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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Grendile also looked at the shadow with suspicion, things like this would never happen with a regular shadow.

"My name is Errala! The other shadows are meaner than I am, I don't know why but I don't like doing the things they do. When I was summoned I hid in the corner because I saw big mean evil spirits." Errala looked at Hokey with a friendly smile. Errala was female, you could hear it in her voice. She turned around to look at Hina. "Look it's a puppy! It's so fuzzy and puffy! I like puppies, their so small and adorable!" Errala ran over back to Hokey circling around him. "I like playing!" Errala began to run around the cabin in a playful mood. "Yay I can stay!"

Hokey's eyes widened, 'Nonono, that puppy isn't fluffy, fuzzy, adorable or fuN!" He warned Errala, "Hina is the worst puppy in existence!" He muttered as heherded the shadow away, "He eats people, humans and elves alike." He whispered to her. Errala of course looked cofnsued and Hina continued to drool absent mindedly.

Lilya smiled and looked at Hokey leading Errala away from the dire wolf, "Seems Hokey ahas a new friend." She joked while cuddling with Deonday, "Seems that shadow has been an... improvement to our group," She said to him, "And Hokey is right about Hina, he isn't any of those."

Deonday looked at Hokey and Errala. "Hina has been weird as long as I've been here well I'm happy to see that Hokey's made a new friend that likes shiny objects as much as he does. If Errala tries to attack any of you I'll kill her I don't trust these shadows. I've seen what the ones Grendile summons can do, their usually very aggressive, they'll eat anything they can tear and they know magic even more darker than the kind Grendile uses."

Errala looked away from Hina and began looking at the rest of the group. "I want to play I know!" Errala ran over to Grendile pulling at his bag that had his journals. She dropped the bag shaking in fear when Grendile looked angrily at her. "I don't want to play anymore." Errala nervously put the bag down and hid behind Hokey, Grendile sighed quickly calming down. "That ghost can be very scary"

 Lilya held his hand and smiled at him, "Oh, so of course you can kill a shadow?" She said playfully, "I thought that they didn't have bodies!"  She leaned closer to Deonday, then her leg stung, she floinched and then looked at her leg to see a tiny, little shadow poking at it, "Shoo!" She snapped and the tiny shadow jumped and scampered off, "What was that?" Lilya asked Deonday.

Hokey led Errala away from Hina, Hian is a dangerous, rapid dire wolf with drooling problems, you never want to play with him, and Grendile, he's just a ghost, what doe she know? I'm a house elf, I serve humans with every last peice of my souL! I am very honorable!" He stared at Grendile when Errala started to hide behind him.

Hina glared at Hokey, and slurped the drool back into his mouth. I am not rabid! Nor do I have drooling problems! This is normal! Hina whined and went up to Jewels up gave a friendly glare at him. She bent down, and looked him in the eyes. "I dont think you're dangerous." She smiled at him sweetly, and stroaked his head. He gave a sort of smile, and trotted off to get his revenge on Hokey.

Jewels smiled at Hina who trotted off to go get to know Errala. She walked over to the others. "So, should we get going? Before the owner of this lovely cabin finds us?"

Errala continued to hide behind Hokey frightened by Grendile. "The ghost can be very scary. I don't like him too much now."

Deonday noticed the small shadow too, but he only was able to get a quick glance at it. "I don't know, that's either another annoying evil shadow, or something else. Also so you know my gun has enough force to kill a ghost, I'm pretty sure it could kill one of those evil creeps as well." Deonday looked to the corner to see the small shadow again. "What could that be?"

Once Errala was positive Grendile wouldn't attack her she came out from behind Hokey and looked at Hina. "Thank you, I wouldn't expect the puppy to be vicious, I thought it was just slobbery." Errala looked at a small shadow pass by. "Did you see that?"

Lilya's leg started to hurt more now, the shadow opened the woound again, "Oh great! He just hindered our traveling now!" She hissed and glared at the small shadow, shaped like a mouse it giggled and snickered, and rushed off into the darkness again, Lilya could swear she could still hear it's squeaky cackling.  "Stupid shadow..." She muttered and laid her head on Deonday's shoulder, "It hurts more  than it did yesterday." She whispered.

