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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Nightling said "The Glade colony's idea of a wedding present is one trained priestess for the ceremony and this is ceremonial stuff... But something similar could be made I guess... Might catch on your spines though... I also finally got my paws on some more medical equipment and something I can use to extract the scents with... I can get right to work on that stuff and have it ready..." Nightling went and got to work picking flowers and strawberries for the scents making several very large bottles of the substance and the moon lilly extract she needed herself... Nightling put hers on and the delicate sweet scent of moon lillies filled the lair. Nightling went and delivered the perfume to the queen to be saying "That's actually just from Sparky and I... I don't know what to make for his majesty..."

Nightling was still in that garb and the tinkle of bells followed her everywhere. Nightling was not used to making noise like this... As she walked back that same young wyveren was limping to her. Nightling examined his foot and leg finding a break jutting out... She got Sparky and first cleaned it... "Ok little one I am going to have to push this back in place and it will hurt a lot..." Nightling gave the youngster a bone to bite down on and the other medics gathered around to watch. Nightling managed to force the bone back into place and explained how to apply a splint before healing the bone with magic. Nightling had taken off the garb for the task and she noticed everyone shooting her an almost angry look. Nightling said "The bone had to be put back in place otherwise it wouldn't have healed properly even with magic..." Others calmed down at the explanation and Nightling removed the blood from her paws before heading back and reclining on her new bed as Sparky got back to what he was doing...

"Interesting old king Hammish Rex would send a scout from the volcano colony to scout here in ruins of Moonridge. Their colony has to be close to 2000 miles awa and that's one hefty flight for even the best of flyers."Tyrann retorted. As Tyrann listened to his old friend speak of his endeavors, the king heard one his soldiers cry out for Durin.

"They've found the swords" muttered Tyrann. "Will you acompany me to the silver chest, Tungsten?" Tyrann proposed. Tungsten followed suit, grumbling a couple swear words in Draconian when a sharp rock embedded itself in his front, right foot.

"Are you alright back there big guy?" Tyrann Rex chuckled as a slew of unmentionables emitted themselves from Tungsten's jaws. The sapphire dragon in grunted in response and Tyrann once again laughed a bit. Making their way, the room open up into the Greek like clearing of Senator's Lagoon and Tyrann located the call of his own name. It seemed to be coming from the east corridor and Tyrann walked towards it with Tungsten in tow, still cursing that tiny rock. When they arrived at the chest, the elemental swords were lain out on a tattered cloth made of kais hide. Each sword glowed a particular color, specific to each element. Fire glowed red, anarchy glowed purple, quake had a brown glow, and tidal was blue.

"Pack them up and let's return to the cove. Careful soldiers, those swords are of priceless value. Let's fly." The king commanded and his soldiers began to take flight, the silver chest being lifted by two heavy weight Quake Dragons.

"Tungsten old friend, will you return with me to my colony for the night?" Tyrann asked of his first master with open claws.

Tungsten cursed in the Draconian language, the rock having tipped him off. As he saw the famous and rare swords, Tungsten was amazed by their colors. "Tungsten old friend, will you return with me to my colony for the night?" Tyrann asked. Tungsten looked at him. "It would be my honor, Your Majesty," said Tungsten, smiling and bowing. Before they took flight, the two heavyweight Quake Dragons had trouble with a shaking silver chest. Tungsten looked their way. "Don't drop that chest, Old Boys," said Tungsten. Suddenly, the shaking chest popped open, causing all to turn and look at the chest. "What the Draco?" asked Tungsten. One of the swords began to rise from the chest: the Tidal Sword. "Oh my Draco," said Tungsten. A blue hue surrounded the sword, hovering above the chest. Tungsten's icicle appendages glowed as his chest did. His eyes even glowed blue. His right forepaw opened as the sword suddenly flew down his way. His paw closed around the handle as he roared, with a bright blue light surrounding the Water Dragon.

"My word....Tungsten.." The red dragon said in shock as the blue sword floated up and placed itself into Tungsten's paws. Just as the tidal sword lifted from the chest, the anarchy sword glowed a bright purple and arose to sheath itself in Tyrann's empty holster.

"Tungsten...what is happening? The swords seem to be...picking their weilders. Is this normal my friend?" Tyrann cocked a spiked eyebrow at Tungsten, the sapphire dragon staring in his own disbelief. The king's soldiers were confused by the bizarre occurrance. Many of them gulped.

Tyrann thought for a moment and realized something important. "Tungsten hasn't this happened before?" Tyrann asked the water dragon.

