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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

"Then will you be my queen, Kit?" Tyrann asked with a slow, gentle voice. When Kit nodded her head in agreement, the red dragon could not help but smile from ear to ear. Tyrann gave the castle a hearty laugh, one that echoed throughout the halls. He finally had his queen.

"We must go announce this! We shall have a great ceremony for our bonding ceremony!" The caps dragon exclaimed, rejoiced at the entire situation in itself.

"Ah, I must gather the remaining ancient, elemental Rune Swords from the ruins of Moonridge for our ceremony darling. They will make fantastic decorations for our ceremony here in the Great Hall and then I will add them to my weapon hall. We will invite the most noblest of royalty for our wedding!" Tyrann rejoyced.

"Come let us make our announcement." Tyrann held out his hand for Kit to take they made their way out the large castle doors, onto the rock ledge of Tyrann's throne. Tyrann bellowed to crowd and they all gathered below.

"Dragons, Wyveryns, Wyrms, Shades, Drakes, I have gathered you all here today to announce the engagement of myself and this lovely dragoness, Kitsune. She is to be my bride and queen. We will have a grand ceremony in the castle and many royalty and nobility will come. Messengers, I need you to fly to the 7 great colonies and notify them at once that the Kings and Queens of their respective dynasties are welcome in my home, the Castle of Delphin, for my wedding. Guards, start preparing for the ceremony and keep a tight watch in the perimeter. Warriors, I shall take the best of you to the ruins of the city of Moonridge to collect the 4 remaining elemental Rune Swords. We will set off for the city and at daybreak. Start preparing." Tyrann commanded, trying to keep his eager excitement at bay.

Once he had dismissed them all, Tyrann and Kit strode into his palace. The king looked to his soon-to-be Queen and genuinely smiled in joy.

Nightling approached the Rex and explained what had happened with Shadow Blood, what Sparky had said, the library in the neighboring territory... It was a colony of shades which since they had a library actually the biggest library in the region that alone indicated they had at least once had a large number of shades. Shades had the highest literacy rate among all of Dragonkind. Nightling wanted permission explaining she had gotten clearance to cross from the other side in exchange for something they had in abundance salt. She also wanted Sparky to be allowed out but did not make any of this a demand. "Sire I don't want anything to interrupt your wedding or cause greater problems. I am not a fighter Shadow Blood was pure luck and out thinking him. But I am scholarly. I can read and write. So can Sparky... May I visit the neighbors inland to see what their library has to offer? It could take me days. I was asking around about things and met some of their border patrol. They wanted salt in exchange for access... I've prepared salt."

Tungsten came up on the ruins' exit. He had a satchel full of four crystal pieces, good souvinirs. There was something about them, the power they harnessed within. "This could be the solution to the Ice Colony's voice within Bazul's Rex Meet," said Tungsten. As he exited the ruins, a sound caught his ear. Tungsten looked about, trying to cypher the location of the noise. "Sounds like....wings," he said, turning his neck about. Tungsten growled as he saw the red dragon intruder flying above, heading to the top of the ruins. "Oi! Halt, thief!" roared Tungsten, taking flight. His mighty wings quickly got him higher in the sky, with the Water Dragon soaring after the Volcano Colony dragon. Moonridge Temple sat at the top of the ruins, radiating with power in all its glory. "You must be punished, Red One!" snarled Tungsten, breathing his blue and white flames. The red dragon spiraled out of reach, diving into the temple.

"Curses!" snapped Tungsten, racing after the intruder. Both dragons chased each other throughout the temple, dodging pillars and statues. Tungsten continued to blast the dragon with his fiery breath, but the Volcano Colony dragon was skilled, dodging Tungsten's advances. The red dragon made a sharp right turn, heading for an open alcove. Tungsten was in hot pursuit, snapping his deadly jaws and missing his opponent's tail by a hairlength. The red dragon snaked out the top of the alcove, flying higher and further into another tunnel. Tungsten appeared and quickly halted. He looked around, noticing that there were several other tunnels. "What in blaze name is this, a puzzling maze?" he asked. As he flew toward one of the tunnels, a boulder flew down, purposely hitting Tungsten upon the cranium. The sapphire dragon grunted in pain, following into a lower tunnel with a yowl. He crashed into other rocks and ledges, yelping and growling in pain. When it all ended, the heavyweight dragon landed in a sparkling lagoon, making a very large splash. Minutes later, Tungsten resurfaced, pulling his large body out of the water and onto a dry landing made of rock.

