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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


The flock of Banshees chased after the helpless little sparrow. The bird chirped and whistled in fright, frantically flapping its wings to beat hasty retreat. The four Banshees were hungry, salavating at the mouth like the starving reptilian beasts they were. The sparrow made sharp turn after sharp turn, trying hard to evade its current predators. One Banshee nipped at the bird's feathered tail. The bird panicked, bumping into a rock cropping and falling to the ground. The Banshees came in for the kill, growling and snarling. An immense shadow was upon the creatures instantly, blocking out the sun's light. The Banshees screamed and frantically scrambled as a great sapphire dragon landed with a thud among the ground. A blistering bellow rang free from the beast's throat, scaring off the reptilian creatures. "Filthy snakes! Pick on a more challenging meal! Work for your food for a change, you blasted bafoons!" roared Tungsten.

He lowered his neck, his nostrils close to the frightened bird. "Here, Flyer of the Trees," said Tungsten, nudging the chirping bird onto his nose. He lifted the sparrow into a nearby tree, with the bird being greeted by a family of sparrows. The bird embraced his family before chirping excitedly and thankfully back to Tungsten. The Water Dragon smiled and nodded at the birds before going on his way. He looked about, noticing the small green reside. He trudged through the low trees before heading up a heal, dragging his thick tail. What he saw past the hill reminded him exactly why he was here. It was a barren wasteland from below the other half of the hill on out. Tungsten spotted a tumbleweed making its way by, the breeze blowing onward. "Moonridge," he said, noticing the broken city just five miles ahead. Tungsten leapt forward, his wings spreading as he glided down the other side of the hill before soaring over the barren ground. He flapped twice, lifting higher and outmanuvering a large tree stump. Upon reaching the city, Tungsten's frost breath escaped his jaws, spilling over the metal gates and covering them up, turning them into frosted icicles.

Tungsten crashed into them, landing on his paws. He folded his wings and took a look around. It was truly a ghost town as he trudged forward. Stores were abandoned and full of rats. Birds even made their homes out the broken down fountains. Tungsten tipped over a large crate, with a mother Banshee and her youngings spilling out in a rage. The mother Banshee growled and snapped at Tungsten. The Water Dragon snorted at her, causing her babies to make a dash for a nearby hole. The mother reluctantly followed them. Tungsten shook his head before continuing with his search. Besides his sword, he'd brought along a satchel just in case he wanted some souvenirs. "Why was this place abandoned?" he asked. "It seems like it was once a very busy city," said Tungsten. As he came to a bridge, he halted and eyed the water below. The water was too low and non-moving. "Something's definitely wrong," he said. The icy icicle appendages upon his body glowed like beacons. They did that when the Water Dragon sensed something was amiss. His head shot up, his pale, icy blue eyes darting from side to side to see what was there.

They halted on a trail that led right into a nearby ruins. "The ruins, of course," he said. "The Moonlight Ruins always gave me a chill," said Tungsten. The source of the Ice Colony's water was inside the ruins. Tungsten crossed the bridge, trekking onto the path. When he arrived at the opening of the ruins, he took a look behind him before entering. As Tungsten entered, a reddish blur zipped by.

Tungsten eyed his surroundings, thankful his glowing icicle appendages luminated his way through the dark, even though he could see the in dark. Claw marks, scorch burns, drawings, and erosion marked the cave walls. Vines and moss hang from above, with a group of Banshees calling them home. Tungsten moved on, arriving before a masterpiece. "Good first time feeling small is spectacular," said Tungsten, amazed at the sight before him. The ruins held an immense and almost mountain sized statue of the Great Dragon God himself...Draco. Not only was there the statue but there was a labrynith of alcoves, tunnels, and caves. The statue itself sat in the middle of a gorgeous fountain. Only problem about the fountain was, it wasnt working. "What in blaze name is going on?" asked Tungsten. "Why is there still no water running through out here?" he asked. Tungsten glided down to the bottom of the statue, landing lightly and examining the different areas where the water was supposed to flow.

