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"No.. Xina.. stay awake...." Zonan muttered, shaking her every few minutes when her eyes dropped. "You can't sleep... you'll.. die.." His voice sounded hopeless, he didn't know what else he could do for her. He couldn't hold it in- he started to cry lightly. The others watched from the sidelines silently.
Xina looked at him with weak eyes. "Zonan..." She rasped, but Zonan touched her cheek gently, "No- save your breath and energy for healing.." xina narrowed her eyes in slight annoyence, "Zonan.. there's no helping it now." She muttered in a weak, quiet voice. But he denied to see her like this. Xina looked into his eyes, "Zonan, I'm going to die. i know it. at least I would like to die in your arms...' She had a sincere but weak voice.
Zonan narrowed his eyes sadly and held her close to him, he listened as her breaths become shallower and she closed her eyes- obviously she wasn't trying to hold on to life anymore. 'Why.. why must these things happen to me.. what have I done to deserve this!" He shouted to the sky hopelessly, Jade stared at him sadly, "I guess he isn't heartless after all.." She said to herself in a small voice.
Nightwhispers watched sadly. This broke her heart- was this all her fault? She looked down sadly, feeling guilty with herself.
"You." She heard Xina's voice- but ignored it. "Look up, fool." Xina sounded slightly annoyed, but her voice sounded ghostly and it sounded as if cracked by heartbreak. Nightwhispers looked up to see a faded version of Xina, she looked back at Zonan who was crying over her body. "Are you- a ghost?" She muttered- quite shocked.
"Yes- you could say that." She looked at Zonan in sadness, "I'm so weak- I let a weak illness claim my life. And now his is ruined." Nightwhispers fought back tears, she closed her eyes, "It's my fault. I killed you. I sent this disease on you. I'm sorry." Xina gave her a hard, stoned stare. she narrowed her eyes, but didn't seem angry.
"It's your fault that Zonan is heartbroken? For what purpose? Of greed- greed from that damn snake master- what has he done to you? He wants to kill me because of a stupid thing my past, past ansestor did. How is it my fault? Why must he pain Zonan because of what my stupid bloodlines did?" She had a calm, wise voice, that didn't show any anger, just sorrow.
Nightwhispers began to cry, she watched as Zonan snapped at Dimitri who stared at him in fear as he struggled against the grasp of Jade and Wolf. "I'm so sorry Xina... I can revive you.. I can heal everything... it doesn't matter if I get killed, I don't want to see this kind of pain anymore." Both Xina and Nightwhispers watched as Zonan threw them out of the way and unsheathed his flaming swords and Wolf knocked him over, protecting Dimitri.
"Heal me, Nightwhispers. Before more injuries are created." Xina had a calm, strong voice as she watched Zonan attempt to kill Dimitri. Nightwhispers dried her tears, "O-kay Xina.. just stand near your body and I'll try.."
She stood near her body, staring at herself, "Ugh- as hideous as ever." She growled to herself and Nightwhispers and raised her hands, chanting an ancient healing spell. Xina's spirit began to fade and soon disappeared. Nightwhis[ers looked at Xina's body and prayed the spell worked.
Xina coughed and sat up weakly, her arms shaking. The area fell silent and everyone looked at her. Nightwhispers sighed in relief and backed off.
'Xina... Xina!" Zonan looked at her and ran over, dropping his swords on the ground. He grabbed her and held her close, Xina smiled and closed her eyes. "Xina... I was afraid I was going to lose you...' Zonan managed to choke out and Xina sighed, "Don't worry Zonan... you will never lose me as long as i love you.."
Grasha had seen Wolf knock over Zonan. She decided to sit next to Feralie. She watched as Zonan ran over to Xina. Grasha watched as Wolf picked himself up.

Usud was shocked by this entire event. He didn't have anything to say. He was happy to see Xina alive again.

Catrin nodded and looked back at Hokey. "Do you have any friends? And if you could would you tell be how you got here?" Catrin swayed her tail from side to side.

Maddock had finished grooming his fur and had climbed on to Hokey's arm. He could tell there was a sence of panic in Hokey so he stayed still on Hokey's arm and did all he could not to alarm him.

Deonday felt a terrible pain in his heart. He held Lilya close, he hoped somebody would know how to help Lilya.

Bren h stayed on the sidelines of the group keeping Insanek warm. Insanek was still cackling as usual.

Dimitri stared at Zonan who had tried to kill him.

"That was so bloody uncalled for..."He said and stepped behind wolf and jade,incase zonan tried to kill him again.