Tungsten was surprised at the swords' actions. "We've been...chosen....just like back in the Golden Age," said Tungsten, admiring the sword as he turned it in his grasp. The blade was a pure iridescent blue color, with the color radiating a lovely blue hue around it. The handle itself was pure silver, with a star sapphire gemstone at the tip. Tungsten's eyes gored into the gem, watching the arcane power radiate and flow through the energized gem. "Amazing," he whispered, his eyes still glowing blue from the energy. Without looking, Tungsten tore his other sword free from its scabbard and slowly touched blade tips with both swords. The regular sword screeched as the Rune Sword touched it. The Tidal Sword sent a zap through the sword, causing it to literally disentegrate before their eyes. Tungsten opened his left forepaw, allowing the ashes to fall to the ground. "Oh my Draco," he said.

The sword flew into his scabbard, resting there and ending its vibration. Tungsten's eyes returned to their normal state. "The Golden Age," he said to Tyrann, lifting into the air and hovering before the silver chest. There were two swords left. "The swords are choosing their wielders for a reason," said Tungsten. "Back in the Golden Age, which was thousand years ago, the swords were created and used by the four Heads of the Rebellion: Red Rock the Blaze, Black Smith the Vast, Brandish the Collision, and Hydra the Torrent," spoke the Water Dragon. He admired the other two swords. "The swords were made to choose ones with the right potential, skill, experience, heart, soul, and mind to wield in battle," he said. Tungsten looked toward Tyrann. "And also by the right blood and genetic material," added Tungsten. "Hydra is in fact the great grandmother of my father, the late Marino Rex," he said, "meaning she's my great-great grandmother...and as of you, Your Majesty....let's just say Black Smith was a hulking and powerful piece to the Shadow Dynasty." 

You don't say. The swords are ancient. There a 10 of them....I wonder where the other 6 rune swords are. The Terra Sword, the Arcane Sword, the Avalanche Sword, the Kestrel Sword, the Shade Sword, and the Volt Sword...all missing. Although it seems the sword are picking their masters. I believe we'll hear of them soon enough." Commented Tyrann. The king had only heard of the Golden Age during the bed time stories his mother and father would tell. However, he had never heard of Black Smith before. Tyrann would look him up im his archives as soon as he returned home.

Tyrann Rex gazed at the mighty Anarchy Sword, it's blade emitting a soft, violet glow. The grip was fabricated in bandages, much like that of a katana. The leather bandages were black and dark purple. At the pommel and cross guard was an obsidian gem, surrounded by a circle of small athemysts on each. What a magnificent sword.

Tyrann handed his old sword to his nearest soldier then sheathed the Anarchy Sword in his now empty holster. As soon as the blade touched the sheath, the sheath itself changed color entirely, from carribean blue to dark raisin and became implanted with a large obsidian at the top.

Along with the Tyrann's holster, his armor also morphed as well. It became the same dark purple as the sword, encrusted with obsidians and athemysts. It became plated and added various black spines and spikes to the forearms, back, and sides of the tail.

The face mask was black and dark purple, leaving holes for Tyrann's horns and reached to about 3/4 of the way down the bridge of his nose. Placed in the center of his forehead was a large, black spike and another blade was placed on the bottom of his chin. To say the least, the mask was very formidable. The armor even changed on Tyrann's tail, creating a contraption that would snap closed like a pair of scissors, very useful for cleanly chopping an enemy's limb off.

The red dragon looked to Tungsten, who's own armor was shifting as well. The Tidal Sword and the Anarchy Sword had chosen their weilders, adorning them in the sacred armor that was once forged with the swords themselves.

Nightling's grandmother was at her lair and was trying to teach Nightling a form of actual divination. Nightling had a silver bowl filled with clear water from a stream mixed with moon lily oil. She was being instructed to gaze upon the wicked... Anything light touched could be seen with this technique called scrying. While it couldn't be used to accurately predict the future it could be used to see what was going on at any given place at the present. Nightling saw a series of pillars. Stone pillars One was cracked and leaking that same dark substance that had fled Shadow Blood... Only instead of almost black this was jet black. It was condensing into a dragon shape... Small and weak but clearly there... It didn't sense anything watching it... Nightling didn't know that her eyes and markings were glowing but Sparky could see it... This technique could not be carried about easily. It could not be taken on the go it required clear clean fresh water and moonlight... It also caused a considerable drain on the user... Nightling told her grandmother what she'd seen and the older shade's mouth fell open... She grabbed the bowl and gazed for herself... Then she checked something else. "The swords are finding their masters... There is hope..."