"Where's the main flow line?" asked the Water Dragon. As he moved around to locate the line, he was unaware of the shadow that moved quickly just meters above him on the ceiling. "Ah! Found it!" he exclaimed. He followed the line all the way into a nearby cave. The shadow flew into an upper tunnel. Tungsten shambled through the cave, coming upon a dead end. "What the ashes?" he asked. Before the sapphire dragon was a blocked passage way. The flow line led right beneath the big boulders that were currently halting Tungsten access to the other side. "A collapse of the old ceiling perhaps," said Tungsten. He stood on his hind paws and tail, gaining a few feet as he gripped the top of the rocks with his forepaws. Thats when he saw an opening big enough to fit his head and neck through. As he did, he saw exactly what was stopping the water flow. The flow line was clamped by a rogue line, and that line was flowing northeast of Tungsten's head and right through a further tunnel. "I don't believe this!" he growled.

He slipped his head free with a snarl, landed on his fore paws, and kicked at the boulders with a furious temper. The rocks fell free, tumbling away. Tungsten whipped the rocks away with his tail before smashing his right clawed fist into another. Pieces flew as the Water Dragon jumped forward. He landed with a grumble as he eyed the rogue flow line tapped into the regular flow line. The flow line for the fountain was black and gray. But the rogue one was all red. "Who in blaze name is tapping into our water source?" growled Tungsten.

His icicle appendages were rapidly glowing like a strobe light. His chest was even shining brightly, meaning Tungsten was on full alert. Quick as a flash, he reached behind him, grabbed hold of his sword's handle, ripped the might blade free, and spun with a ferocious roar. Metal collided with metal as sparks flew. Tungsten's blow was stronger, sending his foe flying to the side. The intruder slid to a halt, bringing up the sword. A mighty kitana with a crimson and purple handle was gripped in the attacker's forepaws. Red mail adorned the intruder's body. Tungsten flipped and twirled his mighty sword with a growl. "So, we have a thief," said Tungsten, baring his fangs. The intruder was obviously a dragon, but a slender, more fine-figured one. The red bands wrapped around the intruder's neck, tail, and kitana were clear as day to Tungsten. "Volcano Colony, eh?" asked the Water Dragon. The other dragon stared at Tungsten, eyeing his icicle appendages. "What colony are you?" growled the dragon. "Battle Colony!" snarled Tungsten, kicking up a large rock and sending it flying at the intruder. The ninja-like dragon sythed through the boulder and ducked as Tungsten's blade sailed overhead. The two spun around and collided once more, metal clanging off of metal as the two roared at each other.

Nightling saw a break in the storm and made a break for it... She made it past only showed herself to the guards at the entrance briefly before darting inside to find the Rex and his new sweet heart inside. Nightling hid from the view of the entrance and waited to be addressed. When acknowledged Nightling would explain that Shadow Blood a shade from her last colony the one who put that wyvren on the throne. She would rattle off that he dabbled in dark arts, had killed youngsters to get what he wanted Nightling's sister for one, was a liar, and had killed the heir to rex personally. Her older brother... Right in front of her. Nightling said "My lord I would like to place some protective wards on you so you can see past his illusions. I will have to rub up against you to do it..." Nightling bowed and said "He knows I am here... I can't fight him alone... You don't stand a chance against his tricks. Please let me do what I can... I am at your disposal and already in your debt." Nightling waited for an answer. She was afraid...

Tungsten and the Volcano Colony intruder traded blows of both blade and and body. The tail of the intruder lashed out at Tungsten, with the Water Dragon dodging back and rocketting forth with a scythe of his sword. The mighty rapier clanged off of the red dragon's armor, causing the dragon to stumble back. Tungsten advanced, swinging his sword this way and that to try and disable the intruder. The other dragon did best to parry Tungsten's blows, but the Water Dragon was too powerful and too skilled. The kitana came like an arrow, but the great battle sword came like a bullet, pulverizing the ninja sword and the armor all together. Tungsten spun in place, his tail colliding with the intruder. The Volcano Colony dragon flew back, flying into the wall with a grunt. "Get up!" snarled Tungsten. The intruder stared at Tungsten, the determination and anger in his eyes sparking a thought.