"Wait a minute...Zinas alive,thats great!"Dimitri said shocked,he couldnt belive it.

"Hold up...who revived her?"dimitri asked confused as to who did it,he wanted to find out who had revived her and why.

"Nightwhispers..."dimitri said to himself and stood over beside xina and Zonan and smiled at them,he was happy that they were together now and it was obvious.

Dimitri felt that he was probably sstill hated by Xina so he walked away and sat by the barrel fire.

  Nightwhispers sighed, "Oh man- I'm going to be skinned for this." She muttered to herself and took out her crystal ball and slinked into the shadows. The first thing she heard was, "Why isn't that bloody XIna dead yet!?" Nightwhispers gulped, "Uh- there was a slight delay, my master. She uh- convinced me- to.." "No excuses, Nightwhispers! That damn girl should have been dead by now! But you healed you, pathetic worm!" She ignored his insults. "Master," She had a serious voice, "I don't want to torture.. Zonan, he loves her. No one ever loved me- not even you." She narrowed her eyes. "If you disapprove of My choice then you can go die,  master. You can kill me- I don't care. I did this for love, my master. xina had a tough life- she didn't have any to love her- Zonan was the only one. Can't you see this, my lord? She needs to live longer!" She narrowed her eyes- feeling rebellious. "Nightwhispers. You are now an enemy." the master's face disappeared from the ball and the crystal ball exploded into a million shattered shiny crystals. Nightwhispers flinched and looked away, "Man that felt good." She whispered to herself, watching Xina and Zonan.

    Xina closed her eyes- she was starting to cry as well. She couldn't believe how horrible death was- she regretted any attempts of suicide she had in the past. She sighed heavily and layed her head on Zonan's chest- she smiled when she heard his steady heartbeats.

      Wolf looked at Dimitri, "I doubt Zonan is going to kill anyone- he seems preoccupied already." He looked at Grasha and smiled, 'Are you alright?" He asked her.

     Farren watched the scene silently. She couldn't believe what she just saw. Her master die.. in Zonan's arms.. and come to life.. in Zonan's arms. She flattened her ears, should she trust him?

    Lilya watched Deonday, she couldn't stand for him to be in this kind of pain any longer. "Grendile.. can heal me.. if he wants..." She rasped.

   Hokey smiled, "Yes- my friends are sweepers." He said that as if he was proud of them. "They are  in South Banks- i doubt they realize I'm gone, I don't contribute much anyways.."

Dimitri looked at nightwhispers and he got up,and walked over to her.

" was you..."dimitri said as the crystal ball exploded.

"DAMN!"he yelled as a shard impaled him in the face.

"Damn that hurt."he pulled it out and used the cloth to use it to compress the wound and stop the bleeding,the bleeding on the back of his neck had stopped.

"Why did you revive her anyways,you could of just let her die...?"he said silently to nighwhispers and he looked into her eyes...he had before learned from a deceased friend that if you keep complete eye contact with the person infront of you,that they will be more compeled to tell the truth.

  Nightwhispers gave Dimitri a hard stare and then moved her gaze to Xina and Zonan. "Don't you see? They love each other. I don't death to ruin Zonan's life like death did to me. I have a very soft spot for love." She chuckled to herself and raised her eyebrow, "Coon! I know you're there!" A female raccoon ran from the shadows and curled her stiped tail around her master's legs. "Coon... I missed you.. have a good dinner?" She cooed, stroking the raccoon's gray head. The raccoon made a purring noise and gave a toothy grin to her master.
Deonday was relieved Lilya said what she did. He turned to look at Grendile. "Could you heal her Grendile?" Grendile continued to look at the stone. "She doesn't need to be healed, all we have to do is destroy this stone." Deonday was puzzled not knowing what Grendile meant. Grendile set the stone on the ground and backed off. He cast a spell which set the stone ablaze with white fire. The stone had begun to crack and a strange black energy had been destroyed along with the stone. "There, now Lilya should be able to recover." Deonday heard what Grendile said and listened to Lilya's breathing. She seemed to be wheezing less, and coughing less too. He was relieved to hear that Lilya would get better.

Errala sat on the ground whining to herself. She wondered where Hokey went. She was worried that he might have been injured or lost for good.

Grasha looked at Wolf and nodded. "Yes I'm fine."

Usud gave Dimitri and Nightwhispers a side glance. He saw that Dimitri was injured by something, he had no idea Dimitri was injured by a crystal shard. "You alright?"

Catrin continued to swish her tail from side to side. "I'm not too fond of sweepers. Anyway, don't you think you should go and find your friends. If they are your friends don't you think maybe their looking for you?"