 Hokey nodded to Errala, es, but it is a wolf, so it is dangerous, and slobbery, a wolf doesn't normally slobber that much." He commented. And he glared at the wolf with a tinge of hatred and annoyencre.

Deonday sighed looking at Lilya's leg. He showed Lilya a smile trying to get her to feel better about her leg. His smile faded, he now looked guilty. Deonday began whispering to her so noone else would hear his mistake. "I'm so stupid, if you want I can ask Grendile to come over here and heal your leg. I can't believe I didn't bring that up earlier." Deonday looked at Lilya with a sympathetic look in his eyes. "Do you want me to call Grendile over here?"

Errala glared at the mouse angrily. "That was a cruel thing to do! Even for us evil shadows, that was very low." Errala pulled the mouse sized shadow out of a corner and showed Hokey the small thing. "Did you see what this shadow did, I think it was despicable."

Hokey nodded, and glared at the tiny wriggling shadow mouse, "Yes, he opened my master's woun d again, and it was healing so well!" He sighed.

Lilya's eyes glittered, "Yes.. please.. I don't want to feel like such a hinderence to our traveling, and it hurts so bad... it feels like my leg is being ripped off." She grunted and rubbed her stinging and burning leg, "I don't want to be helpless either, but... I do like... being stuck next to you." She whispered in a small voice, smiling at Deonday. She twitched her leg as it stung again and silently cursed the shadow mouse.

Deonday was forced to get up, he looked over to see Grendile who was in the corner sitting on a stool. "Grendile, could you come over here." Deonday watched as Grendile walked over to him. "Would you mind healing Lilya's leg?" Grendile looked over at Lilya and her wounded leg. "No, not at all, I'll help." Grendile walked over to Lilya and begun casting a minor healing spell. Lilya's leg glowed white, when the misterious light dissapeared Lilya's wound was gone. Grendile sighed looking at Lilya. "The wounds gone but some of the pain will probably still be there, it should at least feel a little better though." Grendile turned back around and sat back down on the stool in the corner. Deonday looked back at Lilya with a smile. "Sometimes I think it's good to have Grendile around.

Lilya nodded in agreement, and grunted, "Yeah sure, Casper is very helpful." She joked and looked at her leg with faintly stinged, she was afraid to get up though, she might colpase or something. She rubebd her leg and looked up at Deonday, "Just maybe..." She whispered faintly again.


Hokey scoffed and flicked the shadow mouse who was spinning and squeaking in rage, "Ooh scary!" Hokey joked as the mouse tried to claw at him, still squeaking in rage and Hokey laughed as he tormented the evil shadow mouse. "How amusing to see this tiny little evil creature trying to kill you~"

Deonday looked at Lilya with a sympathetic look. "Do you want me to try and help you get up?" Deonday held out a hand offering to help her up.

Errala looked at the mouse with fearful eyes. "Hokey, don't taunt it like that, you might get it more angry, all shadows can use powerful magic, he might hurt you with magic, that wouldn't be good." Errala watched as the mouse began squealing louder and louder. She watched in terror as the mouse cast a spell. The spell it cast sent a ray beam in Hokey's direction, the blast missed Hokey by an inch. "See, I told you taunting the mouse shadow was bad."

Lilya smiled and grebbed his hand and he pulled her up,  she stumbled but Deonday held her steady and she looked at him, "Thank you." She whispered and felt her leg ache with not standing on it for hours, bnut soon it recovered, but she continued to hold on to Deonday.

Hokey blinked att he shadow mouse in fear as it looked proud in itself for scaring okey and he nodded, "Okay then, no more taunting and tormeting it then." He sighed and glared at the mouse who squeaked something, but Hokey couldn't obviously speak mouse, so he ingored the squeaks of the evil shadow mouse.

Deonday gave Lilya a friendly smile understanding she didn't want to let go. "I'm happy your alright now Lilya."