The two heavyweight dragons flew back to Tyrann's large colony, his soldiers still carrying the chest of two swords while the other two were firmly sheathed within the holsters. Ordering his gaurds to place the remaing swords within the chambers of his weapon hall, the king inquisitively sought out the company of his soon-to-be mate, Kit.

Upon his entrance in his castle's Great Hall, Tyrann observed the great surroundings of his ceremony. White and red drapes had been placed above the arches in the sides of the hall and a long pathway was made with a long, white, linen cloth. At the landing of his duel staircase stood the alter in the same spot he had whole heartedly proposed his love for his bride. Tyrann Rex smiled with content, very pleased as to how well the ceremony was turning out.

The skiddish advisor, Nermandor, was seen in the corner of the hall, ordering around a trio of heavyweight, mountain drakes as they hauled about the massive chairs to be placed on either side of the pathway. Tyrann smiled and laughed a bit, thinking for all his life that the horned dragon never had it in him to boss somebody around. That's why he only advised, but after witnessing this clearly rare spectacle, the king could hardly believe his eyes.

"Careful old boy, I wouldn't poke the bear too much." Yelled the king ️to Nermandor from the opposite diagonal corner of his hall after witnessing the hardened and increasingly irritated expressions from the drakes as they tirelessly bent to Nermandor's seemingly indecisive placement choices. The Head Advisor only made notice of the king by giving him a small wave, then went back to pointing his finger at the tired drakes.

As the king was entering his weapon hall, he noticed Nightling preparing for her job as the priest of the ceremony. Tyrann cocked a scaly eyebrow at the garments she had chosen to wear for the particular role.

"To each is his own I suppose." Commented the king under his breath, happily giving the situation a little chuckle as he continued in his endeavors towards the great weapon hall. Tyrann had ordered his blacksmiths to forge a new rack for the splendid Anarchy Armor, which now hung in his galley next to his father's Shadow Armor. He stared with pride, the Anarchy Sword enclosed in its own case. Tyrann was delighted to see his dearest Kitsune, staring at a particularly fantastic dagger through a glass case. She hadn't noticed he walked in.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Said the king witha smile on his face.

Walking through the main rooms of the castle Kit smiled seeing everything coming together for the Ceremony. After getting her fragrance from Nightling and seeing everything for the Ceremony coming together she decided to explorer more. Wandering through the halls she saw beautiful pictures, amazing Swords, weird items, and sweet things. Stumbling upon a room she entered. Seeing swords and daggers etc in the room she took her time examining each item. She then fell upon a certain dagger in a glass case. She smiled and she stood and step at it for a long time. 

She jumped slightly hearing Tyrann. "It is very beautiful Tyrann." She comments turning around to look at him. "You're home...early?" She asks.

Nightling was reading a book when someone came to get her... A few new chicks had hatched and something was wrong with one of them...Nightling arrived to find one chick with a bent leg... She made a brace for it and it was painfully tight. Nightling explained what she was trying to do said "All we can do is hope... Nightling's grandmother however used healing energy and the leg was corrected... "It needed to be set before the healing can begin... Granddaughter I thought you were studying..." "I am but I haven't gotten that far... I also want to be skilled in non arcane healing techniques..." The elder shade said "Why?" "I know wards that can null arcane abilities..." "I see..."

Tungsten admired the scenery before him. The Great Hall of Tyrann Rex's castle was definitely a sight to see. Obviously, a wedding ceremony was taking place for the young king. Tungsten disgarded his blue armor. His armor had taken on a more aerodynamic yet battle ready gift for Tungsten, thanks to the Tidal Sword, which was now his. The Rune Sword had given him an armored tail with eight inch spikes of steel protruding into the air. The armor on his wings were given bladed scythes at the ridges, with silver shanks at the tips of the wings. His armor chest plate was a large diamond, tough to even crack and immune to any elemental attack. On Tungsten's four legs was the symbol of rushing tidal wave, with his forepaws fitted with sapphire encrusted claws and metal gloves. His neck had been covered with armor as well, protecting him from being jugular snatched.

And to top it all off was his helmet. The blue diamond encrusted helm was shaped to fit the icicle appendages upon his head and face, with the eyes sockets giving off a blue aura of light. A trail of blue steel spikes jutted from behind the head armor on down to the tip of the tail armor. Even Tungsten's scabbard was morphed into a blue and silver metal case for the mighty rune blade. On either side of Tungsten's new new blade was a protruding but short silver spike. The blue iridescent blade was even edged with razors, with the symbol of a trident imprinted on the shiny sword. The same tidal wave symbol on his armored legs was imprinted on the handle of the sword. Tungsten clicked a small switch above the handle and below the blade, causing his armor to slide off him and fold up right into the metal case holding the sword. Tungsten was relieved the armor was off his body, letting his sapphire scale breathe. He admired the technology of the blade.

