ear. "Your right about that... still, things might be a bit easier." Deonday smiled a bit continuing to scratch the horse. "I think it's a very fine horse, but it looks starved."

Feralie whimpered silently after Farren bit her shoulder. She had a devious smile though after Xina yelled at him. Grasha sighed pulling her dragon away from Farren. She knew that Farren would only attack Feralie when prevoked. "Feralie, you said something mean to Farren, didn't you? Be nice, now I want you to apologize to Farren for whatever you said." Feralie sighed limping over to Farren. "Sorrys Farren." Feralie wasn't sincere on her apology, but she had to say something or Grasha would get mad.

Zonan glared at the dragon and the hellhound. He then looked at Grasha and Xina. "Please control your animals." He said. Then he looked at Ferru. "Yes, i thought about doing that, but there is one question. Who is the strongest? They are all very strong." He pondered again for a moment.

Hina walked up to the horse and smiled in a friendly manor. "So, tell me your story. Why are you wandering these streets? And why do you look so hungry?" Hina asked politely in his dog bark.

Allison noticed Hina kept barking at the horse, though the horse did not get scared.

 Xina kicked Farren again and looked at Zonan in fear, "Y-yes Zonan." She muttered, Zonan rolled his eyes and sighed in distaste. They are such idiots. he thought to himself. Xina felt stupid and glared at Farren, who looked away from Feralie in a snobish fashion. Xina looked at Zonan again, "Wouldn't the strongest be Grendile? He is a ghost, so he would be immortal, and you either need magic or special weapons to kill the undead." She said softly. Zonan stared at her and smiled, Maybe not all of them.

 Lilya stared at Batlor who seemed to be talking to Hina.

Grasha sighed as her dragon looked the opposite direction. "She's right, Grendile's going to be the strongest, and smartest of the group. So far he's the one who's been leading them, also he is immortal, we'd need special equiptment to kill him. My swords able to kill undead, but I don't think their powerful enough to kill him."

Batlor was looking at Hina. "Well, I ran away from my owner, he starved me and carry around all the things he had. The man who owned me was a bounty hunter, he was very cruel to me. One day when he was asleep I ran away." Hina nodded at Batlor. "Oh, I see."

 Xina glared at Grasha, Whatever, I knew that. She thought bitterly and looked at Zonan, "Yes..exactly." She muttered bitterly, glaring at Grasha. Farren curled around her master's legs, staring at Zonan with a sudden hatred. Zonan stared at Farren, Stupid dog. He thought and looked back to Xina, annoyed by her Hellhound.

 Lilya looked at Hina and muttered to Deonday, "Are they talking?" She asked him with a whisper and he shrugged. She looked at Hina suspisuosly, wondering if Hina could talk to humans. She shook her head and facepalmed herself for thinking something so stupid, wolves should only talk to wolves....

Grasha sighed rubbing her dragon on it's head. "Does anybody have any ideas on how we get equiptment like that? If we can't take out Grendile we're going to run into some major issues."

Grendile was looking around, he saw Hokey who thought he saw something move. "Is something wrong Hokey? Did you see something?"

Deonday looked at Hina curiously. "He might be talking to him. I mean when I was..." Deonday decided not to say the last part. He remembered that when he was a rabbit Hina could talk to him. He didn't feel like mentioning that to Lilya. "...Nevermind."

 Xina huffed, "I'm a witch." She scoffed to Grasha like she was an idiot, "I can conjure up something." She blushed slightly under Zonan's hard gaze and concentrated. She blinked and raised her hands, her hands glowed and suddenly a pile of swords and guns appeared before her. She held up one hand to stop the others from grabbing them and she enchanted them with a spell that can kill the undead. She looked pleased with herself, "THere we go, weapons that can kill both undead and the living!" Some of the group members seemed impressed with her, Zonan especially.

 Lilya raised one eyebrow and stared at Deonday, "Okay then..."