Maddock continued to sit on Hokey's wrist. He flagged his tail and scratched his own ears. Maddock hadn't seen an elf before. He was bored which wasn't an emotion most wild animals like himself felt. He looked at the carvings on the walls. They were very detailed, Maddock wished he knew what they meant.

Dimitri looked at usud and nodded.

"yes im fine,a shard of crystal just impaled me thats all."dimitri said and he smiled.

Dimitri turned backto nightwhispers and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Im glad that you revived Xina..."dimitri said and smiled and he patted nightwhispers shoulder and walked and stood near Xina and zonan again.

"The two of you seem really happy together."dimitri said and smiled,trying to be nice and to keep from upsetting them.

"Zonan....i wasnt the one who killed Xina...i know who it was...but i will not tell you...or anyone else for that matter..."Dimitri said and continued to stadn there near zonan and xina.

Lilya felt better instantly- as if a giant weight has been taken off of her back. "Thank you.. Grendile." Her voice was still weak though- she would need res, but the sickness seemed to disappear.

   Hokey pondered for a moment, "Yeah I should look for them. but you wil lregret ever saying that about sweepers! If you have ever fought with them or traveled woth them you would know how loyal, strong, dependable, and reliable they are!" His eyes sparkled and he looked at the black squirrel on his wrist.

  Wolf smiled at Grasha, "Excellent- seems this odd event we had didn't effect you terribly bad."


  Xina looked up at Dimitri and narrowed her eyes, "I know who killed me as well. This damn master is getting on my nerves- I wish we had a way to get revenge on his soul."

Dimitri nodded.

"indeed...."he said and kneeled to Xina.

"I am still very sorry for what i have done to you and zonan...I wish for your forgiveness...please...."dimitri said to Xina and Zonan...he wanted their forgiveness because of the way what he did made him feel.

to be honest,it made him feel like crap!

Dimitri looked up at Zonan and Xina.

"The fat that the master wants you dead is oblivious to me...but if you wish,i will try my best to help you..."dimitri said to Xina and smiled.

"Why do you still dis-like me anyways?"dimitri asked Xina and tilted his head at her and put his cape back on.

  Xina narrowed her eyes. Questions. "I hate you because you personally annoy me." She said in a low voice, Zonan stayed silent, glaring at Dimitri. Xina stared at him and muttered, "In fact- you were blushing, near ME, of all humans. Could you have just went to Jade or Grasha or something? No- you had to come to me. I hate it when males expect to find love from me- my heart shall only belong to Zonan- if he leaves me then I shall never love again." she said, narrowing her dark blue eyes. 

   Nightwhispers looked after Dimitri with a quizzical look. "Why would he want to have her healed? She is a little pushy." She said to her pet raccoon.

ok now dimitri was getting ticked off.

"That was before...i was ALWAYS nervous like that around females...but....i was NEVER interested in you xina!"Dimitri said loudly and he started to bring another plasma ball to life,the sign that this was happeneing was his right hand was glowing blue.

"And still havent tried to fight me yet."dimitri said and stood up,his right hand still glowing.

"If you want to rest firtst,ok then ill wait."dimitri said and he looked at the sky,snow was still falling.

"Whens this damn snowstorm going to end!?"he said and went to his fire barel and brought a plasma ball to life adn he dropped it into the barrel,the fire turned blue adn gave off more heat and melted the snow inside the aley way.

"You can thank me if ya wish."dimitri said and smield.

  Xina smiled and just to tick him off she snapped her fingers and snow seemed to overrule the heat and covered the alleyway again. She smiled at Zonan and sighed, resting her head  on his shoulder, snowflakes fell in her dark hair but melted instantly. "I don't want to fight.." She muttered, "I just want to be with Zonan."

  Nightwhispers stroked the raccoon's back and the raccoon made purring noises. "Coon- this group is awfully strange. Seems that some of them use magic- not to mention Zonan's weird swords- they're on fire, how strange this group is- mybe I'll follow them around."

"Ok now our just being silly Xina!"Dimitri said and laughed.

He used the plasma ball to clear the area of snow again,the ball rebounded adn destroyed a gutter on a building,the snow  in and on it fell and buried dimitri.

"I REGRET NOTHING!"he yelled and it buried him,leaving just his right hand out.

"Oh schnitzel..."he said and dughimself out adn packed up a snowball and smiled.

He threw it at usud and it impacted on the back of his head.

"Anyone up for a snow-ball fight?"he said.

"Its a good way to just have some fun,even if it is a bit childish."he said and smiled at the group.