Tungsten walked over to a nearby statue and smiled. It was of Thantos Rex, his sword poised to strike. He was back to back with Marino Rex, Tungsten's father, and Frozenflame Rex. The three kings, along with Leafeon Rex of the Forest Colony, were the best of friends. When Thantos passed, Marino fell into a state of depression and anger at the natural lost of his longterm buddy. Tungsten knew why his father kept him healthy and did what he did to morph him into battle ready Water Dragon. Marino was missing Thantos. But Tungsten still couldnt understand why his father was assassinated. What was the reason for taking the life of the joyful and happy-go-lucky Rex of the Aquatic Realm?

"You're missed, you stern blue demon," whispered Tungsten, a tear falling from his left eye. His pale, icy blue eyes looked to the right, spying another statue. It was of Thantos and a much larger dragon. Tungsten could tell it was a Mountain Dragon. The quake dragon was familiar, having ram-like horns, a clubbed tail with rough spikes edging free from them, and strong built wings on his back. He held a large battle hammer with Thantos jabbing his famous blade forward. "Thantos Rex and Crash Rex," said Tungsten. Crash Rex was the King of the Mountain Colony. He was a very powerful ruler and knew Thantos personally, more than the others. The Mountain Colony ruler was known for his immense size, incredible vocal cords in a bellow battle, and crazy elemental control and ability in his realm. So many victories were under his belt. Not even Tungsten wanted a go at him.

Shaking his head, Tungsten proceeded through the hall, finding a corridor where one could rest a bit. He closed the door back and took off his satchel. Opening and peering inside, he saw the four crystals surrounding the egg he found in Senator's Lagoon. Tungsten's tongue snaked past his teeth, feeling for a heat signal. The egg was healthy, having no problems with the baby inside. In fact, Tungsten guessed the baby had only a couple days left until it hatched. "If feels like a male," said Tungsten. He closed his satchel and looked around. He headed over to a pair of double doors. Opening them, they led out to a balcony. Tungsten looked about, spying Tyrann's kingdom. "Running a kingdom is something amazing," he said. "I don't know how the boy does it, but he's doing a good job," said Tungsten, breathing in and out. The Water Dragon smiled.

Nightling saw the newcomer and sensed he had opposing elements fire and ice... She also sensed the egg... Nightling was in her garb and Celestia was also the patron goddess of mothers and young... Especially orphans. The heavenly mother... Nightling was half expecting this stranger to notice her and dump the egg with her... Priestesses of Celestia were distinctively dressed to the point that most colonies recognized them by attire alone... Nightling waited to be addressed by this stranger and the Rex... Her grandmother however bowed and flat out inqured about the egg... "You have an egg with you... I assume it is not yours... Most parents would keep their eggs safely in a nest instead of carrying it with them... My granddaughter here would be more than happy to foster the little one." Celest did not make a grab for it... Old Celest was garbed as a priestess and as a representative of the defacto goddess of intelligence she was not stupid...

Tyrann pushed open the heavg wooden door, engraved with Victorian carvings of leaves, holly, and briar, the slowly stepped into the room. The king position himself on the right of Kitsune, stretching his neck over her shoulder to better see the precious dagger as well.

"Yes my darling. We found the swords quickly enough and even brought back an old friend of mine. " The Rex explained to his beloved. The red dragon came to stare at his father's armor, the soft look of grief glazing over his eyes. He then glanced over to Kit and, quite literally, his breath was taken away. The way the gentle moonlight highlighted Kit's features and made her ebony scales gleam against the dark haze of the shadowy room.

"So how are you my beautiful flower? The ceremony looks so grand. Are you excited for tonight?" Asked Tyrann of his new bride, still admiring her.

Kitsune notices the sad look cross Tyrann's face but it was gone before she could worry herself.  She smiles hearing the news about the swords being found so early. "I'm very glad you found the swords so quickly!  I figured with them being special elemental swords they would he so much harder too find! I'm also glad you are home so soon. I missed you." She says smiling.  She then gets excited hearing him speak of the ceremony. "Oh Tyrann! I can't wait! Nightling made me a scent of Freesia  and Strawberry! You may want too head over to where she is if you want a scent. But. I am VERY excited about the ceremony. I can't wait!"