Tungsten surged forth, jabbing quick and strong with his sword. The other dragon side stepped the move and scythed down, knocking the sword down just a bit to karate kick Tungsten in the jaw. Tungsten was quick once more, his jaws latching hold of the metallic hind paw. What surprised him was the spinning and flaming move of his foe, sending Tungsten flying into a large crystal that was sticking out of the nearby wall. The red dragon roared, scything down at Tungsten's throat. The attacker thought the blade slid right through the Water Dragon's exposed neck, but the hard and impenetrable layer of thick plated skin that covered the front of Tungsten's neck protected him, causing only a mere baby scratch to appear as his chest glowed with the icy blue light. The intruder was shocked. Tungsten chuckled. "Fascinating...isn't it?" he smirked, just as his icicle appendages glowed brightly. Tungsten's jaws opened wide, sending his frost breath surging forth. The elemental power pushed the intruder back with a yelp as the kitana was brought up as a reflex. Sliding to a halt, the half frozen attacker was left stunned. "Surprising, I know," said Tungsten, getting to his feet. As soon as he touched the crystal half that protruded out of the wall, his entire body and sword reacted from the touch, with his glowing chest powering up quickly and suddenly launching a thick, azure beam of energy right toward the frozen dragon, just as his sword did the same, launching it into the ceiling.

The beam blasted the intruder right through the wall, even destroying the ice around the attacker. Tungsten was left there, astonished and bewildered. "What...on Bazul...was that?" he asked, too shocked to even move. Tungsten turned his head to view the crystal half. He looked down at the other half that he broke off when he crashed into it. The other half was broken into four pieces. Tungsten carefully picked them up with his claws only, dropping them inside his satchel. "This could come in handy," he said. Tungsten picked up his sword and moved toward the large hole in the wall, ready to deliver the final blow. "Where are you, simpleton?" asked Tungsten. He halted. The large hole was empty. The beam sent the other dragon all the way through, and the intruder was nowhere to be seen. "Son of a sea serpent," said Tungsten.

He quickly sheathed his sword and moved toward the flow lines. He unhooked the intruding red flow line and hooked the black and gray flow line back together, using his frost breath and flames to repair it. As soon as he heard the movement of the water, he smiled. "Ah, music to my ears," he said. With a snarl, he used his frost breath to freeze the other flow line, striking it with his sword before sheathing it back. "Get water from somewhere else," growled Tungsten. He turned and headed back the way he'd come in, gliding out of the tunnel.

"I too wonder what such a catalyst has caused the turn of weather. I have never seen the water of our cove so angry." Commented Tyrann as he entered the heavy stone doors of his castle.

The Great Hall of the Shadow Dynasty's castle was marvelously decorated, built in strong stone and frescas painted on the ceilings. Many paintings were hung in the halls portraying previous Kings and Queens and their victories. Tyrann's home atop his thrown was lavishly adorned in jewels (rubies were his favorite), handsomely crafted statues, and beautiful weaponry. The castle was made of cut marble and Quartz. Once it was entirely finished, the colony would live inside it's magnificent halls. At the rear of his weapon hall was Tyrann's father's legendary Shadow Armor. It was jet black, encrusted with red rubies and plated with reinforced chaos iron. No blade could pierce it and not even fire could melt its metal.

"This was my father's." Said Tyrann, leading Kit around his castle and into the weapon hall. "The Shadow Armor was forged by the Volcanic Colony's metalsmiths and given to Thantos as a gift for his bravery as a memeber of the The Rebellion. He wore it in the Battle of Vagard, when The Rebellion finally vanquished The Wicked. He left it for me, hoping that Id never need it, but leaving it im case the time of fear rose again." Tyrann explained, his gaze never leaving the blackness of the shinning metal.