Tungsten shook his scales, slamming his right forepaw into the ground with a roar. "Son of a banshee!" he bellowed, sending his frost breath flying in a madden frenzy. He huffed and puffed, angered to the point of destruction. "Calm down, Tungsten," he said to himself, taking deep breaths. "This Volcano Colony dragon just doesn't know what kind of dragon I can become," he said, closing his pale, icy blue eyes. Tungsten calmed himself, meditating in order to soothe his mind. It felt like hours but when he finished, the Water Dragon was relaxed. "Where in Draco's name am I?" he asked, taking a look around. The sparkling lagoon caught his attention. It was a luminescent pool of water, beautiful to the naked eye.

The walls were lined and dotted with colorful rocks and stones, catching the light of the water and filling the area with a beautiful color scheme. "Amazing," said Tungsten, awed by the sight. He stepped forward, with his tail swaying to the side. As it did, his thick tail bumped into a rock pillar. The rock pillar fell over, crumpling as it hit the rock ground. Tungsten turned to see what had happened. He was surprised to see a hole there, having been covered up by the rock pillar. "Another tunnel, perhaps?" he asked, approaching the hole with caution. Tungsten stepped through the hole, noticing it had path that was leading upward. Tungsten walked up the path. As he reached the top and end, his eyes landed on a nest. "A nest?" he asked, sniffing the bed of grass, stone, straw, and dirt. It was an old nest, and smelled of abandonment. "What a shame to leave such a pretty nest to waste," he said. Tungsten was about to back down when he saw something of interest that caught his eye.

There, hidden within a blanket of old grass and stone, was an egg. By the shape and size, it was a dragon egg. The egg was a rough, gray color, having an edgey rocky texture to it. "I don't believe it," said Tungsten, reaching and picking up the egg. He listened for a heartbeat, surprisingly finding a strong and healthy one from inside. Tungsten wrapped the egg inside his satchel with grass, straw, mud, dirt, and a piece of cloth he had inside the satchel. "Can't just leave it here," he said. Backing down, Tungsten collapsed onto the rocky ground. "I'll rest here until morning," he said, yawning, curling up and wrapping his giant wings around him.

"Yes Nightling do what you must. I believe there is more salt in the Stocks as well if they happen to ask for more. I don't believe they will but take extra just in case." Tyrann exalted while rummaging through his weapon hall. He continued talking to her only to turn around and realize she had left, leaving the castle door swinging open in the wind. 'Must be in a hurry I suppose.' The king thought nonchalantly.

Tyrann Rex was busy dressing himself for his trip to Moonridge. The city had been abandoned many centuries ago, leaving time for unspeakable creatures to inhabitant it's ghastly ruins. Tyrann considered bringing his father's, well now his, legendary Shadow Armor to the unpredictable city. The king decided it was maybe best to leave the legend at home, ready for battle another day. Instead, Tyrann Rex adorned himself in the colonies traditional colors, light blue plated armor with gold trim. His warrior's armor would match his own and they would look like one indestructible unit. The dragon also considered having Nightling come along with him, but the shade was obviously busy with her own, important affairs.

The Red Crowned Chaos Dragon used his telekinesis the bring forth the blade he would be using for the trip, a barbaric looking long sword, the hilt made of black fibers and the blade itself stained with the blood of slain foes. As soon as he was done readying himself for the quest, Tyrann gathered his soldiers and headed off on the 25 mile journey to the ruins of Moonridge.

Upon arrival, Tyrann felt and odd prescence within the desolation of the city's abonded heart. His instincts tingling, the king advanced his militia towards the Senator's Lagoon, the only obstacle between Tyrann and the lost Rune Swords.