Errala stared at the mouse letting it go worrying it would hurt someone. "Leave now little mouse, if you leave we won't hurt you and you won't have to see us again." Errala watched as the small mouse scurried back along the floor and turned around with a devious smile. "Are you going to leave? Or continue to bother us and we'll be forced to kill you?" The small mouse cleaned it's whiskers and escaped out of an open window. "Hokey, shadows can be very dangerous, only evil creatures that are very powerful can control them. Shadows can be very hostile and dangerous at times, they also are very good with magic."

Hina glared at Hokey evily, and chuckled when he almost got hurt because of a mouse. Hokey glared at Hina, and began casting a small spell to annoy the wolf, but was stopped by Hina jumping on top of him. Hina slobbered all over him, then sat on him. Hokey squirmed under the large dire wolf's fur. Hina looked at Errala with a doofy smile. Errala giggled and looked at Hokey, who was yelling something in elf.

Jewels walked up to the others, then leaned against the couch. "So, are we leaving today, or staying for another night? I think we should get going." She did a gesture toward the door, then looked back at the others.

A Day in the Life of a Sweeper

The setting is on the continent of Carnon. Carnon is a huge land with many cities and different climates. Covering the land are series of species of mythical creatures, animals, and humans. It is said that under the city are underground caverns...


Mariola: A smaller, more peaceful city than the others, many people with children choose to live here. It is on the plains Mariola and the largest, and most successful, farms are started here. It it known for it's best produce and best onion buns.

Capricorn: Capricorn is a mysterious and small town in the high, misty Mountains of the War. This was where the many wars were fought to free this country from the evil people of Sharquee, their former controller. Nobody really lives in Capricorn, except for widows and the extremely poor. But, some say that the secret entrance to the underground caverns, is in one of the shops... but no one really knows.

Kolnco: The Gem of the Coast. Thats what the people call Kolnco. Its a beautiful place for vacation, retirement, or just living. The beaches are the best on Carnon and the people are friendly and kind. It's famous for it's yearly 'Fish Feast. That's when all the fishermen in the city go out and catch as many fish as they can, then they fry them all up and the entire city gets to eat all-you-can-eat fish!

Carnon City: The largest City on Carnon. Everyone who's anyone lives here. The people here are normally very very rich. But the crime rate has gone up, and the people hid to protect themselves, and their money.

South Banks Megalopolis: A huge city on the river of Ja where the crime rate is large and the death toll is also large. Many sweepers come here to earn huge bounties but are often killed in the process. Only the most elite can come here and earn the bounty.


" A sweeper only needs a genuine desire to help..."

This land was once peacful and quite. It was very rich and prosperous. But, over the years, the law enforcement has been overturned and completely removed. Now, the only hope for Carnon, is their sweepers. The 'good' sweepers have been given a license to do so. The 'bad' sweepers have just been hired as practically assasins. They will stop at nothing to get their prize, and many others as well.

A person has gone missing and there is a very large bounty for whoever finds him. The only problem is: it's like he disappeared from the face of the Earth! No one can find him, for he is expert at hiding, and now the two sides of Bounty Hunters feud, which doesn't help find this person any faster. Evil Bounty Hunters will kill anyone that gets in their way, as good bounty hunters only kill to cover their bare necessities.

This person that has gone missing has made the Bounty Hunters angry, by stealing many of their bounties and killing many of them. This person also killed many innocent people and robbed them of their money. He is a greedy thief, and we have no idea what he's doing or where he is. And when he disappeared, the Bounty Hunters were trying their best to find him...but he just disappeared suddenly. The bounty for him has risen as the years went by-but, no one can seem to find him no matter how much riches are at stake. And the Bounty Hunters still try to find him.


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There is an unlimited count of characters, but you must keep them active!

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Kissing and hugging is allowed, but only to that, nothing beyond.

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100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Dire Wolf
Evil Bounty Hunter
Good Bounty Hunter
Neutral Bounty Hunter
Neutral Human
Other (tell me in description)
Other Canine Species
Other Feline Species

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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