"I am looking for a Queen, Kit. Someone strong. Someone beautiful. Someone to rule by my side for enternity." Tyrann trailed off, the silent halls of the castle echoing with a eerie breath, that was until Nightling burst in the front door.

She notified Tyrann of the ghastly deeds of some Shade, whose name seemed vaguely familiar to Tyrann. Nightling then ran down the marble floor, proposing to rub some sort of enchantment on the king to protect him. Thinking the worst, the king agreed and allowed the shade to cast her spell.

"Thank you Nightling. I want you to notify the guard and the citizens about this Shade's prescense. Please stress the importance of his being here." Tyrann asked sincerely, then dismissed her to do her work.

The King then turned his attentions back to Kit. "Why don't we continue the tour?" Asked Tyrann.

Nightling placed her enchantments and realized this could not wait... She warned everyone. But she found Shadow Blood had bewitched the den mothers and was investigating the hatchlings. "Where is the heir to Rex... I have to get rid of him... Den mother where is he?" The den mother in a trance answered "There is none... The rex does not even have a queen." "So this shall be easy... I just need to bewitch the advisors to overthrow him and place me on the throne. I will do this myself... The wyveren was a mistake... Nightling will make a beautiful queen..." He left and the den mothers snapped out of their trance. Nightling hid herself with what little energy she had left over from placing wards on the guards and advisors. She managed to eat some food and creep back to her lair casting light illusions to conceal her hiding place. Nightling had to keep a low profile. Nightling looked more like a shadow shade but her powers were more in the light and typhoon elements... She rested in some comfort that night awaking the next morning to find the guards had gone to the rex asking him to allow Sparky to join them... That they would feel better having that shade around to further counter Shadow Blood.

Kit Ooo's and Ahhh's as they walked around the castle. Never-NEVER- had she seen such a beautifully well organized castle. Granted all castles were beautiful, but not all of them were the same. She listened intently as Tyrann explained everything, and the weapons.  At the mention of a Queen Kit blushed. 

'Queen !? A queen....' 

She thought. She then rolled her eyes at Nightling. Sometimes she was so interusive. Tyrann didn't give her permission to enter the castle like that. Oh well. She was helping. 

Kit smiled at Tyrann. "A queen? As in someone to marry? Ermm....mate? Someone to love, be mated too and rule by your side?"

Nightling had recharged with a quick nap she knew Shadow Blood slept during the day and the sun was starting to rise... He was arrogant and used enchantments to guard where he slept the day away... Nightling could see right past those any shade with shadow abilities could... She sensed the other shade going past her den... Nightling followed after him silently down wind with a rope made of vines strong enough to hold one very large wyveren... If she could just get it around his neck and cut off his air long enough to weaken him she might be able to use her talons to slash his throat... Between the spines on his back... Carefully... Nightling waited until he'd fallen asleep before she got the rope around his neck and pulled it tight. The evil shade choked and spluttered trying to breathe and Nightling waited for his struggles to die down so she could strike... When she did it was without mercy... She slashed deep but instead of life's blood a black substance came out which rose into the air... It smelled of evil and approached her trying to invade but the heavenly blood in nightling protected her so it rose and flew off. Nightling chased after it firing lightning. She hit it once, twice, thrice, but it escaped... Nightling returned to the body finding a hollowed husk... Skin scale bones... Nothing else... Nightling went and told the advisors what had happened and she showed them the remains... None of them knew what had happened...

Sparky however did... "Possessed... He was possessed... It hollowed him... I thought the art died with the Wicked... This Shadow Blood must have awakened something... All we can do is prepare..."

Tyrann walked the great halls of the dynasty's splendorous castle. The chaos dragon could see how much Kit was enjoying being inside the palace.