"We need to collect the Inferno Sword, the Anarchy Sword, the Quake Sword, and the Tidal Sword. Take flight soldiers, we have no idea what has called this city it's home since its fall. We fly in a diamond pattern, with me at the head. Come soldiers, let's get this done." Ordered the king, and his soldiers imediately followed suit.

While airborne, Tyrann Rex noticed how some of the ruins had been disturbed. "Down here, I must take notice of something." The king shouted back over his shoulder. Tyrann's mighty wings kicked up a dust cloud as he landed upon the churned soil of the destroyed church. He also noticed the Glade River, the river that was responsible for the water source of the Cove Colony, the Ice Colony, and the Desert Colony.

"Someone has been here.." Examined Tyrann as he analyzed the way the ruins had been shifted and the tail and claw marks within the soil. "..and recently." The dragon concluded. With a new air of caution, the dragon took his militia and proceeded forth. With a powerful bound of his strong forelegs, Tyrann's crimson wings thundered in a massive take off, his company hot on his heels.

Reaching the Senator's Lagoon took less then 10 seconds from where he had observed what seemed to Tyrann like a battle scene. Quickly, the king landed his milita and was barking orders the moment their feet touched the ground.

"The swords should be held up within these walls. They will be enclosed in a silver chest. The chest is locked so if you find it, call Durin. He never fails to break the hardest of locks. Go in scouts of two and keep your weapons at the ready. Im going down the south corridor. We will all meet back here in an hour's time." And with that, the searched was initiated. As Tyrann Rex stalked down the hall of the south corridor, he noticed how disturbed the surroundings looked.

"What in the...claws marks down the wall..? And it smells like ash residue?....a water dragon.." The king whispered to himself. Catiously, Tyrann slinked down the rest of the hall. As he came to nearing the end, Tyrann saw what had been causing his senses to go awire. There lied the water dragon, fast asleep, curled up with a satchel resting underneath his chin. For reason be benounced to him, Tyrann vaguely recognized the dragon. By looking at his stature, his armor and weapon, and the grade of material in his satchel, Tyrann conculded this dragon was of high status, yet not a Rex. Tyrann also felt a strange easiness, or trustworthiness, in waking him up.

"Wake up you bloody bafoon." Tyrann bellowed, chucking a little.

Nightling took her salt plus some and the guards had decided to let Sparky just have supervision. They decided to send him along on the trip with Nightling... Nightling presented the salt and the border guards let them pass. It was a shade colony and Nightling found the library had a librarian. Nightling was shocked to get a bow... the green shade had assumed she was some sort of priestess... She said "I'm not a priestess..." Nightling explained she'd come from a colony that valued pedigrees. This colony worshipped the gods... Nighling looked just like a goddess Celestia. The goddess of the night, medicine, foraging, the hunt, knowledge, love, and secrets. They wanted to train Nightling as their new priestess but Nightling lived in the costal colony... Nightling was still given a silver necklace with moonstone carved into a moon shape. They were determined to teach her these things... They also assumed Sparky was her mate... They decided that Nightling could just make the trip and do these tasks... First order of business was weddings? She actually got it down in a few hours and was given a veil and sheer garment black with stars... Lovers in the night often prayed for magical evenings under the stars... So Nightling could perform the ceremony for Tyrann. Sparky got the information while Nightling was more or less showered with gifts and taught things...

"Tungsten, you crazy reptilian trident! Make him feel pain, son!" "I'm trying my best, Father. He's impossible to beat at the moment!" "I dont want to here it! As Rex of the Tidal Colony, I order you to put an end to him now or so help me I will throw you in the pits of your grandfather!" With a growl, the young Water Dragon spun and clawed the scales off of his opponent before delivering a deadly bite to his throat. The other dragon squealed in agony as the young Water Dragon tore into him. "Yes! Destroy him, son! Prove to me how bad you want to be Rex of Jettilis!" Tungsten grappled the dragon to the ground, strangling the poor life free from his throat. When he finished, Tungsten looked up at his father. "Excellent, my son. Now wake up." "I am awake, Father." "I said wake up! Wake up you bloody bafoon!"