Deonday was relieved to see Lilya wasn't sick anymore. He was very grateful for what Grendile had done. Deonday wrapped his arms around Lilya, a tear fell from his eyes. He was worried that he might have lost Lilya. "I love you." Deonday was grateful that Lilya was better, he knew she was still weak but at least she'd recover.

Grendile looked at Iken who seemed a bit cold again. He cast a spell and a fire appeared in his opposite hand. The fire wouldn't hurt Iken, it only generated heat. He held his hand near Iken to keep him warm.

Errala walked into the shadows whining to herself. "Does anybody else notice that Hokey's missing? I bet they don't."

Catrin could see that Hokey only saw the positives of sweepers. "Sorry if I offended you."

Maddock began chitting in a weird way. He looked at the carvings on the walls. He pointed to a very complicated carving hoping Hokey knew what it meant.

Grasha rubbed Feralie's head. She was very saddened when Xina had died. She was overjoyed when she saw Xina come to life. She looked at Xina and Zonan with a smile delighted to see how happy they were together. She looked back at Wolf. "Well at least Xina's alive again."

Usud shook the snow off of his head. "I have something better in mind." Usud waited until Dimitri was close enough to a large tree that was just outside of the alleyway. When Dimitri was close enough to the tree Usud shot a branch and Dimitri was quickly covered in a pile of snow.

A Day in the Life of a Sweeper

The setting is on the continent of Carnon. Carnon is a huge land with many cities and different climates. Covering the land are series of species of mythical creatures, animals, and humans. It is said that under the city are underground caverns...


Mariola: A smaller, more peaceful city than the others, many people with children choose to live here. It is on the plains Mariola and the largest, and most successful, farms are started here. It it known for it's best produce and best onion buns.

Capricorn: Capricorn is a mysterious and small town in the high, misty Mountains of the War. This was where the many wars were fought to free this country from the evil people of Sharquee, their former controller. Nobody really lives in Capricorn, except for widows and the extremely poor. But, some say that the secret entrance to the underground caverns, is in one of the shops... but no one really knows.

Kolnco: The Gem of the Coast. Thats what the people call Kolnco. Its a beautiful place for vacation, retirement, or just living. The beaches are the best on Carnon and the people are friendly and kind. It's famous for it's yearly 'Fish Feast. That's when all the fishermen in the city go out and catch as many fish as they can, then they fry them all up and the entire city gets to eat all-you-can-eat fish!

Carnon City: The largest City on Carnon. Everyone who's anyone lives here. The people here are normally very very rich. But the crime rate has gone up, and the people hid to protect themselves, and their money.

South Banks Megalopolis: A huge city on the river of Ja where the crime rate is large and the death toll is also large. Many sweepers come here to earn huge bounties but are often killed in the process. Only the most elite can come here and earn the bounty.


" A sweeper only needs a genuine desire to help..."

This land was once peacful and quite. It was very rich and prosperous. But, over the years, the law enforcement has been overturned and completely removed. Now, the only hope for Carnon, is their sweepers. The 'good' sweepers have been given a license to do so. The 'bad' sweepers have just been hired as practically assasins. They will stop at nothing to get their prize, and many others as well.

A person has gone missing and there is a very large bounty for whoever finds him. The only problem is: it's like he disappeared from the face of the Earth! No one can find him, for he is expert at hiding, and now the two sides of Bounty Hunters feud, which doesn't help find this person any faster. Evil Bounty Hunters will kill anyone that gets in their way, as good bounty hunters only kill to cover their bare necessities.

This person that has gone missing has made the Bounty Hunters angry, by stealing many of their bounties and killing many of them. This person also killed many innocent people and robbed them of their money. He is a greedy thief, and we have no idea what he's doing or where he is. And when he disappeared, the Bounty Hunters were trying their best to find him...but he just disappeared suddenly. The bounty for him has risen as the years went by-but, no one can seem to find him no matter how much riches are at stake. And the Bounty Hunters still try to find him.


Standard Exhibited RPing rules and as these followed:

There is an unlimited count of characters, but you must keep them active!

Keep gore to minimum, blood is allowed, but not too much.

No powerplaying, godmodding, sueing, yeah those aren't tolerated here. ^^
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Do not kill one's characters unless you are told too....

Kissing and hugging is allowed, but only to that, nothing beyond.

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Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Dire Wolf
Evil Bounty Hunter
Good Bounty Hunter
Neutral Bounty Hunter
Neutral Human
Other (tell me in description)
Other Canine Species
Other Feline Species

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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