Grasha looked at the weapons impressed. "Well there's one solution, it's not going to be easy to get near him with those weapons though. Should one or two of us attack him or all at once?" Grasha wanted to take every precaution she could, she's seen what Grendile is able to do.

Deonday sighed backing of from the horse. "He's going to need plenty of food if he's going to regain his strength, the poor things obviously starved."

Grendile sighed walking over to Hokey. "It's probably nothing Hokey. Maybe you should come out of the alleyway." Grendile sighed seeing Hokey was still looking warily around.

Thern and Brench stayed close to the group staying alert as possible. "We all still should be careful."

 Xina snapped her fingers, "Already though that out. I will do as so for Farren," She called her Hellhound and waved her hands over her, the Hellhound turned into a raccoon, but still in Hellhound colors. Xina waved her hands over her again and Ferren gained a normal Raccoon's colors. "Farren attacks them, making one of them injured and Grendile heals them, making him have less energy. Then, we attack. We'll distract the others and Grendile will be no more." She looked proud of herself to think out this plan. Zonan nodded, "I like this plan," he winked to Xina, "Very well thought out."

 Hokey shuddered and looked at Grendile, "I don't think it was nothing." And he followed the ghost warily.


Ferru groaned.  "Really, do you have to be that stupid?" He asked Grasha in a pained voice.  "We're killing the strongest among them long range, remember?  That way, we don't have to go near." Ferru then continued playing with his magnifyer, which he;d been doing for the entire time, only listening a bit, but comments as stupid as the few he'd responded to really jumped out at you, so naturally, he heard them, and responded apropriately.  Ferru waited for the others to choose there weapons first; due to his magnifyer, the very device he was using to ignore the others, he could use any long-range effectively. 
Grendile led Hokey out of the alleyway. "You might be right, but even so I'm pretty sure it would be smart to stay out of the alleyway. Whatever it was it's probably not best to stay and find out." Grendile sighed rubbing Iken, he let him slither onto his neck.

Grasha sighed listening to the plan. "That actually sound like a good idea for once." She hated admitting it but Xina's plan sounded fullproof. "So who exactly will we be injuring to fool Grendile? And who's going to be the distraction?" Grasha wanted to hear as much of this plan as she could so she'd know what to do.

Thern and Brench walked a little closer to the group, looking around warily.

Deonday sighed looking at the horse. Batlor trotted closer to him and Lilya after he was finished talking to Hina.

  Xina glared at Ferru, "Oh shut up, I'd like to see you come up with a better plan and do it all yourself." She looked at Farren who looked confused and annoyed to be a raccoon and not have her beautiful fur colors. He scoffed and looked away from her master in distaste. Xina ignored her Hellhound, she was shivering with excitement, she felt useful to make a whole plan herself. She looked at Grasha and answered her questions, "Oh, the one Grendile cares most about, Deonday. And, when we attack, I would like to ask of you to lead all of them away from Gremdile." She looked at Zonan most specifically, "I'm sure you can distract the best fighters, Lilya, Jewels, and Deonday."

 Hokey shuddered, not wanting to be in that horrible alleyway, "Yes, I agree."

 Iken flicked his tounge and looked absent-minded as he thought to himself, as he often did.

 Lilya looked at Batlor and smiled, he trusted the horse now. SHe looked at Deonday, "Well? Will you ride him?"

Deonday sighed listening to Lilya. "Not in a place lime this, and with his current condition that might be bad for Batlor."

Grasha listened well to the plan. "I think the plan sounds good." She sighed looking at Ferru, he always seemed to think diferently then they did. She looked back at Xina who sounded proud of her plan. "Well we have a plan, what's the point of staying here?"

Grendile looked at Hokey with a small smile. "It's much safer out here, better than that alleyway. So far the group hasn't been able to go without an injury for an hour. This city is very dangerous." Grendile looked back at Iken beginning to rub his head.