"Yes Kit a queen. A mate. A marriage for life." Tyrann spoke, exaggerating his step as to make his shoulder muscles protrude more. "It is so lonely in these vast halls..." The King trailed off, turning his gaze down to the red, marble floor, then back to Kit. Tyrann continued walking till he got to a flight of magnificent stairs at the end of the Great Hall that came to a landing then split into two seperate directions.

"Kitsune, I have a serious question to ask you." Tyrann explained once he stood on the large landing. There was a red, gold, and black carpet on the landing made of fine wool that depicted intricate designs of what looked to be a moon lotus, a sacred flower of the chaos dragon spieces. Tyrann turned to look at Kit and stared deep into her eyes.

Nightling was at the borders of the territory effectively listening to gossip... The border patrol said "We have an old abandoned library... Can you read?" Nightling nodded... "Tell your rex access to the library costs salt... We need salt to preserve some meat that doesn't smoke well..." Nightling nodded. She went back and since she knew how to make salt from sea water she got to work... She didn't want to bring it up with Tyrann until she had more information... But she'd need permission to leave... Nightling kept boiling sea water down to salt... Soon she had about a half a pound of salt bundled up... She stored it and she waited... Nightling knew there was romance building and the Rex might have a new queen soon... Nightling waited for some sign of life...

She watches as Nightling runs offs, and sighs looking around once more. She smiles widely and listens intently once more.  Kit understood his loneliness, getting kicked out her own clan,  then wandering for years and years and never having someone to share those years with, got extremely...lonely...boring.  Even having those mated Dragon pairs laugh and snicker made very thing so- SO much worse. 

She looked up when Tyrann stopped and stared wide eyed at the beautiful, large staircase.  Hearing Tyrann's next words she turns her attention to him, still wide eyed, and is genuinely shcoked. Her breath hitches and she silently nods....

Tyrann saw the look on Kit's face and he knew she understood what he was going to ask. The king looked down at his claws and shuffled them on the wool carpet before arching his spined neck and flaring out his crest of horns. The dragon bowed before Kit, draping his right arm over his plated chest as they stood on the large landing. Torches burnt a flame on pillars and you could occasionally hear the crackle of the embers.

"Kit, you make me feel....alive. Im not alone when I'm with you. You give me this feeling...I cannot describe. Id be fool if I did ask you to rule by my side forever. For eternity." The King proposed loud and his voice boomed through the halls of the castle.

Kits eyes widen, and she takes a partial step back. "Me?" She asks quietly. "ME! As in...ME? Kitusne!? ME!?" She rambles, not believing she heard him correcrly. In all her years she never thought or even imagined a male- let alone such a handsome one like Tyrann- would even CONSIDER her a possible girlfriend, let alone mate! 

Staring at him for awhile she blinks several times, coming out of her thoughts. " want ME be your  mate?" 

With a wide smile and a quick nod from Tyrann,Kit smiles widely. "Tyrann....I don't think I could say no! You're so sweet, and caring, so compassionate too....I would love to rule beside you. Forever." She confirms.

Nightling was doing some rounds making sure nobody had any lingering effects from Shadow Blood... Rex and his hopeful bride to be were never exposed... Well the chicks were scared and the den mothers had to be cleared of lingering traces more of that possession... They were all sick when Nightling got rid of it... When Nightling examined them further she found that their throats were raw from that stuff rubbing inside them but that otherwise they were fine. Nightling soothed their pain and got back to it... Nightling was examining Sparky and he said "I am fine Nightling... I wasn't exposed... You remember that rock you found in Shadow Blood?" Nightling pulled it out and Sparky examined it... "This is where that thing used to be... The seals are broken and I don't think it can be used again to re seal that stuff..." Nightling said "When I shot lightning at it the thing fled..." "You have a light element inside you and that tinged the lightning making it more potent..." Nightling nodded and Sparky said "I learned all this stuff in that library in the neighboring territory..." Nightling said "They want salt if I go there... I have to ask the Rex for permisson to go..."