Tungsten heard the shade and turned to see her. She looked like a slender dragon with an elegant figure. Her eyes were a pale, silver color and she possessed sharp talons among her paws. Her wings were very large and the bat membrane remained taut as to be able to fold her wings to whatever shape she wanted. Her scales were sleek and black with flecks of white like stars and she had a moon shaped patch on her forehead. Her back looked free of any sort of spines but she appeared to have a pair of sleek horns. The shade's belly was the color of pale clouds in the moonlight. Her grandmother, an elderly shade, however bowed and flat out inqured about the egg.

"You have an egg with you... I assume it is not yours... most parents would keep their eggs safely in a nest instead of carrying it with them," she said. Tungsten prickled about their nosiness. "My granddaughter here would be more than happy to foster the little one," said the elder shade. Tungsten looked from her to her granddaughter. "You are most kind in your offer, Your Grace," said Tungsten, giving a respectable bow to the elder shade. "But this egg shall remain in my care and services until the infant inside grows into a defender of these lands," said Tungsten. The Water Dragon gently patted his satchel where the egg was. "I may not have any legacies of my own, but this is a chance for me to see what it's like and to prep myself for the real thing," said Tungsten. He looked at the two. "I will be keeping the egg, trust me, or my name isn't Tungsten the Frost," uttered the sapphire heavyweight. "If you would excuse me," he said, nodding at the two of them before walking past them.

Dragons of Bazul

Bazul is a planet far from Earth in the Galaxy. The planet is a diverse environment that includes dense jungles, lush forests, treacherous mountains, frozen wastelands, vast seas, wide meadows, dry deserts, and boggy swamps. Each place has a dragon that dominates its area, and in them are subspecies. Over 200 spieces of dragon exist on Bazul.

The planet is ruled by seven major colonies, each formed centuries ago.

Map of Bazul:

The story takes place in the Great Cove Colony, a place full of lush, tropical greenery and a sparkling carribean ocean to adorn the land perfectly. The Colony is home to the Shadow Dynasty, and ruled by Tyrann Rex, a young king in a long line of great kings, descending all the way from Black Smith the Vast, founder of the Cove Colony.

Your main prey:

Banshees: flying lizard like creatures

Kais: deer-like animal

Sauro-Titans: massive long necked reptiles

Seven Great Colonies:

-Forest Colony: Ruled by the Terra Dynasty.

     Rex: Leafon Rex

-Ice Colony: Ruled by the Blizzard Dynasty.

     Rex: Frozenflame Rex

-Mountain Colony: Ruled by the Boulder Dynasty.

     Rex: Crash Rex

-Swamp Colony: Ruled by the Skull Dynasty.

     Rex: Tiber Rex

-Volcano Colony: Ruled by the Scorch Dynasty.

     Rex: Hammish Rex

-Desert Colony: Ruled by the Sun Dynasty.

     Rex: Mathias Rex

-Cove Colony: Ruled by the Shadow Dynasty. (your colony)

     Rex: Tyrann Rex

Many smaller colonies do exist and there are also many rogues that float about the land.


Bazul is a very different world, unlike any other. Strange creatures have inhabited its land for millions of years, constantly in a battle for survival of the fittest. Dragons rule supreme on Bazul.

Thousands of years ago, a group of evil dragons known as The Dominion, rose to power over Bazul to take absolute power over the planet and turn it into their own cruel empire. Their leader, a black dragon known to the others as The Wicked ruled The Dominion with an iron fist, ruthlessly murdering and capturing any who cross him. Eventually, The Rebellion vanquished The Dominion and its vicious leader. Now, Bazul lives at peace once again. However, many dragons across the land have rumor the return of The Wicked.


Playable Species:

-Dragons-typical 6-limbed dragon of any species you can think up in your imagination.

-Wyverns- dragon-like, have wings, no front legs, come in as many species as you can imagine.

-Drakes-4-limbed, wingless dragons. Typically smaller than dragons but very very good for hunting small, fast game. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.

-Shades -Dragon-like and possess magical qaulities. Also known as Sorcerers. Their magic lies within the elements inferno, tsnami, quake, heavenly, shadow, typhoon, and blizzard.

-Wyrms- Serpent-like dragons that have elongated bodies, 4 shorter legs, but are still capable of flight. Come in as many spieces as you can think up.


1.) Light swearing

2.) No very explcit mating or giving birth. PDA is allowed (nuzzling, cheek licks, etc...)

3.) No killing other's characters without permission

4.) No dethroning the Rex without permission

5.) You can't live a perfect life (meaning nothing bad or torturous ever happens to you)

6.) You may have as many characters as you want

7.) No god moding

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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