At that moment, Tungsten's dream ended as his pale, icy blue eyes flashed open. He woke with a snarl, jumping to his clawed paws, snatching his sword free, and letting loose his frost breath. He went in a circle with the move, forming a protective barrier around him. He then placed an icy barricade before his icy barrier, rising on his hind feet with his sword poised to strike. Smoke was rising from his nostrils. "Who goes there?" he snarled, his wings spread wide and large. His icicle appendages were glowing along with his chest. Before him, and quite a surprise to his eyes, was yet another dragon. Tungsten thought it was the red dragon from the Volcano Colony again, but no this wasnt the intruder. Instead, this was a more battle ready dragon. A young adult Red Crowned Chaos Dragon stood before him. He had red eyes and crimson scales. His hide was heavily armored and muscular by the looks of it. The dragon was adorned in the traditional colors of the Cove Colony, light blue plated armor with gold trim. "Cove Colony?" asked Tungsten. He then remembered he was in Moonridge, a barren city that was still apart of the Shadow Colony's land.

"Forgive me, but you startled me," said Tungsten. The heavyweight Water Dragon tucked away his sword and dropped to all fours, sending a thud throughout the area. He folded his mighty wings before staring at the dragon. The dragon seemed familiar. Tungsten had definitely seen him before. The features and everything reminded him of someone of importants. But the scales.....could this be the Volcano Colony intruder dressed in different attire. Tungsten had seen this before, intruders making their getaways and returning, impersonating other dragons. "State your name and business," spoke Tungsten, looking down at the dragon.

Tyrann Rex was almost eye level with the water dragon, just being a slight hair taller.

"Quite sorry for awaking you. I am Tyrann Rex, son of Thantos, son of Tyrannis. I am King of the Cove Colony. Not to be rude, but I believe it is you who needs to state their name and business here, water dragon." Tyrann Rex stood proud before the sapphire dragon as he sheathed the bloodied blade. Waiting for a response, Tyrann walked deeper into the swell of the corridor. He examined the water dragon and conculded he had definetly seen this dragon before. A long time ago.

"......Thantos?" asked Tungsten. It came to him suddenly. The Water Dragon thought back to a century and seventy-five years ago, when Thantos was still Rex of the Cove Colony. The Shadow Dynasty was throwing a Brood Ceremony for the King and his Queen. Tungsten was only fifty-five years of age when he attended the ceremony with Rex Frozenflame and his Warriors. Thantos had welcomed them in with open arms. Thantos and Frozenflame were like brothers, being merry and laughing with each other as they celebrated. Then they all witnessed the hatching of the eggs, with one egg, a crimson one, hatching first. The hatchling that crawled out was bigger than his siblings, his wings a bit large for his body still. "Ah, Frozenflame. That there is the Heir to the Shadow Dynasty," said Rex Thantos. Tungsten joined Frozenflame's side as he said, "And what be his name, Brother?" Tungsten watched as Thantos lifted the hatchling in his forepaws.

"Tyrann...short for Tyrannis, my father before me," replied Thantos, smiling proudly at the hatchling, who knawed at one of his father's claws. Frozenflame and Thantos shared a hardy laugh as the queen joined them, nuzzling the hatchling known as Tyrann. Tungsten approached the little Chaos Dragon. The hatchling looked at him, puzzled by what he saw. "Hello, little one," said Tungsten. "Go on, Young Master Tungsten," said Thantos, placing Tyrann upon Tungsten's snout. "Let him be your apprentice. Try and teach him before you go off to war," said the Rex. Tungsten smiled, looking at the crimson hatchling. Tyrann was chewing at the tip of his right nostril, causing Tungsten to giggle. "He has some strong teeth for a hatchling," said Tungsten, prying the baby dragon off his snout.

"Ah yes, don't all Chaos Dragons?" asked Thantos, smiling. Tyrann growled and squirmed in Tungsten's grasp, a devious and playful look in the hatchling's eye. "Look at him, my king," said Tungsten to Frozenflame. "He's a fiesty one," he said. Frozenflame chuckled. "Aye. He is his father's child," said Frozenflame, just as Thantos smiled and nuzzled his wife. Tungsten placed the dragon on his head, with young Tyrann nippling on one of Tungsten's growing icicle appendages. Tungsten laughed as the hatchling growled and mewed playfully, satisfied with himself.