As Tungsten headed out of the tunnel, he came up on the statue. Water was flowing once more. "Now that that's out of the way, where is that Volcano Colony dragon?" he asked, looking around with a growl. Just at the mention of the dragon, the familiar kitana appeared, slicing the air where Tungsten's head was. The Water Dragon thankfully dodged the blade, flapping back to fly back from the intruder's second blow. This allowed enough space in between the two for Tungsten to let rip a mean, bright, and sizzling ray of fire. The blue and white flames erupted free from his maw, flying at the other dragon. The intruder's own jaws released a blast of orange and red flames, with both fiery attacks colliding in ember spillages. They both flew around each other, putting their fiery breaths to work. They rushed each other, with Tungsten quickly knocking the kitana free from the dragon's grasp before pounding the dragon three times with his tail.

He then slashed the attacker multiple times with his black claws, damaging the armor. "Such weak armor!" roared Tungsten, dodging a wing blow and an uppercut from his foe. The red dragon growled and blasted at Tungsten with another ray of fire. Tungsten glided to the left, dodging the flames and delivering his own. The dragon loop-de-looped around the flames before tail whipping Tungsten in the jaws. Tungsten shook off the blow but received a punch to the neck and a double kick to the chest. Tungsten flew back with a grunt before his forearms acted.

He caught the charging red dragon, biting down on the dragon's helm. The dragon spun once more with another flame attack, but Tungsten was ready. His frost breath quickly surged out, hitting and damaging the dragon's attack and slowing down the dragon's spins. Tungsten then knocked the dragon into a nearby wall and unsheathed his sword, spiraling down toward his foe. The intruder slammed into the rocks before landing on the ground with a yelp. Nearly frozen, the dragon reached for the nearby kitana. Tungsten landed on his hind paws, right before the dragon.

The Volcano Colony dragon sent gushing flames over the armor, melting the ice and allowing freedom once more. The dragon jumped up, dodging Tungsten's powerful sword. Tungsten spun quickly, his tail sweeping the dragon's feet free from the ground. The dragon's back hit the ruins' floor, with Tungsten pouncing with a roar. The other dragon's knees compressed inward and launched out, kicking Tungsten away into the statue. Tungsten roared, flying from the statue as the attacker glided toward the kitana.

"I dont think so!" snarled Tungsten, sending his flames flying into the ground, rushing the other dragon. The dragon picked up the kitana and jumped up, throwing the ninja sword skyward at Tungsten. The blade made its mark, thudding into Tungsten's shoulder. The Water Dragon roared in pain and agony. The other dragon quickly reached Tungsten, biting down on the dragon's other shoulder before savagely twisting the kitana. Tungsten and the other dragon fell toward the fountain. The Volcano Colony dragon snatched out the kitana and kicked Tungsten into the statue. Tungsten hit the creation hard before landing in the water with a moan.

Blood was rushing from his shoulder. "Curses!" he yelled. The red dragon hovered above Tungsten. "How dare you!" roared Tungsten. He shook, with the water around him shaking as well. The crystals inside his satchel were reacting violently. Suddenly, Tungsten's eyes glowed a bright, cold steel blue, with his pupils covered in the blue aura. The water aroound him gained a bright, cold steel blue outline, rising from the fountain suddenly as Tungsten did. The other dragon was shocked. The blade wound on Tungsten's shoulder somehow healed, with Tungsten roaring a sending a large wave flying at the other dragon. The dragon darted for a nearby tunnel, but caught the blunt of the watery attack. The dragon slammed into the wall inside the tunnel, screaming for help.

As everything cleared, the water returned to the fountain, with Tungsten fumbling out and collapsing onto the ground, breathing heavily. "What are these crystals made of?" he asked, his eyes returning to normal as he viewed the satchel. Sheathing his sword, he went in search for the intruder. "We have unfinished business, Red One," he growled.

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

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