 Zonan smiled and clapped his hands, "Yes, exactly, why wait when we have a perfect plan?" He looked at Xina and smiled, "Very excellent thinking... Xina.." He said smoothly and slowly, he looked away from her as she blushed and led them to where he knew the first group was and looked at Xina. She shooed Farren towards them and she looked at the first group with hostility, she glared at Deonday and growled.

 Lilya looked over and noticed a raccoon, "Deonday, a raccoon!" She gasped and watched it catiously.

 Hokey nodded, "Alleyways are made for trouble.. I should know.." He mumbled shooting a glance at his master and noticed the raccoon.

Deonday sighed looking at the 'raccoon'. "It's just a raccoon, nothing more, nothing less." Deonday saw that Baltor seemed to fear the raccoon. "Oh come on, it's just a raccoon Baltor."

Grendile looked suspiciously at the raccoon. He sighed trying to ignore it.

Grasha and Feralie stayed hidden in the shadows. She looked at Xina curiously. "So do you want me to injure Deonday, and your going to take out Grendile, right?" Grasha still was unsure about the plan. Feralie rolled her eyes looking at Farren who was distracting them pretty well. She sighed wanting to kill something, or someone. Right now she was beginning to bore.

A Day in the Life of a Sweeper

The setting is on the continent of Carnon. Carnon is a huge land with many cities and different climates. Covering the land are series of species of mythical creatures, animals, and humans. It is said that under the city are underground caverns...


Mariola: A smaller, more peaceful city than the others, many people with children choose to live here. It is on the plains Mariola and the largest, and most successful, farms are started here. It it known for it's best produce and best onion buns.

Capricorn: Capricorn is a mysterious and small town in the high, misty Mountains of the War. This was where the many wars were fought to free this country from the evil people of Sharquee, their former controller. Nobody really lives in Capricorn, except for widows and the extremely poor. But, some say that the secret entrance to the underground caverns, is in one of the shops... but no one really knows.

Kolnco: The Gem of the Coast. Thats what the people call Kolnco. Its a beautiful place for vacation, retirement, or just living. The beaches are the best on Carnon and the people are friendly and kind. It's famous for it's yearly 'Fish Feast. That's when all the fishermen in the city go out and catch as many fish as they can, then they fry them all up and the entire city gets to eat all-you-can-eat fish!

Carnon City: The largest City on Carnon. Everyone who's anyone lives here. The people here are normally very very rich. But the crime rate has gone up, and the people hid to protect themselves, and their money.

South Banks Megalopolis: A huge city on the river of Ja where the crime rate is large and the death toll is also large. Many sweepers come here to earn huge bounties but are often killed in the process. Only the most elite can come here and earn the bounty.


" A sweeper only needs a genuine desire to help..."

This land was once peacful and quite. It was very rich and prosperous. But, over the years, the law enforcement has been overturned and completely removed. Now, the only hope for Carnon, is their sweepers. The 'good' sweepers have been given a license to do so. The 'bad' sweepers have just been hired as practically assasins. They will stop at nothing to get their prize, and many others as well.

A person has gone missing and there is a very large bounty for whoever finds him. The only problem is: it's like he disappeared from the face of the Earth! No one can find him, for he is expert at hiding, and now the two sides of Bounty Hunters feud, which doesn't help find this person any faster. Evil Bounty Hunters will kill anyone that gets in their way, as good bounty hunters only kill to cover their bare necessities.

This person that has gone missing has made the Bounty Hunters angry, by stealing many of their bounties and killing many of them. This person also killed many innocent people and robbed them of their money. He is a greedy thief, and we have no idea what he's doing or where he is. And when he disappeared, the Bounty Hunters were trying their best to find him...but he just disappeared suddenly. The bounty for him has risen as the years went by-but, no one can seem to find him no matter how much riches are at stake. And the Bounty Hunters still try to find him.


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Joinable Species
Dire Wolf
Evil Bounty Hunter
Good Bounty Hunter
Neutral Bounty Hunter
Neutral Human
Other (tell me in description)
Other Canine Species
Other Feline Species

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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