Tungsten looked at the dragon as he circled him. "Tyrann?" asked Tungsten, finally recognizing the dragon before him. "Has it really been a century and seventy-five years since I last saw of you?" asked Tungsten. He destroyed his icy barriers and barricade, crushing them into small ice pieces. "By the word of Draco himself, you have grown so much," said Tungsten. "I am Tungsten, Son of Queen Aquesa and the late Rex Marino of Jettilis, Tidal Colony," said the large Water Dragon, bowing before Tyrann. He realized now that this Tyrann was now Rex of the Shadow Dynasty, the same Tyrann he taught how to breathe his first flame, wield his first sword, and discover his first elemental attack: the purple lightning ray. "Indeed I am intruding, but it's for a good cause," said Tungsten.

Wide eyed and in disbelief, Tyrann spoke with astonishment in his voice.

"By Draco, tell me it's not so!, Master Tungsten! I haven't seen your blue hide around here in over a century! Say, did you get bluer?" Chuckled the younger Rex with a booming laugh. "Been a long time hasnt it? A lot has happened my friend. Most obvious is the passing of my father due to an untreatable illness. Not 2 months had passed before the disease took his queen, my mother, along with it."Tyrann explained as his demeanor dropped. Shaking the thought off, the king spoke again.

"It just so happens I have a new bride of my own, hence my prescence here. I was collecting the last of the elemental swords, the anarchy, the fire, the quake, and the tidal. Of course it was just my luck I chose the one corridor that the old Master Tungsten lie sleeping on his satchel! What luck!" Tyrann couldnt help but laugh at the dumb luck he had stricken.

"So old friend, what brings you here the the ruins of Moonridge?" Tyrann asked of the water dragon while stretching his shoulders and attempting to relieve them of some of the weight of the heavy metal.

Oakland was sitting within his library, reading up on the times. After the Rex of the Forest Colony, Leafeon, held a conference in the Main Hall, Oakland decided to kick back. His favorite smoked Kais was resting upon a large platter with raccoon dumplings layered around it. A tall glass of mead sat by the platter for Oakland's dispensal. He had his reading glasses upon his snout, reading the words from the book. "Oh, would you look at that," he said, "an egg was stolen from the Boulder Dynasty." He shook his head. "The crooks of the Mountain Colony don't know when to quit, do they?" he asked. Crash Rex, the King of the Mountain Colony, was the best of friends with Leafeon Rex. Meaning he was close to Oakland. "I do hope they catch that crook soon or Crash won't rest until a war is spread," he said. He took a chunk from his smoked Kais and bit into it. Putting the book down, he chowed down the meat and licked his chops before walking over to his open window. Oakland looked about, noticing the morning sky. The sun was high in the sky. "I love mornings," he said.

With that, he spread his bat-like, membrane wings and took flight. Oakland soared higher into the air, flying toward the top of the castle. Woodland Temple sat at the tip of the castle, where he would go to pay his respects to the dead. As he arrived, he saw a familiar dragon sitting by one of the pillars. Oaklanded landed ten feet away from the green dragon. "Good morning, Sir Roots," said Oakland. The green dragon looked at him, dressed in emerald knight armor. "Mornin' ol boy," said the elder dragon, nodding at Oakland. "How fairs the family?" asked Oakland. "They are doing just fine," said Sir Roots.

"The wife laid her eggs yesterday mornin and I went wild, I did," said Sir Roots. Oakland smiled. "Wonderful news, indeed," he said.

Tungsten chuckled, his laugh hardy and healthy. "Ah yes its been a while, my boy," said Tungsten. "And I heard of Thantos and Stella's condolences," he said. "And I am here on Frozenflame Rex's word," said Tungsten. "The water wasn't acting right back in the Ice Colony so I was sent here to see just what faired of our beloved aquatic refreshment," he said, walking over to the lagoon. "When I arrived, I explored the ruins and noticed even the fountain wasn't cooperating right," said Tungsten. He looked at Tyrann. "Do you know the passage way was blocked by boulders? I had to crash through to get to the flow line and what do I find?" His claws slashed the water, sending the sparkling liquid flying into the wall. "I find our flow line being tapped into by a rogue flow line," he growled, shaking his sapphire scales.

"Yes, someone had the audacity to steal water from us, and guess who?" asked Tungsten. He stepped toward Tyrann. "The red flow line of the Volcano Colony, my best guess it was a rogue within the city, so it couldn't have been the Scorch Dynasty," said the Water Dragon. "After finding the source of our problem, I'm attacked by the one who planted the flow line in the first place, and the armor, weapon, and tied flags tell me it was definitely Volcano Colony," he said. "The cursed dragon was skilled, attacking me from behind but I was ready. Me and that blazed animal fought it out with blade, tooth, claw, and flame, but my opponent would not go down, even after experiencing my frost breath," growled Tungsten. "I am telling you, that dragon is dangerous....and smart. I went after it for the last time, chased the coward in this temple and suddenly I'm led into a boulder trap," he said. Tungsten looked around. "Now I'm here in Senator's Lagoon wondering just where that intruder flew off to," growled the sapphire dragon.

Nightling had to go back to cove colony but the glade colony had insisted on giving her the adornments for the wedding. They considered training a priestess for them and giving her the tools of the trade a wedding present... Nightling was also told to line the floor of her den with rocks and sleep atop a soft bed they had provided... She and her 'mate'... Nightling did as instructed using smooth stones to make a cobblestone floor to her den and put the bed down. Nightling had munched fruit with Sparky the whole way back so she was full of food and knowledge... Nightling decided to nap on her new bed... Apparently the guard assigned to watch Sparky was standing there just outside as Sparky started writing something down with his new pen and ink. Nightling's new bed was midnight blue silk with silver stars stitched in constellations on the sides... It was luxuary she had never known before...

Kitsune smiled and couldn't help but laugh as he was giddy. "Oh! And we need flowers! And and beautiful roses especially!" She chimed in. 

She gently took his paw and smiled to everyone, using when Tyrann announced their engagement. 

Once back inside, she bid him a farewell and Goodluck on his journey for the swords, before going off and explorer in the castle. After a few hours she became bored and went back to the entrance. She got outside and laid on top of the rock Tyrann used as a 'Throne', so to speak. Overlooking everyone in the cove happy and busy, she smiled eargly, wishing Tyrann would be home soon...

Nightling woke up again and realized she had a wedding to oversee. Nightling felt conspicous wandering around in those veils so she put them into her bag and went to the castle before putting the get up back on. One could still tell it was her just that she was wearing something... Nightling needed garlands of lunar flowers such as the lunar lotus... She wanted to get what the queen to be wanted so Nightling was looking for her. Sniff here glance there but she had to walk with purpose she wasn't allowed to wander...  Eventually she did find Kitsune and explained that the neighbors had insisted on priestess training and a cermony of that sort... Nightling was trying not to offend them and explained the goddess Celestia as the goddess of the night, love, wisdom, medicine, the harvest, and the hunt... Nightling looked sheepish about the whole thing... "I mean my grandmother moved to the neighbors and she does this but I've never done it and I wanted as much of this to be how you and his majesty wanted it... Gods this get up is weird..." Nightling asked about foods to be served at the feast, favorite lunar flowers (flowers that bloom at night), and a favorite scent that Nightling might be able to replicate...
Kitsune listened openly to Nightling, but not liking to try new things she sighed. After hearing Nightling's  full explanation she smiled and chuckled. "I like the get up Nightling!" She states. "I'm not one to try new things, but if Tyrann agrees to the training and ceremony plans I'm all for it as well! As for foods...I have no clue. The clue clue either. And a scent! I can do that! I like the 'strawberries and freiasias' scent!" She exclaims. "Or, the smell of something sweet in general, if you can't do Strawberries and Freiasias." Kit explains, smiling. "Oh, and remind to get my own get up like yours when this is all over." She winks.

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master

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